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The Trade with Suna

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The Trade with Suna Empty The Trade with Suna

Post by tradebuzzing2 Sat Nov 29, 2008 5:09 pm

A sound of paper work getting done come from the Hokage's office. Sannam sighed as he hated paper work. He looked at the paper. "This is for the better of Akuma." He filled it out, as he looked up a shinboi he called for, came in. "Yes sir?" the shinboi asked. "I need you to go get the Genin Akuma, for me please." The shinobi bowed and left. He came to Akuma's house. "Akuma, Hokage-sama, needs to speak with you." Back at the office Sannam needed to speak with Taku. "Where is Taku, when you need him?"


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The Trade with Suna Empty Re: The Trade with Suna

Post by stone hearted shedemon Sat Nov 29, 2008 5:14 pm

Akuma answered her door to find a Konoha shinobi standing there. She blinked and nodded her head. "Alright just let me get my things and I'll be right out." She closed the door and ran back inside to get her ninja equipment and shoes. She made sure everything was in order, or at least findable and went back outside with the shinobi. "Ok I'm ready to go."
She followed him a little behind to give herself time to think. 'What could he possably want me fore? I haven't done anything wrong...or is it a mission?' She pondered these thoughts so deeply that time passed before she knew it and was standing outside the Hokage's office, she waited outside before she was told to enter, still mulling the thoughts over in her head.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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The Trade with Suna Empty Re: The Trade with Suna

Post by tradebuzzing2 Sat Nov 29, 2008 5:17 pm

The Shinboi did not speak to Akuma at all, he only walked towards the Hokage's office. As the arrived there, Sannam had the paperwork just about finished. "Ah, Akuma, please take a sit." He smiled at her and then looked towards Suna. "I need to know, what you think about moving to the sand village. I think you would be better off there, because you have blood over there. And Taku is a great teacher. You would learn a lot there, more than you would there. If you say yes, please sing your name here." He gave her a pen and held out a paper.


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The Trade with Suna Empty Re: The Trade with Suna

Post by stone hearted shedemon Sat Nov 29, 2008 5:23 pm

Akuma entered and half smiled at the Hokage, taking her seat, and she was glad she did as the question would have made her fall over. "What?!" She looked at the paper and back up at the Hokage, she didn't believe what was happening. "Sir you can't be serious?" She picked up the pen and thought momenteraly. "I have a feeling there is another motive behind this move, if you don't mind me saying sir..." She raised an eyebrow, nothing like this usually happens this fast, and waited for him to answer before she signed anything.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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The Trade with Suna Empty Re: The Trade with Suna

Post by tradebuzzing2 Sat Nov 29, 2008 5:30 pm

He laughed as he saw Akuma's face. "Ah, yes there is yet another reason. Drac is willing to train you, and I think it would be best if you joined the village he is in. Trying with your own blood is better than anyone in this village can offer. Also, I think you'll enjoy it more there. Its a bigger area and has more space. You will learn a lot there, the leaf village cannot teach you, the Demon's bloodline. We only know little about it, The sand on the other hand not quite a lot, and can train you." He cleared his throat and smiled at her. "So, are you willing to make the move?"


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The Trade with Suna Empty Re: The Trade with Suna

Post by stone hearted shedemon Sat Nov 29, 2008 5:35 pm

"Hmm.." Akuma looked at the paper before her and figured the Hokage was not going to give anything away at this moment in time so she just signed the line were he requested. She looked up and sighed, she had lived in the village for quite some time and had grown quite fond of it, she guessed though, that since the villages were allys, that she would be able to visit often enough anyway, and the prospect of training her natural demon abilities was un-missable. "Ok I will go Hokage-sama, but this better not be just some hair brained scheme." She quiped, half jokingly.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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The Trade with Suna Empty Re: The Trade with Suna

Post by tradebuzzing2 Sat Nov 29, 2008 5:39 pm

Sannam laughed at her words. "Ah, no do not worry. I only wish for the best of each and every of my shinobi. I would not give anyone up, for anything. I am merely allowing you to go to an allied village, so you can becomea better you. I wish for the best of all my shinboi. I am the Hokage after all." He took the paper. "Only one more person to see." He looked around. "Can you go the Sand village, and give Taku this message." He said to a Shinboi by his desk. The Shinboi nodded and left.


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The Trade with Suna Empty Re: The Trade with Suna

Post by Guest Sat Nov 29, 2008 8:46 pm

Taku was awaiting an envoy at the gate, why were people always late. Was he just not worth the effort? He considered this possibility for only a moment before discarding it. His schedule was not the only one in the world, but still, punctuality would be nice every once in a while. Taku saw a leaf shinobi walking toward the gate by using his Jagan to see through it in the distance and smiled. It was about time. He was eager to find out who Sanam was so eager to have transfer to his village, the last exchange had been great, Ippin had not enjoyed staying in the sand, and Shino had proven to be a worthwhile subordinate. Taku enjoyed having him around.


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The Trade with Suna Empty Re: The Trade with Suna

Post by tradebuzzing2 Sat Nov 29, 2008 10:32 pm

The Shinboi walked up to Taku. "Kazekage-sama, Hokage-sama would love to speak with you." He looked at him with not emotion. "He says its imporant, and wishes to get things done as soon as he can." The Shinboi turned around and walked a little bit. "His is in his office, I will lead you there." He walked towards the office. "So, why are you already here? You made my trip a lot easier" The shinboi smiled.


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The Trade with Suna Empty Re: The Trade with Suna

Post by stone hearted shedemon Sun Nov 30, 2008 5:27 pm

Akuma waited patiently in the Hokage's office awaiting for the Kazekage's arrival. She shifted nervously in her seat and coiled her tail then uncoiled it from the chair leg repeatedly, almost bored out of her mind and getting even more impatient. She looked out of the window looking out at the village. She frowned a little as she thought about what she was doing. 'I'll be leaving everyone I ever got to know, I will have to start again, i never realised how much this place actually means to me...' She sighed and raised a hand up to her headband and traced her claw over the leaf design, she was really going to miss it.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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The Trade with Suna Empty Re: The Trade with Suna

Post by Guest Mon Dec 01, 2008 11:21 am

Taku chose to ignore the leaf ninja, repayment for his tardiness. They continued on in silence untill they reached the Hokages office. Taku shot the ninja a look that sent him runing with his tail between his legs. Or at least he would have if he had had a tail. Taku opened the doors and walked in, "I am here Sanam, who is the one you wished to speak with me about. He could not see Akuma, for he was behind her chair.


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The Trade with Suna Empty Re: The Trade with Suna

Post by stone hearted shedemon Mon Dec 01, 2008 6:56 pm

Akuma heared Taku's voice and sat stock still for a few seconds before turning around in her chair and pearing at him over the top of it. She lowered her ears to the side of her head and her tail quivered with anticipation. 'So this is Taku from Suna...' She took in his appearance and turned back to Sannam, looking for confirmation.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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The Trade with Suna Empty Re: The Trade with Suna

Post by Guest Mon Dec 01, 2008 7:04 pm

Taku watched as Akuma answered his question for him. He sensed a slight bit of fear from her actions. He bodyflickered to the right of Sanam, "Yes Akuma, I am Taku, The kazekage." He studied her hard. She was nothing of Drac's calibur, not yet anyway. Suna was preparing for war, and he would make sure she was up to the task should he need her as well. He thought heavily. "Before I accept her into the Sand village, I wish to test her, to see what she can do and what kind of training she needs aside from mastering her demon side."


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The Trade with Suna Empty Re: The Trade with Suna

Post by stone hearted shedemon Mon Dec 01, 2008 7:08 pm

Akuma swivled around to face them again, mouth slightly open in awe. She noticed how she appeared and closed her mouth quickly. She held her tail in her hands and tried to look a little more confident. "What kind of test? and when do we start?" She replied with a grin. She dropped her tail and it swung freely behind her as she stood up.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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The Trade with Suna Empty Re: The Trade with Suna

Post by Guest Mon Dec 01, 2008 7:12 pm

"You shall see when we get to the traing ground at the academy. And now," he dissapeared out the window, leaping across the roof tops. He had not waited for a reply. He did not know if Sanam would fallow. He did not care. Akuma was his only concearn at the moment. The training he had in mind would tell him what he needed to know. He landed in the center of the training field, turned back towards the direction of Sanam's mansion, and awaited Akuma's arrivial.


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The Trade with Suna Empty Re: The Trade with Suna

Post by stone hearted shedemon Mon Dec 01, 2008 7:18 pm

Akuma watched as Taku lept from the window and looked at Sannam, bowing her head she then followed suit and lept out of the window onto the roof tops. She got onto all fours and took off after Taku, following his scent and heading to the training grounds. As a gap came between her and the next building she lept over it and kept running at break neck pace, finaly leaping off the last building and going for a straight run to the training grounds stopping short of Taku. She stood upright and redied herself for what happens next.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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The Trade with Suna Empty Re: The Trade with Suna

Post by Guest Tue Dec 02, 2008 11:01 am

Taku watched Akuma make her arrival. He smiled at her for the first time and said, "This test is going to reveal everything I need to know about you. It's objective is simple enough. However, achieveing that objective is much more difficult." Taku made a few hand seals, "Chakra armor," wrapping himself in a blanket of chakra that fit his body perfectly. "You must try to remove all of the armor from my body. It is tougher than it may sound. And no matter how tough you may think it is, I guarantee you it is tougher." He waited a moment for effect and said, "Begin."


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The Trade with Suna Empty Re: The Trade with Suna

Post by stone hearted shedemon Tue Dec 02, 2008 4:38 pm

Akuma heared the words "Begin" and went straight for Taku with a flurry of punches, kicks and slashes with her tail. She did not use all of her force quite yet as she didn't not want to exhaust herself on the initial testing of the armour's strength. She focused her eyes on her targen and aimed for the joints and weak points.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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The Trade with Suna Empty Re: The Trade with Suna

Post by Guest Tue Dec 02, 2008 4:46 pm

Taku leapt back quickly and darted to the side. If Akuma had connected, she would have casued herself umiagineable pain. "Never do that again Akuma, for two reasons. The first, you damn near killed yourself. I am the last of the Sookato. Our chakra techniques act as plasma, destroying physical enteties, you almsost suffered serious wounds of your own doing. Secondly, and I teach this to all my students, you are being to straight forward with your attacks. Plan, set up, and then attack. Make it a process." He waited a moment and then said, "Again."


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The Trade with Suna Empty Re: The Trade with Suna

Post by stone hearted shedemon Tue Dec 02, 2008 4:56 pm

Akuma blinked and listened, trying to figure out what he ment and a plan to go with it. She quickly did her hand seals and unleashed her sonic roar jutsu. She made her chest swell up with chakra and opened her mouth, creating a massive swell of chakra that rushed towards Taku in a shockwave, the grass benieth them either blew flat or was torn from the earth like nothing.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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The Trade with Suna Empty Re: The Trade with Suna

Post by Guest Tue Dec 02, 2008 5:23 pm

"Chakra wall," Taku called out. Normaly Taku would use this technique to creat 5 or six walls around the opponet, trapping them. This time however, he only made a single wall. It took the wind and was demolished, but otherwise left Taku unscathed. He could have keapt the wall up by channeling more chakra to it, but he decided against it. He waited to see what Akuma would do.


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The Trade with Suna Empty Re: The Trade with Suna

Post by stone hearted shedemon Tue Dec 02, 2008 5:34 pm

As the shock wave expired Akuma had made several more hand signs and used her sea of fangs jutsu which followed the shockwaye almost instantly. She stood still as large fangs came up from the earth and charged towards Taku, crushing one another and rolling onwards like a closeing jaw. Her tail flickered as she concentraited.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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The Trade with Suna Empty Re: The Trade with Suna

Post by Guest Wed Dec 03, 2008 4:41 pm

Taku would have been impressed, but he was sure she hadn't realized the effectiveness of her technique. The bottom of Taku's feet was one of the few places that the chakra armor did not cover. Well, it would have been effective had it not been Taku perhaps. As soon as he saw the attack coming, he reacted. He leapt high into the air and brought his right hand in front of him, "Chakra shuriken," he called out, launching a single blast of chakra in her direction. "You didn't think that I wouldn't retaliate did you?"


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The Trade with Suna Empty Re: The Trade with Suna

Post by stone hearted shedemon Wed Dec 03, 2008 5:00 pm

Akuma stopped and smirked, jumping to the side of the chakra blast. "Actually I was counting on it." She ran up the fangs she had made and lept behind him, creating seals rapidly. "INFERNO BALL JUTSU!" Her body shrunk rapidly to the size of a golf ball and she released an explosion as she got near to Taku.
stone hearted shedemon
stone hearted shedemon

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The Trade with Suna Empty Re: The Trade with Suna

Post by Guest Wed Dec 03, 2008 9:16 pm

Taku turned toward her as she came up behind him. "Water Prison," he called out, trapping her in a sphere of water. This also contained the explosion. He landed on the ground, the prison still attatched to his arm. He released the jutsu to re-expose Akuma. "Not bad, but my armor is still there, keep trying."


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The Trade with Suna Empty Re: The Trade with Suna

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