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Drizzled and Muddy

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Drizzled and Muddy Empty Drizzled and Muddy

Post by Guest Fri Jan 09, 2009 12:14 am

A young girl, no taller than five feet, came to the outskirts of Kumogakure to train in the training feild with a drenched crimson red dress fluttering about and brushing her legs annoyingly. From the rains earlier, mud was everywhere. Her steps sloshed as she trotted along to her favorite place. A muddy, mossy, and tree surrounded area with high weeds on the edges and every other place. Snakes and many other creatures of the night lurk in this shadowy, small steppe of land.

Her tread marks were thick, up to her ankles as she looked about. She'd love this part of the training grounds. It was hard to get into and quite peaceful. Fires could hardly start because it was always so damp. Many odd plants grew in odd and twisted and mangled positions. Practically creating a thick, spiky barrier to the place.

She came to the middle of the twenty by twenty steppe. Her bright smile minimizing into a determined, scowlish perk. Her silverybrown eyes focused on a large, forty foot height, five feet across, evergreen, the only inthe small, swamp meadow, as her long hair was being tied up by her slender, sturdy hands. She had a lot to practice today. And what a target to tear down. It was already dead, so she felt no dread in wrecking it.

Taking an average stance, she withdrew her katana. Its purplish ribbon draping over her wrists in a curly fashion. Her long fingers flishing into certain handsigns while gripping the blade. Chakra buzzing through the silkwrapped hilt, running up the blade, concentrating upon the tip and back up and down. Creating a focused lightning within the blade. An hazy aura of the power flitting about around like invisible smoke.

She raised it in her right hand over her left shoulder high, slicing it quickly down to her right hip diagonally. Lighting, boomerang form without the comback, buzzed out and picked speed up towards the tree. Running straight through it.

For a small, longish moment, nothing but smoke seared through the mark. Suddenly, a small fire scorched a black mark the length of the lightning attack. Three feet long, the flames quickly dispelled as the tree was too moist to catch. Only leaving a thick black line and a slice four feet back into it. The tree wavered as it only had three more feet of its trunk to lean on.

Lelia smiled slyly. "Perfectly as planned. " She never wanted to overdue it and knock the tree right off before it even saw it coming. That would be too easy. Today, she decided she needed to practice more control on her jutsu. More focus on how much she's putting in. A ninja shouldn't waste too much energy on what jutsu. That is a definite loss the first time played.

For a couple of hours, Lelia played out the Sasurai no jutsu over and over. Slicing thinner and thinner until she thrusted and completly toar down a four foot thick, choked and dead cherry blossum. Her breath become heavier as she was running a guess of 58% chakra now. Too low.

Pulling out, she shifted and decided to just practice her styles. Slipping into first Buttafurai fighting style and carefully guiding each movement precisly. To her eyes, there were invisible points she needed to strike.

Grace and hidden sting was this style. Mainly a girl's style as thought, but being it was her uncle's teaching that brought this style to her... Buttafurai was ballet like, cautious and aimed precisly unless there were to be a start over before ruining the perfrmance like movements. It took years to practice this, it was jumpy. High in the air. Topsy tuvsy and fluttery like a butterfly's wings. Spins were inquired every now and then. High kicks a scare and low kicks unexpected to those unknowing.

Lelia graced it perfectly. Her small body grooving each step in the sticky mud as if she was flying. As if she was the beautiful insect that had inspired the creation of this fighting style hundreds of years ago.


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Drizzled and Muddy Empty Re: Drizzled and Muddy

Post by Munashii Hissori Fri Jan 09, 2009 9:06 am

Munashii reached the training grounds, noting the damage done to the area through his battles with Yoshimo-sensei and Keiteki-sama the previously. He got to the training log and started his stretches, limbering his body up for the day.

When he had finished, he drew his sword and started attacking the log, sometimes with slow powerful strikes and others with eye blurring speed. He kept his footwork up, never pausing for a moment and at several moments jumping over the log entirely and assaulting what would be the exposed back of an opponent.

Feeling properly warmed up, he started attaching the prototype of his new device, which he called the Sword Retriever. After his sparring matches, he believed it was time he should develop a new way of attacking effectively from a distance.

He had went to the market and bought several items, putting them together and coming up with the prototype Sword Retriever. It was simply ninja wire attached to an automatic reeling spool with several small grapples at the end. When attached to a sword hilt, one could simply press a release button and bring the weapon back to them if it was lost. It also allowed him to try out the new sword technique he was attempting.

Attaching the hilt the hooks and the device to his right forearm, he threw the sword across the field and into the ground at the far end. He took a deep breath. “I hope this works or I’ll be going back to the drawing board”, Munashii thought to himself. He pressed the release button.

With a small tug of resistance, the sword came free and flew back to his hand without a hitch. Munashii gave a small smile of celebration. Part one of today’s tasks was completed. Now for the new technique.

He threw the sword out into the field again. He raised his left hand, pulling down the first two fingers, keeping the longest two standing and the thumb touching the first two fingers. The sign served no real purpose, but it helped him concentrate on focusing his energy.

Chakra started to flow down the length of the wire, closing fast with the sword. But for some reason, it stopped around three quarters of the way to the weapon, and he could not get it any further. He tried until sweat beaded his forehead but it was stuck. He decided to take a small break and recuperate.

After having something to eat, he tried again, stretching his chakra down the wire and to the sword. It got to the three quarter mark but still would not go any further. He settled on the ground before trying again.

Before he could start, his Keiji enhanced hearing heard someone unsheathing a sword not too far away. He tried to ignore it and concentrate, but the sound of a blade cutting through the air soon followed. His swordsman curiosity piqued, he got up and recalled his blade to his hand. Putting his hood up to cover his shocking white hair, he followed the noises to their source.

Eventually, he came upon a young woman about his age practising with her sword. She was talented, probably more than capable to hold her own with any of his own clansmen. He watched, hidden, as she went through more movements. He was impressed.

Deciding to let her know he was there, he gave a small cough and said:

Sorry to bother you ma'am, but I'd just like to say you’re very good. Very capable with that sword”.

He hoped what little he knew about socialising would be adequate.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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Drizzled and Muddy Empty Re: Drizzled and Muddy

Post by Guest Mon Jan 12, 2009 11:26 pm

Lelia spun smoothly around back to face the person. A warm smile curled on her thin lips. She wasn't much for accepting compliments, she saw it her to do so to others and just be on her way. She bobbed her head in a simple nod with two, kindly put words, "Thank you, misure." she replied. Just adding a sentece. "Batafuri style." she called it. Not much of a socialist, that was the best sentence she'd come up with.

She noticed his headband of the cloud. Remembering seeing him once in a while througout the village and in classes of the academy. Her head tipped slightly as she raised her blade to tap her shoulder. Long, flowing golden brown hair streaming about it like air wisps as her left arm, the without arms, lightly crossing her waist to hug her curve. "Looks like I haven't met you, and a down bit it is too since we're of the same alliance." she stepped towards him. Holding out a slender, light ivory hand. "Lelia." she stated. "Lelia Higure-Kooketsuechi. And you are?" She noticed his sword and by the angle he held it and the angle of his shoulders, she added in slight answer to her question but still leaving it hanging, "A mighty fine swordsman I suspect?" she gestured with her silverybrown eyes to his stance.


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Drizzled and Muddy Empty Re: Drizzled and Muddy

Post by Munashii Hissori Tue Jan 13, 2009 9:29 am

He extended his hand out to accept her own, suprised that her hands were so smooth in comparison with his own calloused palms. For someone who was obviously talented with a blade, she had very few exterior signs of it. She had no prominant scars he could see and her hands were not calloused. He, on the other hand, had little scars all over his hands, face, arms, legs and chest. His hands were very rough due to the hours of sword practice he put in. He wondered how she managed it.

He tried a smile. "I can hold my own. I'm Munashii Hissori, of the Hissori clan", he said politely, bowing his head slightly and shaking her hand. Now that he could see her face properly, she looked faintly familiar. She may have been in his academy class, but he wasn't sure. Most of that time was something that he had tried very hard to strike from his mind, with the exception of the last four years when he had finally accepted his place in the grand scheme of things.

Trying to keep the conversation flowing, he asked, "You're a genin too, right? Have you been given a sensei yet? I've been assigned to someone called Yoshimo Izoto. Do you know him?"
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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Join date : 2009-01-04
Location : England

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Drizzled and Muddy Empty Re: Drizzled and Muddy

Post by Guest Wed Jan 14, 2009 12:50 am

Lelia tipped her head to the right side very slightly as she flipped his hand over gently and examined the scars she found and the dry skin. Letting him go, "You should use more Berry-Milk on your hands." she suggested lightly. Smiling warmly as she listened to his name.

"Whoa," she gasped in surprise. "A Hissori?! Prodigious." Lelia let him finish off as she guessed he now though she was rude in those exclamations. Quietly sheathed her blade into its leather sheath. Brushing her long locks off her shoulder as it annoyed her.

Lelia nodded. “Yes I’m genin. I think me and you had a few of the same classes. Not sure though.” she tapped her bottom lip for a second. Looking to the lightly clouded sky from the past rains in thought for a second. Wavering her horizontally placed hand. “Sort of.” she replied kindly to his question of Yoshimo. “He knows me, but I’m not too sure about him besides today’s episode in the village center with another jounin and Zero Raikage-sir.” Shaking her head with wisps of hair flying about lazily in the air. “No, I haven’t been honored with a sensei just yet. I am hoping to have one soon, nevertheless.”

Lelia for a moment couldn’t come up with anything to say as she quickly just blurted out: “So, ohm, this is probably kind of straight off the jelly-spoon, but do you want to train with me in tai? If not, that’s fine, I was just wondering because it might be fun to get to know a fellow shinobi.” Her shoulders rolled precisely with their spunk as she asked casually with a light gesture to the steppe behind her with the burnt and stricken trees.


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Drizzled and Muddy Empty Re: Drizzled and Muddy

Post by Munashii Hissori Wed Jan 14, 2009 9:07 am

Munashii gave his small smile when she gave him her advice on the Berry-Milk. She had obviously heard of his clan given the reaction she had to his name. She probably didn't know that scars and other signs of battle where veiwed as a great honour in his family, a sign that that person had engaged in some greusome struggle against a worthy opponent and emerged the victor. Although most of his scars had been gained through rigorious training and not battle, he still sported them proudly. Especially the small cuts on his back he had aquired through his match with the winged Keiteki Drakun.

Munashii wasn't sure what Lelia had meant by the "episode" in the village centre, since he had been either training with Yoshimo or at home recuperating from his sparring matches most of the day. His body still ached from the matches. Still, the prospect of training with someone his own age was a very tempting prospect, one he was not going to pass up. The chance to make a friend was something he had no intention of throwing away.

Giving a small smile, he replied, "That sounds like an idea. My clan usually fight with swords, but it has been a while since I've practiced taijutsu if that is what you'd prefare". He gestured for Lelia to proceede ahead of him to the steppe. "By the way, you mentioned that Yoshimo-sensei and another jounin had an 'episode'. I'm assuming that meant sparring", he gave a quiet chuckle. "Who was the jounin he was against?"
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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Drizzled and Muddy Empty Re: Drizzled and Muddy

Post by Guest Thu Jan 15, 2009 1:54 pm

Kurama laughed to himself. He was hidden Amongst the rafters of a nearby building which were exposed to the elemnts. A previous encounter with battle had ripped open parts of its roofing, leaving it a great place for Kurama to perch as he studied Izoto's new student. He had taken great interest in the lad, after hearing that he was an Hissori clansmen. Also being that Izoto had taken him under his wing, that was not a feat to be taken lightly. The young boy should be proud for such an accomplishment. Obviously Izoto saw something in the lad and this was nothing to brush aside. It had to be looked into. Up till this point, Kurama had been using advanced cloaking methods to secure his pressence be unnoticed. If the Hissori had been trying to find him, it would have been easy due to his clans skills. Now, however, Kurama aloud his aura to flare up, making it impossible to ignore. He was one of the most dangerous criminals alive, though by no means was he at the top of the totem pole. He wanted Hissori to know he was there, and then he wanted to spar with the lad and this other genin, just to see what they could do. Granted he could kill them with great ease now, but what good would that do him. For now, a simple spar would do.


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Drizzled and Muddy Empty Re: Drizzled and Muddy

Post by Guest Thu Jan 15, 2009 2:10 pm

Lelia smiled warmly as she stalked smoothly backwards with a thoughtful look on her face. She couldn't quite remmeber the name, "Kai...Kai...Ohm...Kai somthing was his name." She Replied with a rolled shrug. "I can't really remember, gomenosai."

When she reached the middle, she stood sturdy in the first stance of Butafuri. Smooth and daring. Her silverybrown eyes perked.

About to call him to take the first, as it was he was sortof the guest to the hidden arena of a steppe, she suddenly got an uneasy feeling. She stopped and looked about with a fallen face as she scanned the trees. She felt like another presence had fallen, with a sneer twist. Her slender hand reached for her katana protectivly as her senses told her to be cautious. But she couldn't find just where the placement was...


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Drizzled and Muddy Empty Re: Drizzled and Muddy

Post by Munashii Hissori Thu Jan 15, 2009 5:37 pm

As Munashii followed Lelia to the steppe, he felt a strange sensation. His hunter instincts were acting up, letting him know that something was wrong. Something was out of place. But he couldn’t put his finger on it. Then suddenly it hit him.

They were being watched.

He activated the Keiji, letting his senses balloon outward in search of their observer. There! Someone was in the rafters of a nearby ruin. Watching them. It was disturbing that whoever this was had managed to evade Munashii’s detection until now. That meant he was either a Hissori clansman too, or he was a very high level ninja.

He looked over at Lelia and could tell by the look on her face that she too knew that something was wrong.

We are not alone”, he said darkly. Drawing his sword and getting into a defensive stance near his fellow genin, he called out to the shadowy figure, staring directly where his silhouette was.

Come out, friend or foe. Identify yourself”.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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Drizzled and Muddy Empty Re: Drizzled and Muddy

Post by Guest Thu Jan 15, 2009 5:46 pm

Kurama body flickered behind Munashi, standing back to back with him, leaving a cloud of rose petals where he stood moments before. "Now, now, youngling. Is that anyway to greet a Jounin of your village. It's mighty disrespectful of you." He held a smile on his face and a rose in his right hand. His left arm was crossed and placed on the crook of his right elbow. He held the rose to his nose, enjoying the scent that greeted his senses. Humans smelled. It was nice to have a source of relief from their stench. "I'll forgive you this once I suppose. Pray tell, have I interupted a battle in the making. I love conflict. It is what drives a Homo Sapien to do what they do, in any case. Whether it be honorable or otherwise, the answer is conflict, it always comes back. It is the one primal instinct that no man can ignore."


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Drizzled and Muddy Empty Re: Drizzled and Muddy

Post by Guest Thu Jan 15, 2009 5:58 pm

Lelia was quite varied by this jounin. 'Well, duh someone would be rude when your sneaking about around them!' she murmered in her thoughts as she held a cautious stance. One hand still lightly grpping her katana with deterimined eyes on the newcomer. She noticed where he stood. Right in between the two.Dangerous if he tried anything even against lower ranks and with a quick getaway jutsu. Her face raining nothing changed but caution. That feeling she was getting about him just woulnd't get away. Even after his headband and statment of being of the same village.

"What is your purpose spying?" Lelia lightly demanded with a faked sweet perk. Her words formed politly. "A high rank wouldn't just be watching two genin for no reason at all."


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Drizzled and Muddy Empty Re: Drizzled and Muddy

Post by Munashii Hissori Thu Jan 15, 2009 6:11 pm

Munashii turned to face the man, or whatever he was. "I cannot fault that logic. Struggle and conflict is what makes us stronger, smarter, better. And it kills us too. It makes us what we are".

Munashii kept his guard up while Lelia was talking to the supposed jounin. He could not trust this man. He had to be sure that if the man attacked, he would be able to counter without getting in the way of Lelia's own attacks.

After all, Munashii was new to teamwork. He hoped that they would be strong enough to hold there own against him. Because Munashii knew that a fight was going to break out. This guy just stunk of battle.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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Drizzled and Muddy Empty Re: Drizzled and Muddy

Post by Guest Thu Jan 15, 2009 8:30 pm

Kurama opened his palm and allowed the rose to drop to the ground. It was sure to distract the girl at the very least. This was not just because it was a flower, but a change in movement always distracted humans, if even for a second. She would acknowledge it, and that split second was all that he needed. Munashi, with his bloodline, would probably be able to keep tabs on his movents, but that was no matter for Kurama. In a flash he was behind Munashi again, about three feet away. He whipped out his rose whip and flicked his wrist, wrapping the tip around the stalk of the rose, returning it to his hand. "Instead of fighting eachother, why not test yourselves against me, a seasoned warrior at the least."

Once again he paused to smell the rose. "Unless of course you would prefer to battle each other, a far less demanding fight for you. What I am proposing is that you two challenge yourselves, instead of fighting someone who merely at your level. The only way to improve, is to fight those stronger then yourself." He truly didnt care about them getting stronger of course. He just wanted to bait them in the best possible way, to ensure he could test Munashi. Genin were typically all hyped up about becomeing the best someday, and Kurama used this to his advantage.


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Drizzled and Muddy Empty Re: Drizzled and Muddy

Post by Munashii Hissori Thu Jan 15, 2009 8:47 pm

As soon as he had dropped the rose, Munashii saw him move, but he just couldn't keep up, not without going into Keiji speed. He turned again, keeping his eyes on the man and his sword up. When he heard the proposal, his mind was jumping at the chance to fight yet another talented ninja. Having already sparred with Yoshimo-sensei and Keiteki-sama, he wondered how it was that these highly ranked ninja seem to seek him out and fight with him. He could just imagine what his missions would be like when his opponents were actually aiming to kill. He would have his work cut out for him.

He gave a small smile.

On the other hand, he had been looking forward to sparring with Lelia, and he didn't want to plunge them both into this unless she was willing. He turned to her.

"Do you wish to fight with this guy? Because I'm willing if you are".

Then he turned to the jounin.

"And if we are going to fight, we should introduce ourselves. I am Munashii Hissori". He bowed his head slightly, keeping his sharp grey eyes on the man at all times.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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Drizzled and Muddy Empty Re: Drizzled and Muddy

Post by Guest Thu Jan 15, 2009 10:17 pm

Lelia was unsure about this. She narrowed his eyes and that face told her everything...

A good ninja notices deception. A teaching from the academy and one of Lelia's main perseption in her arts of Acting.

He only wanted to bait them...

Still, it was probably worth it on the fact of furthering her skills. She just needed to be sure of one thing...

"Muashii, please, and its not as if I expect you to, but, don't get hot headed in this." she looked at him with seriousness of the hardest. "Going against higher ranks is not to be taken lightly."

Lelia turned her silvery eyes back to the jounin. Her katana swiftly drawn with determination. She was low on chakra, so she'd have to make do with little jutsus and buttafuri. Hopefully enough to alli with Munashi.

"And I'm Lelia Higure-Kooketsuechi." She didn't bow at all. Not really her style. Formal junk like that was annoying to her, she'd only be polite in wording.


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Drizzled and Muddy Empty Re: Drizzled and Muddy

Post by Munashii Hissori Thu Jan 15, 2009 10:32 pm

Munashii blinked at Lelia's request. Did he really seem hot-headed?

"You have nothing to worry about Lelia", he replied, his voice just as serious as her look had been. His chakra reserves were still good, and his body had recovered well from his use of the Keiji speed he had utilised earlier. He was ready for whatever this guy had to throw at them.

Well, he hoped so anyway.

"Your name", Munashii repeated to the jounin, preparing himself for the match ahead.

"The tests of my abilities just keep on coming today", thought Munashii to himself.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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Drizzled and Muddy Empty Re: Drizzled and Muddy

Post by Guest Fri Jan 16, 2009 9:19 am

"My name is Kurama Koubi," Kurama replied, never once removing the rose from his nose, taking in its scent as he always did before a battle. It soothed him and kept him relaxed. His other hand fidgeted on the handle of the rose whip. It would be so easy to just kill them both now, but that was not the objective for today, they were only genin and what joy could that bring him. It would be no fun. For today he would just play with them. He truly wondered how he managed to survive in the village at all. HIs psychotic behaviour had to be worrisome to the higher ups. Whether they personally feared him or not, he could cause a lot of damage if he realy wanted to. But he didn't, not yet anyway. Going against a whole village by himself, that would be impossible. He dully sat there in his pose, for a moment and then slowly made a series of hand seals, "Rose Thornwheel," he said under his breath. Munashi may have heard him, but it was unlikely, even for his clan abillities at his level. INstantly the ground was covered in rose petals. They extended out from Kurama 20 meters, createing a circle 40 meters in diameter. He had made the first move, yet was in no way open for an easy attack. This was the beauty of the Koubi clan.


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Drizzled and Muddy Empty Re: Drizzled and Muddy

Post by Munashii Hissori Fri Jan 16, 2009 9:40 am

The scent of the roses filled the air, invading Munashii's senses. He was a little confused at this technique, since it seemed to serve little purpose other than to fill the area with roses. However, he did not assume anything about it yet. For all he knew, they could be explosive roses. It sounded far-fetched, but far stranger ninjutsu had been observed before. He resolved to avoid stepping on the rose covered floor for as long as possible.

But that too presented a problem. Munashii was a close combat specialist, he had very limited ways of attacking at a distance. As far as he could see, the only way to attack Kurama effectively was to draw him out of the circle somehow. That too posed a problem, as no doubt the man knew this.

Well, he wasn't getting anything done by standing around.

Quickly, he ran out to the edge of the circle of roses and jumped high into the air. As he reached the area above Kurama, he threw down several shuriken at him before landing on the opposite side of the steppe. He readied his sword, prepared to attack from the rear flank while Kurama was busy deflecting the projectiles. As soon as he saw his chance, he would emerge out of the trees and towards the target, engaging him in a fast close combat fight using Hayai Dageki.

He wasn't forgetting about Lelia, and kept an eye open for any attacks she was going to throw so he could adapt his plan to keep up.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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Drizzled and Muddy Empty Re: Drizzled and Muddy

Post by Guest Fri Jan 16, 2009 9:55 am

Kurama smiled. Shuriken, while they could be effective at som times, were not in this instance. As the metal shards came flying at him, Kurama simply took the hand which was not holding the rose, and pointed two fingers at them, not even moving anything but his wrist and finger joints. The roses around him came alive. There were seven shuriken in all, and so seven rose petals was all it took. They flew up into the air, spinning like mad, seemngly turning into a disk of sorts. Effective for slitting throats, or stopping small projectiles before the cut him open. Kurama and Munashi's weapons met in midair and fell to the ground. Kurama rotated his wrist and sent a flock of twenty rose petals in the direction he saw Munashi dissapear in to the trees, spreading them out, so they covered a distance of 3 feet accross, so they werent just focused on a single point, and more likely to hit their mark. He rotated his wrist again, doing the same to Leila. He smiled, but said not a word. 'Interesting,' He thought to himself.


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Drizzled and Muddy Empty Re: Drizzled and Muddy

Post by Guest Fri Jan 16, 2009 8:23 pm

Lelia frowned as she quickly countered the rose petals with her faithful katana. Every hit against the blade blocked off, she backed two feet. Disappearing into the shadows of the twisted and spiky plants that guarded the step. She wasn't wounded, at least, not this time. She needed a plan. But she had no clue what Munashii was capable of. So she didn't want to end up knocking him off completly and getting them both in trouble.

Before two seconds passed, she had slipped out three senbon and combined Raijirai no jutsu to them. Making them as dangerous as explosive tags after they touched down to earth. She through out her hand and they flew straight into the ground. Standing straight up in the flowers for a mere moment before they would explode in a fiery blast like a explosive tags.

Before they would, just after she through them, Lelia disapeared back into thicker branches. Her eyes searching for Munashii or any sighn in the least. She hoped he was far enough back....

Spotting him as she had backed just a few feet away from where he was headed, she beckoned him quickly just a second before the senbon were to set off.


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Drizzled and Muddy Empty Re: Drizzled and Muddy

Post by Munashii Hissori Fri Jan 16, 2009 8:42 pm

Munashii easily blocked the rose projectiles with his sword. Knowing at least that the things didn't explode on contact, he knew he could close in on Kurama without the fear of being spread all over the terrain in a big bang. He watched as Lelia blocked the roses too and throw something out into the clearing. They looked like senbon, but when she backed off fast, he knew that it was more than that.

He saw Lelia beckon him and he went to her side. Just as he landed near her, an explosion roared though the area where he had previously had been.

"So much for not worrying about being blown up" he thought to himself, chuckling. He kept an eye out for Kurama. He knew without a doubt that he would make it out of the explosion alive and come after them.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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Drizzled and Muddy Empty Re: Drizzled and Muddy

Post by Guest Sat Jan 17, 2009 9:46 am

'So they are adept at least,' Kurama thought to himself, 'I suppose that is good.' Then he noticed that Lelia had thrown three Senbon to the ground. Either her aim was pitiful, or they served another purpose then the traditional ninja tool. Either way, he knew he had to exunt his previous position. There were two ways he could do this, each one was just as plausible, but being unsure as to what the senbon were going to do. He devided to take a gamble, if he was wrong, he was sure he could find another way out of the situation. It was right then that the senbon exploded, Kurama was in the midst of a series of handsigns. Just in time he finished and called out his jutsu, "Wood barrier technique." Eight beams of wood erupted from thr ground before him, blocking off the path of the explosion and taking the full front of the attack. Using chakra, He was able to keep the wood from shattering and impaling hims with shratnel. However, the side facing Lelia, and by now Munashi, was set a blaze. Being that there was still wood there, he had complete control over it. Kurama seperated each individual beem. He six beams around him in a deffensive manner. They would provide him with protection for the time being. The other two he flung in the direction Lelia had fled using chakra to make them exceed 50mph, a strong blow if it were to hit. When they hit anything, they would explode in a shower of flame and wood shratnel. Kurama smiled, nothing was ever as simple as it seemed and that was something the genin needed to learn.


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Drizzled and Muddy Empty Re: Drizzled and Muddy

Post by Munashii Hissori Sat Jan 17, 2009 10:42 am

Munashii saw the beams of wood fly out of the explosion, heading towards Lelia at high speed. Knowing that there was no other way to stop them in time, he activated the Keiji.

To Munashii, time seemed to slow. In reality, he had just inhanced his reaction speed to phenominal levels, so everything seemed to be moving slower. He took in the scene quickly, not wanting spend too much time in this state. Performing the handseals, his blade lit up with chakra as he implemented the Fuuton Ken. He jumped up to the wooden beams and cut into them, his Wind Blade slicing through them with no trouble. He made sure that if they went on towards Lelia, that they would split around her and fail to hit.

He carried on through the air towards Kurama, noticing the barrier of wood he had surrounded himself. There was an explosion behind him as the logs that he had cut up blew up in mid-air, a safe distance from Lelia, but the firy shrapnel was closing in on him fast. More from the desire to escape the blast than to attack his opponent, he headed straight towards him. Cutting into the barrier, he carried on past his opponent at high speed, the blast following fast. Landing on a tree branch a safe distance away, he wondered if Kurama escaped his own explosion.

De-activating the Keiji, his body was tingling slightly with pain, a big improvement over the agony he was in when he previously used it. He watched as the fire died down watching for the next attack.
Munashii Hissori
Munashii Hissori

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Drizzled and Muddy Empty Re: Drizzled and Muddy

Post by Guest Sat Jan 17, 2009 7:00 pm

Lelia spotted the oncoming attack, but they were too fast for her too avoid. She clenched, but feeling swift air movement and the sound of a blade, she looked up to see what just happened. Spotting Munashi for a second before he took off. She mentally noted to thank him when this was over.

Lelia turned about to face the open steppe. Threading wire hastilly through the finger holes of twelve kunai out of her twenty set. Igniting another one of her small jutsu into the wires as she through them out in different angles straight across the feild. They crisscrossed and the buzzing lightning that zizzed in them was strong enough to send a few volts through any metal weapon trying to slice it and also to any one that touches the wires now covering the feild in different heights and crossed angles. They could be knocked off course, but still ifnited with the lighting.

As the final thread of electrified wire was thrown, Lelia ditched her placement to another angle towards the west still in the trees. Her slender fingers flaring through handsigns to start up her next jutsu. She hairpinned her running angle and headed out of the feild. She only had to be six feet out of the trees to perform the jutsu and still have it reach the jounin. She knew Munashi was a ways away in the trees now, so he would be safe when the jutsu was activated.

Keeping on her senses, she fell to her knees and slammed her hands in the goopy goober mud as lightning flared a large cirlce around Kurama and flaring up in a dome at a quick pace. If he was fast enough to react, he could escape, but as soon as it closed up, he would be toast. Electricity would bounce all around in side and shock everything it touches. Houden no Jutsu ...


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Drizzled and Muddy Empty Re: Drizzled and Muddy

Post by Guest Mon Jan 19, 2009 11:46 am

As soon as he sensed Munashi coming at him, Kurama began focusing chakra to the palm of his hand. In it appeared a single leaf which instantly began to sprout. He placed it on the back of his neck and it rapidly took hold into his back and grew even faster. It wasn't long before the end result appeared and wings could be seen protruding from his back like a great butterfly. He smiled, it had been a while since he had used this method of escape, even though it was his favorite. He took to the sky and easily evaded both of their attacks in this manner. He hovered about 20 feet above the surface fo the earth. deciding which course of action would be best to take. "Birth of Dense woodland," he muttered, performing a short series of handseals. He focused his chakra into the ground and the effect was immediate. The ground in the clearing erupted as large dense trees began erupting from below Kurama. In moments, the clearing was completely filled with trees the exceeded 50 feet in height. Kurama ceased the beating of his wings and landed ona large branch close to the center of the batch. The trees were so thick that it was near impossible to see where you were going or to navigate at all. However, Kurama knew all that went on with in its bounds. He controlled everything that happened in or near his new forest, it was all his to control, his to comand, and his to use as he saw fit. He smiled, the game had now truly begun.


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