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The Start of a Busy Day

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The Start of a Busy Day Empty The Start of a Busy Day

Post by Kenshi Tue Jan 06, 2009 9:58 pm

After getting out of training with Munashii and leaving it up to Keiteki, Yoshimo had finally made it out of the training grounds and into the city. Yoshimo walked around the city, looking at the the massive tan buildings and the clouds that seemed to embrace the whole village. This place was indeed extrodinary, and the air here was pure, and like none other in the Ninja World. Yoshimo walked down a spiraling stair case to his level in the city. He was quite hungry, and on his level there was a pizza shop. Yoshimo didn't have time to take it home, so he left the money in the shop, and asked for a delivery to his place.

Yoshimo continued walking, all the way to what seemed to the far end of his level. He reached in his pocket and grabbed his keys and opened the door. He was home.

Yoshimo closed the door and walked in his extra-large sized apartment, stepping through all the mess, and the files on the floor. The bed wasn't made, and the restroom was giving a slight odor. Yoshimo didn't really care, he'd probably get one of the genin to clean it for him. Yoshimo walked to the back of the apartment, past his small kitchen area. He pushed open a sliding glass door and sat outside on the door, enjoying the day. He kept his intercom on, so the pizza guy could deliever with out knocking.


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The Start of a Busy Day Empty Re: The Start of a Busy Day

Post by Kaji-Kanto Tue Jan 06, 2009 10:14 pm

A kid waited outside the apartment complex for a pizza guy to show up. He wore a black shirt and a red jacket/cloak. With tanish jeans and red gloves on his hands. When the guy did the kid walked up to him handed him money and took the pizza. The kid said no word but he entered the complex. His cloak fell behind him and his hair blew back. He held the pizza with the tips of his fingers and he walked to room 128.

He stopped in front of the room and said one word "Pizza!!!! " He then reached his hand to knock. When the door suddenly flew open and a man he the kid knew well stood there. He spoke yet again "Yoshimo Izoto. He let his arm flop to the side and held out the pizza to Yoshimo.

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The Start of a Busy Day Empty Re: The Start of a Busy Day

Post by Kenshi Tue Jan 06, 2009 10:28 pm

Yoshimo looked up at the pizza guy that was now in the middle of his apartment. Yoshimo quickly kicked off his shoes and took off his shirt, wear nothing but a black-wife beater and some blue pinstripe shorts. Yoshimo looked at the pizza first, even before reacting to the person that was delivering. Yoshimo walked through the mess that he called his floor and shuffled his way towards the pizza where he instantly took it out of his hands and began to check it. It was a piping-hot extra cheese, extra sasuage, extra pepperoni pizza. Yoshimo's classic. Yoshimo took the pizza and placed it down on a small kitchen table that was covered in papers and notes. Then he looked up to Raida.

"Raida-kun!!! How has it been?!! I haven't seen you in a while!"

Yoshimo was surprised that one of his favorite genin had delivered the pizza. Even though Yoshimo was in such a horrible dressed state, anyone that knew him knew he was always like that when he was home. Yoshimo reached into his pocket and grabbed some money. Yoshimo then took the pizza outside to his patio, beckoning Raida to comeout side.

"Come on, lets share some of this pizza together! We haven't talked in a while."

Yoshimo pulled up an extra lounge chair for him. He placed the pizza on a patio-glass table and quickly opened a mini fridge that was in arms reach of Yoshimo's current chair. He pulled out two beers and kind of frowned.

"All I have is beer...You can drink that right?"


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The Start of a Busy Day Empty Re: The Start of a Busy Day

Post by Kaji-Kanto Tue Jan 06, 2009 10:45 pm

Raida watched the events unfold and he followed yosh and then placed the money he gave him back on the table. Raida let his sheith fall to the floor with a big clank. He then sat down and said one thing "No need for that Yoshi-sama. I dont need your money as i was sent here to help you out by Raikage-sama. If you need anything done just ask me and it will be done in a heartbeat."

He then sat down with a blank face showing off his true personality of being shy. He pulled out a cantine as he was prepared since he had been to yosh's before and his habits usally brought him down to nothing but a few cans of beer. This is why Raida usally brought a cantine of fruit punch with him.

He grabbes a slice of the pizza and began to pick at the pizza taking off a sasuge or pepporoni one at a time and throwing it into his mouth. He waited for yosh to respond or give him something to do. He then smelt something dwaft up that almost made him puke but he swallowed it down and kept eating the pizza.

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The Start of a Busy Day Empty Re: The Start of a Busy Day

Post by Kenshi Tue Jan 06, 2009 11:04 pm

Yoshimo frowned with Raida didn't accept the money. He always loved tipping his genin extra, spoiling them when he could. He knew the life of a genin was nothing but torture, so he gave them extra money to spend. It made him good and it would probably make them feel good. But just because Raida didn't accept, Yoshimo knew that he had his reasons, and Yoshimo was quite alright with that. Yoshimo listened to Raida's response, waiting to speak.

"Well, I don't have a lot to do today, but most of it involves talking to people. I've got to get ready to fill out the papers for the---I can't tell you that, because Raikage-sama would kill me. I would bring you along, but then again, Raikage-sama would kill me. I know you wish to help, but if you want to do anything, you'd clean my room. I never have time to clean it up, and it smells worse and worse everyday. You don't have to do it now but when I get back."

Yoshimo ate a slice of pizza and chugged down on a beer. His gulps were loud, and the burp after was a ten out of ten. He was sure it would echo throughout the village.

"Excuse me......So, hows life Raida? I'm sure you have a girlfriend or something you keep up with, I'm pretty low on the female count, they say I'm too messy. You keeping up with those missions? I've been hearing stuff about you, you know..."


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The Start of a Busy Day Empty Re: The Start of a Busy Day

Post by Kaji-Kanto Wed Jan 07, 2009 8:21 pm

Raida listend to yosh while doing handsigns under the table and he created 2 basic clones and they went to work. While raida continued to listen to yoshimo he drank from his cantine and then spoke.

"Well you know me im to shy to talk to a girl yet alone ask one out or look at one. You and Raikage-Sama are the only ones i feel comfortable speaking to at all. My training however is going great my master says once i reach chunnin i can learn my last technigue of my technigue. I however do not belive ill be able to reach chunnin after that instant where my opponent went away in a gurney full of blood..."

Raida then looked down and his backed shivered slightly then he spoke again.

"My missons however have been relativly successful. I have not failed one yet even though they were pretty basic. I just wish i had something better to do of my time than do these weak missions a acadamy student with a ounce of skill could complete."

While they spoke the clones each got to work they picked up clothes and placed them into a basket. When that was complete one of them entered the bathroom and began to scrub the toilet and the other picked the basket up and began to do a load of laundry. After that it began to sweep up all the junk on the floor and disposed of it into a trash can.

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The Start of a Busy Day Empty Re: The Start of a Busy Day

Post by Kenshi Thu Jan 08, 2009 10:25 am

Yoshimo continued eating and enjoying the time he spent with Raida. He didn't mind spending time with the younger shinobi, most of the older ones always had things to do and ever had any fun, or anytime to spend. Keiteki was one of them, he was always training or up to something ninjutsu wise. Yoshimo bet he was still trying to learn that S-Rank ninjutsu, Yoshimo however didn't carry any S-Rank in his arsenal. He used tools to supplement his attacks, making it easier to conserve chakra. Yoshimo continued eating the pizza.

"Well, you'll find luck someday, before me at least. I'm just a lame Advisor that can't even keep his own room clean. As for you becoming a Chuunin, don't worry about it, I'll put in a good word to Raikage-sama if you want. After all, most of the time he leaves all the work for me to do."

Yoshimo heard a *ding* from the corner of his balcony. His clothes had finished washing and drying, so he opened the outside balcony door to reveal a small laundry room.

"Well, I trust you that you can lock up my house for me. I have to be on my way. I got to start business with this stuff for Raikage-sama. I'm gonna take a shower and leave. You can eat the rest of this pizza if you want, I'm stuffed."

Yoshimo walked into the small laundry room which also held a small shower in the corner. He closed the door behind him and turned the water on, getting rid of the clothes and throwing them on the floor again. He washed himself for about five minutes, wiping the sweat off of him from Munashii's training. Yoshimo slipped on his clothes opened the door and took a deep breath in. He loved the clean feeling. Yoshimo looked towards Raida and smiled.

"I'll see ya later"

In an instant he was gone.


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