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The 8 Tailed Jinchuuriki returns for the first time....

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The 8 Tailed Jinchuuriki returns for the first time.... Empty The 8 Tailed Jinchuuriki returns for the first time....

Post by Kyo Fri Dec 05, 2008 9:32 pm

Niru had been traveling for a few weeeks when he finaly reached the Hidden Cloud Village. The thunderous clouds boomed over head as he reached the gates. Amaterasu, his traveling companion, stuck out like a candle in a dark room. He had once been summoned by Niru and decided that he would travel with him instead of returning home to the mountains. Amaterasu was about eight feet tall and was a Tiger Demon. his soft white fur glowed in the darkness of the night sky. His sword strapped to his back as he stood on his two legs.

Niru reached the village gates and showed them his ID. He enetered the village and went looking for the Kage. He was traveling from village to village in order to be trained in varius ways. This was the rutual of the monks from Waterfall Country. The last 8-Tailed Jinchuuriki had originaly been from here and there were sure to be records of the passing of the bijuu from him to Niru. They would be highly classified of course....

He wanted to see where the jinchuuriki had once lived and wanted to know more about him. The bijuu within him, did not wish to tell Niru what he was like but said that if he realy wanted to know, he would have to go to lightning country.

NIru worked his way to the Kage mansion that stood in the center. He went to the front desk and asked if he could have an adience with the great Kage of the Clouds.

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The 8 Tailed Jinchuuriki returns for the first time.... Empty Re: The 8 Tailed Jinchuuriki returns for the first time....

Post by L Sat Dec 06, 2008 12:31 am

Sanmaru was just getting back from a meeting he had at the ANBU station. They were discussing a future mission that might change the whole village for the worse or the better. They had finished awhile ago, but he liked to go around the village and vist some people before he got back to work. Sanmaru was pretty secretive at the moment, well more than usual, and only a few people knew why.

As he entered the Raikage Mansion, he saw a youg boy standing at the main desk. He arrived just in time to hear him request an audience with the Raikage. He slowly walked over to him and stood behind him, his shadow covering Niru.

"Were you requesting to speack with me?" He asked as if he didn't already know.

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The 8 Tailed Jinchuuriki returns for the first time.... Empty Re: The 8 Tailed Jinchuuriki returns for the first time....

Post by Kyo Sat Dec 06, 2008 12:40 am

Niru turned his head just enough so that he could see who it was. As soon as he saw him, he acted.

"You are the Raikage.... yes...?"

His spotless white sleeves sounded like sheets hanging in the wind as Niru jumped into the air high enough to be level with the man. He spun around and grabbed one of his swords on his back before slashing at him as he turned. The monks believed that first impressions showed alot about a person. Niru believed this to be true but did not bow to his supperiors like most monks. He wanted to know how strong this guy was, and to show that he was not afraid of anything. Niru wanted to show him that he could strike without warning...

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The 8 Tailed Jinchuuriki returns for the first time.... Empty Re: The 8 Tailed Jinchuuriki returns for the first time....

Post by L Sat Dec 06, 2008 12:53 am

Sanmaru smiled underneath his mask as he saw Niru jump reach for his sword. It was pretty obvious by the way he moved that he was going to attack him. Sanmaru tapped his right foot and a wall of earth came up between them. It popped up so quickly that it reached the top before Niru's sword could even touch it. It was wide and high enough to block the attack and any like it.

"Yes, I am the Raikage." He said waiting to see if Niru would make another attack, if he did, Sanmaru would not hesitate to attack back.

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The 8 Tailed Jinchuuriki returns for the first time.... Empty Re: The 8 Tailed Jinchuuriki returns for the first time....

Post by Kyo Sat Dec 06, 2008 2:27 am

His sword crashed into the rock and left a nice gash in it's hard suface. He dropped back down to the ground and placed the sword back in it's shieth. He then stood there and admired the wall of stone. Had he used the bijuu's power, he could have easily sliced through it, but that was why he was here. he wanted to gain power without the bijuu's strength. He slowley walked aroun the wall to the other side and bowed to the Raikage.

"My name is Niru. I come from the Atani shrine just off of the Hidden Waterfall Village. I seek wisdom and training from you ..."

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The 8 Tailed Jinchuuriki returns for the first time.... Empty Re: The 8 Tailed Jinchuuriki returns for the first time....

Post by L Sat Dec 06, 2008 2:57 am

Sanmaru watched as Kiru walked around and bowed before him. He heard him say Atani Shrine and remembered passing by there himself when he was younger. Once Kiru was done talking, Sanmaru looked down at him with a serious face, even though it was hidden behind his mask.

"If you seek training and wisdom, I suggest that you don't try to attack me the moment we meet. Some people might think you were trying to assasinate me."

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The 8 Tailed Jinchuuriki returns for the first time.... Empty Re: The 8 Tailed Jinchuuriki returns for the first time....

Post by Kyo Sat Dec 06, 2008 3:08 am

"I do appologize if you found it rude.... I believe it would be a compliment should someone attack me when first met. It shows that you find them strong enough to evade your move without harm coming to them. I also wanted to see if you would think on your toes. The fact that your staff have not rushed over here shows that they know that you can handle it. Which in turn... shows that you are strong. Were you not strong, I would be coming to someone else.

A deep chuckle came deep from within Niru's mind...

"This one os stronger than you think...."

"What do you mean?"

"If I told you.... it would no longer be any fun..."

The Hachibi could sense the second presence within the Raikage and could tell who it was right away. But he choose to keep this a secret from Niru.

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The 8 Tailed Jinchuuriki returns for the first time.... Empty Re: The 8 Tailed Jinchuuriki returns for the first time....

Post by L Sat Dec 06, 2008 2:21 pm

Quite the opposite, I actually like it when someone attacks the moment they meet, that is how I became Raikage in the first place. Also, you can't rely on other people for your protection, they might turn on you. But, very well, I shall train you."

He began to slowly walk away from Niru, heading towards his office. Suddenly, he stopped.

"What exactly do you need training with?"

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The 8 Tailed Jinchuuriki returns for the first time.... Empty Re: The 8 Tailed Jinchuuriki returns for the first time....

Post by Kyo Sat Dec 06, 2008 4:03 pm

"I would like to learn some lightning jutsu while I am here. Eventualy I would like to learn all of the elemental jutsu... but I will have to travel from place to place to do so. What better place than Lightning Country to learn lightning... and Earth Country to learn earth."

Niru knew that this was the teacher that he wanted. He could tell that he was a master. he could tell that he alredy knew earth jutsu, anhd most likely knew lightning jutsu. He would be able to learn twice as much if he was allowed.

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The 8 Tailed Jinchuuriki returns for the first time.... Empty Re: The 8 Tailed Jinchuuriki returns for the first time....

Post by L Sat Dec 06, 2008 4:19 pm

Sanmaru smiled within his mask when he heard Niru said that he wanted to learn lightning jutsu from him.

"Well there's only one problem with that, I don't really know that much lightning jutsu's. I mostly use water." He said wondereing what Niru's responce would be.

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The 8 Tailed Jinchuuriki returns for the first time.... Empty Re: The 8 Tailed Jinchuuriki returns for the first time....

Post by Kyo Sat Dec 06, 2008 4:45 pm

Niru gave a small frown as he learned that he did not know very much lightning jutsu.

"Then I would like to learn that from you... and maybe even earth if you know more than just that wall."

Niru was starting to judge this guys abilities as a Lightning Kage.

"What kind of Raikage doesn't even know ligthning jutsu?"

The deep voice echoed within his mind once again.

"Be greatful that he is even teaching you anything. Someone like him does not wish to spend his day teaching a brat like you..."

Niru then pushed the voice out of his mind and blocked their connection. The Hachibi was always calling him a brat, and Niru did not like it, even though he did act like a brat most of the time.

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The 8 Tailed Jinchuuriki returns for the first time.... Empty Re: The 8 Tailed Jinchuuriki returns for the first time....

Post by L Sat Dec 06, 2008 4:54 pm

"Very well, I will teach you water based ninjutsu. But, what is your main element?" He asked. He knew that Niru was now having his doubts about him, but he was willing to show him exactly why he's the Raikage.

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The 8 Tailed Jinchuuriki returns for the first time.... Empty Re: The 8 Tailed Jinchuuriki returns for the first time....

Post by Kyo Sat Dec 06, 2008 5:00 pm

Niru thought about it carefully then spoke.

"I have never realy though about it.... I would say light, but that is not a main element. I do not realy know what light is made up of. But that does not matter. I have a jutsu that will allow me to copy other elemental jutsu and merge it with my light jutsu."

Niru was itching to get started. he had much to learn in such a short time.

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The 8 Tailed Jinchuuriki returns for the first time.... Empty Re: The 8 Tailed Jinchuuriki returns for the first time....

Post by L Sat Dec 06, 2008 5:21 pm

"Well first I'll have to see what you can do, so, we'll have to spar a little before we can get started." He said, he was itching for a fight, and it was normally peaceful in the village and nothing to do.

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The 8 Tailed Jinchuuriki returns for the first time.... Empty Re: The 8 Tailed Jinchuuriki returns for the first time....

Post by Kyo Sat Dec 06, 2008 5:47 pm

"Where will we fight? I am sure that you don't want to fight in this building...."

He was assuming that they would be taken to the arena or training grounds.

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The 8 Tailed Jinchuuriki returns for the first time.... Empty Re: The 8 Tailed Jinchuuriki returns for the first time....

Post by L Sat Dec 06, 2008 8:23 pm

"How about we go up in the mountains, where we won't cause any damage." He said as he began to walk out side.

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The 8 Tailed Jinchuuriki returns for the first time.... Empty Re: The 8 Tailed Jinchuuriki returns for the first time....

Post by Kyo Sat Dec 06, 2008 9:21 pm

Niru began to follow him closely up into the mountains where they would train. When they were far enough into the mountains, Niru attacked without warning. Niru believed that as a kage, he should have little trouble dodging the oncoming attack from behind. If he could not, then it was his own mistake for not being ready at all times.

While still behind the Raikage, Niru jumped forward about a foot and landed on his hands. Now doing a hand stand, he spun on his hands while twisting his legs outwards ina striking position.

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The 8 Tailed Jinchuuriki returns for the first time.... Empty Re: The 8 Tailed Jinchuuriki returns for the first time....

Post by L Sun Dec 07, 2008 7:39 pm

Sanmaru saw the incoming attack from Niru, and he was actually getting pretty tired of it. He was thinking of letting himself getting hit, but he didn't want to gibe him a free shot. So, Sanmaru, instead, disappeared just as the kick was about to hit him. Suddenly, a voice was heard from up above him.

"You need to learn to mind your surroundings, there's a reason why I picked the mountains. We're so high up, that the clouds around us are serving as mist. This is your first leason."

The voice then disappeared and then someone breathing could be heard right behind Niru. Suddenly, rocks as sharp as swords went flying towards Niru from all directions.

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The 8 Tailed Jinchuuriki returns for the first time.... Empty Re: The 8 Tailed Jinchuuriki returns for the first time....

Post by Kyo Sun Dec 07, 2008 7:50 pm

Niru, still on his hands, bent his elbows down to the ground and lunged himself up into the air as the skies struck the ground where he had once been. Now spinning in the air, he reached onto his back and pulled out Nuada. he spun the sword around in a windmill formation, twirling it between his fingers as he himself spun aswell. As he spun, the sword grow longer untill it was a spear, that bloacked the remaing spikes that came in towards him.

Landing with his feet spread apart, he held one hand out infront of him, hs back arched and his other hand far back behind him with the spear within it.

"You should have have noticed the area you were fighting in before attacking... with bits of snow here and there, it can be used as a lethal weapon for him. And the mist covers his moves and also blocks out most of the light, thus weakening some of your own jutsu..."

"Shut up.... I need to concentrate.... how will I find him in the mist? Well what ever I do, I should be copying the justu that he teaches me..."

The pupls of Niru's eyes started to have a small glow within them. it was as if someone had lit a candle down a long and black tunnel. The only thing he could do now, is wait.

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The 8 Tailed Jinchuuriki returns for the first time.... Empty Re: The 8 Tailed Jinchuuriki returns for the first time....

Post by L Sun Dec 07, 2008 8:11 pm

Hmmm... I see he can easily block my earth attacks, lets see how good he does against water and earth.

Sanmaru started doing quick hand signs and then 6 "poofs" were heard all around the area. The sound of footsteps came soon after. The "mist" began to get thicker and thicker until almost nothing could be seen from a foot away.

More earth spikes went flying towards Niru, right behind the spikes were water shaped like spikes. They would hit 2 seconds after the earth spikes did.

Sanmaru began to make more hand signs as he stood there, waiting to see what Niru would do and for the clones to do their part.

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The 8 Tailed Jinchuuriki returns for the first time.... Empty Re: The 8 Tailed Jinchuuriki returns for the first time....

Post by Kyo Sun Dec 07, 2008 8:26 pm

After blocking several more spikes, Niru rolle don the ground to dodge a few more. he was now on all fours, and used all of his limbs, to thrust himself up into the air again. While in the air, he put Nuada away and pulled out another spear. This pear was double edged, and held several buttons on the long hilt. Now falling upside down, he could see the water spikes rushing towards him. he pressed one of the buttons, and one of the blades of the spear shot off and stabbed into the ground about 12 feet away. It was attached to a chin that lead back to the hilt of the spear. He pressed another button, and the chain rapidly recoiled and pulled the hilt, along with Niru, to wards the blade... just in time to miss the water spikes.

Now being pulled towards the ground He did it again before the blade and the hilt had connected but he did this with the other side of the double edged spear. By doing this, he the blade would stab into an ojbect and oull Niru towards it. he could change his direction, by doing the smae thing with teh other side, while in midair.

The 8 Tailed Jinchuuriki returns for the first time.... Duel

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The 8 Tailed Jinchuuriki returns for the first time.... Empty Re: The 8 Tailed Jinchuuriki returns for the first time....

Post by L Sun Dec 07, 2008 8:52 pm

One of the clones began to run towards Niru, the clones hands were glowing with chakra, anyone who knew medical ninjutsu would have known imeditatly that he was using the chakra scaple. The clone was ready to dodge any incomming attacks from Niru and also to sacrafice it's self just to reach him.

Sanmaru watched from afar, he was hoping that this match would teach Niru a couple of things without him knowing it.

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The 8 Tailed Jinchuuriki returns for the first time.... Empty Re: The 8 Tailed Jinchuuriki returns for the first time....

Post by Kyo Sun Dec 07, 2008 9:14 pm

Niru quickly stabbed the spear into the ground so that it was sticking straight up. he then made several handsigns.

"Light Mirage"

7 more spears identicle to the original one, formed around him. He had made copies of his spear through light. The clone was approching fast, and Niru could see that he was using the chakra scalple, or something similar to it. he had to act fast. Niru quickly began to spin around qucikly, and grabbed each spear with a different part of his body. This was a pose that the Hachibi had said that the last Jinchuuriki known as Killer Bee had once used. Now in the same pose, but with spears, he started to spin rapidly, turning into a ball that would slice anything that reached him.

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The 8 Tailed Jinchuuriki returns for the first time.... Empty Re: The 8 Tailed Jinchuuriki returns for the first time....

Post by L Sun Dec 07, 2008 9:29 pm

As the clone kept running towards Niru he noticed that he used a jutsu to make more spears. He wasn't worried even when he saw that he began to spin making it almost impossible to touch his actuall body. The clone kept running, he was picking up speed real fast and was almost there. Once the clone got clone enough, he jumped into the spinning ball and poofed. Once it did, anything that was touching it when it "poofed" got shocked by the electricity that it sent out. It was a lightning clone.

Sanmaru was still doing hand signs as he saw that one of his clones had done what they needed to do.

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The 8 Tailed Jinchuuriki returns for the first time.... Empty Re: The 8 Tailed Jinchuuriki returns for the first time....

Post by Kyo Sun Dec 07, 2008 9:41 pm

"A lightning clone!?!"

The electricity traveled down the spears as he was spinning. Just before it reach his body, chakra oozed out of Niru's body. The white chakra bubbled and oozed like a think gell that stopped the lightning in it's tracks.

"Will I have to save you in every fight?.... I might as well finish this one aswell"

The bijuu had released some chakra to Niru when he saw the electricity first started down the spears. A single tail now emerged from Niru's body as he came to a hault from the spin. The copies of the spear vanished along with the original one. he then got down on all fours and started to growl. His teeth turned to sharp fangs and his nail to claws. Two small horns protruded on his horehead and the white chakra thickened, while a second tail grew.

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