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Ippin's eguipment and puppets

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Ippin's eguipment and puppets Empty Ippin's eguipment and puppets

Post by Kaji-Kanto Tue Nov 25, 2008 8:00 pm

Name of Weapon or Item:Ippin's diamond kunai

Description: - (Revision) - (these are made of Ippin's diamond manipulation, and as such can be seen through from another location due to his bloodline limit. When he is using these to view another location they tend to glow brightly and what looks like an eye seems to visibly form in the kunai being used.)
- (Chakra Release) - (these resonate with Ippin’s chakra, so he can focus chakra into them to use them in fighting and release bursts of chakra from then when used. when chakra is focused into them (passive absorption or active focusing) they will glow, the brightness of this glow is based on the amount of chakra focused into it.)

History:One day Ippin was practicing his puppetry, and someone attacked him. he responded in self defense by hurling his puppet in front of the nin, he didn't see the nin's headband, though it didn't really matter, as the nin had attacked him. Ippin still wasn't very skilled, and he was using a very basic puppet, and so the puppet was destroyed fairly quickly, the nin then moved at Ippin again, this time flipping a couple hand seals the nin breathed in and released a 'grand fireball technique' from his mouth, Ippin didn't know what to do, and suddenly without even thinking about it he reacted, and oddly enough he simply held his hand out and from the small diamond on his wrist formed a shield of pure diamond, as well as ten diamond kunai, these flew at the nin, Ippin had gotten lucky, and his chakra has exhausted, six of the ten diamond kunai and struck the nin, one going straight through his throat, killing him. Nowadays he can create these almost at will.

Appearance: These kunai are pure diamond, and the shape and size are that of normal kunai. They are clear and seem to glow slightly when in Ippin's hands.
Name of Weapon or Item: Ippin's father's diamond blade

Description: N/A

History: This clan in rare occasions will allow a member or two to make diamond blades for people of importance, in or outside of the clan, though this is decided by the four ‘guiders’ of the clan. One of these blades was made for a member of the clan tasked with leading a small strike on a village bordering the fire and lightning countries, this nin, the father of Ippin disappeared, and was assumed to be dead. Some of his equipment, however, was recovered, including the diamond blade, and his unique diamond edged kunai.

Appearance: this is a blade of pure diamond that belonged to Ippin's father, and was given to him after his father's disappearance. Because this is not made of Ippin's diamond it doesn't resonate with his chakra. It, however, is still a very valuable weapon, as it ha an extremely sharp edge, and is nearly unbreakable.
Name of Weapon or Item: Ippin’s father’s diamond edged kunai

Description: N/A

History: This clan in rare occasions will allow a member or two to make diamond blades for people of importance, in or outside of the clan, though this is decided by the four ‘guiders’ of the clan. One of these blades was made for a member of the clan tasked with leading a small strike on a village bordering the fare and lightning countries, this nin, the father of disappeared, and was assumed to be dead. Some of his equipment however was recovered, including the diamond blade, and his unique diamond edged kunai.

Appearance: These are just like regular kunai except the fact that the kunai are diamond-edged. It's almost impossible to tell the difference between these and other kunai besides the red and silver color of the wrapping around the handle of the kunai.
Name of Weapon or Item: Ippin’s diamond katana

Description: - (Chakra Release) - (this blade resonates with Ippin’s chakra, so he can focus chakra into it to use when fighting and release bursts of chakra from the blade when used. when chakra is focused into the blade (passive absorption or active focusing) it will glow, the brightness of this glow is based on the amount of chakra focused into it.)
- (Crystalline Reformation) - (this blade, being created from Ippin’s bloodline, can be reformed by Ippin into different forms. One of the most notable things Ippin changes this blade into is a blade whip. What he does to do this is he changes the structure of the diamond blade into the form of blades and chains.)

History: Ippin created this Blade after attaining the rank of Jounin, as a show of skill to the elders of his clan to convince them that he was worthy of allowing and helping him to create a diamond puppet. After creating the blade itself he also had to prove it’s sharpness, durability, usability, and it’s resonance to his chakra, in turn proving not only that he created it on his own, but that he could properly focus his chakra to use it to it’s full extent.

Appearance: This blade rests in a normal sheath and has a specially carved handle that allows Ippin to maintain contact with the diamond that makes up the blade at all times. The sheath and handle are white. And the wrapping for the handle and on the sheath is red and black.

Last edited by Kaji-Kanto on Sun Nov 30, 2008 10:54 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Ippin's eguipment and puppets Empty Re: Ippin's eguipment and puppets

Post by Kaji-Kanto Thu Nov 27, 2008 2:07 am

PUPPETS (all sealed in scroll's)
Name of Weapon or Item: Setrov

Description: [Synthetic skin] - [this synthetic skin is as close to real skin as you can get without decay.]
[Concealed blades] - [these are located behind the puppet's hands, and in the forearms of the puppet.]
[Complex gear system / crystal heart] - [chest - upper arms - upper legs. this allows Ippin to control this with 1 chakra strand however its easier to control with more.]
[Compartments] - [these are in the lower legs usually contain smoke/poison cloud dispensers]
[Crystal Eyes] - [these are crystal eyes in place of the Eyes of the puppet, and allow Ippin to see from these to aim attacks better]

History: Ippin recived this puppet through his training.

Appearance: Setrov is a puppet that resembles Ippin and is used to take the place of Ippin in fights, it has silver hair, pale-ish skin, and wears almost exactly what Ippin wears, it even has the design on its arm and in the corner of it's left eye. When used to replace Ippin the revealing feature is the eyes, the eyes are similar in every way except the pupil, it doesn't glow like Ippin's does. Chakra strings can be channeled through the puppet into other puppets giving the appearance of it controlling other puppets. This puppet also has light wooden copies of Ippin’s weapons
Name of Weapon or Item: Sentrov

Description: [poison needles] - [mouth]
[wired kunai launchers] - [located in the lower arms the hands will fold away and a special kunai without a handle will launch out with a thin dourable wire connected to it]
[semi-complex gear system/crystal heart] - [located in the chest this allows him control this with 2 chakra strands]
[smoke dispenser/launcher] - [left lower/upper leg]
[poison/sleep gas dispenser/launcher] - [right lower/upper leg]
[trapping mechanism] - [located in the chest this flings out thin durable wires that fly around the opponent and reconnect to the chest of the puppet, then tighten. this can trap or kill an opponent depending on how much wire is pulled back, wires are thin and durable enough to cut through bone]
[Crystal Eyes] – [these are crystal eyes in place of the Eyes of the puppet, and allow Ippin to see from these to aim attacks better]

History: Ippin created this puppet during his training

Appearance: sentrov is a puppet that resembles a person, but has 6 arms and is used to take the enemy on from a distance in fights, it has black hair, dark red skin, and wears a white cloak, when used to take on the enemy he devotes most of his chakra to sentrov, thus it works good with setrov as a protection. Unlike setrov, this puppet does not bear the synthetic skin it does. Chakra strings can be channeled through setrov to this puppet to give the appearance of it being controlled by the other puppet. This puppet’s wooden structure is a medium weight wood.
Name of Weapon or Item:Fuhen

Description: [armor plating] - [this puppets body is covered with a black armor plating]
[chakra seal / release crystal] - [this seal has natural lightning chakra sealed in it, and draws more lightning chakra into it when used. The crystal regulates the chakra flow into the armor plating, giving it a lightning cloak of sorts. This crystal can also be used to view from the puppet’s point of view]
[concealed folding blades] - [these are blades hidden in the upper arms of the puppet, they can be either extended from the elbow of the puppet, ejected for regular use, or ejected and reconnected to the forearm for use]
[Gatling Senbon Gun] - [this is located in the lower right arm of the puppet]
[crystalline blade/shield] - [located in left forearm, when used the forearm opens, and the open part comes out and expands into 1 of two things; an arm blade, or a shield]

History:it was created by ippin with the guidance and help of his clan’s elders. He made it as a ‘coming of age’ of sorts

Appearance: This puppet is Ippin’s first totally diamond puppet, it was created by him with the guidance and help of his clan’s elders. He made it as a ‘coming of age’ of sorts. It has metal armor plates on the outside that are connected to the puppet via an airtight locking connection. The armor plating is black, and the diamond can be seen between the armor plates. The face of the armor of the puppet has a red design; this is actually a seal that has an amount chakra sealed in it. There is also a diamond in the center of the seal
Name of Weapon or Item: Metrov commanders

Description: [small crystal heart and crystal routing] - [laying in the center of the gear system of the puppets this allows him to control this and the metrov puppets en-masse]
[explosive core] - [this is located around the small crystal heart in the puppets' gear system, and can be activated through chakra (basically 6 explosive tags wrapped around the crystal heart, used to distract and confuse the enemy, will destroy the puppet when used)]
[semi-complex gear system] - [this takes up mostly all of the puppets body and allows it to be very easily controlled]
[light armor] - [this is to protect the commanders from small projectile weapons such as kunai and shurikan, though larger blades and most jutsu will still break through]
[small senbon launchers] - [these are located in the arms of the commanders, and are used to keep opponents away from them. they only have four senbon per leg]

History: Developd in training

Appearance: these are small puppets that are just like the metrovs only slightly larger in size and have a red ring around them that sets them apart. They are easy to control, and have spherical design. They, unlike other metrovs, have crystal eyes in them and a small crystal heart in the center of them to help him control them. They have eight 'gripping feet' (four on top, four on bottom) that allow them to easily move around on the ground or in trees. When used they mostly are used to overwhelm the opponent and distract them while Ippin tries to think of a plan or is setting up an attack. he uses these to control a number of metrovs. That in itself is one of the metrov's biggest problems, without the commanders the more numerous ones are much harder to control. He makes these when he needs them and designed them himself with the help of his father. (4 total at any given time. one scroll contains 4 metrovs and one metrov commander.)


Name of Weapon or Item: Metrovs

Description: [crystal shard] - [laying in the center of the gear system of the puppets this allows him to control the puppets en-masse]
[explosive core] - [this is located around the crystal shard in the puppets' gear system, and can be activated through chakra (basically 6 explosive tags wrapped around the crystal shard, used to distract and confuse the enemy, will destroy the puppet when used)]
[semi-complex gear system]- [this takes up mostly all of the puppets body and allows it to be very easily controlled]

History: Developed during training with fathers help

Appearance: these are small puppets that are about the size of a person's upper body. They are easy to control, and have spherical design. they, unlike Ippin's other puppets, dont have any crystal in them besides a very small amount in the center of it to help him control them. they have eight 'gripping feet' (four on top, four on bottom) that allow them to easily move around on the ground or in trees. when used they mostly are used to overwhelm the opponent and distract them while Ippin tries to think of a plan or is setting up an attack. he has an immense number of these that he can control through one 'Metrov commander' as he calls them. that in itself is one of the metrov's biggest problems, without the commanders the more numerous ones are much harder to control. he makes these when he needs them and designed them himself with the help of his father. (16 total at any given time. one scroll contains 4 metrovs and one metrov commander.)

Name of Weapon or Item: City of Vengeance

Description: [super complex gear and seal system] - [this is a system of gears and seals that keeps this puppet fortress going]
[command sphere] - [this is the lower sphere of the fortress, and is where Ippin controls this puppet’s defences, and his other puppets. in the center of this sphere there is a place here he pretty much lays down and has two spheres where he places his hands. There he feeds his chakra into.]
[attack sphere] - [this is the top sphere, this is the puppet’s secret weapon, Ippins viewpoint and attack point when using this. It is a solid ball of Ippin’s chakra resonant diamond, and can be manipulated to do many things, such as focusing light into a super-heated laser, or creating a huge number of diamond shards and launching them at his opponents.]
[liquid crystal coating] - [this is the liquid crystal that surrounds the command sphere. This is held in place by something similar to a chakra shield held up by seals in the shielding plates.]
[shielding plates] - [these hold the liquid crystal in place, and really keep the puppet going.]

History: Ippin made this puppet after seeing his future through a man who he had no clue who he was.

Appearance:Ippin's eguipment and puppets Great_city_of_vengeance The city of vengeance is one of four puppets Ippin rarely uses. It’s a huge, strange puppet, as it really has no weapons besides its shielding plates, malleable crystalline liquid, and one other secret weapon. It’s more designed it protect Ippin while he’s doing his puppetry immobile than it’s meant to attack his opponent. This has one solid piece of diamond in the top half, and a hollow piece in the lower part. This is surrounded by a layer of a special liquid that can be made into a Diamond and then back again; this is maintained in place by the shielding plates. The entire thing is kept together and floating by a complex gear and seal system that draws on massive amounts of natural chakras of all kinds, and actually destroying this puppet is nearly impossible. In order to summon this puppet all three god puppets must be separated, and a piece of the seal collected from each.
Name of Weapon or Item: Czin (Alt: Kacchuu)

Description: [crystalline scythe] - [this is a scythe that this puppet bears, made of Ippin’s crystal, thus it resonates with him (too large to bear without the main body of the puppet)]
[crystalline shield] - [this is a shield that goes with the scythe above]
[Czin’s body] - [this puppet is composed of two parts, the main body, including the base with the spiked legs, and an inner armor. The upper body looks like a normal person wearing a hooded outfit; it also has sharp claws (big enough for Ippin to stand in the upper body)]

History: Ippin developed this puppet after seeing his future.

Appearance: Ippin's eguipment and puppets Czin_god_of_death
Name of Weapon or Item: Xil

Description: [Xil’s body] - [this is a somewhat more lightweight armor that can actually come out of the main puppet, and is directly connected to the wings and the large diamond lens on the puppet. This is what Ippin climbs into when he enters this puppet]
[diamond lens] - [this is a large diamond lens that is connected directly connected to Xil, and used for focusing solar energy into a burning laser]
[daemon wings] - [a special mix between the diamond Ippin makes and a lightweight metal covering. There are special seals inside the coating that constantly draw on natural wind chakra to allow Ippin to fly when using the inner armor]

History: Developed by ippin after seeing his future

Appearance: Ippin's eguipment and puppets Xil_the_sun_god
Name of Weapon or Item: Shok

Description: [Shok’s body] - [this is the body of Shok, the most lightweight of the three forms.]
[daemon wings] - [this is a special mix between the diamond Ippin makes and a lightweight chakra absorbent metal covering. There are special seals inside the coating that constantly draw on natural wind chakra to allow Ippin to fly when using the inner armor.]
[lightning seals] - [these are seals on the wings that channel natural lightning chakra between the tops of the wings, creating a constant electricity running between the ting tips.]
[lightning channeling seals] - [these are seals that channel the natural lightning chakra from the wings, and focus it in the hands for lightning based attacks, such as throwing bolts of lightning.]

History: Developed after ippin saw his future

Appearance: Ippin's eguipment and puppets Shok_goddess_of_storm

Last edited by Kaji-Kanto on Sun Nov 30, 2008 10:55 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Ippin's eguipment and puppets Empty Re: Ippin's eguipment and puppets

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sun Nov 30, 2008 10:56 pm


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