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Kami, Tenchi

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Kami, Tenchi Empty Kami, Tenchi

Post by Dean Sun Nov 23, 2008 2:31 pm

Name: Kami, Tenchi

Age: 12

Rank: Genin

Village: Village Hidden in the Leaves

Appearance:Kami, Tenchi D03040

Personality: I am ususally very nice and has a nice out look on the world. I try to make the best of things even when times are bad. I can make friends easy but I'm alittle overwhelming sometimes with my niceness. When backed in a corner or when im in a feirce battle my mood changes so i can better protect myself. When I'm like this i will not hesitate to kill if I can't get a hang on myself. I will protect anyone who needs my help. I am also very logical but when i get angery i lose all of that.

History: Well when i was growing up I was nurtured and babied. I thought that in a way the planets and everything else revolved around me. I got just about anything I could want ,but I was never satisfied with what I had. Then one day when i was 6 that was all turned up side down. One day during a mission my father was killed. Hours later the village had recieved the letter that my dad was dead. She turn hysterical and went sort of nuts.

Later that day she went to she the Hokage about what had happened and demanded a mission to get revenge on whoever had killed her husband. The Hokage had told her no because she wasn't sure about the strength of the ninja and she couldn't waste percious ninja resourses. Most of all though she knew that all I left was my mother. Then the Hokage told her to go home, rest, and they could talk about this later. She herself was a Jounin in the village and wanted revenge for the death of my dad and went out of the village to kill the person who had killed my own father. After she left the Hokage was very angry with her knowing that she had disobayed his orders.

An hour after she left the Hokage sent out a recovery party to recover my mother before she made anymore stupid decisions. The party was to late. My mother was found slaughtered on the ground by my father and the squad he was with. The next day after their bodies arrived back in town they buried them and they had a funeral. I was there knowing that i would never see them ever again and I wished that I had them back. This didn't happen and it changed me alot. I was crushed for years after that event. I had relised that I wasn't the center of the universe anymore.

I had become less selfish and decided I should serve my village and protect as many people as I could. I then entered the academy at the age of 8 and trained in the ways of the ninja to gain the power i needed to protect as many people as I could. As I aged I met many new ninja and people training to be ninja. I quickly made friends with most of those people while still gaining power. Finally at the age of 12 i graduated the academy and became a ninja at the rank of genin.

From this day on all I know is what I must do to complete my goals. As most people know we look to the past to predict the future and prevent any mistakes we have made.

Learned jutsus: Just Academy Jutsus

Weapons/items: None at the moment

Elements: Wind

Specialties: Kenjutsu

1. To protect as many people as I can
2. While protecting people gaining power to which I can protect more people
3. Learn as much as I can

Last edited by Dean on Mon May 18, 2009 7:06 pm; edited 2 times in total

Posts : 93
Points : 76
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Join date : 2008-11-23

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Kami, Tenchi Empty Re: Kami, Tenchi

Post by Shin Uchiha Sun Nov 23, 2008 2:37 pm

Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Join date : 2008-11-21
Location : Floridian

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