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Tenchi Kami Updated

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Tenchi Kami Updated Empty Tenchi Kami Updated

Post by Dean Tue Jun 09, 2009 5:44 pm

Name: Kami, Tenchi

Age: 14

Bloodline: None

Rank: Chunnin
Classification: Chunnin
Village: Kohonagakure no Sato
Alignment: Good


Personality:He is ususally very nice and has a nice out look on the world. He tries to make the best of things even when times are bad. He can make friends easy but He is alittle overwhelming sometimes with his niceness. When backed in a corner or when he's in a feirce battle my mood changes so he can better protect hisself. When he is like this he will not hesitate to kill if he can't get a hang on hisself. He will protect anyone who needs my help. He is also very logical but when he get angery he lose all of that.

History: Birth/Childhood Arc:

Tenchi Kami was born Oct. 15th on a nice cool fall day. His parents cuddled him, and loved him very much. He loved the attention that he recieved from his parents, but after a while he got used to it and wanted more. So, basically he was a spoiled little brat with a human nature craving always for more. So, this brings us up through to his childhood.

Well when he was growing up he was nurtured and babied. He thought that in a way the planets and everything else revolved around him. He got just about anything he could want, but he was never satisfied with what he had. Then one day when he was 6 that was all turned up side down. One day during a mission his father was killed. Hours later the village had recieved the letter that his dad was dead. His mom turned hysterical and went sort of nuts.

Later that day she went to she the Hokage about what had happened and demanded a mission to get revenge on whoever had killed her husband. The Hokage had told her no because she wasn't sure about the strength of the ninja and she couldn't waste percious ninja resourses. Most of all though she knew that all Tenchi had left was his mother. Then the Hokage told her to go home, rest, and they could talk about this later. She herself was a Jounin in the village and wanted revenge for the death of my dad and went out of the village to kill the person who had killed my own father. After she left the Hokage was very angry with her knowing that she had disobayed his orders.

An hour after she left the Hokage sent out a recovery party to recover my mother before she made anymore stupid decisions. The party was to late. His mother was found slaughtered on the ground by my father and the squad he was with. The next day after their bodies arrived back in town they buried them and they had a funeral. He was there knowing that He would never see them ever again and he wished that he had them back. This didn't happen and it changed him a lot. He was crushed for years after that event. He had relised that he wasn't the center of the universe anymore.

He had become less selfish and decided he should serve his village and protect as many people as he could. He then entered the academy at the age of 8 and trained in the ways of the ninja to gain the power he needed to protect as many people as he could. As he aged he met many new ninja and people training to be ninja. He quickly made friends with most of those people while still gaining power. Finally at the age of 12 he graduated the academy and became a ninja at the rank of genin.

Training Arc

After he graduated from the academy and became a genin he got in to many fights. The first was with a mysterious girl by the name of Nasamea. They had a good little match and they started kind of a little rivalry. Tenchi wouldn't see her later till the Chuunin exams (Will add later because this is sort of happening ATM). After that he good in to a little bout a round 2 monthes later with a new genin by the name of Ryoko. They had a good little spar, too, but Ryoko wasn't really a match for him.

Something though very strange happened during the fight. As he was fighting he had a creepy feeling that someone powerful was watching him. It was like the person's chakra was all around him. It was so intense that it made him quiver a little. Well fast forwarding through the fight as he was walking away he had spotted the source of the power. It was a white haired looking waundering ninja watching their little spar. Soon after they talked and he offered to train him, and Tenchi happily agreed to recieve the training from the ninja even though he didn't know his name.

Two days later it came time for his new sensei to pick him up and Tenchi was left standing at the gate for many hours. He was fairly unhappy when his sensei came to get him. He smelled lightly of alchohol, which made him even a little angrier. Though after that he asked his sensei about his name, and his sensei said that he wanted Tenchi to cut off some of his hair. This is when the training started. During the lesson he figured out the purpose of it which was to find the simplest way to win. He simply asked his sensei for his name and he told him it was simply Ginko.

Tenchi went through Ginkos training of 3 more lessons until it was time for the Chunnin Exams. The second one was to work on a technique that Ginko had created hisself called Dai Shikon. Though, Tenchi had improved on the technique by the time the lesson was over. Instead of using raw chakra he used wind chakra with the technique. This made the technque even more destructive, and instead of being ranked as a B ranked technique, it was now ranked as an A ranked technique.

The 3rd lesson was to test Tenchi on his speed. Ginko and him ran for a long distance to see how fast he could get. Though Ginko saw the boy's speed as slow. He thought of it just being regular Genin speed. This prompted Ginko for his 4th and final lesson before the Chunnin Exams. Ginko knew the Chunnin Exams were close and he had to do something about Tenchi's speed and strength before it happened.

Tenchi had no idea what pain he was going to have the morning of the first lesson. They had waken up earlier than normal, before dawn, and Ginko explained what this lesson was going to be. The lesson wasn't really a lesson at all though, it was more of a medical sugery than anything. Ginko had given Tenchi his own muscle. Soon after the surgery most of his muscle was transformed into muscle like Ginko's muscle. Tenchi gained more strength and speed than he ever could have imagined. After the surgery, Ginko and Tenchi fought, and Ginko became crazed looking like he was ready to eat Tenchi's soul or something. Soon after his sensei calmed down. Also Tenchi had received a very well made sword from Ginko during the fight by the name of Gufuu.

Chunnin Exam Arc

The Chunnin Exams started, and Tenchi was ready for them. The day the exams started, he ran there because he was a little late because of the training from Ginko. He arrived soon though, to sign up for the exams because of the speed boost from the muscles that Ginko had transplanted into him. He arrived at the first exam only to find out that there wasn't going to be one held. He had been put with a team of 2 huuyga, and they ran off to the forest awaiting the 2nd Exam's start. Tenchi had plans for the exams though, he had decided to team up with Nasamea and her team, but afterwards he found out about a very powerful team's plot to take Nasamea's team out. He decided to bail on the plan, and just look after him and his team. The rest of the exam and the the next were easy for him to do, and he became a Chunnin. (We all know what happened)

From this day on all he knows is what he must do to complete his goals. As most people know we look to the past to predict the future and prevent any mistakes we have made.

Speciality: Kenjutsu, Taijutsu
Learned jutsus:Dai Shikon
Elements: D: Wind
R: Fire
Weapons/items: Gufuu
Goals: To become a powerful ninja.

Last edited by Dean on Sat Jun 20, 2009 5:45 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Join date : 2008-11-23

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Tenchi Kami Updated Empty Re: Tenchi Kami Updated

Post by Aki Wed Jun 10, 2009 2:42 pm


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Tenchi Kami Updated Empty Re: Tenchi Kami Updated

Post by Dean Sat Jun 20, 2009 5:46 pm


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Join date : 2008-11-23

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Tenchi Kami Updated Empty Re: Tenchi Kami Updated

Post by Aki Sat Jun 20, 2009 8:02 pm

Mmk Approved seeing as you're updating because of CEs.

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Join date : 2008-12-13
Age : 31
Location : I don't know anymore....

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