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Sendo trains with Ippin one on one, The unveiling of "The art of Blood"

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Sendo trains with Ippin one on one, The unveiling of "The art of Blood" Empty Sendo trains with Ippin one on one, The unveiling of "The art of Blood"

Post by Guest Sat Dec 06, 2008 11:14 pm

Sendo awaited Ippin in the training grounds. He was ready to figure out what had happened to him at the beggining of their team training. It seemed he was able to contol whether he bled or not. Sendo hoped like hell that this was the case, for it would give him a large advantage. Of course had no idea what was in store for him this day. His life would begin to change today. He would gain multiple new tehcnhiques, and a new mentality that would begin slowly at first, and progress into utter madness. He had no way of knowing this. For now he was just content to learn and in the fact that he had beaten Ippin to the training field.


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Sendo trains with Ippin one on one, The unveiling of "The art of Blood" Empty Re: Sendo trains with Ippin one on one, The unveiling of "The art of Blood"

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sun Dec 07, 2008 1:36 am

A dishreveled Ippin walked towards sendo very tired and his eyepatch hanging loosly from his face he fell onto a rock and groaned slightly remebering the time he had with the hokage and the kazekage.

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Sendo trains with Ippin one on one, The unveiling of "The art of Blood" Empty Re: Sendo trains with Ippin one on one, The unveiling of "The art of Blood"

Post by Guest Sun Dec 07, 2008 1:44 am

Sendo watched as his sensei approached. His smile instantly dropped, he could tell something was wrong. He rushed over so Ippin would not have to walk farther than neccesary. He helped his sensei sit down, and then leaned him back so he was lieing flat. Sendo was concerned. He ahd formed an affection for Ippin during their first encounter as Sensei and student. "What's wrong sensei," he asked with genuine concern.


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Sendo trains with Ippin one on one, The unveiling of "The art of Blood" Empty Re: Sendo trains with Ippin one on one, The unveiling of "The art of Blood"

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sun Dec 07, 2008 1:51 am

Ippin groaned and then with a chuckle he said "Well i just spent a while with the kazekage and the hokage and it ended up with me getting drunk and well you can figure out the rest." Ippin said as he tightened his headband up blocking the sun and pulling out a pill for his headache and swallowing it. "Now lets get started" ippin said jumping up and then instantly falling forward.

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Sendo trains with Ippin one on one, The unveiling of "The art of Blood" Empty Re: Sendo trains with Ippin one on one, The unveiling of "The art of Blood"

Post by Guest Sun Dec 07, 2008 2:37 am

Sendo looked confused. One moment Ippin had been woozy and drunk, and the next he seemed ready to go. Sendo had to admire his senseis determination to teach him. He also kind of felt pride in the fact that this was all being done for him. Granted it was also for the benefit of the leaf village, but Sendo couldn't help but feel a small bit of pride. He got up as well and looked at Ippin hard. "How are we going to do this," he asked, "do you want me to cut myself again?"


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Sendo trains with Ippin one on one, The unveiling of "The art of Blood" Empty Re: Sendo trains with Ippin one on one, The unveiling of "The art of Blood"

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sun Dec 07, 2008 2:49 am

Ippin caught himself and he then sat down and said "Well first of all you need knowledge to use your power now please take a seat so i can tell you"

OOc: Yah i dont know the history of the clan so just use ippin in your next post and explain it etc.

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Sendo trains with Ippin one on one, The unveiling of "The art of Blood" Empty Re: Sendo trains with Ippin one on one, The unveiling of "The art of Blood"

Post by Guest Sun Dec 07, 2008 3:19 am

Sendo swiftly took back his seat eager to learn more about himself. Ippin began to speak, "Everything I know, I learned from the Kazekage himself not so long ago." He puased and took a deep breath. Sendo shivered with anticipation. "You have an extremely rare ability Sendo, so rare in fact that it is a Kekkei Genkai, a bloodline limit. You will probably never meet anyone else of your family for they are a clan secluded from the rest of the world. Only Taku knows of their whereabouts. It is still unknown how you got here, but that is irrelevant. Your clan has the abbility to completely manipulae your blood, including how fast your blood cells replicate. You have a grand advantage over most ninja. Your clan also has the ability to enter a state of complete Euphoria, where you feel no pain, and yet you will remain clear headed. The finaly ability of your clan concerns the two elemnts you can use, lightning and water." Ippin stopped. He jsut realized that Sendo was only a genin and could already wield two elements, odd. "You can manipulate these two elements into a single elemnt, Acid." He let it all sink in for Sendo who did not reply. Ippin withdrew a scroll from his pocket. The kazekage had given him this, it contained a detailed list of all the jutsu Sendo could learn pertaining to his clan, as far as Taku knew anyway. "This is what we will be working on."

OOC: Your show Kaji. Lets start by teaching sendo how to manipulate his blood flow.


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Sendo trains with Ippin one on one, The unveiling of "The art of Blood" Empty Re: Sendo trains with Ippin one on one, The unveiling of "The art of Blood"

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sun Dec 07, 2008 11:39 am

Ippin sighed now that it was over with the history it was time to start. Ippin broke the seal on the scoll and opened it. He then looked over the scroll and said "Ok first off cut your finger and let yourself bleed. Then try and stop it just by concentrating on not bleeding." Ippin sighed today was most likely going to be a long day.

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Sendo trains with Ippin one on one, The unveiling of "The art of Blood" Empty Re: Sendo trains with Ippin one on one, The unveiling of "The art of Blood"

Post by Guest Mon Dec 08, 2008 11:29 am

Sendo withdrew a kunai from his belt and split his finger as he did during their teams training the previous day. Only this time, it was intentional. Blodd began pouring from the wound. Normaly, Sendo would place his hand palm up, allowing gravity to keep the blood in his hand better, but for the purposes of this training, he placed it out infront of him, palm down, giving it the opposite effect. This way they could tell better if Sendo was getting a knack for his abbilities. Sendo looked calmly at Ippin and began to concentrate. Stop, he willed it, concentrating with all his might. His face began to turn red as his continuous strain ended with failed attempts. After a moment he realized what he was doing wrong. Yesterday, he had camlmly thought it would be great if the blood would stop. Today he was trying to hard. To do it, he needed to stop trying and just do it. A difficult concept for some, but not for Sendo. He relaxed and simply began to think about the blood stoping, instead of actualy trying to stop it. To his amazement, the blood quit its flow. "I did it Ippin," he said with glee.


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Sendo trains with Ippin one on one, The unveiling of "The art of Blood" Empty Re: Sendo trains with Ippin one on one, The unveiling of "The art of Blood"

Post by Kaji-Kanto Mon Dec 08, 2008 6:10 pm

Ippin smiled and then looked at the scroll and then gave sendo a bandage for him. Ippin then looked at the scroll and sighed it was time to hurt himself for the sack of sendo. He yawned and showed sendo the scroll wich showed the handsigns needed and how to concentrate to perform the jutsu's.

While sendo looked over the scroll, Ippin pulled out his diamond kunai and cut his hand open allowing sendo the opening to use the jutsu. Ippin smirked waiting for the pain that he was about to feel. He then stated "Dont worry sendo you wont hurt me just try your best and get this right."

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Sendo trains with Ippin one on one, The unveiling of "The art of Blood" Empty Re: Sendo trains with Ippin one on one, The unveiling of "The art of Blood"

Post by Guest Wed Dec 10, 2008 9:33 pm

Sendo caught the scroll and looked it up and down. The first jutsu on the list was Hemo Acidosis. He read its effects and his eyse got wide. This jutsu would do a lot of harm against Ippin, especially after he was just going to allow Sendo to do it. True he was only a genin, but this attack was purely simple, even if it was capable of supreme power over the enemy. It only required one little thing to be done. The changeing of blood. Was that what he was, a master of blood? Strange didn't quite cover it in Sendo's eyes. He thought for a moment and figured Ippin knew what he was doing. He made a few handsigns and called out the jutsu's name. Nothing happened. He tried a few more times with the same result, nothing. Sendo took a deep breath and realized what he was doing wrong again. He was trying to hard and not doing the technique. "Ok here we go," he muttered to himself. Once more he called out the technique, "Hemo Acidosis." The blood on Ippin's hand began to boil. The sight shocked Sendo and he ended the jutsu, "Did I do it?"


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Sendo trains with Ippin one on one, The unveiling of "The art of Blood" Empty Re: Sendo trains with Ippin one on one, The unveiling of "The art of Blood"

Post by Guest Fri Dec 12, 2008 10:08 am

bump, cmon Kaji


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Sendo trains with Ippin one on one, The unveiling of "The art of Blood" Empty Re: Sendo trains with Ippin one on one, The unveiling of "The art of Blood"

Post by Kaji-Kanto Fri Dec 12, 2008 8:06 pm

Ippin watched his pupil try and figure out how to do the jutsu. Ippin just waited and was ready for the pain untill it came. Ippins blood boiled slightly and then burnt slightly then pain flowed through ippin but then it abruptly stopped. Ippin just moved his hand to his jacket and twisted it letting the blood drop to the ground and it splattered to the ground. Ippin then looked at ippin and smiled saying "Ok you may decide what you would like to do next." as he pointed at the scroll as he said that.

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Sendo trains with Ippin one on one, The unveiling of "The art of Blood" Empty Re: Sendo trains with Ippin one on one, The unveiling of "The art of Blood"

Post by Guest Tue Dec 16, 2008 11:03 am

Sendo flicked his eyes over the scroll and decided to switch his training up a bit. The scroll was put into two sections, jutsu, and blooline abilities. Some of the jutsu were intense and beyond his grasp at this point. He made the choice to focus on mastering the bloolines powers first, and then he would be better able to understand, learn, and master his clans jutsu. Ippin's hand was still bleeding kind of bad, so Sendo decided to kill two birds with one stone, so to speak. He could try mastering a clan art and heal his mentor at the same time. He thought hard about the open wound on Ippin. Imagining the cloting process rapidly speeding up and a scab forming on Ippin's hand. Nothing happened for a few moments so he imagined it more, creating a more life like image in his head as though he were entrapped in genjutsu. The effect this time was instant. A brown-red shell began forming over the wound, Sendo had managed to get the basics of causing the blood to clot.


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Sendo trains with Ippin one on one, The unveiling of "The art of Blood" Empty Re: Sendo trains with Ippin one on one, The unveiling of "The art of Blood"

Post by Tarak Tue Dec 16, 2008 8:42 pm

Sendo hadn't said anything, and Ippin at first thought that he hadn't decided what he wanted to do yet. Ippin then prepared some chakra to stretch the crystalline design that covered his body into the wound to temporarily seal it off, that is, until he could have it properly healed. though, as he was about to do this he noticed the boy concentrating on Ippin's hand, and he realized what he was trying to do, so he held off and let Sendo attempt it.

After a couple minutes (or so it felt to Ippin) of nothing happening, he was near on ready to seal off the wound in fear of passing out due to blood loss. Suddenly though, the wound rapidly clotted, and Ippin smiled. "Good job!" he said as he covered the clot in the diamond to keep him from accidentally ripping the large clot out, something Ippin might do. He looked at Sendo and spoke calmly; "ok, you've obviously got clotting blood down now too, let's move along, umm-" there was and awkward pause before Ippin finished his sentence. "Just tell me what your doing next time ok?" Ippin said laughing slightly. He knew the bloodline he was training was powerful, and, though he trusted Sendo, he feared the power and danger of it all. This was and instinct he couldn't dismiss, so he decided to be as cautious as possible.


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Sendo trains with Ippin one on one, The unveiling of "The art of Blood" Empty Re: Sendo trains with Ippin one on one, The unveiling of "The art of Blood"

Post by Guest Tue Dec 16, 2008 10:32 pm

Sendo laughed, "I'll use myself this time." He had since clotted the blood on his finger as well so he didnt have to concentrate on that wound constantly. "Since I know I can clot blood, lets try unclotting it, which will provide just as great of an advantage in battle." He held up his finger showing ippin what was happening. He began to picture in heis ehad the scab transforming back into its origianal form. It was much more difficult then clotting it since blood was not meant to revert back to its liquid form after it scabbed. After a few tries thoguh, he managed to get it going, slowly at first, but quickly gaining speed. In seconds it was open again and he reversed the process. "That's a bit harder but what do you think?"


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Sendo trains with Ippin one on one, The unveiling of "The art of Blood" Empty Re: Sendo trains with Ippin one on one, The unveiling of "The art of Blood"

Post by Tarak Tue Dec 16, 2008 10:59 pm

Ippin watched Sendo closely, and then he began to attempt to un-clot his recently clotted blood. Ippin watched Sendo's finger closely now, and saw the small trouble Sendo was having, he knew Sendo would do it, but he kept thinking there had to be an easier and quicker way to do it. as Sendo seemed to figure it out he thought of something, sure, a normal cut wouldn't matter that much, especially un-clotting blood, clotting it was what Sendo needed to focus on anyway, but he figured he'd mention it anyway.

"Good job, you're getting the hang of this quickly it seems, quicker than even I expected, much so. Though, I would like to make an interjection, it may be easier to unclot the blood if you use blood just under the skin, or around the clot to actually damage and weaken clot, even a small hole in the clot could make it easier. Though you'll have to be careful, you don't want a chunk of a blood clot to be floating around in your veins without knowing about it. Anyway, we may as well move on."

he figured Sendo already knew more about what he was doing than Ippin himself did, but it didn't mean he couldn't try to help anyway.


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Sendo trains with Ippin one on one, The unveiling of "The art of Blood" Empty Re: Sendo trains with Ippin one on one, The unveiling of "The art of Blood"

Post by Guest Wed Dec 17, 2008 3:24 pm

Sendo listened to Ippin's advice and it made a lot of sense to him. He could tell the sensei was realy only going to supervise and guide him. Sendo was the real master of what was going on here. That gave him pride. Ippin was giving him room to grow, and he took it to heart. He quickly thought about his abilities and what he wanted to try to do next. An idea occured to them after glancing at Ippin's white face, he had still not fully recovered from the blood loss yet. Sendo wanted to see if he could help his sensei, plus if he could do what he thought he could, it would prove to be a great help in the future. "Ippin, for what I want to do next, Ill need you to reopen the wound in your hand for me. Trust me."


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Sendo trains with Ippin one on one, The unveiling of "The art of Blood" Empty Re: Sendo trains with Ippin one on one, The unveiling of "The art of Blood"

Post by Tarak Wed Dec 17, 2008 8:40 pm

Thoughts raced through Ippin's mind and the fear of Sendo's bloodline sank in that much deeper. There was a noticeable pause as thought such as 'What the hell is he gonna try?', 'I just gotta trust him! After all, I don't want him thinking I don't trust him.' and 'What should I do?' raced through his mind. He finally decided to allow Sendo to try whatever he was going to try, and moved the diamond in such a way to tear the scab away and open the wound back up to the air.

"Go ahead Kiddo, just be careful." He said with a smile, it was obviously fake though. He then sighed as Sendo would start and said, "If it takes too long, whatever you're trying to do, I'm gonna re-seal it to stop blood loss... just letting you know."

As he thought through all the possible scenarios he scared himself and his heartrate increased, he wasn't sure if Sen'd would be able to tell so he mentally forced it to be slower.


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Sendo trains with Ippin one on one, The unveiling of "The art of Blood" Empty Re: Sendo trains with Ippin one on one, The unveiling of "The art of Blood"

Post by Guest Fri Dec 19, 2008 9:58 am

As soon as Ippin removed the diamond, he began to make his move. Ippin's body had already beguun replicating the blood cells to replace what had been lost, so he had a little bit more time to get it right, very little. He was going to speed up the process of that cell replication if at all possible. This trial would not fully determine if he was capable of it or not because he had very little time, a minute tops. Sendo concentrated on the blood and thought about each individual cell. Next he invisioned each cell splitting and then splitting again as well as the new cells spllitting. He was unsure if it was working or not, for his eyes were closed, completely dedicated to getting this one right. Ippin shoud feel strength returning to his body is it was working, either way, he knew his sensei would let him know.


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Sendo trains with Ippin one on one, The unveiling of "The art of Blood" Empty Re: Sendo trains with Ippin one on one, The unveiling of "The art of Blood"

Post by Tarak Fri Dec 19, 2008 11:54 pm

Ippin was focused on Sendo, his eyes would almost seem piercing if Sendo's eyes were open. He figured Sendo would attempt to restore the blood cells in his body, he figured Sendo would be able to do it too, he had been able to do everything else so far. At first nothing was happening besides him getting light headed, when suddenly he felt something. Without removing his eyes from Sendohis head slowly lowered and as he blinked his eyes locked on his hand and wrist, it seemed more blood was flowing from the wound. It seemed Sendo had done it, but the he felt a sudden pressure over his entire body and his veins visibly bulged, in turn making his entire body bulge, only very slightly though. He let out a "Gak" as he felt the pressure and then blurted out, "Stop there!" He then resealed the wound and took a breath before speaking towards Sendo; "good job, you did it... though slightly too well I think, it felt as if all the blood cells in my body replicated at once, maybe it had something to do with you closing your eyes and not focusing on this specific area..." He looked at his hand, there was a small pool of blood, then he had an idea. He made what resembled a small bowl from diamond and then looked at sendo, "See if you can't focus strictly on the very center of the top of this pool of blood, try and replicate only the cells there." He hoped to see a very distinct swell in the blood at the center before it would even out, he figured this would work, even though they were no longer in his body they were still living cells.


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Sendo trains with Ippin one on one, The unveiling of "The art of Blood" Empty Re: Sendo trains with Ippin one on one, The unveiling of "The art of Blood"

Post by Guest Sat Dec 20, 2008 12:51 am

Sendo looked at Ippin. He was unsure what the point of this was, but since it was the first real suggestion just about that he had been given all day, Sendo decided to give the idea a go. It was a simple matter. All he had to do was keep his eyes open this time and direct his chakra to the specific point that Ippin had indicated. At once the blood started bubling. This was getting advanced and so far, none of the techniques, save one, had been actualy jutsu. They were all just gifts granted to him by his bloodline. This was great. He couldn't wait to begin trying to learn the jutsu as well, though he was sure they were difficult. This was sure to get intense. "I got that down I think Ippin- San, what next."


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Sendo trains with Ippin one on one, The unveiling of "The art of Blood" Empty Re: Sendo trains with Ippin one on one, The unveiling of "The art of Blood"

Post by Tarak Sat Dec 20, 2008 7:58 pm

OOC: I am granting Kaji back his control of Ippin until I come back from Greece in about two weeks, have fun.


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Sendo trains with Ippin one on one, The unveiling of "The art of Blood" Empty Re: Sendo trains with Ippin one on one, The unveiling of "The art of Blood"

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sun Dec 21, 2008 3:43 pm

Ippin then got up walked over to a tree pulling out a diamond kunai and then shoving the kunai into the tree to the direct center. He then pulled his arm out and covered the hole with diamond. He then turned to look at sendo's somewhat shocked/suprised face at what he had done. Ippin then walked back to sendo and placed his finger at a jutsu called The touch of blood Ippin then spoke "Ok I want you to use the touch of blood to turn that tree into blood and retrive the kunai. No not the entire tree the area around the kunai." He said with a slight chuckle.

Ippin then fell down and landed his head againts a tree. He smirked as he waited for sendo to do his thing. He was there incase something went wrong attentive and such but just waiting watching sendo carefully.

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Sendo trains with Ippin one on one, The unveiling of "The art of Blood" Empty Re: Sendo trains with Ippin one on one, The unveiling of "The art of Blood"

Post by Guest Tue Dec 23, 2008 11:13 am

Sendo walked up to the tree that Ippin had placed the kunai within. This was sure to prove difficult, but should he manage to master it, it would probably be his greatest weapon in battle. Being able to create blood out of anything he could touch would aide his techniques in so many ways with out having to spill any of his own blood, nor would he half to wait untill the enemy had been wounded. This would speed up the rate of his movements and the effectiveness of them as well. He placed his hand on the tree after making the approprate handsigns, putting his all into this technique. His determination to get this right the first time was above that of any other. He was begining to feel low on chakra and he would need a break soon. This was proving to be a long and hard day of work, but he didnt mind. If it led to him eventualy being one of the greatest shinobi of all time then so be it. "Touch of Blood," he whispered as the palms of his hands met the rough bark of the tree, pushing his chakra into it, thinking about each individual fiber of the wood breaking down and reforming as the rich red liquid that was his to control. The effect was almost immediate. The blood began to slip down the side of the trunk, but Sendo had other plans. He manipulated the blood back into the whole and used it to force the kunai back out of the tree, catching it in his right hand. He threw it to Ippin. "I think I have one more technique in me before I need to take a break and gather more chakra," he said to Ippin.


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