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The Shinobi Uprising (solo RP sample for Ryuuza Mitsukai)

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The Shinobi Uprising (solo RP sample for Ryuuza Mitsukai) Empty The Shinobi Uprising (solo RP sample for Ryuuza Mitsukai)

Post by Darkjagwar Sun Jun 07, 2009 3:23 pm

Ryuuza had realized that the other members of The Order had definitely noticed by now that he had sabotaged the pervious battle with the Shinobi. Surely they will detain me and kill me for this, he thought. If I turn myself over to the Shinobi, to Rik now, then maybe I'll be forgiven by them and be able to help them. The Shinobi Uprising manifested itself in the form of a gruesome war between The Order, a league of Magic-users lead by the evil tyrant known only as Father, and the Shinobi, a group of warriors trained in the ninja arts by the Sage of Six Paths, Rikudou Sennin, who Ryuuza called "Rik" for short. The number of powerful Magic-users had been larger than the amount of powerful Shinobi, but the Shinobi had a greater amount of people in general and all could use some ninjutsu. The Magic-users, however, had summons on their side. All of the Magic-users fighting the war could use summons while only Rik could use summons on the Shinobi side. Ryuuza was able to summon dragons, which were very fierce and would often be able to tear through an entire army in a group of about a dozen. However, he kept summons to a minimum in order to help the Shinobi.

The Order had seen the lack of Ryuuza's summons by now which most likely lead them to suspect Ryuuza of imminent betrayal. His dragon summons were quite convenient in battle and he was expected to use them, so seeing that he did not had made suspicions rise about his loyalty to The Order and Father. During this specific battle, The Order was forced to retreat due to a Shinobi victory. Two powerful Magic-users were killed as well as all of their hundreds of drone summons. The Shinobi had also suffered around a hundred losses, but remained a larger force than The Order. Usually the Shinobi suffered losses of at least four hundred even in a victory, but it was said that this army specifically was lead by Rikudou Sennin himself, which was why Ryuuza had decided to surrender himself.

Using a transportation spell, Ryuuza transported to an area between the two forces and began to walk towards the Shinobi side. There were dead bodies everywhere. Of people and of demonic summons done by The Order. The land was charred with fire attacks, carved by earth attacks. Blood was everywhere and what had once been a meadow was now a barren wasteland. Ryuuza shed a tear for this battleground as it had once been a village and was now destroyed by the harsh actions of Father and the bloody war he waged to stay a cruel tyrant. And Ryuuza was supposed to be on Father's side; he was expecting to have to defend himself as he would surely be attacked, detained, and executed if he did not fight back.

"Hey! Who goes there?" shouted a ninja.
"Ryuuza Suizu of The Order," he said. The ninja began to raise weapons and prepare hand signs. "Calm down," he sighed to the ninja, "I do not wish to fight, for I am surrendering myself to the Shinobi. Please, let me speak to Rikudou Sennin, he knows me and he knows I mean well."
"I don't trust this guy," whispered one ninja.
"Yeah," said another with more vigor. "He's in The Order. He's just evil Magic-using scum."
"Tell us why we shouldn't just kill you right here on the spot?" said another.
"" Ryuuza laughed. "I am a high-ranking Magic-user in The Order. I may be young, but I have plenty of experience. If I wanted to, I could have murdered all of you by now, but that's not the point. I have given up on the ways of The Order and wish to see the Shinobi Uprising as a success. I know very well that Father is a cruel tyrant and must be stopped, so I came here to help bring about his demise. I have valuable information about The Order that I'm sure will help you. For example, whether you know it or not, you're winning the war. Our number of powerful Magic-users is down to a mere two dozen and I'm sure you have plenty more powerful shinobi and you have population on your side. All the common folk have sided with the shinobi and only a small oligarchy is left on the Magic side. So I suggest you let me see Rik now."
After hearing his speech, a young boy, about 12 years old spoke out. "I think we can trust this guy. He seems honest and I think he's a good person." The boy looked up at Ryuuza with a toothy grin and took his hand. "Come on," he said. "Rik would love to see you!"

The boy surprisingly guided Ryuuza away from the army to a completely different location West of the Shinobi army's base. They stopped walking at a seemingly random point in the wasteland and the boy said to Ryuuza, "Just stay here, he'll be here in a second. Anyway I have to leave." With that, he placed his hands in a seal and vanished in a puff of smoke. Upon further inspection of the area, Ryuuza realized he was standing in the middle of a series of rings. Just like his eyes... Ryuuza thoguht. Shortly after that thought, a hole opened in front of where Ryuuza was standing and Rik jumped out.

"Well, Ryuuza, it seems you have decided to go against your own kind?" Rik said calmly.
"Yes. I saw much earlier on that The Order was corrupt and decided to help turn the war in your favor," Ryuuza said while bowing.
"Well, thank you for that, but we were bound to win anyway," Rik said in a serious voice. "You see, all the people have joined the Shinobi side and only you and about twenty others are still with The Order. The many shall overcome the few. Democracy will prevail over the tyrannical oligarchy that is The Order. Still, we have a bit of a ways to go before we can take Father out once and for all. Twenty is a lot of powerful Magic-users, some of whom could wipe out an entire army on his own...I believe you are one of them, so your change of heart will definitely help us. However we have to keep you alive..."
"Why do you say that?"

At that moment, a large ball of fire cam racing towards Rik and Ryuuza. "Don't worry," said Rik, "I can deal with this easily."

"Shinra Tensei!"

Rik stuck his hand out towards the giant fireball and it dissipated instantly. "Friends of yours, I presume?" he said.

Three Magic-users of The Order appeared before Ryuuza and Rik. It was Sekitan Kohika, Kireme Raifuu, and Roku Tsudo, three Magic-users from Ryuuza's village who he had been friends with even before they had joined the order. Unlike Ryuuza, the three of them were completely devoted to Father and The Order.

"Why are you doing this, Ryuuza?" said Roku. "The way of The Order is the only righteous way to live by. If you come with us now, Father might show mercy."
"Can't you see what you're doing!?" Ryuuza cried. "You're being corrupted by a tyrant and are killing people who only want a better life?"
"You are a lost cause, Ryuuza," said Kireme, "and need to be destroyed."

The three of them each attacked with their own spells. First Sekitan attacked. "Ryuuza," he said, "Your water can not counter the violent force of my fire!" He then covered himself from head to toe in fire. With this spell, he could physically attack Ryuuza or shoot a amount fire at him limited only by his own chakra. Kireme put his hand in the air and chanted his summoning spell.

"Yobidasu Raiden Seibutsu!"

A lightning bolt flew down from the sky and hit the ground. When the flash stopped, a 3 meter tall creature made entirely out of Lightning energy appeared and went to grab Rik. Roku used a spell to shift the ground so that he and Kireme stood on top of 10 meter high pedestals. He then gathered chakra for another spell he was to use when he had an opening.

"Chakra Koutetsu!" Ryuuza shouted. This was the spell for his Chakra Armor. He coated his body in a thick layer of chakra that he would use to defend against maneuvers such as the one Sekitan used. Normally, Magic-users did not learn hand-to-hand combat, yet Ryuuza and Sekitan were two that did. Sekitan threw a few fireballs at Ryuuza, who deflected them with ease. "You'll have to do better than that!" Ryuuza shouted over the roar of Sekitan's fire. The two then rushed at each other and began a series of punches and kicks at each other. Sekitan aimed for Ryuuza's stomach with a low punch. Ryuuza had defended it and made a maneuver to push Sekitan back, but when he began to fly back, he caught Ryuuza's arm with his foot and flipped him over backwards. While Ryuuza hit the ground, Sekitan stood up an laughed. Ryuuza got up off the ground and ended his Chakra Armor spell.

"Your spells are useless!" Sekitan shouted. "There's no water for you to control! And all of what you use I can burn into vapor!"

Ryuuza stood his ground. "That's where you're wrong," Ryuuza said calmly. He calmly said a spell:

"Henshin Ryu"

With that, his skin became covered with grey-blue scales, his eyes turned red, and he bulked up. His Henshin Ryu or Dragon Metamorphosis was a high-ranked spell he knew that allowed him to temporarily gain dragon-like characteristics. His strength and speed increased and he had more ferocity in his combat. His scales acted as armor against physical attacks and some weak spells and he grew claws on his hands to use offensively. However, this was not the use of this spell that he was thinking of. He was only going to use this technique to summon rain, as dragons had the ability to do that.

Meanwhile, the rain had made the Lightning monster shoot sparks out. "Fool!" Kireme shouted. "The rain will only make it more deadly!"

All Rik did in response to this is jump above the monster, point his palms down at its head and shout "Shinra Tensei!" With that, the monster collapsed into the ground. As the monster began to get up and recover from that attack, Rik landed on top of it and placed his hands on it. He then proceeded to absorb all the chakra that made up the monster until the monster was gone. The then shot an enormous bolt of lightning at Kireme and Roku, who dodged the attack and jumped to the ground. Rik was exhausted from this maneuver and collapsed on the ground.

The rain had started to wear down Sekitan's fire armor until nothing was left. Then Ryuuza attacked with his dragon claws and got a clear hit. Sekitan was bleeding so much that he would die of blood loss alone if he didn't do anything. "I can't do this," Ryuuza cried. "Just stop fighting! Can't you see we're killing ourselves over this?"

Kireme had had enough. He put his hands up and a gust blew the rain clouds away. Roku used a spell quickly that made boulders fall from the sky straight towards Ryuuza. Sekitan used what strength he had to jump out of the way and throw a giant fire ball at Ryuuza. Kireme had joined in too and shot a bolt of lightning. All three attacks flew straight for Ryuuza. He did not even try to dodge and he ended his metamorphosis spell. He was too weak now to withstand the attack or dodge it. He had failed. However, Rik, who had been on the ground at the time had immediately gotten up, ran over, and knocked Ryuuza to the side so that he was safe from the attacks. In turn however, all three attacks hit Rik and a large amount of smoke and dust was thrown into the air. When the remnants of the attack cleared Rik's body was lying face-up on the ground immobile. An arm and leg were cut clean off, his body was charred, and there was blood everywhere.

Ryuuza saw the results of the attack and ran over. He tried to wake Rik up, but he appeared dead. He burst into tears and punched the ground in rage a few times. After mourning for a minute, he stood up and turned around and shouted to the Magic-users. "You killed the one man that could have save us all! Father is a tyrant and will make everyone suffer! He was going to set us free from evil! I am going to kill you all!!!" With that, he chanted a spell:


With that, a portal opened in the sky and ten large fierce dragons descended and flew at the three Magic-users and ripped them to shreds. They flew back into the portal and Ryuuza collapsed due to exhaustion.

"Ryuuza..." Rik said.
"Rik, you're alive?" Ryuuza moaned in surprise.
"Yes," he smiled. "But that's it for this body."
"You see," Rik began. "With my special eye, the Rinnegan, I can control up to six bodies at once from a distant location. This is not the real me. This is just a body I control. This body is done for, but I am still alive and well. Father will never be able to reach me. However, you will still be a target and should stay out of battle. As I said before, the Shinobi Uprising is bound to be a success, Father will be overthrown. I can guarantee that. However, you should probably lay low until the war is over so that Father won't be able to reach you. Also, don't worry about the army, I already sent in another one of my bodies to take over. Now, good luck to you, just leave and go somewhere no one but you knows. I will see you again, Ryuuza." Just then, the body of Rikudou Sennin died.

Ryuuza gathered what was left of his strength and stood up. He used the remainder of his strength to use a spell to open a portal which would transport him to the Dragon Valley, a place known only to the Dragon Guild. There he would ask the Elder Dragon for his wisdom, but for now, all he had to do was recover and wish the Shinobi luck in defeating The Order.

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The Shinobi Uprising (solo RP sample for Ryuuza Mitsukai) Empty Re: The Shinobi Uprising (solo RP sample for Ryuuza Mitsukai)

Post by Guest Sun Jun 07, 2009 3:30 pm

I leave it up to Kyouken to decide.


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