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Taichi Vs Vash

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Taichi Vs Vash Empty Taichi Vs Vash

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sat Mar 07, 2009 11:09 am

Title (sorry drac speeding it up)

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Taichi Vs Vash Empty Re: Taichi Vs Vash

Post by Zen Sat Mar 07, 2009 1:13 pm

Vash sat in the middle of the arena meditating,his right eye closed but his ears perked up so he could hear everything around him and his tail wagging lightly as he waited for the match to start. "Remember as long as you can't be touched,you can't be beaten"those thoughts were in his mind now as well as a few other things in his past including about hearing his clan being destroyed and finding his brother. Meanwhile else where Zen watched his younger brother from a far,his arms crossed as he stared at him"good luck little brother"Zen thought as he then disappeared in a flash of light. Back with Vash he continued to meditate as he waited for his opponent,he heard the crowd of people in the arena he then opened his right eye and got up from the ground,he brought his foot back raising one arm into a fist and lowering the other.
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Taichi Vs Vash Empty Re: Taichi Vs Vash

Post by Tarak Sun Mar 08, 2009 4:59 am

Taichi had sad bored waiting for his match to start for too long it seemed, the second he heard his match was starting he jumped the railing and landed in his match's ring. He silently wished the others good luck and sighed slightly before looking on his opponent. "Well, he's interesting. This should be fun... and hopefully rewarding.'

As he looked at his opponent he spoke up "I'm Taichi, you're...?" He waited for the other to fill in the blank, as he hadn't been properly introduced to anyone here beyond his own team. He looked around the area making little noted in his head, he was mapping out possible weak points in the building. It could become useful later on to note such thing now before the heat of the moment made him careless. As he did this he worked out possible scenarios in his head, hoping that one would fall into place, though without knowing the opponent he couldn't plan too much.

He finally looked back at his opponent saying, "You can make the first move if you'd like."


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Taichi Vs Vash Empty Re: Taichi Vs Vash

Post by Zen Sun Mar 08, 2009 12:25 pm

Vash stared at his opponent his ears perking up as he heard the question"names Vash...."Vash said as he looked at him with his right eye,scanning over his body. He then raised an eyebrowl slightly as his tail waaged about him making the first move"well alright...if you insist"Vash said,there was then a long pause which seemed like forever. Quickly doing so he brought out three kunai and throwing two at him in a line at Tachi the third was held by his tail secretly,the kunai behind the first then hit the other making it go in the air and the third one then hit the second knocking it back down aiming for Tachi from above. While this was going on Vash came up infront of him and aimed a roundhouse kick for his thigh.
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Taichi Vs Vash Empty Re: Taichi Vs Vash

Post by Tarak Sun Mar 08, 2009 2:49 pm

Taichi smirked slightly and sighed, thinking 'That was such a basic attack... there has to be more to it... though he did enter my range I suppose I'll toy with him and let him waste his energy.' He then simply stepped forward, right into Vash, but now he was out of the way of the kunai, and too close for the kick to be effective. As he stepped forward he shoved his hand out, hoping to be able to grab Vash's shirt and throw him into the way of his own kunai, and weather or not he had the chance he jumped to the side to get a bit of distance between them.

(((OOC: you can choose weather you get thrown into your own attack or not, I didn't auto hit XD.))) IC:

Taichi, once he was away, pulled out his scythe and suddenly yawned, he was kinda bored but figured the fight would pick up soon. "Well, It's nice to meet you Vash, let's both have some fun with this shall we?" He almost seemed to taunt Vash, as he still hadn't truly attacked yet, and even tried to throw him to his own attack. All it seemed Taichi was doing was waiting for an attack he thought deserved a response.


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Taichi Vs Vash Empty Re: Taichi Vs Vash

Post by Zen Sun Mar 08, 2009 4:18 pm

Vash smirked abit as he was then grabbed,he grabbed Tachi's hand and used it twisted his body around and using his feet placing them on his shoulders as he then pushed himself out of his grip,doing a backflip and landing across him a few feet away. "Well...seems close range won't work unless its a good one and I bet he knows this,though I wish I can unlock my kekkei genkai"Vash thought. He had hoped he would unlock it in the second exam but since there wasn't one he now hoped he would unlock it in this fight. Vash then quickly made handsigns"Dragon fire jutsu!"a burst of fire then shot out towards Tachi,he then jumped in the air taking out some shuriken and throwing them around the fire,they had attached string even if he dogded the attack the string would then wrap around him and imoblize Tachi.
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Taichi Vs Vash Empty Re: Taichi Vs Vash

Post by Tarak Sun Mar 08, 2009 6:18 pm

Taichi squinted as he saw his opponent begin to do hand signs, he wasn't sure what to expect so he prepared to defend himself. He focused chakra to his right hand and slammed his fist into the ground, creating a good impact that broke up the floor there and gave him access to the earth below it. He then focused on the dirt and stone below, knowing the they would create a good defense. As the boy launched the fireball Taichi did a few hand seals, making a defense he said, "Doton: Mud barrier!" Suddenly the earth ruptured through the ground and surrounded him in a dome, a second later, as the dome was forming, he did a couple more seals as he silently thought 'Doton: Stone skin!' he then jumped up through the top of the dome, the earth from the top of it wrapping around his body. As he cleared the dome he did a back flip, landing behind the dome. It could stop the fireball, and likely the shuriken as well, though he had actually not noticed them.

As the flame technique slammed into the front of the dome Taichi rushed straight through the back of the dome, and through what little fire remained before shedding the stone skin technique, and leaving the now flaming earth on the ground as he launched an attack on Vash. He still was holding his scythe, and it's blade extended he swiped the blade at the boy's chest, hoping that it would connect or Vash would attempt to guard, as guarding against a scythe is one of the hardest things to do.


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Taichi Vs Vash Empty Re: Taichi Vs Vash

Post by Zen Sun Mar 08, 2009 6:46 pm

Vash watched as his jutsu hit the wall of mud and then his right eye widened seeing Tachi come at him with the scythe. There was then a cling sound as kunai met right up against the blade stopping the attack,three kunai pushed against the blade,two in Vash's paws and another in his tail though he was struggling with it seeing as the blade of the scythe was huge. He then broke off doing a front flip,the blade cutting off some of his fur he then landed behind Tachi and swiftly turning around aiming the two kunai he held to Tachi's back.
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Taichi Vs Vash Empty Re: Taichi Vs Vash

Post by Tarak Sun Mar 08, 2009 7:59 pm

The blade of the scythe stopped, and shock flashed into Taichi's eyes as Vash managed to stop his attack, though it was still a struggle. Then, as he move behing Taichi the blade was suddenly freed and Taichi lurched forward slightly. The blade slammed into the ground, getting slightly stuck. Theer was not enough time to free the blade a dodge, so instead he shifted and focused on freeing the blade, he managed, and at the moment the blade came loose, he felt the kunai. Though they hadn't reached his skin, instead they met metal, the plates that were sown in throughout the trench coat he wore.

"Well, guess you weren't expecting that were you?" At that he laughed slightly before placing his scythe on his shoulder and turning around. He then sighed before speaking again. "Well, I suppose that was good enough to at least allow you to see my face..." He then used his free hand to pull back his hood, allowing the light to flood in and reveal his skeletal mask and hazel eye, his other was covered by a black lens at the moment. Then he he laughed, allowing anyone looking closely glimpse at his teeth and tongue, as he had no cheeks behind the mask it was plainly visible. Taichi's clan was one that was different from many, their defining traits were their one odd eye, their teeth, finger nails, and most of all, their tongues. His teeth were all shaped like canine teeth, and his actual canines (upper an lower) were elongated. His tongue was entirely freaky, it was split at the end, much like a snakes, though it was also covered in what appeared to be scales.

Taichi then reached up and flicked a piece of bone on his mask, making the lens covering his left eye recede into the mask. This revealed his gold colored left eye and the cat-like iris with a gold center that was it's unreleased form. What was odd was that the white of his eye was black, and if someone looked closely they'd notice that around the eye, unlike around the right eye, it was metal. Suddenly his hand gripped before releasing into his clan's one-handed focusing seal. then suddenly both eyes changed, the right simply changed to gold and the white of it became black, but the left was drastically changed. Two small slits formed at the sides of the iris before connecting to form a big + in the middle, after this it seemed that the iris moved to make the + become an x. After this four small slits formed between the legs of his iris and then there was a blue glow that began to resonate around the center of the iris, and the gold of the eye then turned red.

"Now, let's get serious about this." He dropped his trench coat revealing the thin armor covered in faintly glowing seals that covered his chest, hands, fore-arms, feet and lower legs. After this seals on the scythe's blade began to glow slightly, they were all still sealed, but they gave a menacing look to them. He laid his coat on the ground and stretched after stabbing the scythe into the ground to free his hands. "Ahh, that's better. Well, you can attack again if you'd like." his coat was laid folded on the ground, the collar on the tow of his boot in case he would need it in a moment.


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Taichi Vs Vash Empty Re: Taichi Vs Vash

Post by Zen Sun Mar 08, 2009 9:00 pm

Vash backed up away from Tachi seeing the kunai unable to get to his skin,he growled slightly annoyed and then had a strange look at he saw him remove the coat. "Well...this is new"Vash thought as he examined his opponent,he then noticed the change in his eyes. "How am I gonna win this.....I need to find a weakness on him"Vash thought as he scanned Tachi for some sort of weakness,any weakness at all but he would be ready for any attack thrown at him.
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Taichi Vs Vash Empty Re: Taichi Vs Vash

Post by Tarak Sun Mar 08, 2009 9:24 pm

Taichi's boot scraped on the cold hard floor as he moved it out from under his coat's collar. His muscles tensed and relaxed rhythmically as he preppared to attack, his bloodline was now active, and along with seeing the bones of his opponent he had activated the range finder, it was kind of annoying to see like this, but it made fighting so much easier, he could see every little fault in his opponent's bones, he could see the organs and such as well. Though laid over this he could see the heat from his opponent's body and the area around him. He then also flicked the lens into place over his right eye and this revealed an aura of chakra that flowed off of him, though it was faint. he could see everything he needed, though it was hard to focus he had become used to fighting like this. He gripped his scythe, removing it from the ground before rushing forward, he needed to finish this as quickly as possible.

The blade of his scythe swiped at Vash's stomach from his right with greater speed and strength than before, as now he didn't have the heavy coat weighing him down. Now he could see things better and react quicker, so even if he did guard it again he might be able to counter quick enough to force him back.


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Taichi Vs Vash Empty Re: Taichi Vs Vash

Post by Zen Sun Mar 08, 2009 9:37 pm

Vash watched as Tachi gripped his scythe and then ran at him,he was ready though something was off about all this. Vash jumped back narrowly avoiding the blade as he backflipped gaining distance between him and Tachi,he growled softly and looked at his chest his shirt was ripped and a bleeding wound went across his chest though it wasn't lethal. He looked back at Tachi closing his right eye"damn that was fast......I need to think of something,anything I can't die here"Vash thought as his breathing then stilled. Everything seem to go slow around him and he opened his right eye slowly when fully opened it was gold,Vash then grabbed his headband and lifted it up showing now both his golden eyes. He had finally unlocked his kekkei genkai,this battle now will not be as hard as he thought it would be.
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Taichi Vs Vash Empty Re: Taichi Vs Vash

Post by Tarak Tue Mar 10, 2009 12:17 am

Taichi stood in place as he saw a change seem to come over his opponent, and then suddenly his eyes opened with the color of gold. Taichi chuckled softly behind his mask, he saw irony and hilarity in this. "Ah, so gold faces gold, 'eh?" He laughed louder now, he wasn't gonna hold back, he knew he might have to go all out, but hoped that he wouldn't have to till later on in the exams. Taichi gripped his scythe tightly and analyzed Vash's skeletal structure thoroughly, finding a crucial point. There was a small fault in his second right rib, if he could break that rib he might be able to end it in one blow, but if he screwed up it could quickly turn around on him. He decided the ricks outweighed the benefits at the moment, and decided to hold off.

Taichi merely stood waiting for Vash to blink, the second his eye lids covered his pupil Taichi launched forward. His scythe was pulled back to his right side, and his left foot touched and caught the ground. This sent his body into a spinning motion, and as the movement he knew well began he let his right touch. This in turn made his body move through the air in a nearly random pattern. The way he did this made it extremely hard to block, and allowed an easy counter for a successful block. Though it was harder for the user to see as he did this, so he truly needed to have his kekkei Genkai released to do this.


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Taichi Vs Vash Empty Re: Taichi Vs Vash

Post by Zen Tue Mar 10, 2009 8:07 am

Vash just stared at Tachi not ammused by his joke,though to him he seemed to move abit slower now. He then watched as he ran forward at him and into a spinning like motion,Vash then quickly made handsigns but held his jutsu just waiting. He saw that since he couldn't see very well he probably wouldn't have noticed the handsigns,he waited and waited till he got abit closer before releasing the jutsu his tail held a kunai just incase"dragon fire jutsu!"a wave of fire then shot out towards Tachi.

Last edited by Zen on Wed Mar 11, 2009 7:52 am; edited 1 time in total
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Taichi Vs Vash Empty Re: Taichi Vs Vash

Post by Tarak Tue Mar 10, 2009 10:09 pm

Taichi smirked seeing flashes of what he assumed was hand seals, and then suddenly a flame technique burst at him. 'Heh, he's pretty good, but all I have to do is...!' He though as he made a focusing seal and suddenly realized he had taken his trench off already. 'Shit! I'm so stupid, no chakra shield, think! ...!' Suddenly it hit him, using the focusing seal he had already made he focused chakra to his right hand. Specifically he focused the chakra to one of the lightly glowing seals that covered the gauntlet and his other equipment. This seal released and a burst of chakra coursed through his arm, he then used a technique taught to him by his sensei and Kage. As he used the Doton Kaika a huge amount of the chakra was drained from the seal, leaving that seal almost empty. It also left his arm burned, but the result was shocking. Without doing any hand seals a good size slab of earth came up and effectively blocked the attack, and gave him a sturdy wall to stop his attack from.

'D- Damn... that hurt like hell... I hate that drawback of this armor...' Taichi resealed the seal on the top of his gauntlet before jumping up on top of the slab of earth. "Well well well, you almost caught me, now it's my turn to hit you." He dropped down, doing hand seals as he did so. The moment he hit the ground he hit the wall behind him as he thought, 'Doton: Earth projectile spray. Suddenly he dashed to the side, he had done the technique in a way that delayed it, and a moment later there was kunai-head-shaped stone projectiles flying at Vash. Taichi had thought this out on the spot and wasn't sure how this would turn out, but figured he'd try. As the projectiles began to launch he has hoping that Vash had watched him and not the wall. This was crucial in his plan as he suddenly jumped forward, actually doing handseals again, only this time he had once again unsealed the seal on his gauntlet, and did not one but three sets of seals, after the first he he did a defensive technique, the dome he had made before, but not to block, but to encase, it surrounded him AND Vash, he then did the second technique, the same one he had done before, the stone skin technique, and as he took the earth from the wall that was toward the projectiles coming at them he released the third and final technique, doing the earth projectile technique on the inside of the dome. this way as he left the hole he had absorbed the earth from he dove to the side as the first earth projectile technique entered the dome and the other one launched inside the dome all at Vash.

The seal was empty now, and Tachi was on one knee and panting as the seal transferred over to a new one and he resealed that one. his arms felt like the skin on them was on fire, but that was something he was used to, as using large amounts of the chakra supplied by the armor at once tends to incinerate the flesh, and slowly move inward. "Heh, fuck you." He laughed slightly, hoping he had managed to end it, it all happened so fast he hadn't even looked at Vash. He had been completely focused on getting the technique done, but didn't doubt that Vash had a chance to escape the attack.


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Taichi Vs Vash Empty Re: Taichi Vs Vash

Post by Zen Wed Mar 11, 2009 8:05 am

Vash watched his techquine had hit Tachi and he had hoped even if he had survived he wouldn't have very much chakra left from doing all these jutsu where he had only done two. But then noticed a dome go over him and Tachi both,he then took out two more kunai,while his tail still held the third but this was an explosive kunai. As the earth kunai came at him he deflected a few of them but some going past and cutting him abit,but he ignored the pain"damn I have to get out of here..."Vash thought as he kept deflecting the kunai he then used his tail throwing the explosive kunai at the wall. When it hit there was an explosion as Vash then raced towards the opening while deflecting kunai and then jumping out through the hole and back outside.

He got up slowly with a growl shaking off the dizzyness,his eyes flashing gold"alright...I need to finish this,he shouldn't have that much chakra left to do anymore extreme jutsu like that"Vash thought,he then took out two explosive kunai he then threw one of the side and jumped up throwing the last on the roof. When he landed to violent explosions happened around the dome crushing it as debris fell ontop of whoever was inside.
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Taichi Vs Vash Empty Re: Taichi Vs Vash

Post by Tarak Wed Mar 11, 2009 9:24 am

(((OOC: I was out of that dome by the way "This way as he left the hole he had absorbed the earth from he dove to the side as the first earth projectile technique...")))

"Damn..." Taichi said under his breath as he stood again and thought to himself, 'I need to drag this out so I can heal some... If I can manage that...' He then realized he was back at where he had ditched his trench, this was good, as now he simply sat down and unsealed the new seal on his right arm without using the chakra, it actually forcing the regeneration process instead of being used in jutsu. Now all he had to do was wait for his opponent to attack, and the longer his opponent stalled the better it would be for Taichi. He was now simply sitting on the ground allowing his body to heal and trying to think out his next attack. he had still only accessed his second seal so far, he had a limit at seven at once, but it was dependent on how damaged his body was, this is why he was concerned with healing, if he could heal then he could access seven seals for a bit and obliterate his enemy. His scythe was at his side, it's own seals glowing faintly. And now he healed and waited.


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Taichi Vs Vash Empty Re: Taichi Vs Vash

Post by Zen Wed Mar 11, 2009 4:44 pm

OOC: Oh..didn't know thought he like went somewhere else.

Vash watched his opponent carefully,he then threw the two kunai at Tachi"alright...I need to end this in one blow.."Vash thought,his eyes flashed gold,his tail wagging lightly behind him and his ears perked up. Vash then drew 3 shuriken holding them between his fingers and his two other fingers on his left hand held two kunai.

Last edited by Zen on Wed Mar 11, 2009 4:59 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Taichi Vs Vash Empty Re: Taichi Vs Vash

Post by Kenshi Wed Mar 11, 2009 4:57 pm

This post should be redone Trev, there is only one attack (jutsu) allotted per post.


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Taichi Vs Vash Empty Re: Taichi Vs Vash

Post by Tarak Sat Mar 14, 2009 10:19 pm

(((OOC: Oh, thank god I'm back online! Really? Well damn that's a buzz kill... All my jutsu are really meant to be used in conjunction with other O.o well, um, that would really change these last 5 posts... so, is it ok to let it slide if Zen is ok with that? I mean I definitely wont do it again, but really...)))

Taichi sidestepped dodging the kunai as he said, "You'll have to do better than that." He continued to let his wounds slowly heal, he ddn't want to use the cloak unless he felt it necessary, like to protect against a jutsu. He didn't want to make a move at his opponent either, and waited for Vash to move at Taichi.


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Taichi Vs Vash Empty Re: Taichi Vs Vash

Post by Zen Sat Mar 14, 2009 10:38 pm

(I really think you should be out of chakra after using 6 jutsu and a seal and also that spin thing...and how you are moving while trying to heal is byond me.)

Vash watched as he sidestepped the kunai as he watched him carefully and then running forward straight at him,he threw 2 of the shuriken at Tachi and then threw one of the kunai. 2 of those shuriken had string on them as they went around Tachi and the kunai he had thrown was attached to his paw by a string which was the reason why he threw it in a direction it would pass Tachi. He would then using his movment and manuver the kunaii to come around from the back of Tachi going to the other side to wrap around his body.
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Taichi Vs Vash Empty Re: Taichi Vs Vash

Post by Tarak Sun Mar 15, 2009 2:51 am

(((OOC: well he'd stop for a moment to move. but the armor really does the healing for him, I'll give you a full explanation though pm in a bit.)))

As Taichi had allowed the healing to resume, he noticed the string, but he didn't have time to react, all his focus was on the chakra in the gauntlets. he was caught it seemed. He couldn't get away really, and his arms were still barley healed. He knew that another jutsu right now would immobilize his arms, he couldn't risk that, so he simply had no choice but to let Vash's plan play out, and only resist if it meant saving his life at the last moment, and hopefully by then his arms would be healed enough to use properly.


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Taichi Vs Vash Empty Re: Taichi Vs Vash

Post by Zen Sun Mar 15, 2009 11:55 am

Vash watched as the string wrapped around Tachi making him unable to move,he then pulled back making Tachi fall to the ground wrapped up. Tachi would then notice that the string is like barb wire as it slowly but surely started to tighten around his body,long enough the barb like string would break his arms he stared at Tachi as his golden eyes flashed. He could tell by his opponent his chakra is decreasing even if he didn't use it,but if he used it it would still be wasting chakra,Vash then sighed abit"this is over..."Vash thought as he then turned around and started to walk away,of course the people in the stands were confused and he had no doubt Tachi was aswell.
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Taichi Vs Vash Empty Re: Taichi Vs Vash

Post by Tarak Sun Mar 15, 2009 2:51 pm

As Taichi fell to the ground he glared at Vash, his arm still weren't healed enough to do ninjutsu, but he could at least move them without to much pain now. What's more, the wire had pretty much reached it's limit as to how much it could constrict, his armor being dense and having little give. He shifted slightly, and then moved his arm slightly. Suddenly two blades shot out of hit gauntlets creating just enough tension to break the wire. After that the rest of the wire unwound and Taichi rolled over on his stomach before taking a deep breath, as the wire had gone across his throat and choked him. He started to cough and hack before getting up on his knees, he then sighed and looked at Vash. "You didn't think I wold be that easy to get rid of did ya?"


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Taichi Vs Vash Empty Re: Taichi Vs Vash

Post by Zen Sun Mar 15, 2009 5:37 pm

Vash assumed that Tachi would eventually get out of the wire,he then stopped hearin Tachi's comment and turned his head slightly looking at him with his left golden eye before turning fully around to face him. Vash had a semi serious look on his face as he just stared at him"this fight is over Tachi,your chakra is decreasing with every blow and jutsu you make,infact your not even a challenge to me anymore.."Vash said as his ears twitched and his tail wagged lightly behind him,he then turned back around and started walking off again. In the stands there were whispers of conversations between the people about the fight.
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