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The End of the Shinobi arc

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The End of the Shinobi arc Empty The End of the Shinobi arc

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sat May 30, 2009 11:52 pm

As most shinobi know, ninjutsu was orginally created for religous purposes. The priest who came with the first ninjutsu, Rokudou Sennin, travelled around the world teaching his methods and religon to everyone who was willing to learn about this new religon. Well like most religous teachings, there are the people who wish to stop its teaching in order to stay firm to the orginal way of life. Before their was ninjutsu, magic once ruled the world. It was the way of life, most humans who carried the power of chakra in their bodies pertain the ability to use magical forces to have order and control over the lands. The powers of magic had its positives and negatives effects but ninjutsu seem to have more of a postive effect on humans than those who were into magic.

The people who stayed true to magic refused to accept the teachings of this new and probably overwhelming powerful ninjutsu and decided to ban again the teachings. The leaders at the time, those who had the most power in magic, gave a decree that whomever and whoever were to practice these religous teachings were sure to die by the hands of The Order, a organization, created by the leaders at the time, whose sole purpose is to bring order and make sure that those who were into Ninjutsu were destroyed. The Order and the Magic Leaders then tried to control more and more of the world by destroying villages and parts of small countries who still took in the religous practicing. The old age shinobi then responded by waging war on The Order and the leaders. A six year war that cause many deaths and destructions like all wars should. At the conclusion of the war, the old age shinobi's, the people who stayed true to ninjutsu, defeated The Order and the leaders, crippling the magicians to point where they were almost extincit....and for a time being their was peace

**Centuries later and 38 years before the current Ninja Nation plot**

The building of the villages and the establishment of shinobi has made the people of this new world corrupt. Wars have spued outward towards lands in which has been peace for centuries on end until the shinobi of the modern age came to be. The Order, the small and was thought to be extincit organization, grew in numbers. Ever since the establishment of Konohagakure, Sunagakure, Kirigakure, Kumogakure and Iwagakure, The Order then began to inflitrate the villages with much ease. The Order, masters of inflitration, espionage, assassinations but more importantly magic, began to build up an army to destroy the villages since the village had just gotten out of Third Shinobi War and they are at a point of unstability due to that fact. The plan was suppose to happen in the middle of the year, in which case a summer month due to the fact that they were defeated by the shinobi centuries before in the middle of the year. Due to that, they had plans to destroy the villages until they were interuppted by shinobi groups. These shinobi groups, more so the Akatsuki, The Council of Kings and The Council of Oz, defeated The Order once more crippling their ranks by the hundred of thousands....and once again there was a temporary peace.....or was it....

**Current Time**

Time passes by, the shinobi who defeated The Order are either old, long dead or in hiding. But The Order themselves did not cease to die off. Because of their fearless leader, a god-like figure who had the power to control all forms of magic, did not die off during the last attack in which the Akatsuki battled against. With his power of persuasion, he convinced many people to join his cause in order to destroy the shinobi, his persuasive attitude brought many people to join him, including the shinobi themselves as they began to realize the faults of the village and the shinobi should die off. As the leader presses forward towards the date in which they will attack the villages again, the groups that once defeated The Order come together to bring peace and end The Order's magical ways, once and for all.....or will it be enough to destroy the now hidden but powerful Order?
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
S-Ranked Missing-Nin
S-Ranked Missing-Nin

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Age : 33
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