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Kajuu Akimichi returns!

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Kajuu Akimichi returns! Empty Kajuu Akimichi returns!

Post by Bachi Hyuokin Thu Apr 30, 2009 11:22 pm

Kajuu walked along the road and saw the gigantic gates of konoha. He gave a small smirk. he was carrying a large sack over his shoulder which continued to make a strange sound, like a mich of coins and paper. He stepped through the gates and smiled brightly "I'm finally home!" He tossed the sack into the air and caught it. He threw it back over his shoulder and continued to walk through the village. Many of the villagers had forgotten about him. He didnt mind that they didnt recognize him, it had been eight years since he left the village. There were only a few who did recognize him. They were the older resteraunt owners who had to serve him in the past. One particular owner was very excited over the return of the Akimichi. "Kajuu! do you remember me! I have the best grilled foods in Konoha!" Kajuu looked over at the old man and smiled. "How could I forget you! I am sorry but I have no time to stop I have an important mission that I must complete before I may eat in your resteraunt."

He continued through the streets and occasionly stopped for some catching up with villagers who happened to recognize him. A few were from his academy days and they would tell stories of how Kajuu would challenge every ninja, not to a fight, but to an eating competition. After walking a ways further he came to a small bar. "Ichiraku's Ramen Bar! Let my mission begin!" He ran in and sat on a stool and began to yell to the cook. "twenty bowls of ramen! I want to see if my training has paid off!" He opened the sack and emptied and a large amount of money. "I will be the best eater in all of the world!" He began shoveling ramen into his mouth, all the while thinking of his younger days eating ramen with his friends. Chijin, He thought to himself. He slowed his eating pace as he remebered hearing the news that his old teammate had become an Anbu but was killed in the line of duty. He had to visit his grave, He had to pay his respects today. For now he wished to push aside the gloom of death and enjoy his food like he once did.
Bachi Hyuokin
Bachi Hyuokin

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Kajuu Akimichi returns! Empty Re: Kajuu Akimichi returns!

Post by Unknown Fri May 01, 2009 2:12 pm

occ~ Hey, mind if I pop in and play?

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Kajuu Akimichi returns! Empty Re: Kajuu Akimichi returns!

Post by Bachi Hyuokin Fri May 01, 2009 3:15 pm

ooc: come on in Smile
Bachi Hyuokin
Bachi Hyuokin

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Kajuu Akimichi returns! Empty Re: Kajuu Akimichi returns!

Post by Unknown Fri May 01, 2009 3:46 pm

A shinobi entered the ramen bar, and sat down. She looked over at Kajuu, and thought. Wow, this guy is loaded with cash. Maybe, he's a member of the Akimichi clan. "Greetings, my fellow shinobi." She guessed that he was about Jounin level, and used his attacks with great strategy. But then, on the other hand, he just spent much more money than she would have herself. "My name is Ayane, a Chunin from Kirigakure, and you must be.." she thought. So, all the Akimichi clan members I've heard of, this guy's probably Jounin. So that means he's.....

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Kajuu Akimichi returns! Empty Re: Kajuu Akimichi returns!

Post by Bachi Hyuokin Fri May 01, 2009 9:24 pm

With out missing a beat in his eating he began to speak. "Kajuu Akimichi at your service!" He continued to down his food and then slowly stopped himself. He thought of what his mother told him of table ettiquet. Eat like a human being in the presence of a lady Kajuu, he repeated in his head. He smiled and blushed a bit "sorry for my rude way of eating, would you like a bowl of ramen? Don't worry about the price, my travels have gained me enough money to retire young. That is if i spend it wiely." He laughed a bit and rubed the back of his head.

"Anyways, Besides the best ramen in the world, what brings you to Konoha?" He said. He was now paceing himself in his eating, takeing smaller bites and chewing for a bit longer. He looked her up and down out of the corner of his eyes and thought to himself, well she is very pretty. He smiled deviously and continued to eat.
Bachi Hyuokin
Bachi Hyuokin

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Kajuu Akimichi returns! Empty Re: Kajuu Akimichi returns!

Post by Unknown Fri May 01, 2009 9:38 pm

"Well, I came here because, well...." She thought to herself, why did I come to Konoha. I yes, now I remember.
"I came here because I never really had much to do back in Kiri, so I came to see how konoha was doing." She looked at him, wow, he's even got manners like I've never seen before. "I appreciate your offer, but I already ate, Kajuu." She was amazed at how smart Kajuu was. "While, I was thinking of finding the Hokage, before I decide to travel to my next destination." "I was thinking about doing some study on the Akastuki, ever hear of them?" she asked him, with a very serious look on her face.

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Kajuu Akimichi returns! Empty Re: Kajuu Akimichi returns!

Post by Bachi Hyuokin Fri May 01, 2009 9:50 pm

He stoped eating completly now. He stared at his ramen with a sad look on his face. "In my entire life I have only been moved to tears by two things. One was my first every cheese cake." He chuckled still keeping the dismal look about him. "The other was the aftermath of an akatsuki attack." He remembered hearing about the attacks that were recently laid against Sunagakure. "I had traveled to Suna to see what they had done. I remember walking through the streets and seeing so man hopeless faces." He took a deep breathe and continued to eat.

"As for the Akatsuki themselves, I have yet to meet one. When the day does come though I will show them the meaning of the Akimichi rage." he said with a smile coming to his face. He looked down and realized he had finished his last bowl of ramen. "Well looks like I'm done for now. As for your studies, I would love to help you gather information. Just say the word and I'm off...that is after I have gone to see my mother and father. I have just returned to the village after an eight year absence so I must check on things." He smiled at her but quickly had to suppress a burp as not to be rude.
Bachi Hyuokin
Bachi Hyuokin

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Kajuu Akimichi returns! Empty Re: Kajuu Akimichi returns!

Post by Unknown Sat May 02, 2009 7:39 am

"Suna was attacked!", she said, shocked. "Looks like the Kages have a new stronger threat to deal with, now that they are back.", she said. She pulled out a book, and held it up. "This is the Bingo book, and of course, any high-ranked crimanal shinobi would be in this book, and, the Akastuki as well." she looked at him again, the handed him the book. "Well, it seems to my studies that the only village not attacked was......Konohagakure." she said, her voice filled with sorrow.

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Kajuu Akimichi returns! Empty Re: Kajuu Akimichi returns!

Post by Bachi Hyuokin Sat May 02, 2009 12:48 pm

Kajuu held the bingo book in his hand but for soom reason could not bring himself to open it. He let it sit there thinking about what he would do when he saw the names and faces. as he contemplated these things, He heard Ayane say that the only village not to be attacked was Konohagakure. He let a sly smile cross his face "Well then let them come. When they arrive I will show them what eight years of training in an Akimichi can do!" He pounded his chest and let out a small grunt.

"Kajuu is back so there is nothing to fear!"
Bachi Hyuokin
Bachi Hyuokin

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Kajuu Akimichi returns! Empty Re: Kajuu Akimichi returns!

Post by Unknown Sat May 02, 2009 5:25 pm

"Well, what really makes you think you can beat on two s-ranked ninja, when the Kazekage couldn't stop them." she said. "I do though, admire you confidence, but, even if they did come, I doubt they'd pay any attention to us." she continued. She thought, I hope he's getting this, of it's just suicide to fight them. But, then again, if the kages could come to an agreement, they could hunt them down. "Well, it seems only akastuki members know where their base is at, and currently I do not know, how many members there could be.", sighing, she finished her sentence.

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Kajuu Akimichi returns! Empty Re: Kajuu Akimichi returns!

Post by Bachi Hyuokin Sat May 02, 2009 7:43 pm

He leaned back a bit and patted his stomach which he usually did either when he finished eating or was deep in thought. Kajuu at the moment had a hard time deciding which it was. How many members, he though to himself. " I believe that traditionally there is only ten members from my studies of the past akatsuki organization, but this may have changed." He scratched his head and continued to think on all the information he had. "They normally operate in two man cells...hmmm So far all I have gathered is information on four of them." He sat forward and spun around in his chair. He hopped on to the ground with suprising grace.

"If you don't mind, when I plan things out I love to walk. It is such a beautiful day, it's hard to resist. Besides I would look so much better with a beautiful young women walking with me anyways." He smiled at her hold out his arm like a gentlemen so that they may talk a walk together. He thought to himself, this line doesnt often work but hey lets give it a go.
Bachi Hyuokin
Bachi Hyuokin

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Kajuu Akimichi returns! Empty Re: Kajuu Akimichi returns!

Post by Unknown Sat May 02, 2009 8:32 pm

Ayane blushed slightly. This guy, he's pretty nice, so yeah, I'll walk with him, she thought. "Yeah, a walk sounds good, and it's good exercise too.", she stated as she took his arm. "Yes, such a wonderful day indeed." she replied. She thought to herself. What am I to say this is a nice day, with all the peace going around, shinobi will no longer be needed, unless war occurs, battles utilising all the Bijuu, so says the Akastuki, I just hope I don't get involved. While thinking of this, she didn't notice that she looked troubled.

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Kajuu Akimichi returns! Empty Re: Kajuu Akimichi returns!

Post by Bachi Hyuokin Sat May 02, 2009 8:47 pm

Kajuu scratched his head and thought to himself, did she say it's good excercise? what is that supposed to mean? is she saying I'm fat?! He was buolding up a small meltdown but then she grabed his arm and he began to feel a bit gitty. He blushed a little bit and started to walk through the streets. He was feeling a bit down since he heard of the death of his friends and the recent activity of the Akatsuki, so he changed his attention to Ayane. "So...uh...tell me a little bit about yourself. I don't know anything about you and I would love to get to know you." He said with a nervous smile on his face.

He made a glance towards his stomach. Damn this Akimichi body! The ladies don't tend to go for the big and plump guys. He patted his stomach and pouted a bit but put his smile back on.
Bachi Hyuokin
Bachi Hyuokin

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Kajuu Akimichi returns! Empty Re: Kajuu Akimichi returns!

Post by Unknown Sat May 02, 2009 9:36 pm

"Well, I came from the....", she stopped herself. If I tell him, oh well. "Well yes, I am from Kirigakure, but I came from Otogakure." "I am a ninja who specializes in suiton element, and well, I'm a chunin rank." she replied. "So, how about you, I'd like to get to know you." she said as they walked.

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Kajuu Akimichi returns! Empty Re: Kajuu Akimichi returns!

Post by Bachi Hyuokin Sun May 03, 2009 3:02 pm

He smiled brightly "I am the, soon to be, greates Akimichi to ever live." He slapped his chest a little as if proud to boast he isnt there quite yet. "I am from this very village. I am a Jounin, but I have no element per say. Unless you count the element of suprise!" He laughed at his corny joke but then realized how idiotic it was. "I am strictly focused on my Akimichi talents really but I do well in ninjutsu as well dont get me wrong."
Bachi Hyuokin
Bachi Hyuokin

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Kajuu Akimichi returns! Empty Re: Kajuu Akimichi returns!

Post by Unknown Sun May 03, 2009 7:06 pm

"Hey, your Jounin huh, you any one's sensei yet?", she asked. She kept walking with him, and then she thought.
Wait a second, did he just make, a stupid joke, oh well, can't bite his head off now. "Say, wanna go do something, because like I said earlier, I'm leaving soon." "So, if you wanna do something, then say so now!" she said.

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Kajuu Akimichi returns! Empty Re: Kajuu Akimichi returns!

Post by Bachi Hyuokin Mon May 04, 2009 6:19 pm

"No I am no ones sensei at the moment." HE smiled and thought of what it would be like to be a sensei and to train the next generation. He remembered his old master and how he would take the team out for food and empty his wallet because of Kajuu alone. Ayane then had asked if he wanted to do anything. He rubed the back of his head. "Yeah sure, but i'm not sure what to do." he thought of what he used to do and it was basically train and eat. "I havent done much in this village but train really. I have no idea of something fun."

He looked around the street looking for something to do before Ayane had to leave back to her village. That would make him upset though. He hated to see new friends leave so soon after they meet. Regardless of distance though he was willing to be a loyal friend. "Do you have any ideas?"
Bachi Hyuokin
Bachi Hyuokin

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Kajuu Akimichi returns! Empty Re: Kajuu Akimichi returns!

Post by Unknown Mon May 04, 2009 7:10 pm

"Well, we could always have a fight, for fun.", she said. She wanted to find out an Akimichi's true strength. "So you up for it, Kajuu?", she asked him. Shecouldn't really think of anything else, but she was in the battling mood right now.

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Kajuu Akimichi returns! Empty Re: Kajuu Akimichi returns!

Post by Bachi Hyuokin Mon May 04, 2009 7:18 pm

He all of a sudden got over excited. He Didnnt get to fight often so when an opportunity came around he took it usually. "Well if your sure you want to have a quick spar I think that can be arranged." He smiled wide as they continued to walk. "I suppose this place isnt exactly a great environment for a fight so I suggest that we meet at the Training area." He said removing his arm from hers and facing her. Go on ahead and I will meet you there soon.
Bachi Hyuokin
Bachi Hyuokin

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Kajuu Akimichi returns! Empty Re: Kajuu Akimichi returns!

Post by Unknown Mon May 04, 2009 7:25 pm

occ- I made a post in the Training section, K.

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Kajuu Akimichi returns! Empty Re: Kajuu Akimichi returns!

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