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The start of training... Finnally

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The start of training... Finnally Empty The start of training... Finnally

Post by Kaji-Kanto Thu Jan 08, 2009 10:38 pm

Mizo sat in a chair working intently upon his hoverboard. He had carved down to a more circular design with the chakra receptors set to a low and high freguency. Mizo was waiting for kudara to come back and so they could begin there training. He pulled out a paint can when he heard foorsteps coming through the door.

Mizo looked at the door and all he saw was a scientest and behind that scientest a man who Mizo only knew as Kudara following behind talking to the man. Mizo began to paint the hoverboard black waiting for kudara to come over and say they could get started.

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The start of training... Finnally Empty Re: The start of training... Finnally

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Thu Jan 08, 2009 11:29 pm

A figure past Mizo's sight. A trail of dark was left behind from the figure. In front of Mizo was Kudara, he was wearing a jounin outfit wearing a long jacket. On the jacket was a the symbol of his family emblem on the back of it. On the edges of cloak was blue flames. He looks up at Mizo and smiles alittle seeing him working on the hoverboard. It was a few days since he created it and it seems he's adjusting it. Kudara walks towards him and looks a the hoverboard

"Im amuzed that you are still working on it. I wonder where Nail is?"

"Right here!"

Nail was behind Mizo, he jumps on top of Mizo's head. He smiled at Kudara and Kudara could not help but to laugh alittle seeing that Nail. Then Kudara looks at Mizo

"Tell me, have you seen Nail's true form?"
Kyouken Uchiha
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The start of training... Finnally Empty Re: The start of training... Finnally

Post by Kaji-Kanto Thu Jan 08, 2009 11:57 pm

Mizo looked at kudara and then just waited felt nail on his head. Nail and mizo had become better freinds now and mizo had even taken some of the syrum to show nail how he truely acted. Mizo shook his head at what kudara asked and he knew he would see nail's true form in just a moment.

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The start of training... Finnally Empty Re: The start of training... Finnally

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Fri Jan 09, 2009 12:08 am

Kudara grabs underneath Nail's shoulder and takes him off of Mizo's head. He sets him down on the ground and then puts a finger on his forehead. Kudara takes his other hand and removes his blindfold off his eyes revealing his eye's of the king doujutsu. He looks into Nail's eyes and then said


Nails body began to glow white then a tornado made of entirety of chakra surrounded both Kudara and Nail. At the top of the tornado was a image of a dog that looked as though it was about to consume the sky with its ficious teeth and gnawling jaw. Its bloody red eyes stares into the sky and howls loudly. The tornado ceased, clearing up leaving dust from the remnants of the tornado. Standing beside Kudara was Nail, but his hair was much longer and whiter. He was just as tall as Kudara and looked much older, sixteen or seventeen at the most. He looks at Mizo, his seriousness was the complete opposite of the child Nail's attitude problem. He walks forward

"Yo" Nail said in a deep and low voice

"Ta-da" Kudara said. He laughs slightly "You see, Nail is has a double personality. The first personality is the personality you've seen for a few days, this is Nail's true form. Like you, he also has a seal that has to be released. Sometimes this personality takes over while the other one takes over as well. Im sure later on, one of the personalities shall take over one day and the other one will cease to exist"

Nail looks back at Kudara, leaning his head to the side "So, master, when are gonna start training?"

Kudara nods his head and claps his hands "We start training now, my young apprentices"
Kyouken Uchiha
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The start of training... Finnally Empty Re: The start of training... Finnally

Post by Kaji-Kanto Fri Jan 09, 2009 6:46 pm

Mizo watched the transformation and saw what was happening as if the transformation was slow. Mizo stood up as the true Nail had taken its form. He nodded his head to the man and then looked at kudara and Nail and could see no difference. Mizo made note of this for later.

Mizo then turns himself towards kudara and bowed slighlty and then took a milityary pose waiting for orders to begin.

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The start of training... Finnally Empty Re: The start of training... Finnally

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Fri Jan 09, 2009 7:25 pm

Kudara looks over at Mizo deciding on whether to train him in chakra first or in water. While he was making the descion in his mind, Kudara looks over at Nail.

"Nail, im going to be focusing on Mizo for awhile, until he has caught up with your level. I'll need you to practice your Katon Kaika. You have mastery over the manipulation but you still have to learn to harness the flames better"

Nail nods "Yes, Kudara-sama" Nail then gets in a fighting stance. He punches, releasing a ball of fire coming from his fist and towards the forest. This would make Nail very occupied at the time. Kudara walks over to Mizo, signaling him to come with him. He puts his hands behind his back and looks forward. Kudara sights was heading towards a clearing with a river and a waterfall coming from the side of the mountain.

"Nail will join us once he is done with his warm up, for you Mizo, I have much to teach you on your suiton enlightenment. You have much potential and talent my young apprentice. Suiton enlightenment is very difficult to learn but very easy to master, where as Katon enlightment is easy to learn but hard to master as you from me explain to Nail"
Kyouken Uchiha
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The start of training... Finnally Empty Re: The start of training... Finnally

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sat Jan 10, 2009 1:03 am

Mizo walked with kudara listening to everyword intently. When kudara finished mizo closed his eyes and spoke to kudara. "Kudara-sama, I well i belive ive come close to partial mastery of the techngiue and not even known it."[/b Mizo turned around and he held his hand up and water collected there that came from absoulutly nowhere.

THe water continued to collect untill he flicked his finger and the water then shot out of his palm. Mizo then turned back to kudara as the water shot forward hittina tree and leaving a dent in it. [b]"I belive thats the same as what Nail did earlier except i must collect chakra to be as succesfful when i just jut my palm out i get a small trickle not a powerful blast."

Mizo then threw his fist forward and a small trickle of water shot out and instantly hit the ground. "This is how i learned to use Suiton technigues by first gathering the chakra into my palm. However i have become very strong at that ability but my abilitys in this Kaika has stayed the same."

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The start of training... Finnally Empty Re: The start of training... Finnally

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sat Jan 10, 2009 1:23 am

Kudara sits down in a indian style. He shifts his head over the lake that was a few meters away from him. He raises his hand and points at the water.

"Mizo, you have simple mastery over suiton ninjutsu for you have commanded the water to do your bidding. You see, water is a free-flowing element. It bends, shapes itself based on the flow of things, simular to wind, it moves freely and has no master. When you take suiton ninjutsu and command it to do so, the water is much less efficient than it is when it is free moving"

Kudara turns his hand palm up, tiny sparks fly out of his hand "You see, i could command lightning from my hand releasing chakra in my hand, manipulating the lightning chakra that I have and obtain a solid attack" Lighting begins to form into his making the emminent chirping sound "This is the manipulating of chakra by 'commanding" it"

Kudara raises his other hand "However, the other side to this point is letting myself and lightning become "one". You see I dont want the lightning to control me nor do I want it to control it, however, becoming 'one' is both me and lightning coming to terms, sorta speak" In the instant of his last word, lightning was formed in his hand. "The difference with this is, i didnt have to charge nor create"

Kudara points back to the river "Same with water, dont command it, let it you flow with the water and let the water flow with you. Do you understand what im trying to imply?"

Kudara stands up and walks over to Mizo, he begins to lift him up, he notice the type of material he was wearing but it did not affect Kudara's massive strength.

"Your first lesson is to come to terms with water, you must become 'one' with water. The river that i pointed it at is charged by my lightning, it wont shock you but it makes you feel as though you are as heavy as lead since you are wearing this heavy material. The river is deep and if you fail to master it before drowning then get the picture...good luck"

He launches him towards the water hoping he will not have to save him.
Kyouken Uchiha
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The start of training... Finnally Empty Re: The start of training... Finnally

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sat Jan 10, 2009 1:41 am

Mizo hit the water with a splash and he began to sink. Mizo fluttered around and tried to swim upward but failed at it. He just continued to sink like a anchor. Mizo then just closed his eyes and opened his mouth letting the water enter his body.

He then began to arise slowly as the water molecules pushed him up slowly as mizo did nothing. Mizo moved his legs indian style and he rose faster. He soon reached the water line and he slowly arose. He was siting upon a platform of solid water. Mizo opened his eyes and all the water that was on him flew off him and fell into the river.

The platform then lowered down to the ground and mizo stood up and got off completely dry. The platform of water then turned into a ball and then levitated over the river. It then dispersed back into the river. All mizo had done was rotate his wrist and he had achieve that much. He looked at kudara and shot out his palm. A blast of water shot at him.

However before the water hit it stopped and fell to the ground only a inch from him. "i belive that is what you wanted?"

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The start of training... Finnally Empty Re: The start of training... Finnally

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sat Jan 10, 2009 1:59 am

In Kudara's mind, he was glad that he succeeded but there was more for Mizo to learn as Nail needs to continue to master Katon Kaika. Kudara gets up from the his sitting position and kneels down to the puddle of water. He places his index finger in the puddle and it began to burn. The puddle then evaporated into the air. Kudara looks up at Mizo

"You have learned the basic of Suiton Kaika, once you learn how to fully master it, the possiblities will be endless, the weakness of water will no longer be a weakness to it, as you just witness me using Katon Kaika on water which is clearing a weakness of fire. The next step, the second step is to create your own individual style of perfecting it to learn the third and final step. Each person who learns the Kaika techniques have there own style and moves, once you devoloped those then I will teach you the third step"

Kudara then looks at the water again before walking towards a tree. He jumps high onto one of the branches, as he lands on it, he begins to see the future of the Kaika techinques passed down to his pupil and so on and so forth
Kyouken Uchiha
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The start of training... Finnally Empty Re: The start of training... Finnally

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sat Jan 10, 2009 2:24 am

Mizo closed his eyes jumped into the air and then instantly stood on a platform of water. Mizo then concentrated and water flowed from his body and swords began to form in the air. There was 8 swords made of water and they all flowed in where Mizo motioned with his hands.

Mizo then made 20 more drawing the water from the trees and plants around him and they created perfect swords. Mizo lined then up around him pointing at him. He then made them shoot at him and he fell back at the same time. As he fell back a clone took place this clone was also made of water.

The clone of water absorbed the swords and the platform and became a giant orb of water that could be seen for about a mile. The orb then burst out in a shockwave returning to where it came. Mizo sat on the ground now. He still had his eyes closed he had achieved all that with his hand.

Mizo opened his eyes and stood up yet again. He flipped forward bringing his right foot down at a tree and a knife made of water shot out of the heel making a cut in the tree. Mizo then jumped back and two blades of water appeared from his wrist's and he ran at a tree and cut it in half.

Mizo then fell back and dispersed the blade. He closed his eyes again and he opened his mouth. A steam emited from his mouth and it kept coming out. It poured from him and then collected into a liveleness of mizo except it could clearly be seen it was mist. The clones dispersed and then reappeared in the air.

Mizo then let his chakra disperse. He had his fun it was now time to work on his manipulation. All that was show that he wanted to try. Mizo opened his palms and he shot out his fist and a blast of water shout out. He then spun around and a whip of water rotated with him. He then flipped and a whip of water appeared at his leg and curved slightly.

Mizo then used two fingers and he pointed them out and 3 water lines shot out that looked like senbon. They flew forward and made 3 small holes in a tree. Mizo then fell back it had been 20 minutes and he had gotten a hold of this technigue. Mizo looked at kudara and said "How was the display?"

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The start of training... Finnally Empty Re: The start of training... Finnally

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sat Jan 10, 2009 12:48 pm

Kudara had lean himself back on the trunk of the tree, watching the spectacular of suiton kaika at its best. He knew there was more Mizo could learn but at the time there was no need as Mizo lives life he will learn how to full use water. Kudara then jumps down from the tree branch down to the earth. As he lands his feet, Kudara took his hands out of his pocket taking out a little tiny kunai. He walks forward proceeding towards Mizo and the calm-like river. He begins to fiddle with the tiny kunai in his hands, gracefully but playfully. He stops in front of Mizo, smiling a smile of approval towards Mizo's technique.

"Well, Im glad I chose the right person to train, didnt even take you long to understand the process of training one another which is fine with me cause its less work. You seemed to have the simple step of the number two training. However, there is more work to be done with that involves your technique. One which is to involve other elements. So basically you're gonna have to fight opponents that have other elements. Then you'll have to learn how to use Suiton ninjutsu and Suiton Kaika when there is no hydrogen present in one area. Then, a difficult thing when the area around you is so heated that it evaporates water.......there are many situation for your suiton kaika....but first we shall go into town and find some place to stay"

Kudara pats his stomach, the sounds of a bear came from Kudara's stomach. Kudara smiled. He turns himself around and then follows the path at which they have left Nail to his training "I wonder how your partner is doing, it isnt everyday I get to see Nail's ability at hand"
Kyouken Uchiha
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The start of training... Finnally Empty Re: The start of training... Finnally

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sun Jan 11, 2009 8:07 pm

Mizo walked with kudara thinking of ways of how to perform such feats with what he used today. He continued to walk when he heard the growl of his sensei's stomach. Mizo's hand instantly flew into his cloak pulling out a scroll. He opened the scroll and placed chakra into it. Out of the scroll came a bowl of ramen that mizo caught and he handed it to Kudara.

Mizo looked around seeing scorch marks everynow and then. He then heard nail. Mizo decided to test out some of there abilitys. Mizo charged forward seeing Nail and he shifted course to intercept nail. Mizo was down low his arms flying back. When Mizo came close he jumped and flipped using his hands to thrust off the ground into the air.

Mizo came down above nail and he brought his leg down a water wave flying behind him as he became a missle of water. Mizo wanted to just see how good nail really was and mizo thought he could use Nail as a good example for his own ability and bending.

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