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The start of somthing new

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The start of somthing new Empty The start of somthing new

Post by Ookami Tenma Wed Apr 01, 2009 9:10 pm

Ookami sat at his favorate noodle shop. His food had long since been eaten and he was now having a smoke to relax. It had been a while since he just sat in Kiri's streets, he watched all the people pass by. I wonder he thought to himself everybody here is like an ant doing there own little thing but at the same time helping our village from witch they in return get saftey.

"All that hard work just to stay safe, simaliar to a shinobi's life realy." He said as he turned to the shopkeeper and ordered a drink. He wondered what life was like without chakra and the princables he held so dear. I wonder what sensei would say if he heard me say that, He thought to himself.

"Shopkeep get me anther bowl of noodle's, and make that drink i ordered bigger please." He shouted down the bar.

Ookami Tenma

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The start of somthing new Empty Re: The start of somthing new

Post by Sparky Wed Apr 01, 2009 9:15 pm

Yami perched himself, as he so often did, on the rooftops overlooking much of the village, barely noticing his cloak had snagged on the nails holding much of the structures together. He made ready to jump to the next rooftop and carry on his way when the cloak tore across the bottom, loosing the kunai he kept within its folds, they hit the ground one after the other, the points embedding themselves into the ground as dust was thrown up around them.

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The start of somthing new Empty Re: The start of somthing new

Post by Ookami Tenma Wed Apr 01, 2009 9:40 pm

Ookami saw somthing hit the floor next to him. He looked down and saw it was a kunai knife. It had evdently fallen out of someones holster he looked up but could not see anyone. He pick ed up the kunai and threw it upwards back where it had fallen from.

"Bemore careful with stuff like that, what if a child had hurt thenselves?" Shouted Ookami, the shopkeeper had come over to deliver the noodles and drink to his table. Not seeing the kunai Ookami had just thrown upwards he looked at Ookami was nuts "sorry about that" said Ookami.
The shopkeeper walked back to his kitchen and returned to his duties. I'll have to leave a bigger tip now thought Ookami.

He looked up again but all he could see was the sky.

Ookami Tenma

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The start of somthing new Empty Re: The start of somthing new

Post by Sparky Wed Apr 01, 2009 9:45 pm

Yami caught the kunai thrown back up at him and turned his attention to the scene immediately below him. He heard the shout the followed straight away and thought it would probably be best to gather the other kunai that had also fallen with the first. Yami dropped soundlessly to the floor as he had done so often before and gathered up the remaining knives, depositing them in small holster he kept especially for such occasions.
At this point, he noticed another person near him, quite possibly the one who had shouted though of this he could not be certain. He decided there would be no loss in taking that risk however.
"Be more careful you say? When the bird is careful of the worm it eats and the steel nails no longer tear away at the clothing mankind doth wear, then I shall be careful of those things I have not the power to affect."

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The start of somthing new Empty Re: The start of somthing new

Post by Ookami Tenma Wed Apr 01, 2009 10:10 pm

Ookami stared at the newcomer. He then looked around and saw the nervous glances people were giving them.

"Well you might as well sit down" He said pulling a seat out indacating for the other ninja to sit. The people in the noodle shop stop staring and continued there meals they still shot nervous glances at the two shinobi.

"you realy should be more careful with your ninja tools sir, children play round here. Imagine if they found a senbon or shuriken you'd probaly have a childs death on your concence." Ookami said softly to the newcomer "Oh by the way im Ookami tenma of the hidden mist and you are?" He asked trying to spot a headband on the newcomer. He had his hand on his sword, with no identification this could get ugly and he'd have to move quick to protect the civilians in the area.

Ookami Tenma

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The start of somthing new Empty Re: The start of somthing new

Post by Sparky Wed Apr 01, 2009 10:14 pm

"Would that the tools of others were more careful with my clothing perhaps... I am named simply Yami No Kira. Also of the Hidden Mist though I have spent little of my life here." Yami answered simply, moving his coat just enough to show a small glint of metal upon his knee.
He moved to proffered seat and took it.
"You may relax Ookami Tenma-san, I have no wish to fight."

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The start of somthing new Empty Re: The start of somthing new

Post by Ookami Tenma Thu Apr 02, 2009 7:28 pm

As Yami sat down Ookami relaxed the grip on his sword. "So another mist shinobi eh? want somthing to eat or drink?" Ookami looked round and saw the people around relax and start there conversations again. Ookami tucked into his noodles and siped his drink

So this is another shinobi from the hidden mist? He must be at least jounin level, maybe its worth talking to the guy. "So been on any interesting missions lately?" Ookami asked, he thought he may gain ethier information or some form of teammate with him.

"Maybe we can help each other out here, i need a jounin level teammate. And you may be the guy" Ookami said "what elemental affinaties do you have?"

Ookami Tenma

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The start of somthing new Empty Re: The start of somthing new

Post by Sparky Fri Apr 03, 2009 10:06 am

"Interesting missions? No more then the usual dispatch and kill that is so popular with those who share my abilities for stealth. A teammate you say? This sounds acceptable. I have both Fuuton and Katon elements at relatively equal strengths, an oddity in the village of mist but nonetheless I have made this my strength"

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The start of somthing new Empty Re: The start of somthing new

Post by Ookami Tenma Sat Apr 04, 2009 9:50 pm

Ookami listened to what the ninja had to say. "The only reason i metioned needing a jounin rank teammate is due to the fact that there have been rumours, the village may be gearing up for war and another jounin in the team would not go amiss." Ookami said inbetween sips of his drink and mouth fuls of noodles.

"You said that you had Katon and Fuuton elemental affinities, that realy is a strange mix for any ninja in Kiri. And you didn't say if you wanted any food or drink" Ookami said in a conversational tone. Maybe Lee sensei would like this guy, he check his money bag enough for a meal for five let alone two. Ookami smiled "i will have to introduce him to my sensei he realy is one in a million.

Ookami Tenma

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The start of somthing new Empty Re: The start of somthing new

Post by Sparky Sun Apr 05, 2009 7:37 am

"I am fine for the moment thank you. And yes... I suppose it is a strange combination. I was taught as a child that just because you do not carry an affinity for the element of your birth it does not mean anything. Those words I carried with me and have made me stronger for it, indeed, a deadly force to anyone who does not respect the village which gave me my place."
Yami no Kira looked thoughtful at the mention of war, it had been a long time since he had fought in a true war and the memories of the last still flashed vividly in his dreams.
"A war you say? Against whom do you suspect we would be fighting? For if it would mean protecting this village, I would fight until I had no life left to fight with."

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The start of somthing new Empty Re: The start of somthing new

Post by Ookami Tenma Sun Apr 05, 2009 4:45 pm

"if you would kindly come with me, Yami i have some one for you to meet." Ookami paid the shopkeeper for the food and drink and then walked towards Lee's apartment. "The man who your about to meet is my sensei and anther Jounin of this Village." Ookami said as they walked towards the apartment.

Ookami looked at the sky it was a clear night, the air smells clean. No violence tonight no bloodshed but that may all change soon. It was a frightening thought, the village being at war but what must be done must be done. And if he could make this village a little safer he would make it happen.

Finaly they arrived at Lee's apartment and Ookami knocked on the door. "Sensei you home?"

Ookami Tenma

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The start of somthing new Empty Re: The start of somthing new

Post by Lee Sun Apr 05, 2009 7:41 pm

Lee was sitting in his house, drinking some coffee confortabely. He was thinking about the troubles of kirigakure, and what would lie ahead for the villages fate. He heard a feint sound, and instantly recognized it. It was Ookami's voice, and the footsteps of yet another person. "Ookami brought a friend? That's unlike him.." Lee said, readying a kunai. He was a very attentive ninja, and assumed that a lot of things were traps. With his left hand, he opened the door slowly., leaving a kunai right beside the door in his other hand.

It was only Ookami, not a trap. Then, behind him, he saw another, quite older, man. He gestured for them to come in and sit down. Lee took his own seat, his favorite seat. The love seat. It was too big for Lee, but Lee liked to sit on it. It made him feel powerful. As Ookami and the other Shinobi came in to sit down, Lee asked "So, Ookami. Is this your friend? And why are you here so late at night?"


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The start of somthing new Empty Re: The start of somthing new

Post by Ookami Tenma Sun Apr 05, 2009 9:21 pm

"My apologies for disturbing you at this late hour sensei. But i have come to introduce you to this man, his name is Yami no Kira. Also a shinobi of the hidden mist, and share's our protective nature of this fine village. I was wondering if we could talk us three I belive there is an obligation that our we have to our village that we have neglected." Ookami knew exactly the words to use to make sure Lee had taken him seriously.

This is it our chance to do somthing to affect thw world for the better. Ookami thought he sat in the proffered seat and rested his legs "Always feels good to take the waght off your feet does it not sensei?"

Our chance he thought again our chance.

Ookami Tenma

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The start of somthing new Empty Re: The start of somthing new

Post by Sparky Sun Apr 05, 2009 9:26 pm

"Yes, I also have the desire to ensure this village does not fall to any attacking force, nor also to any internal trouble should any arise. This has long been my drive and will continue to be so throughout the times that lie ahead."
Yami No Kira stepped into the house and made sure his weapons were all firmly secure in their holders, he did not wish any misunderstanding to arise from this meeting, once was enough for today. He took a seat half facing the door, keeping one eye on the inocuous object and the other on his companions.

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The start of somthing new Empty Re: The start of somthing new

Post by Lee Sun Apr 05, 2009 9:56 pm

"Always feels good to take the weight off your feet does it not sensei?" Lee's pupil had told him. He knew why he said this. It was probably because he was still wearing the leg weights Lee had given him almost two years ago. They now doubled in weight, each one being forty pounds. If he were to take them off, he would be eighty pounds lighter. "Yes, that's right Ookami," Lee said, smiling at Ookami, then setting his own feet on the table with ease. His legs were used to carrying around 140 extra pounds. Lee then turned to his jounin companion.

"That's right. You seem very loyal to Kirigakure, as am I. Do you know about the recent Akatsuki threats?" Lee asked with curiosity. Usually a jounin would know a lot about the villages secret matters, but Lee hadn't seen this man around the village lately, so maybe he was new. Lee picked up the large bottle of Sake he had beside his chair on his desk, and looked at his two fellow ninja over his bottle as he drank it.


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The start of somthing new Empty Re: The start of somthing new

Post by Sparky Sun Apr 05, 2009 10:03 pm

"I have heard... rumours. Nothing more then shadows talk. And yet I have heard enough to assume they present a threat. I believed the Akatsuki threat to have ended 2 decades ago. If they have arisen again, as the rumours seem to suggest, then their motive is no doubt similar to the previous incarnation. That is my belief anyways, based on my knowledge of them." He spoke quickly, as though in an attempt to entice more information, if there was any to be had, from his companions.

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The start of somthing new Empty Re: The start of somthing new

Post by Lee Sun Apr 05, 2009 10:20 pm

"Yes, they seem to be flourishing up again, and there intentions have something to do with destroying us, Kirigakure. Maybe even all of the villages, I don't know. All I know is, we have to stop them at some cost." Lee said to the man across the room of his house. He then glanced over at Ookami. Should he be hereing this? Ehh, he was getting old now.


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The start of somthing new Empty Re: The start of somthing new

Post by Ookami Tenma Sun Apr 05, 2009 10:28 pm

Ookami listened intently to the conversation that had started between his sensei and Yami. It sounded way out of his leauge, but he knew that if his village was to be safe he would have to gather as much information as he could about this Akatsuki. He rubbed his legs and scratched around the weights he'd worn them now for nearly two years, they always itched but he saw it as part of his training. A ninja must ignore distraction he thought to himself

"So sensei what is to be done about this Akatsuki?" He asked.

Ookami Tenma

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