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A Trade

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A Trade Empty A Trade

Post by Kenshi Mon Mar 23, 2009 9:19 am

Even though Yoshimo was supposed to be on Akatsuki business only, he still wanted to take care of some personal things before he got too heavy into the Akatsuki. He wasn't a fan of heavy multi-tasking but he could manage juggling one or two chores if he needed to. Today his agenda was pretty light but very important. Yoshimo had to get a scroll from the Hokage, a jutsu that his son had shown interest in. He also had to make sure what Konoha was going to do. For the past few months now the whole ninja world seemed to be either sleeping or dead. It seemed like the time right before the war, were all the countries are against each other, and no one knows what move will be made. Everyone is just waiting, a pure standoff against all powers.

That would be the path of the shinobi world, and Konoha, being one of the Big Five would have to participate no matter how peaceful they though they were. Yoshimo would be personally travelling all over the world, from Kumogakure to Sunagakure he would have a busy schedule for a couple of months.

Yoshimo continued walking down a rusted path to the great northern gates of Konoha which were wide open today. He was wearing typical shinobi uniform, one that seemed very similar to the Konohagakure one, but was just a dull green and no red spiral signatures on them. He wore black clothing underneath it all, and the typical ninja pouches and shoes. instead of the katana being at his waist, Yoshimo carried it in the traditional Kumogakure style, which the hilt of his katana pointing up from the back of his head. The katana's sheath was silver along with its hilt, which seemed to stick out from Yoshimo as a whole. One of the Akatsuki members had made them, and instead of the trade mark Akatsuki cloack, they'd decided that they would all wear katana to mark them. The less they went unnoticed as a group, the better it would be for them.

There seemed to be only one person at the gate, and Yoshimo smiled at him as he'd made it in the village. The guard looked up, and quickly recognized the similar uniform and continued to do his work. Yoshimo wasn't here to cause trouble today. He continued to walk into the village, somewhat blending himself in to the crowds. he stuck out just a bit, and it wouldn't take a trained eye to see that.

He walked amongst the crown untill he made his way to a tea shop. He needed to make sure if any jounin spotted him that they could talk peacefully before they went into a battle. None of them would know his name or his face, but he hoped that they would realize that he wasn't going to be a threat.


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A Trade Empty Re: A Trade

Post by Shin Uchiha Mon Mar 23, 2009 8:17 pm

It was a year or two as it seemed. Konoha was peaceful as it is; civillians working on their homes, buying groceries, marketing at the local plazas' around the big town. It was a lazy day for the known Kratos. He was laid on top of a rooftop, staring into the skies. His own schedual was tight and always busy. He was working hard to take Genin and Chuunin on missions, making sure none of them die or anything. He was very proud to be surving the almighty Hokage. Kratos was smiling as he stared into the clouds, wondering about his future; would he have a kid? Would he ever be Hokage? Will he ever die? He asked himself multiple more questions as he thought deeply. He was just a few feet from the Gates as he heared someone walking in. He thought it was just another cart full of vegetables exported from the Rice Country or another one of those lesser countries.

Turning over, he crawled to the edge of the rooftop, looking down at the gate. He saw a man whom looked familiar to him. He grinned and sat on the side of the rooftop, and then slid down the wall, his hands and feet making sure he didnt go out of control. He landed on his two feet sucessfully, only just about 7 meters away from the man. "Yoshimo-Sama!"He shouted, his hands cupped over his mouth. He had hoped that the man saw him. He remembered Yoshimo from a while back, but Kratos had changed his looks alot, hoping that he would remember him. Kratos ran over to the man and grinned, "Long time no see, ne?"He asked and stuck his tongue out playfully, showing his sence of humor.
Shin Uchiha
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A Trade Empty Re: A Trade

Post by Zen Mon Mar 23, 2009 8:42 pm

Zen finally finished all of his paperwork for the Anbu and was now walking along the streets of konoha. He soon arrived in the tea shop taking a seat and ordering a glass,he was still dressed in his anbu uniform his katan strapped to his back. As the glass came to him he just stared at it as if deciding to drink it or not,after a few some minutes he grabbed the glass and started drinking. As he finished he set the glass down turning his head to see Yoshimo,though he couldn't tell who it was his ears perked up though hearing Kratos run in and maul the man with a hug. He himself however just stayed out of it and crossed his arms closing his right eye,his ears perked up able to hear for miles and his tail was wagging lightly behind him.

A young man walked through the gates of the leaf village and into the streets,his arms behind him resting his head as he seemed to walk lazy having a rather semi bored expression on his face. His hair brown and spiked almost looking like a rooster and his shirt having the symbol for "bad" on his back. He then stopped in the middle of the street looking around"well this seems to be a more crowded then the other villages i've been to..."Sanosuke thought. He then noticed a tea shop and walked in,he saw two guys and one of them was hugging the other and then seeing the wolf ninja"well I guess this wouldn't be too weird seeing the things i've seen lately"Sanosuke thought as he then sat down next to the group of ninja.
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A Trade Empty Re: A Trade

Post by Kenshi Tue Mar 24, 2009 7:27 am

Yoshimo turned around to see a different person that the one he'd last met. He looked a bit taller, and more older. Not so kiddish anymore. The bright red hair was a signal though, that it was still Kratos the jounin he'd met from Konoha, back at Kumogakure. He was wearing a darker uniform, one more suited for a jounin leveled person.

"It has been along time, but I'm here for something else. Something very important. I need you and any other ninja in the area to come sit and talk with me."

What he was about to say would possibly scare them, but it was important that they knew. They were the big five, and among the big five, they were the most popular out of all of them. If they didn't know this whole thing would tumble and fall into utter chaos and Konoha would go down under. Yoshimo didn't want that to happen, even though he was never really on good terms with Konoha. He decided to put his differences aside and let them know the truthful facts.


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A Trade Empty Re: A Trade

Post by Zen Tue Mar 24, 2009 8:17 am

Though not really paying attention to the two ninja beside him with his eyes,his ears certian heard what Yoshimo said and apparently it was important. His tail stopped wagging and the wolf ninja turned to him staring at Yoshimo,Kratos and Sanosuke with his right eye but it was mostly Yoshimo since he had something important. Zen then crossed his arms,his right eye turning serious"and what might this important matter be?"Zen asked him.

Sanosuke however just listened and when he saw Zen turn to the other two,he figured something was about to happen so he leaned over slightly to listen in on the conversation between them. "Well maybe today won't be so boring after all"Sanosuke thought.
Anbu Captain
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A Trade Empty Re: A Trade

Post by Kenshi Tue Mar 24, 2009 9:23 am

Yoshimo took a look around the small tea shack that they were in. There were a few others in the tea shop, both were just ordinary people that wouldn't know what was really going on. Yoshimo did notice that they took a few glances over at them, seeing the katana he held on his back was different than the others. Something that wasn't too traditional and made Yoshimo out to be a stranger. Plus the jounin and ANBU member that were next to him, made it seem important. The strangers seemed to dismiss it, but they would probably run off to the Hokage soon. Yoshimo need them to stay. He quickly stanged an event, getting up and holding his tea glass up, and speaking loudly.


The silence passed over the shop and everyone looked at Yoshimo. Clapping and excited murmers began to flood the tea shop slowly but surely. No one would refuse anything free, and that was just what he wanted. He didn't want anyone suspecting and over hearing anything in a silent shop like this, and with the waiters out and about, and glasses clanking, the noise would be perfect for them to talk. Yoshimo looked over at Kratos and Zen who were across from his table. He passed three pictures to them.

The first one was of a dead konoha citizen, a small woman, had to be about 17 and blood streaked across her chest, signaling a cut. Over her, was a large shadow of a shinobi, unknown and un masked.

The second one was of a genin, a male about 13 years old. His body was burnt, horribly, almost to no recognition, and the same shadow of a shinobi appeared over him, however, the glimpse of his forehead protector was caught in the photo. He wore a Kumogakure headband.

The third one was horrific. Even though it was a dead man, that had died from a jugular cut, the horrific thing was the place it was taken. Right on top of the roof of the Hokage's Administration Building. One of the killers that hung over him was from Iwagakure, he'd made the mistake of wearing his headband backwards, and it'd been caught in the camera. The other one, showed two marks on the head band, and it seemed as if the person was from Kirigakure.

"Scary stuff. It seems like theres been shinobi going around killing your citizens, and they are all across the world. Now I don't want you all to rush into war, but I though you should know. I'm not with Kumogakure any more, so don't think about alliances. Also, don't think about any alliances in general. Sunagakure has lost shinobi that seem to be carrying your headband. If you go into war then you'll start the Fourth Ninja War. I suggest you all tell your Hokage about this...If you wait too long to come up with a plan, I'll be showing another country your dead pictures..."

Last edited by Yoshimo Izoto on Wed Mar 25, 2009 9:06 am; edited 1 time in total


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A Trade Empty Re: A Trade

Post by Shin Uchiha Tue Mar 24, 2009 4:56 pm

OOC: Dont post without me guys. Im not out of this yet until I fully get my lappy taken away. My mom forgot about it luckly.


Kratos grinned and sat next to Yoshimo, as he took a sip of some free tea that was infront of him. He took a moment and tasted the sweetness in it. He chuckled softly, watching Yoshimo announce how great it was made him laugh. He set his tea down and watched as Yoshimo began to dig in his pouch for something. Looking over, he saw another man on his other side that was Sanosuke, a well known member of Konoha that he had met a year or two back in the training field.

He looked over at the pictures that Yosh was passing around to them, seeing how terrifying the damage was to these shinobi. How unimaginable pain they must have gone through, and some of them were just civilians. He saw how in almost all the photo's, there were a group of other country's ninja over their dead ones. He growled and clenched his fists, why would these people do such a thing? And the Kumogakure ninja one as well, he had thought that Konoha were allied with them! Kratos looked up at Yoshimo with a furious but depressed emotional expression. "I cant believe this happened behind my back... I mean, especially your own nin killed one of our people!"He stopped talking and shook his head. He looked to Sanosuke, knowing he was a pretty fast Shinobi, being able to outrun even himself. "Sanosuke, I suggest you be the one to go and deliver this information to Sannam-Sama. You're faster than me and it would only take you half the time it would for me."He told him and looked back up at Yoshimo.

Unclenching his fist, he sighed softly, calming himself down. "So I guess you are not apart of Kumogakure no sato anymore, ne?"He asked and chuckled a bit. He continued on with a soft smile, no longer showing anger towards this man. After all, he did teach him how to awaken his inner anger, achieving the black lightning. He could never forget those memories. "I dont know what you are up to these days, but that wont get in the way of how I respect you. You're a good friend Yoshimo about telling us this,"He stopped and put his hand on his shoulder, "The first trip is always hard, but it smoothens out as you just keep going."He had hoped Yosh knew what he ways saying.
Shin Uchiha
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A Trade Empty Re: A Trade

Post by Kenshi Wed Mar 25, 2009 9:21 am


"What I am up to doesn't make the slightest of difference. The only thing that matters is that Konoha ninja are dying. I still have more to show you all, but it would only be right to do it in front of your Kage. Though I don't wish to wait on his arrival."

Yoshimo reached into his nin-pocket with his right hand, sending it to his back pocket. He fumbled around untill he pulled out three scrolls. They were individually colored, red, blue, and a tannish brown. Yoshimo placed the scrolls in front of himself as they looked at him. These scrolls contained bodies, and proof of ninja captured for killing others. They were also labeled after their countries, meaning that Konoha, Kiri, and Iwa had shinobi's bodies that had been killed.

"These scrolls, they don't mean I'm returning your bodies to you, they mean these are the bodies that have been attacking others and been defeated. It sounds confusing, but they are basically Konoha shinobi that have been killed, because they have threated someone else. For the essence and importance of time, I'm going to ask you to please deliver the red scroll to the Hokage. There are several bodies, two genin, chuunin and jounin of yours that have been killed. Make sure he gets them."

With that, Yoshimo stoop up, leaving a considerable amount of Ryo on the table to pay for the free tea he'd ordered everyone. He finished off his own glass, throwing his head back and quickly gulping it down. As he'd put the glass down to leave, a *crik* was heard, and the two Konoha shinobi had noticed it.

A bad omen.

To make matters worse, the class continued to crack along down the side, splitting it in half. The omen was now more worse that it already had been.

"Let's hope that omen doesn't come true"

Yoshimo took his exit, on his way to Kumogakure.


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A Trade Empty Re: A Trade

Post by Shin Uchiha Wed Mar 25, 2009 4:31 pm

Kratos listened to Yoshimo about how it wont matter what he is up to. He had remembered hearing him say that his alliance with other villages didnt matter, either. This seemed to show an odd pattern. Was he in some sort of organization? 'Akatsuki...' Was the first thing that popped into Kratos's mind, but shook it off. He will just wait to see what happens in the future; if it was true or not. He listened about the scrolls, how they contained bodies of the dead ninja. The red one contained a few, as he was instructed to give them to the Hokage. "Got it."He said and smiled a bit, but then got serious. He suddenly heared the Crick from the crack on the cup. Was that some sort of bad luck? He didnt want to think about it, as he took the scroll and looked up at Yoshimo. "I'll do it.."He said and made the 'peace' sign that most japanese people do, saying goodbye to him.

Standing up, he looked at Sanosuke and nodded his head, "You can either stay here or come with me."He said and took a tight grip of the red scroll, then turned around. He exited the tea shop and looked at the sun-setting red sky. Sighing, it reminded him of his previous thoughts. Red clouds. Red sky. Daybreak. Breaking Dawn. All of these thoughts came up, but had no time to be concerned. Crouching down, Kratos jumped from rooftop to rooftop, getting closer to the Hokage tower.

Kratos arrived at the terrace of the Hokage's porch, as he knocked lightly on the rice paper door, putting his hand on the bamboo made door handle. "Hokage-sama? I have something for you..."
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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A Trade Empty Re: A Trade

Post by Zen Wed Mar 25, 2009 4:41 pm

Zen looked at the pictures carefully before looking up to Yoshimo"i'll get right on this then.."Zen said as he then suddenly disappeared in a flash of light. Meanwhile Sanosuke listened in but in a rather lazy expression,he raised an eyebrowl at Kratos"what?"Sanosuke asked as he was handed something. He then heard himself being explained a ninja and he sighed"why does everyone think im a ninja..."Sanosuke thought,he was about to respond when Kratos took off running"hey wait!..."Sanosuke shouted as he then groaned running after him and following him to the Hokage's office. He then stopped behind Kratos catching up to him"hey,what makes you think im a ninja?"Sanosuke asked as he didn't relize he was still holding onto what was given to him.
Anbu Captain
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