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Kygin Kaguya (Updated)

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Kygin Kaguya (Updated) Empty Kygin Kaguya (Updated)

Post by Kygin Sun Jun 21, 2009 7:27 pm

Name: Kygin Kaguya

Age: 22

Bloodline: The Kaguya/Shikotsumyaku

Rank: S-Rank Jounin
Village: Sunagakure no Sato
Alignment: Neutral

Appearance: A thin black long sleeve shirt hugged to a medium built torso of his accompanied with a pair of black slacks, yet no shoes adorn his feet; his pale, thin complexion was lightly kissed with redness below his dark blue eyes. His thick, black hair had some length, just cradling above the shoulders. He is carried by a lean set of legs and works with arms just as strong.

Personality: Intellectual in conversation, he always listens to what people have to say and gives them honest answers and hard truths. He is relaxed and laid back, never letting things get to him while working under pressure. Kygin is forgiving and patient when trying to help those around him. He is devoted to whatever he puts his mind to and never breaks a promise. The only thing he lives for, however, is to seek revenge on those who killed his mother and father.


Chapter One: "Congratulations, it's a boy."

The doctor told this to his parents around 5:15 a.m. The boy was handed to it's mother, who took him eagerly into her bosom to cuddle him close in her arms. His father beamed down at him with a big smile. "Thank you so much doctor." He extended his hand to the deeply tanned doctor, who nodded, taking the mans hand in a quick, firm squeeze.

It was a cold, November morning filled with thunder and lightning, the rain panting the windows of the small house like tiny pebbles. The baby nursed with his mother, who rubbed her nose through his soft black hair and smiled. Her husband kissed her cheek while looking at their son. "He's perfect." The doctor gave a soft cough as he stood and watched the couple, disgusted by the display of affection by the "new happy family". The man stood straight as his vision turned towards the doctor, whose eyes read of anger. "My apologies, I'll go grab your money."

He quickly walked out of the room and returned a moment later with some bills and coins, handing them to the doctor as he counted it off to him. "...12,500...13,000 yen, as promised. I'll never be able to thank you enough." The other man just gave a soft grunt in response before turning and exiting out of the house into the storm. The door closed with a loud thud, whether it have been from the rude doctor or the wind, no one is certain. The husband couldn't even frown from the actions of the man leaving as he looked at his sons face cradled into his wife, his small, beady eyes looking at his father with fear and curiosity. And love.

"Oh Kenomi.." Tears swelled in her eyes as she rested her head into his chest. "He's everything I imagined him to be.." He smiled down at his wife, kissing her hair as he nuzzled into it, relaxing in it's warm, soft, amber glow and embrace. "I guess that means I win the bet." He smiled softly into her scalp. "I could care less about that bet," she said. "we've been blessed with a beautiful baby boy.."

The husband rose up and petted his wife's hair softly as a yawn creeped out of his mouth, one that grew audible. "We should lay him in the crib so we can get to sleep." She looked down at the infant who had secretly fallen asleep on his mother's chest. She smiled and shook her head, speaking as she gazed down at the baby boy. "I'll just sleep here in the rocker with him, I don't want to get up and wake him." He looked her in the eyes, his gaze flashing of worry for a brief moment. "Do you need anything..?" She smiled and raised her head up, kissing him softly. "I'll be just fine." He nodded before bending down, kissing the crown of his boy. "Goodnight my child, my son.. Kygin..."

Chapter Two: Trials and Tribulations

Childhood for the boy was tough, not because of school, or neighborhood bullies; but training. From the age of four, his father began to train him in the ways of the bone and Taijutsu. He was hard on the boy from day one, training him to strengthen his bones, expel them from his body, shape them into razor sharp points. The boy constantly would cry and run to his mother when he'd get a boo boo. He smiled as she would wave her glowing, blue hand slowly above the boy's wounds and heal them. She began to teach him how to start healing himself; these common visits to his mother proved to be very vital as his training progressed. The Ninjutsu taught him control of his chakra, along with building his strength, while the Taijutsu taught him how to control his body. The combination of both allowed him to condition longer, faster, and harder then many ninja older then him.

Everyday, his father woke him before the sun had risen and would take them running through the village with weights attached around their ankles. Upon arriving home, they would begin their training, which lasted through out the afternoon, sometimes even running late into the evening. They worked on his bones and his Taijutsu technique, along with steadying his breathing, building his muscles with arm and leg weights, and most importantly: combat. Kygin constantly would randori with his father, always trying to out maneuver him or think two steps ahead of him, but his father would stay right with him, countering his moves and throwing ones of his own. His father kept him on his toes, and everyday brought progress to Kygin.

Along with his Shikotsumyaku, Taijutsu, and Ninjutsu, Kygin was also taught how to control the earth and wind elements. His father trained him in earth, showing him how to block weapons, trap his opponents, but mostly to have an open mind about the earth and how he could use it to his advantage. His mother equally taught him the importance of an open mind when it came to wind as well. "It's everywhere, both the earth and the wind." they would say to him. "When you understand this, you will be able to out wit anybody who threatens you. Just think clearly and stay concentrated and nobody will be able to even touch you."

By the age of eight he had already completed the Ninja Academy to become the rank of Genin, quickly followed by his advancement to Chunin when he was just 10 years old. Many watched in awe at the boy as he flew through his competition as though they were nothing. Rumors passed through the crowd like wildfire about him, some as simple as saying he hadn't broken a sweat, others saying he was a monster. Whatever he was, one thing was certain to all those present for the exams: this kid was a force to be reckoned with.

At thirteen he had started going on missions with Anbu and Jounin. Many of his fellow ninja had heard very little about him and looked down on him for being "just a kid". They soon realized this kid had more to offer then most of them as he cut down his opponents quickly and quietly, with such grace and precision that their own jaws hung slightly ajar as they watched him. They were even more surprised when they found out he had heavy weights attached to himself during the missions, which he didn't take off, even after the mission was completed.

When he turned fifteen, he was approved to go on A and S rank missions alone, which was the way he liked it. Teams, to him, meant there was the possibility of more casualties. He couldn't stand it when a ninja in his squad was killed; it mad him feel guilty and question his own strength. He would constantly sit and meditate in his room when this would happen, wondering what he could have done to prevent it from happening. As time went on, he realized though that it was their own fault and that he should feel no guilt for it. It still saddened him though as he watched his comrades get carried off the battlefield, a white sheet hanging over their body as they were taken back home to be laid to rest.

Kygin, now seventeen, was returning to HQ after a secret mission. The Kazekage was outside leaning next to the door, waiting for him. Kygin bowed in his respects before rising. "Kazekage, for what do I owe the honor of your presence?" The Kazekage shook his head. "It is I who owes you a great debt of gratitude. For your service to our village, I'd like to present you with this." He extended his hand out, a shimmering gold medal sitting sternly in his palm, the emblem of the Sand village etched into the plate. "A Medal of Valor. Congratulations Kygin, and thank you for all that you've done for our people." Kygin bowed his head as the Kazekage slipped the medal around his neck. "Thank you Master Kazekage, it is an honor and a privilege." He bowed again, as did the Kazekage, before they went their separate ways.

Kygin practically smiled all the way home; he was eager to show his parents the medal that sat against his chest. As he turned the door handle and opened the door, the smell of copper flooded out of the doorway. Furniture was flung about the house, blood splattered across the walls. He fell dead silent as he quietly explored the trashed house. As he looked down the hall, he realized his parents room door was cracked open. He made his way down the hall to the door and tried to peer into the crack or see if he heard anything. The silence was deafening. He slowly pushed the door open, and as he did, he saw his mother cradling his father in a pool of blood, slowly petting his hair. "Mom..."

She turned her head and looked up at him, her eyes bloodshot and stained with tears. Fresh tears filled her eyes as she embraced him. "Kygin..." Her sobs choked in her throat. "Your Dad... he did all that he could, but..." She buried her head into him as his shoulder grew damp. "They came out of nowhere... he tried fighting them off, tried telling me to run, but I couldn't... I fought back, but we were no match for them..." She looked up into his eyes. "Kygin, you must stop them, before it's too late..." She began to cough violently, blood saturating into his clothes as he slowly laid her down. "Who did this Mom?" His voice was thick with anger and sadness, fighting back his own tears to concentrate on her voice as he held her head up. Magic was the last word she whispered out before her head fell back, her body still. He laid down his mother and stood in the room, looking down at his deceased parents. He vowed then to find whoever had done this and make them pay ten fold. "I promise, you will have not died in vain..." He walked outside and closed the front door behind him. He looked down at the medal he was so proud of just a few moments before, it's face was streaked with blood from his mother. He squinted some as he took the medal and hung it on the door handle, knowing this would be his last time here. "I hope they understand..." He started walking to began his search for those who took his life away.

Chapter Three: Present

It has been five long, blood filled years for Kygin and his quest. He has learned those who killed his parents use magic, which he also learned was used long before Ninjutsu was around. He still does not know why his parents were killed or who killed them, but he is constantly looking for answers. His vow to his parents has kept him strong and patient, training everyday as he did since he was just a child. He is constantly pushing himself to become stronger, so that when the day comes, he will be ready for those who have made him who he is.

Specialty: Taijutsu, Medical
Learned Jutsus:
Elements: D-Earth R-Wind
Weapons: Shiboo, Hand Tag Dispenser
Goals: Revenge

Last edited by Kygin on Mon Jun 22, 2009 9:02 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Join date : 2009-06-13
Age : 31

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Kygin Kaguya (Updated) Empty Re: Kygin Kaguya (Updated)

Post by Aki Sun Jun 21, 2009 9:02 pm

You meet the requirements, but I'm not sure about the Kaguya Clan's bloodline, so I'd get another mod/admin to look at this.

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Kygin Kaguya (Updated) Empty Re: Kygin Kaguya (Updated)

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Mon Jun 22, 2009 5:07 pm

approved unless said otherwise
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
S-Ranked Missing-Nin
S-Ranked Missing-Nin

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