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Xavier Aitou (updated)

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Xavier Aitou (updated) Empty Xavier Aitou (updated)

Post by Xavier Sat Jun 20, 2009 8:32 pm

Name: Xavier Aitou

Age: 24

Bloodline: Aito, Nenshou-mune (if its approved)

Alignment: Neutral (for now, idk lol)

Appearance: Xavier has long black hair, Its length halfway down his back. He wears jeans with several belts snaking down his legs, some studs on certain sections. He wears dark color shirts covered by what ever he deems necessary.
He has an affinity for the color combination of black and white, he often wears something with a black and white checked pattern on it. He usually wears boots of different types, combat boots, normal boots, studded boots, they change depending on the situation. His eyes are a deep green almost emerald like.

Personality: Hes cold and analyzing, but can range from carefree to anything covering the emotional spectrum. He can be enraged easily if his family is brought up. This stems from the fact that his father had abused him after his mother died during child birth. He hates to see families together out of a type of jealousy.

History: (ill do this in a story like form)

~Genein/Early Chapter~

The clan known as the Aito clan was a cold, War torn, and blood thirsty clan. It was one of high status. This was until a few years after Xaris Aito gained control of it. He went on a warpath whenever he seemed to feel like it. He was random, He was what besmirched the clans name.

One lovely semi war later he decided to take a prisoner he had gained, and make a wife out of her. Her name was Tori (meaning bird). She wasn't a mean person and before she was taken as a slave for the family had a good life. things looked up for her.

after nine long months of abuse, she finally gave birth to Xavier. The stress had taken all of her energy. She, That day, Breathed her last breath as she cursed the clans name. He was in his fathers arms the day they buried his mother. He was raised to not know her at all.

His father to carry on the families rule raised him to be uncaring, cold, crushing and by no other name, the spawn of a devil long lost.

As he had gone up the ranks, genin had reached at the age of 5, he was an emotionless warrior. He could kill and not feel any regret to the act. His tutors slightly feared him. not only because of his father was the leader of the clan and on his way of destroying the village, but because of the raw talent that was hidden inside the shell of a boy.

he went through the academy soon there after, his father decided it was time after one of the tutors had "disappeared". He went through the academy acquiring the most basic ninjutsu. He had mastered them most within a week. nothing came hard to him. he made no friends at all until his graduation day when a girl had approached him. He had no idea what her actual desires were at that point in time. At the actual ceremony his father had no appreciation and didn't even mean to show up.

an emotion was starting to build in him. he began after that to work on molding his chakra. making a jutsu of his own. He soon after found out that his elemental affinity had become so outright that his first just u was simple enough to be used at his basic level.

the more his father got angry at him. the worse his emotions got.

soon after graduation and perfecting his first jutsu, his fathers anger at him had raised to a boil. he had struck him, not once but several times. The fear in his body was something he wasn't accustomed to at all. he didn't say anything about it to his new friend.

he couldn't tell her, no matter what. she eventually found out due to the severe bruising had shown up to his chest, neck, arms, and anything else you could imagine. She had told him how that wasn't right. How nothing was supposed to hurt him, how his father was wrong.

After years of training he had made his jutsu into a perfect weapon against his father. he had dreamed of it for so long. Now being at the age or 13 he stormed into his fathers study. He had anger in his eyes, no more than that he had anger in his soul. His entire being burned. He simply noticed that his dad was Asleep. Nothing had compared to this moment. his eyes started to fill to the brim with tears as his hand was engulfed in fire. he simply brought 2 fingers across his fathers throat as he slept.

his father and suddenly screamed. He then went silent as the wound had been sealed shut, a crushing thing had been slipped into the wound. A small amount of plasma, burning extremely hot. it was like napalm, just not nearly as destroying at this level. but it was a shock enough to take his fathers life.

~Chunin chapter~

He started his training with 2 minor genin who had looked up to him in the village. he was a few years older then them. His uncle was their jounin. he had also taken over the family after The clans leader had been, burned from the inside out by unknown reasons. He didnt muych care for those 2, they were weak and by no means able to help him on his quest. He neede more power, he had been adding onto his origional jutsu, and making another. But he needed an extra little..Kicker. He decided to go into the Puppeteers guild that had been long rooted int his home village, it wen back many years to an old puppetmaster by the name of Avion Sayris. He was a legend. Long gone or so the rumors went.

Finding th eoldest, and most respected member, he began to train in puppetry. He had gained his forst puppet after a long trainig bout against the master. He was tired and his puppet was basic. there were only 2 weapons, a single kunai launcher, and a poison gas bomb in the head. He needed the upper hand, he didnt know how but eventually he got to the point of frustration and the master saw that and ended the fight at that point knowing that if he got frustrated enough his temper would end it.

After 2 weeks, the chunin exams the next day, the Lead puppeteer hands him a scroll and in it are 3 puppets, a defensive one, a capture one, and an attack one, they were all simple he said and could be added to if Xavier saw the need. He bowed and showed his respect making a small smile crawl across the elders lips.

The exams had begun the very next day, no one knew about his puppetry training. he had a buy to the second part of the exam due to his high status in the clan and every village knew he would have passed it with flying colors. The other members of his team were less adept in their abilities and thus they failed miserably. this had pissed him off. he needed to go on and in the second part of the exam the rest of the candidates were thrust into the wilderness, an giant labyrinth that was rumored to destroy not only the bodies of those who entered but also the minds of who entered. he walked through killing all in his way heir screams had awoken something inside of him, it was his families blood thirst.

He enjoyed their screams, the anguish as their final bit of hope was ripped from their still beating chests. He didn't discriminate to who he killed, men, women, boys, girls, they all had challenged him in his mind. They had all wronged him in the begining by challenging him. Alot were cocky, some had begged for their lives as their throats had been slit. Their choking screams were muffled by their own blood. He had smirked as some defied him and tried to run, they had gotten it worse than most. the cowards could never escape his judgment.

several lucky ones had gotten through the maze of blood and the dead All to his dismay because he wanted to simply be chunin. the 3rd part had started, a full out blood filled battle royal. It came as no surprise that he was one of the last 2. his opponent was nothing compared to him. his eyes were bloodshot with his thirst for blood.

~Jounin Rank~

He was now a chunin, an emptiness was now filling his very being, he had nothing left to live for, his family didn't want him, he was a disgrace to the clan. He could only go forward now. He decided to go for jounin rank. Nothing held any importance to him. he was now 17 years old. It has been 4 years since the death of his father and nothing he knew mattered to anyone. That was before she had come into his life again.

a year after he had taken the chunin rank, the one who had givin him his emotions back became chunin as well. She had tracked him down over the few months afterward. and she began talking to him once again. They began to get closer. he could finally have something to live for again.

Her name was Amaterasu, Ammy for short, she was starting to show him how to get rid of his insatiable blood lust. She had began to teach him that emotion is actually a useful tool in the ninja world. He began to understand everything that had happened to him in his past. She had opened his eyes. He began to feel compassion, Happiness, and better yet, something he was completely used to. Love.

he had began to get closer and closer to her. Nothing had filled him with so many feelings of happiness, and he was filled with the feeling of being content. He also began to, dare he think it, Love her. he had found someone to believe in, someone who could bring out his best. No one could ever take that away from him. It was her idea to finally take the test to become a jounin, he had had his fair amount of missions. He was more that ready for it. It was unluck that he would have to take on his jounin leader, otherwise known as his uncle.

It was the day of his trial for jounin. He had to challenge his uncle. His uncle despised him for letting his blood lust take over in the chunin. He was unimaginably fast, his uncle knew what he was doing, nothing had ever been so hard, he began to feel his blood lust take over slowly. he began to get more reckless. and during the battle he unveiled something that he had been working on for quite a long time. he used a new jutsu. it manifested in the form of a puppet. Something new to his clan. they had never had to fight a puppet before. It was what was once called a "loaded puppet".

the puppet was an odd one, it had several marking along the head. Its arms had several immovable saw blades alont the outside of it and what seemed to be razorblades on the inside.. its body was empty all except for the mass of poisoness tags, something that he developed on his own, these tags were able to expell massive ammounts of poison in a forward area due to the way the puppet was made, easy to dodge but a nasty surprise.

this puppet had surprised his uncle enough to give Xavier the upper hand. Nothing had ever done so at that point in tim. the puppet had assaulted him with a flurry of kunai and poisoness gas. And as his uncle began to get tired with dodging he began to attack. he was relentless and his puppet was destroyed easily. He didnt want to rebuild that puppet, it had angered him. He was starting to notice that his blood lust was begining to be easily controlled. He wondered why for a blink of an eye before he saw his chance.he had pulled together barely enough chakra and summoned his first technique he ever made. this time molding it into a new shape, it was in the form of a long, needle like shape. it was a burning piece of plasma.

As his uncle had struck him he tossed in through his sternum. the needle blazed into him. it Passed through the bone, nicked the heart that lied underneath, and blew him back about 10 feet. Nothing had prepared his uncle for the carnage that was happening through the small cauterized hole in his chest. The cloth around the would was on fire, there was no blood. The wound had been closed by the immense heat and there was now a small hole in his uncles heart.

that was the end of the match. He had one. He was at the brink of exhaustion tough, he had used a lot of chakra already. His body collapsed as an image began to run towards him. He blacked out. the next thing he knew he woke up in the medical center and Ammy was asleep in the chair next to him. He could feel a smile crawl over his lips softly. after the events of this, his emotions, the deaths, the abilities he had woken up. nothing seemed so perfect. Until he had to leave the village, he moved to Kusagakure.

he didn't know much about this village, all he knew was that he would be welcomed there for some odd reason.

Speciality: Puppetry, Medical
Learned jutsus: Plasma touch, Plasma Senbon, Puppetmaster jutsu.
Elements: Fire, and lightning (used in his clan as a kekegenkai.) and a 3rd unknown one (the kekegenkai i will try to get approved)
Weapons/items: The 3 puppets givin to him by the elder of his old village.
Goals: To prove to the world anyone can crush anything in front of them.

Last edited by Xavier on Tue Jun 23, 2009 12:53 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : To update his history)


Posts : 15
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Join date : 2009-06-20

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Xavier Aitou (updated) Empty Re: Xavier Aitou (updated)

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Mon Jun 22, 2009 6:10 pm

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Kyouken Uchiha
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Xavier Aitou (updated) Empty Re: Xavier Aitou (updated)

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Mon Jun 22, 2009 6:10 pm

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Kyouken Uchiha
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Post by Xavier Tue Jun 23, 2009 1:01 pm



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