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Aki Nasaki [Done+Updated]

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Aki Nasaki [Done+Updated] Empty Aki Nasaki [Done+Updated]

Post by Aki Sat Dec 13, 2008 7:20 pm

Name: Aki Nasaki

Age: 16 and a half

Bloodline: Hitodama no Kyuuketsuki

Rank: Chunin


Village: Kirigakure

Alignment: neutral, more towards good

Aki seems to have an uncaring attitude. Many know her by her "catch phrase". It is usually something along the lines of "I don't care." She appears to be unfriendly, but if one grows close enough, they will find that she is quite lonely and hates being who she is. She would much rather be a poor, struggling nobody than her present rich and famous state.

Before Birth:
Her mother and father are from two different villages. Her father is from the Nara Clan in Konohagakure, her mother from the Nasaki Clan in Kirigakure. Both are high ranking ninjas in their perspective villages. Quite by accident, her parents fell in love, a forbidden love. After finding out that Masaki was pregnant, Kaimaru and Masaki defected from their villages. It proved pointless though.

Masaki had Akira, Aki's older twin brother, first during a battle between ANBU and Hunter Nin. Both Kirigakure and Konohagakure wanted the children Masaki bore because the children would be born with the Nasaki Clan's unique kekkai genkai, and if Konoha won them, they would also have the Nara Clan's special ability with shadows. Masaki and Kaimaru barely manged to get away from the fight. The next day, on the first day of autumn, Aki was born.

The ANBU and Hunter Nin easily caught up to Masaki and Kaimaru. Both sides were prepared to fight for the newly born children. Kaimaru and Masaki, fearing for the lives of their children, proposed an offer to the fighting shinobi. For the first eight years of their lives, they would live with Kaimaru in Konoha... and then they would live eight years with Masaki in Kiri, then they would be free to choose which village they owed their allegiance to. The ANBU eagerly agreed. The Hunter Nin warily accepted the offer.

6 months:
Half a year later, Kaimaru noticed something strange about Aki. She had very pale skin and barely ate or drank. She barely slept as well, nor did she ever cry. He became worried and had the medics check up on her. The medics identified the cause several weeks later. Aki had too much chakra. It was overflowing her chakra system, seeping into her organs and destroying everything. In short, she was being destroyed from the inside. She only had a few more weeks to live. Medics struggled to find a cure, but in the end, they settled for a seal. The Autumn Seal was created to save Aki's life.

2 years:
While being baby-sat by Chomaru Akimichi, Aki accidentally flooded the Akimichi household... Nearly drowning Chomaru and Akira. After being tested on, they found the answer: Aki was a natural Ninjutsuist. It was mainly due to the fact that she had so much chakra. Upon further testing, they found out Aki was Water Type and did in fact have the Nara Clan's shadow possession jutsus. It was assumed that Aki only learned how to vaguely control the water and perform shadow jutsus from seeing others do it. From here on, Aki was constantly under watch. Testing was done on Akira as well, but he did not seem to have the talent Aki had.

4 years:
Aki is sent to the Acadamy. Most of the village has heard of her by now. Aki seems to enjoy her fame. She is constantly surrounded by her peers, though none of them are really her friends. Most just want to gain some of her glory. (Akira entered the Acadamy two years later.)

8 years:
Aki graduates and soon after, she goes to Kirigakure with Masaki. Aki carries Konoha's headband with her as she leaves. Akira's hatred of Aki begins to grow on this same day. He begins to resent Aki for being "special" when he is the older one and should be getting the attention. It is also around this time that Aki begins to resent being famous.

14 and a half years:
Aki activates the Nasaki Clan's kekkai genkai and transforms into a vampire during a mission. She is the sole survivor of that mission, thought to have been a simple C-rank mission, it was in actuality a B-rank mission. Soon after, she and Akira get into a fight. Akira has just become a Genin, but is angry with Aki for "showing off" as he puts it.

Against his intentions, Akira ends up injuring Aki severely, undoing the Autumn Seal. Aki instantly falls unconscious. The effects of her former chakra level already affecting her and causing her to deteriorate from the inside out rapidly. She is saved just in time by the Nasaki Clan and the Autumn Seal is re-done.

Akira has fled in shame. He abandons both Konoha and Kiri. He is unofficially declared a missing nin from both Konoha and Kiri. It remains unknown as to what happened to Akira or if he is still alive.

Aki lives a lonely and quiet life alone. Masaki has taken up her former job of a Hunter again and is seldom home. She hates being around people in general, especially those of her own age, as most tend to recognize her as Akutenshi (a nickname which she obtains after transforming into a vampire). At the moment, she is in no Genin team. She is also unsure of what village she would want to belong to, as the agreement ends in the next year.

Speciality: Ninjutsu/Kekkei Genkai

Learned jutsus:
Most of Aki's jutsus are Ninjutsu. They contain the common jutsus most Acadamy Students know in both Konoha and Kiri. (Bikou Ninjutsu, Bunshin no Jutsu, Henge no Jutsu, Kai, etc.) She also utilizes Kirigakure no Jutsu, along with a handful of other D to C-rank jutsus. Note that she also knows most of the basic Nara Clan shadow jutsus.
Aki/Akihime’s Jutsus Summonings

Elements: Water (D); Wind (R)

Though Aki doesn't carry any special weapon herself (yet, may change), her vampire side does. It's name is Akisame. (see the blue sword in the second pic)

Aki longs to find her brother and to become a family again. She misses him a lot, thinking about him almost everyday.

Last edited by Aki on Sat Mar 21, 2009 9:25 pm; edited 6 times in total

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Age : 31
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Aki Nasaki [Done+Updated] Empty Re: Aki Nasaki [Done+Updated]

Post by Guest Sat Dec 13, 2008 9:57 pm

Seems ok to me Smile


No one has any objections now then do they? *clicks fingers.* Good, coz if ya do tell me... if i'm listening lol


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Aki Nasaki [Done+Updated] Empty Re: Aki Nasaki [Done+Updated]

Post by Aki Sun Dec 14, 2008 1:05 pm

Thanks Jinkai.

Did you really read all of it? She doesn't seem a little OP at all? Cuz I kind of thought I did make her a little OP...

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Aki Nasaki [Done+Updated] Empty Re: Aki Nasaki [Done+Updated]

Post by Guest Tue Dec 16, 2008 10:29 am

its fine


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Aki Nasaki [Done+Updated] Empty Re: Aki Nasaki [Done+Updated]

Post by Aki Sat Mar 21, 2009 8:21 pm

Time Skip History Update:

Aki was continuing on with her life, trying to find some place that she belonged. Ever since she and Akihime had met and became one, Aki has been different from her clan. She is no longer human. Though already half human to begin with, the Nasakis had long claimed themselves has full blooded humans. But after her transformation, she is both human and vampire. She doesn’t fit in with the humans of Kirigakure, nor will she ever fit in with them.

Of course, none of the inhabitants of Kirigakure know her clan’s true identity, so she can still fit in with them if she wants, but it’s still not the same. It’s not the same as being human before where you had people you could talk to about all your worries and problems. Now she was a vampire, and you couldn’t exactly go up to someone and go “Can I have almost all of your blood?” could you? They would probably freak out and think you were crazy.

Then there were members of the Nasaki Clan that had become like her, but most of them were a lot older than her... Or she didn’t know them very well. She had lived her first eight years of life as a Konoha ninja, and a Nara Clan member, so in the younger generation of her clan’s eyes she had betrayed them somewhat. Though the Nasaki Clan never abandoned their own, the younger generation were against this, believing that if you betrayed your own flesh and blood, you worse than trash.

So, despite her intelligence and beauty, the younger generation of the clan ignored her. And those few that did talk to her never talked for long for fear of becoming an outcast among their brothers. Aki was effectively alone and isolated. After her mother had taken up being a Hunter Nin again, she was in effect, never home at all. And the days that she were, she was too tired to actually talk to her own daughter. In fact, they never really had talked about anything at all.

When the Chunin Exams were coming up, Aki had been summoned by the clan leaders. Deep within the complex mazes, Aki met with the Elders. They quickly assessed her, having her perform a multitude of maneuvers designed to test her intelligence and strength. She easily passed them. Then they tested Akihime. Akihime passed her tests with flying colors as well. They truly were a prodigy of their clan. And so, the Elders advised her to join the Chunin Exams, to represent their clan. And what the Elders advised, the member obeyed. The Elders had even hinted at the death of her mother should she not join in the Exams.

So Aki joined a Genin team and entered the Exams. The Exams easily flew by as Aki had the secret aid of Akihime, a being who had been alive long before the ninja villages had been created, or ninjas even existed. The Written Exams were a complete breeze.

Unfortunately, during the second part of the Exams, Akihime attacked one of the Genin, a teen by the name of Shiko. Akihime had not feed for many days, something Akihime had forgotten to do in her excitement of the upcoming Chunin Exams. This would be costly to both Aki and Akihime as Akihime became injured in attack... Aki would then feel what it was like to lose a part of yourself for a few short hours. The second part of the Exams were also bypassed due to complications...

Fortunately, before the Preliminary Fights, Raikage Yoshimaru had healed Aki of her injuries and allowed her to take in the majority of his blood to heal Akihime. It remains to be seen if Raikage Yoshimaru put two and two together to figure out that Aki is a vampire. Aki would be matched up against a girl named Hoshi, a girl from her own village. Unfortunately, due to more complications, the Preliminary Fights, and the rest of the Exams, altogether had to be abandoned. All Genin who had made it to the Preliminary Fights were passed on as Chunin as payment for a waste of their time.

Aki would return home to Kirigakure a Chunin. Aki then spent most of her time at Kirigakure taking up more missions and training with Akihime more. By now, Aki and Akihime could easily switch bodies and not feel a thing. Aki would also notice that she could sense other people’s emotions on her own, but just a little bit. It would often be very faint and Akihime would still have to confirm it for her, but at least now Aki wouldn’t be surprised or ambushed as easily. And Akihime would notice that her flight time had been extended somewhat and could now stay in the air much longer, somewhere along the lines of ten to fifteen minutes now.

In addition to that, Aki would learn that she was not only a water type, but a wind type as well. Aki and Akihime would slowly begin to experiment with this, learning a few jutsus. Aki would also learn a very unique summoning...

It is unknown what kind of creature this summoning is, but... their names are as follows: Eievui, Showers, Booster, Thunders, Burakki, Eifi, Glacia, and Leafia. <See Summonings>. These creatures are strange and mythical ones, no one has ever seen any like them. It was by pure chance that Aki and Akihime came across them. It is supposed that there are others like them, but it is unknown. They were found in the deep and complex maze system underneath Kirigakure. Aki would begin to train with them and learn how to utilize them in battle. They have become the friends Aki need and probably will be the only friends she has.

Also, recently, many of the village boys have begun to ask Aki out and then some. She is getting irritated with them as it is already hard enough to convince Akihime not to switch when her emotions get the better of her... So Aki tends to stay away from the village as much as possible, further distancing herself from making any real friends.

Aki hasn’t seen her team since the Chunin Exams and no longer considers herself as a part of their team, though they are still registered as one in the Kirigakure files. Aki could care less about them as well as they never really did bond or anything. Aki’s goals and dreams are still generically the same.

Aki must also choose between Konoha and Kiri soon, or things could end drastically. And should she choose Konoha, Kiri would no doubt think of Aki as a traitor. And if she chose Kiri, Konoha would think of her as a traitor. Aki has half a mind to just simply run away, but she knows she can’t. Konoha was unlike Kiri in many ways. It was a safe and happy place, to be honest, she wouldn’t mind living there at all. But Kiri was also her home. Her “real” family lived here and it held more advantages for her than Konoha ever would. Either way, her decision would be a hard one and she would end up betraying someone.

Last edited by Aki on Sat Mar 21, 2009 8:43 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Aki Nasaki [Done+Updated] Empty Re: Aki Nasaki [Done+Updated]

Post by Kenshi Sat Mar 21, 2009 8:37 pm



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