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Sousei vs Ginko

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Sousei vs Ginko Empty Sousei vs Ginko

Post by Kaji-Kanto Fri May 22, 2009 2:23 pm

A kid sat againts a tree his head layed againts the hard trunk his shoulders propped on 2 large root tops that popped from the ground. His eyes were closed and his breathing shallow as he was meditating. His mind was clear of all thoughts and he could feel every vibration in the ground every twitch in the air currents and every sound of birds chirping and leaves crunching and blowing.

However a sound was heard it was very shallow and would usally be impossible to hear it was a slight twitch and a almost impossible twitch of the dirt. Instantly the kid sat up and jumped forward as he flipped around to land on his feet before the tree his eyes setting on a man.

The bell around the kid's neck had not made a single move no sound coming from it. Sousei stood up on his feet only coming to a weak 5 foot 6 inches tall and his hair was pointed out and around like a jesters hat.

His eyes were still closed and he held a large smiled that seemed to glow and sparkle from the sun hitting it through the leaves of the tree. Sousei stood his ground and then spoke with his childish voice that he had used countless times in his lifetimes. "Hello! How are you today sir?"

Sousei had his hands in his baggy pants pockets with the tips of his shirt tucked into his pockets aswell. Overall he looked very simple but there was one thing that gave something away about him. On his left side of his neck there were roman numerals that stood for 15.

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Sousei vs Ginko Empty Re: Sousei vs Ginko

Post by Kenshi Fri May 22, 2009 2:31 pm

Ginko was surpised at the little kid suddenly jumping out of no where. In fact, the child hand scared him, and Ginko's right eye widened a little bit, showing that he'd be scared. His travels through the forest were leading him to a small village out in the distance to deliver medication to. Some people there had fallen ill to mushi and needed some medication before the whole village came under the same illness. Ginko knew the forest he was going through was extremely dangerous, so he brought his katana.

"You scared me little kid. What are you doing out here away from your parents? Shouldn't you be at home getting ready for school?" Ginko questioned.

The child seemed a bit odd, being all out alone by himsefl in the forest like that. There was no reason for him to be out here, but he surely knew that it wasn't safe for the little boy. The forest was brimming with wild snakes, boars, and tigers which would attack on a whims notice. He didn't want the child to fall to his demise, but Ginko quickly question himself about the child before making opinions about him.

'He must know what he's doing, he's out here by himself and he hasn't hurt himself yet' Ginko thought.


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Sousei vs Ginko Empty Re: Sousei vs Ginko

Post by Kaji-Kanto Fri May 22, 2009 2:40 pm

Sousei as he heard the man speak his eyes shot open to look upon the man. His eyes were a very complex green and they seemed almost Toxic with the aura they shot off. Sousei walked towards the man in the brown cloak who had white hair.

Sousei's eyes darted across the man quickly and gathered information and soon he had gotten all he needed. "That medicine will never work on that illness. If you want something that will i have something..." He pointed at the bulge from the cloak that showed a katana.

"That katana is worthless in this forest. The animals hides in this forest are almost impossible to be cut by a blade that is of steel." Sousei had been in this village before it was the same village he had been in a past life.

He loved this forest and all the inhabitants that were in it. This forest was one had had a bond to and all the animals would stay away from sousei unless he allowed them to come near him. "Really you need a escort in this forest to help you survive. I'd do it and i would give you the medication you need to heal the civilians. For a fight that is."

Sousei winked at the man and his hands came out of his pockets and he cracked his knuckles.

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Sousei vs Ginko Empty Re: Sousei vs Ginko

Post by Kenshi Fri May 22, 2009 3:04 pm

Was this kid really serious? How in the hell did he think it was ok to say such things to an elder, or much less a doctor. Ginko knew what he was going, and he was right in his medicine. No one in the world could see Mushi besides Ginko, and since most ninja had really good chakra systems, mushi were naturally repelled from them. Ginko smirked at the kid.

"I'm a doctor kid, you can't heal these people, because you aren't a Mushi Master like me. No one in the world can heal Mushi, and they usually effect regular citizens that can't manipulate their chakra. You don't know what you're talking about."

Ginko looked at the child has he pointed to his katana, and then talked about his katana some. Boy way this kid full of it! He was surely a smart ass by any definition and he thought he knew everything. He was pissing Ginko off.

"This katana isn't forged by steel, and it's stronger than almost any katana you could buy. I could cut through a building with this if I wanted to kid. You're not a doctor, much less someone I should really care about. Go some where...before I have to take you over my knee."


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Sousei vs Ginko Empty Re: Sousei vs Ginko

Post by Kaji-Kanto Fri May 22, 2009 3:20 pm

Sousei smirked as his bluff was called. This guy really thought him to be his elder. The mushi were nothing compared to his origins. He then spoke "A pheonix only play's with the people he knows"

Sousei smirked as he had just told the man what he was in esscence. "If you do not know of the essence of life then you are sadly a man who will die soon. I may seem to be a kid but i am intertwined with a past you will not know."

Instantly sousei snapped his fingers and a root flew up from the ground as a beast came falling from the sky. "Nature is my play when it comes to this forest it is my domain. I spent darn near a century in this forest a small forest with nothing more of beasts you think. You sir have disgraced it."

Instantly the beast that fell from the sky vanished from sight and the root was gone. Little did the man know but this was going to be his fight today. Sousei closed his eyes again and he whispered nothingness into the air.

Instantly he opened his eyes and charged at the man a single infentile root was rising from the ground. It was not his doing but the forest's itself. Sousei was a beast that was a once proud man who lived in this forest. He had destroyed it and brought it back. It was his domain his home and he communicated with it freely.

The root would only try and bind the mans feet. Sousei continued to charge but he stopped only a foot from the man. He threw him a vile of pure liguid. Sousei spoke "My tears. They cure all illness and can bring you back from near death. I trust you and tell you today you will need them."

Sousei hoped the man was smart enough to heed his warning as he had got himself into a fight today in wich would let sousei show his abilities. Instantly thought the root burst from the ground and tried to wrap the mans legs showing that the battle had started.

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Join date : 2008-11-20
Age : 32

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