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Ippin Shtaka (diamond pupptieer)

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Ippin Shtaka (diamond pupptieer) Empty Ippin Shtaka (diamond pupptieer)

Post by Kaji-Kanto Tue Nov 25, 2008 12:37 am

Name: Ippin Shtaka

Age: 19

Rank: Jounin

Village: Konoha

Appearance: Ippin Shtaka (diamond pupptieer) 1211087676_2273_full

Personality: His entire personality is a paradox beyond some peoples comprehension instead of a single personality he holds a disorder that allows him to have what you would call hundreds of emotions. He has developed a person almost for each of them and this is why people call Ippin unpredictable and somewhat of a paradox. He will usually and can burst through 8 different emotions in less than 25 seconds. This in a battle can be one of the weirdest things you can see. As he can go from anger into joy right into love in a matter of seconds. So if you literally piss him off and he gets side tracked for a few seconds he will have forgot everything you have just said and will not really care. However when he has to he can be serious when he has to be allowing him to not seem like a moron all the time. A example of when he can be serious is when he is interest on a mission that could leave a life of death or if you truly interest him.

History: Ippin's life started in the sand village, as did his father's life, grandfather's life and his great-grandfather's before him. Ippin was one of the few who was born with the beautiful crystalline design that some members of his clan have the privilege to be born with growing on their shoulder. Oddly, as he grew this design didn't grow much, normally it starts small and as the user grows so to does the design, though there was one other thing that was strange about his, along with being abnormally large on the shoulder at birth there was also a small crystalline diamond shape on the top of his wrist, normally people have to wait for it to grow down from their shoulder to have it on their wrist. Ippin's father said it was fate, and that Ippin would one day save the village, though Ippin ignored his father's prophesying. His father was one of the villages clan's many puppeteers, though he was one of the few that had a totally diamond puppet. Ippin's great-great-grandfather had learned puppetry from a master puppeteer, and this skill was passed from generation to generation.

One day Ippin was practicing his puppetry, and someone attacked him. He responded in self defense by hurling his puppet in front of the nin, he didn't see the nin's headband, though it didn't really matter, as the nin had attacked him. Ippin still wasn't very skilled, and he was using a very basic puppet, and so the puppet was destroyed fairly quickly, the nin then moved at Ippin again, this time flipping a couple hand seals the nin breathed in and released a 'grand fireball technique' from his mouth, Ippin didn't know what to do, and suddenly without even thinking about it he reacted, and oddly enough he simply held his hand out and from the small diamond on his wrist formed a shield of pure diamond, as well as ten diamond kunai, these flew at the nin, Ippin had gotten lucky, and his chakra has exhausted, six of the ten diamond kunai and struck the nin, one going straight through his throat, killing him.

The shield that formed from Ippin's wrist fell to the ground and Ippin fell backward exhausted. He got up and moved over to the nin, he had on a leaf headband, Ippin found this odd, he also noticed something else he hadn't expected, the man had a number of headbands in a pouch, seemingly one from each village. Ippin then gathered the kunai and went to the village to tell of what happened, only when he went to retrieve the man's body he was gone, it was decided that no action would be taken on Konoha, and that the man was probably a hired assassin hired to frame konoha. Ippin tried time and time again to even create a single diamond kunai, but he just couldn't do it, he had gotten lucky, and had survived because of it, one other thing he noticed was the diamond that had been on his wrist and grown over most of the top of his hand, and the one on his shoulder had grown some. It quickly became evident to Ippin that his design would not show age like most, but skill.

As Ippin trained, and followed his sensei and father’s examples he quickly progressed to the point of being recommended for the Chunin exams. He entered, he figured it would be extremely tough, but also a good way to see what nin were coming out of the other hidden villages. He easily flew through the first few stages of the exams. But once he was actually fighting other nin his level it got much harder. The final fight he took place in the chunin exams was actually the second to last fight.

He was someone from a clan in konoha that could see through all his tricks and tactics, a boy that had been trained ruthlessly by his father, the leader of his small home village. The boy’s name was Mietro Draq, son of Taraquan Draq and nephew of Kakutsec Draq, he knew a lot about puppetry, as he studied it in his home village before joining Konoha like his father and uncle before him.

Ippin made the first attack in the fight by planting four of his diamond kunai around the area. He then summoned one of his puppets, one specifically made for offensive attacks, and sent it at his opponent, planning on using a canister of sleeping gas to incapacitate his opponent, but what he hadn’t counted on was the boy’s speed and reflexes. As the canister launched out the boy sprinted to the side and launched a kunai at Ippin, he dodged the kunai, but didn’t realize that there was a wire attached to it. The wire whipped into the side of Ippin’s face as he attempted to move, not noticing the wire. It cut deep into his cheek as Mietro pulled the wire the opposite direction; Ippin then reacted by creating a small crude blade from the design stemming from his eye, cutting the wire.

After seeing this Miestro knew what he was up against, and rushed in at Ippin, Ippin then pulled his puppet between them, but Miestro pulled a blade and jammed it straight into the puppet’s gear system, immobilizing it. As this happened Ippin drew his father’s blade and swung it at his own puppets back, expecting Miestro to toss it to the side and leave an opening. Miestro, getting aggravated fell right into Ippin’s trap, and as he tossed the puppet, Ippin’s slice connected solidly with Miestro’s right shoulder, Ippin the pulled the blade through and drove it back tip first into Miestro’s right shoulder joint, actually trying to make him give up, but Miestro pulled his fist back and broke ippin’s arm. They both jumped back and once again struck at each other. They continued like this for a while until the both of them connected attacks with each other, ending the fight in a draw and sending both of them to the hospital. He later found out that both of them had earned the rank of chunin.

Once, after holding the rank of Chunin for some time, he ran into an outcast puppet user. The man had been cast out from the village as a Jounin, though Ippin didn't have knowledge of this until after he reported it to the Kazekage of his time. Oddly, the outcast held all sand-nin responsible for his failing, and attacked them for it. When he attacked Ippin, Ippin was able to respond fairly quickly, using himself as a distraction, and sending his puppets at the opponent from behind. The man saw through this and, ironically, used the same tactic as Ippin, though the actual puppeteer was the one attacking Ippin from behind. Ippin then pulled out one of his diamond kunai, and released a good amount of chakra into it before jumping at the man, at the man went to block Ippin drew his father’s blade, using it to open the man’s defenses before driving, and releasing, the kunai in the man’s chest. As Ippin’s chakra released it killed the man.

Ippin continued to progress, and after some time (and some growing of his skills, and the design on his skin) he finally attained the rank of Jounin. He soon surpassed most all of his clan, and even managed to create his own purely diamond Blade. He, after some time, even managed his diamond manipulation on an entirely new level, quickly creating a puppet almost fully made of diamond, of course with modifications.

This was also when tragedy struck and he learned that his entire family and clan was being targeted for elimination. The kazekage talked with the Kage of konoha and they agreed on allowing Ippin to stay in hiding in konoha. Ippin was sent to konoha with all of his ability's and weapons. He talked to the kage and then assured the kage he was not a spy.

He soon learned that his family had been killed and that he had no obligation to suna anymore. Ippin went sulking through the forest and ended up creating a crystalized forest area in his anger and sadness. The Kage Sannam at the time found him and told him that he could stay in konoha. Ippin agreed and he now stay's in konoha as a full fledged Konoha Ninja.

Learned jutsus: Jutsu's

Weapons/items: Puppets, Diamond kunais and his and his father's blade

Goals: To save his clan from extinction and to save his village.

Last edited by Kaji-Kanto on Sun Nov 30, 2008 11:02 pm; edited 5 times in total

Posts : 716
Points : -9821
Reputation : -10012
Join date : 2008-11-20
Age : 32

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Ippin Shtaka (diamond pupptieer) Empty Re: Ippin Shtaka (diamond pupptieer)

Post by Guest Tue Nov 25, 2008 4:25 am

Well i'm going to ake a wild guess here and say you have finished this. Forgive me if I am wrong.

Therefore... since all seems well to me... I think this is...



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Ippin Shtaka (diamond pupptieer) Empty Re: Ippin Shtaka (diamond pupptieer)

Post by Kaji-Kanto Tue Nov 25, 2008 7:24 pm

ok uhh well i forgot to put Not finished sorry jinkai.


Posts : 716
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Reputation : -10012
Join date : 2008-11-20
Age : 32

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Ippin Shtaka (diamond pupptieer) Empty Re: Ippin Shtaka (diamond pupptieer)

Post by Guest Tue Nov 25, 2008 7:25 pm

You finished Now Kaji??

Well if so i re-approve... lol


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Ippin Shtaka (diamond pupptieer) Empty Re: Ippin Shtaka (diamond pupptieer)

Post by Kaji-Kanto Mon Dec 15, 2008 11:05 pm

I regret to inform people but I am not going to be keeping ippin as i have found someone who wants it. Tarak her you go buddy I know you are a good rper and you love ippin with your heart. Have fun with him and Enjoy.

p.s. If any admins would like a rp sample from him i sure he would ablidge.

Posts : 716
Points : -9821
Reputation : -10012
Join date : 2008-11-20
Age : 32

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Ippin Shtaka (diamond pupptieer) Empty Re: Ippin Shtaka (diamond pupptieer)

Post by Guest Tue Dec 16, 2008 10:28 am

so I sendo wont be trained by Kaji anymore??? Sad


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Ippin Shtaka (diamond pupptieer) Empty Re: Ippin Shtaka (diamond pupptieer)

Post by Tarak Tue Dec 16, 2008 10:58 am

Actually Kaji want's to transfer you're char to a char he's gonna create for training, another diamond user. (But reading it over I could probably do the training a bit better. <.< This diamond-using bloodline is a bloodline I created after all, and I saw a couple things that bug me about his training. But I'm gonna let him know of them so he doesn't make the same mistakes twice XD)


Posts : 79
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Join date : 2008-12-15

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Ippin Shtaka (diamond pupptieer) Empty Re: Ippin Shtaka (diamond pupptieer)

Post by Guest Tue Dec 16, 2008 11:05 am

whatever floats the boat I guess. it does not bother me either way so long as Sendo's training stays intense. I need him to be strong, for his potential is great, especialy with me at the keyboard. Very Happy


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Ippin Shtaka (diamond pupptieer) Empty Re: Ippin Shtaka (diamond pupptieer)

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