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Suihou Fizz (Updated 6/12/09)

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Suihou Fizz (Updated 6/12/09) Empty Suihou Fizz (Updated 6/12/09)

Post by Fizz Thu Dec 18, 2008 11:50 pm

Name: Fizz Suihou (Suihou Fizu if you prefer Japanese, hahah)

Age: 16

Bloodline: Suihou

Official Rank: Jounin

Classification: Jounin

Village: Takigakure (Hidden Waterfall)

Alignment: Fizz is and always will be on the side of good, usually obeying the rules whenever applicable.

Appearance: Fizz weighs in at about 150 pounds, at a height of 6 feet (hair included). He's a healthy skinny, with some muscle to him; not buff by any means, but he IS a ninja. He gets his exercise. Fizz has deep blue eyes (a common Suihou trait) and black hair, which is kept in large spikes, almost looking like a thunderbolt. One spike curves down in front of him slightly to his right, but not in the way of his eyesight. Fizz wears a bright blue t-shirt with a white-and-black spiral shape on the chest, similar to the whirlpool pattern on the back of Konoha-nin flak jackets (white background instead of red). Over this he wears a two-tone short-sleeved jacket, again white and black. The top section is white, and goes down to the middle of the torso, where the rest is black. The colors meet in a wavy, curvy pattern, similar to the Pepsi logo or a yin-yang. On the front and back, the black part has three white circles, and the white has three black circles, adding to the yin-yang look, but also making a bubble pattern. A zipper runs down the front of the jacket, which is usually kept open. On the collar of the jacket is his Hidden Waterfall headband-plate in two halves; a clicking-together mechanism is in the metal to close the jacket's collar and complete the plate when fully zipped up. The inside of the jacket contains an intricate seal that has been sewn in, containing a small portion of his village's Great Waterfall (the seal cannot be activated on accident, so Fizz doesn't fear death by Waterfall). For pants, Fizz wears a pair of blue shorts that go down to his knees, and on the right leg is a black kunai pouch over white bandage very similar to what Leaf shinobi wear. On his hands, Fizz wears a pair of black, fingerless gloves; on his feet, he wears a pair of standard black open-toed ninja shoes.

Personality: Fizz is... An odd one. He is extremely lighthearted, and a big optimist. Although he doesn't like to do work (at all), he takes his ninja training seriously, willing to put in effort to learn new techniques. He believes laughter to be the best medicine, so even in dire situations Fizz is the one to make a joke, and is always the one trying to cheer people up. When around friends, he gets a lot more energetic and hyper, the more people the more spastic. Counter to this however, is a calm and collected side. If someone's trying to harm his friends, he will show a maturity level higher than normal, usually trying to talk his way out of the situation. If all else fails, he is a shinobi, after all, and he will fight if he must. Even though Fizz acts crazy sometimes, he is actually very intelligent and a fantastic puzzle-solver; he just doesn't show it very much.

History: In the heart of the Waterfall Village, southern part of town (left side of the Great Bridge), was a little district where the Suihou Clan lived. It was a pretty shady part of town; that is to say, the gigantic tree leaves keeping the village hidden from view didn't let a whole lot of sunlight in. It was actually a really nice place, full of friendly people. It was in this little part of Takigakure that a boy named Fizz was born. It wasn't the most traditional name; he had a bubbly personality, and even though a name like "Awa" or "Tansan", even "Ramune" could have fit (all associated with soda), Fizz's parents wanted a little more of an exotic name. "Fizu" was the name of a little water elemental creature in a series of stories the boy's father had read, "Fizz" when translated; it healed its master in the story, and while Fizz wouldn't grow up to be a healer, Fizz's parents hoped he would be of great help to the world.

A few months after his birth, neighbors and relatives noted that, like a few other Suihou Clan members around Takigakure, Fizz had a darker blue color to his eyes than those of the regular villagers. While they weren't sure at first, his parents speculated that he may have the rare Kekkei Genkai of the clan: the Aiirogan. When Fizz was old enough to speak fluently, he claimed that sometimes he would go blind. This startled the his parents at first, but after some questions about it, Fizz said he saw "pretty colors where people and stuff were". This not only reassured them that Fizz was normal, but also cemented the fact that he was blessed with the Indigo Eye doujutsu. For the next few years, Fizz would have regular training in this, learning what auras and chakra were, and how to activate his Aiirogan of his own accord. The world would go dark, except for chakra. He could see the chakra glowing, radiating off of people. He could see the natural elements in their purest form: the soft blue glow around the lake Takigakure was built around... The little flits of green flying through the air as a breeze passed by... The lavender sparks jumping around the clouds on a stormy day. Then, as he deactivated his eyes, all the daylight would flood back in, returning his vision to how the average person saw it. It was an extraordinary ability, and it would lock him into a warrior's destiny. Along with Doujutsu training, Fizz would be adding Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, and Genjutsu training to his schedule. He was to be a shinobi.

That's not to say Fizz was good at all of these. His Genjutsu abilities were... Lacking, to say the least. Although he could fairly easily tell when a classmate had him under a spell, he had a hard time making a convincing illusion. Taijutsu training was pretty tough, too. Fizz was precise in his moves... He could learn them fairly easily... But when it came to actual combat, Fizz was an average fighter. His time to shine came, however, when he was introduced to Ninjutsu. Fizz was near the top of his class with molding his chakra, and the ninja techniques simply came naturally to him. He was one of the first kids in his class to learn to walk on water, and he could even grab shuriken out of the air by shielding his hand with chakra (this trick took a bit of practice though; he still has a couple scars). He even showed a natural affinity to using his elemental chakra, Suiton. Once he was taught to differentiate water chakra from his normal chakra, he learned and used Water Techniques on the same level as his regular Jutsu.

At this time Fizz was around 13 years old, well into being Genin rank. He had grown to be quite the Waterfall Shinobi, but soon he would try to take the next step. The Waterfall Village Leader had experienced Fizz's abilities many times throughout the missions he'd done, and decided to recommend him in the upcoming Chuunin Exam. Fizz was ecstatic; all his hard work was finally going to pay off! Alas, things would not go exactly as planned... Even though he was able to make it to the tournament stage, Fizz was defeated within the first few rounds, and was not promoted. Determined to do better the next time, he skipped the next couple years' exams to further train and complete missions.

After a long period of training, Fizz returned to the Chuunin Examination scene. This time, he was armed with a new arsenal of techniques, and was even more confident in his abilities. Now 15 years of age, Fizz was able to conquer the exams' tests with flying colors. Rather than an early knockout, Fizz made it to the finals before being defeated. As the exams go though, winning the entire tournament does not guarantee a rank-up, nor does losing condemn one from a promotion. Fizz impressed the judges with his prowess as a Shinobi, and became the only Taki-Nin that testing season to become a Chuunin.

Fizz led several missions after this, proving his worth as a Chuunin. He kept training, eventually developing his Water Blade techniques into a fighting style of his own. Before long however, Fizz realized there was only so much training he could do with the Waterfall Village. In order to learn more and improve upon his abilities, he decided to sail overseas in search of new styles and teachings. After a year-and-a-half of travelling, his journey took him back home to the Waterfall Country, where a surprising gift was waiting for him: A promotion. Fizz was now a Jounin-rank ninja, following in the footsteps of the rest of his generation of the young prodigies. One more Jounin was exactly what the Waterfall needed; a mysterious new threat had come to the land of the Ninja, and Fizz could sense that war would soon come once again. As a Shinobi, there would be no way to avoid getting caught up in the storm...

Speciality: Fizz's specialty lies in his adeptness for Water Ninjutsu, as well as his control over chakra.

Learned jutsus:
Water Blade Line - With a talent for using Hidden Waterfall Style: Water Slicing Blade fairly well, Fizz has also adapted the technique for two higher levels: Water Storming Blade and Water Shining Blade.
Froth Spiral - An original water jutsu invented by Fizz; it uses chakra-charged bubbles to attack.
Water Veil & Water Purification - Supplementary techniques that have secondary functions of protecting against Fire and Lightning element attacks respectively.
Aura Sight - The Aiirogan's ability to see elemental chakra.
Doujutsu Cancel - One of Fizz's highly coveted techniques; the Aiirogan's ability to cancel other Doujutsus

Elements: Dominant: Suiton (Water); Recessive: Unknown

Weapons/items: Fizz's jacket contains a few pouches and slots for scrolls, kunai, or anything else important enough to keep right next to him. The seal emblazoned on the inside back is used to seal large quantities of water inside, specifically a practical stand-in for the Great Waterfall Scroll of Takigakure.

As well, Fizz has a set of ten elemental Kunai given to him by a good friend and weaponsmith, one pair for each of the five elements. The kunai are each fitted with a chakra amber core and tip, allowing them to retain an elemental affinity of their own, partially taking on properties normally associated with the element.

Goals: Fizz's only real goals are to become a better Ninja, and better the lives of those around him. He tries to help anyone he can along this path, as long as they are not an enemy.

Last edited by Fizz on Fri Jun 26, 2009 7:26 pm; edited 8 times in total


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Join date : 2008-12-15

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Suihou Fizz (Updated 6/12/09) Empty Re: Suihou Fizz (Updated 6/12/09)

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Thu Dec 18, 2008 11:53 pm

Very nice, approved
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Suihou Fizz (Updated 6/12/09) Empty Re: Suihou Fizz (Updated 6/12/09)

Post by Fizz Fri Mar 06, 2009 1:16 am

I updated my rank and history for the recent events pertaining the Waterfall Village, as well as adding some new lines for the new format. Kaji gave me permission to be promoted to Chuunin in the chat, dunno if he needs to post here for that or not.

Also, not sure how "Classification" is supposed to work, lol... Maybe someone can help? XD


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Suihou Fizz (Updated 6/12/09) Empty Re: Suihou Fizz (Updated 6/12/09)

Post by Kenshi Fri Mar 06, 2009 7:47 am

Nice, approved, I'd class you as jounin.


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Suihou Fizz (Updated 6/12/09) Empty Re: Suihou Fizz (Updated 6/12/09)

Post by Fizz Fri Jun 12, 2009 3:10 am


I updated my history for the current story arc. The last time I updated, I had the Taki destruction story... As I didn't really do much RPing when that happened, I decided to scrap it in favor of this story. Hope that's okay, hahah...

Oh, one more thing, should my Classification have a letter grade, or is it fine how it is?


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