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OOC: Ginko Vs Kokoro

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OOC: Ginko Vs Kokoro Empty OOC: Ginko Vs Kokoro

Post by tradebuzzing2 Wed May 20, 2009 8:43 am

As Kokoro looked around the arena he was in, he knew that he would have to fight someone, much more powerful than he. He was glad that he had the bloodline he did, or he would not being to think of fighting such an opponent. Still, he did not know, who it would be, but he didn’t really care. As long as he was getting a good fight, and a good chance to show off his bloodline he was fine. He noticed that the arena was unlike any he had been in before. He noticed the tall walls, this would be so, that the two fighters couldn’t get out. He also noticed that it was more like an arena where to people fought to the death. No environment, really. Besides the desert wasteland, he was standing in. “Well, it looks like I should get ready.” He sighed and made a few hand signs.

These hand signs, were not normal ones. They did not active any kind of jutsu, instead they allowed the user of the Genkou clan to change into a chosen ninja. Kokoro had chosen Hyuuga Neji. However, this was merely the Genin Neji. The fact was, he could only copy ninja his rank or lower. This was probably the strongest Genin, he could think of. He smiled, and know knew has was ready for almost anything. He then made on last hand sign, one that unlocked the Hyuuga bloodline. “Byakugan!” He yelled out. He then smiled and looked around the arena for the one he was going to fight.

While using Neji, he would not be caught of guard easily. The Byakugan was a heavinly tool. Or at least Kokoro thought so. He knew that he would not be beaten easily. And he also knew, as he gained power, he could well be a threat to a lot of ninja, using other skills from other ninja. “I will become the greatest in my clan. I know you are here, so allow me to example, who I am. Genkou Kokoro, of the No-Faced Gangsters. Well, the Genkou clan is called that. Either way, we are a clan that can fully copy anyone, that it our rank or lower. We are a powerful clan, although we don’t seem to get past the rank Jounin. I’ll be the first of my clan to do so. It’s only a matter of time.” He began laughing. He then got into a Gentle fist style, and waited for his opponet.


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OOC: Ginko Vs Kokoro Empty Re: OOC: Ginko Vs Kokoro

Post by Kenshi Wed May 20, 2009 3:58 pm

The battlefield was empty and there were a few spectators, some of the Jounin were watching along with some other shinobi. Ginko couldn't believe that he was going up against a genin. At first he complained about it, seeing if t was just a simple mistake on the part of Konoha, but when he'd pestered them enough, he actually found out that it was in writing. Ginko was supposed to go up against a genin, and if he didn't complete the battle, he would be fined. Ginko didn't want to be fined, but he also didn't want to watch a genin suffer in defeat. Even though he was still constantly edging for a fight, he would try his best not to kill the genin, after all, what fun would there be in that?

Ginko's image could be seen at the gate of the battle ground. He was wearing a white long-sleeve dress shirt, brown pants, and boots. In no way did he look like he was a shinobi, or that he had any ability. Ginko's hair swayed in the wind, covering his left eye and revealing his green right one. He appeared to be an average citizen, but he was all the more different. Making sure not to lose his cigarette in his movements, Ginko tossed it in front of him, stepping on it to kill the flames. Ginko's image began to scar, and disappear. It wasn't flicker technique, it was a bit of his speed, a warm up if you will.

Ginko appeared 10 meters in front of the young genin. He stood there and looked at him, hearing his awful lame speech. Even though the battle would be over fairly quickly, there was something about this genin that was different. Maybe Ginko would have a little fun with his Byakugan. He could never be too sure about the people he battled, Ginko had the worst of luck.

"So are you ready Mr. Hyuuga-wanna be? I have some tissues in my pocket if you want me to blow your nose for you..."


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OOC: Ginko Vs Kokoro Empty Re: OOC: Ginko Vs Kokoro

Post by tradebuzzing2 Wed May 20, 2009 5:52 pm

Kokoro looked at the man who just arrived in the arena. He has just looked down on him, and he had every right to do so. Kokoro was merely a Genin, and this man was an S-Ranked ninja. He knew this fight would not last long, however he would have to make it count. He jumped back to get a good look at them enemy. "Hyuuga Wannabe?" He began to laugh as he relaized what he had heard. "Ah, I should have used a different form on you, my friend. I am no wannabe, I am!" He knew if he rushed towards his oppoent it could cause his down fall right away, but he would have to seeing as Neji was mainly Taijutsu. He would have to go in fast, and get things started.

"I should have used Gaara on you. It may have been an easier fight, but I guess Neji is fine." He shrruged his shoulders and sighed, as knew he was about to either hit Ginko or lose the battle. "I never thought a battle could end so quickly" He smiled, as he got out of his gentle fist stances. He began to look all around the arena for the best spot. He knew that the front would be the best for his, and he would have to hit around the chest. He aimed at the heart area, and rushed towards Ginko. "I hope this hits!" He said, getting close to Ginko

"64 palms!" Kokoro yelled out, aiming at Ginko's chest. He had to hit him atleast once, or all could have been lost. If he did not, Ginko would most likely have a free hit, it was a good thing Kokoro had the Hyuuga bloodline, for he could see almost every attack that was coming at him. He would still have a backup, if Ginko attacked him.


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OOC: Ginko Vs Kokoro Empty Re: OOC: Ginko Vs Kokoro

Post by Kenshi Wed May 20, 2009 6:02 pm

A direct attack. The classing running and yelling right towards your opponent. Ginko knew that he was really fighting a genin. He couldn't believe that his teachers didn't teach him a bit better than that. Maybe he didn't know that Ginko could probably kill his jounin-sensei, maybe he didn't know who he was going up against, but one thing was sure. Ginko would not let some pretend Hyuuga try to touch him. He'd cut his right arm off before he let that happen. Ginko was too much off a man, too much of a human to even lose to a genin. He knew that even though he was a genin, the Gentle Fist would still hurt him. He couldn't get hit, no matter what his pride was.

Ginko's reaction was simple and elegant. He simply took two quick steps to the right, letting the genin poke at air. He didn't want to hurt the little boy, but he would have to give him a lesson. Ginko lifted his left leg up, swiftly aiming a kick towards the genin's stomach. Since he could see without turning his head constantly,the genin would probably tell it was coming, but Ginko's speed was blinding, and it was hard to catch his leg moving as it neared the genin. If he got hit, he wouldn't die, but he would surely eat a lot of dirt.


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OOC: Ginko Vs Kokoro Empty Re: OOC: Ginko Vs Kokoro

Post by tradebuzzing2 Wed May 20, 2009 10:11 pm

Kokoro knew his attack would be failry easy to dodge, had he, not attacked right away, and for someone of Ginko's speed, well that made it even easier. He hit the air a few times and then stopped. He knew that an attack was coming his way and he had to act fast. Ginko's speed was fast, but Kokoro saw the attack coming, before it hit him, so he had time to act. "Eight Trigrams Palms Heavenly Spin!" Kokoro yelled out and began to spin around. He knew this would be ale to block the kick, seeing as it was merely Taijutsu.

He knew that he had no time to waste. After he was finished spinning he jumped back and huffed. "Well, it looks like you are a S-ranked ninja. But do you wish to take back what you said about me being a Wannabe Hyuuga? I wanna be would someone who just knows Gentle fist, not someone who can use everyone of their attacks." He laughed and got back into his gentle fist stance. He would now wait till Ginko came towards him. He would then act fast, and wait till his charka to change, to act. He knew he had a chance, but it was very slim at that.


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OOC: Ginko Vs Kokoro Empty Re: OOC: Ginko Vs Kokoro

Post by Kenshi Wed May 20, 2009 10:36 pm

Ginko couldn't believe that the child had repelled his kick. At first he thought that the child was just pretending to be a Hyuuga, and that his attacks wouldn't really work like a Hyuuga clansmen's, but it seemed as if he was fighting up against a real copy cat. Ginko wasn't injured the slightest bit at all, but the torn fabric on his pants leg showed that he got attacked. The Rotation, one of the most simple, but yet effective jutsu there was. Ginko smirked at his genin opponent, and cracked his knuckles, getting ready to have fun.

A flash of white hair moved five meters towards the genin, and the moved back. The image of Ginko kept continuously appearing and disappearing, as Ginko quickly moved in a small area, creating momentum, and warming his body up. Ginko's image seemed to appear and disappear as he moved all over the small area with great speed. As if time slowed down, Ginko suddenly stopped and disappeared again, appearing behind the young genin. The Byakugan was famous for it's taijutsu capabilities, but there was no way that the Gentle Fist would stand up to Ginko's superior strength. If Ginko punched another Rotation, he would completely slam through it.

"You can try to rotate again, but I'm too close..." Ginko whispered in his opponents ear.

Ginko aimed a punch straight at his young opponent's back. If there was contact, then the small genin would go flying into the air, and probably into the stadium wall. Ginko didn't really want to punch the young child, because if he used some strength behind his fists instead of quick speed, he'd punch a hole in the kid, and he didn't want a dead body on his hands.


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OOC: Ginko Vs Kokoro Empty Re: OOC: Ginko Vs Kokoro

Post by tradebuzzing2 Wed May 20, 2009 10:51 pm

Kokoro knew that this fight was not over. "Shit, I don't know if I can last much longer. Neji wasn't my best choice!" He sighed and suddenly remembered that he also obatined the abilites of the user. He saw the punch coming towards, and he waited unitl the moment before he has hit. He then slided towards the left and spun around Ginko. He was now behind Ginko and now he had to act fast. He got back into the Gentle fist style and aimed his fingers at his oppoent. I have to get this, because this might be my only opening. "Thankfully, I have my bloodline, this Byakugan is great. Hitting me will be quite a hard thing to do. Even if I am Genin, I'm quite skilled. Haha, yea right, I just got really luck, and lets hope it doesn't run out!

"Sixty-Four Palms!" Kokoro yelled out again. He thought if he was behind his oppoent, he would be more likely to get him, but less likely to cause damage. Either way he would cause damage. The fighting style used by the hyuuga's added with the Byakugan, could cause some deadly aftermaths. It was easily a killing fighting style. "Prepare to lose!" He said out loud to give him more moral, but he did not think he had a chance, after this attack.


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OOC: Ginko Vs Kokoro Empty Re: OOC: Ginko Vs Kokoro

Post by Kenshi Thu May 21, 2009 4:34 pm

The genin had actually landed a hit on him. Some of the shinobi that were watching jumped up in surprise. Ginko himself, was smiling. The worst match for Ginko wasn't a Hyuuga, even though their taijutsu was superior. Even though the Hyuuga's Gentle Fist was amazingly strong and sought after, Ginko was completely immune most of it's effects.The chakra points only stopped ninjutsu and some muscle movement, but since Ginko had let him strike his lower back he was completely unharmed from the attack, even though that chakra point had been cut off. Ginko stood up straight, with the genin behind him and spoke.

"The worst possible match for a Hyuuga is me. Ever since I was born I've always had a problem with ninjutsu. My chakra, it doesn't seem to move as fast as normal through my chakra veins. It flows rather slow, and since I was a child I was always sick. Why do you think my skin looks so pale? My chakra flows at no speed, so cutting off one point won't do anything for me. Plus you struck me in my latissimus dorsi, which is one of the strongest muscles in my body. I'm afriad that your poke was a mere tickle for me."

Ginko's image remained still, until the genin realized his movements. It was like he teleported, back around towards him in a flash of a second. Ginko was facing his opponent now with his fists and leg ready to fight. Ginko inched close to the genin, throwing his right fist towards the left side of the genin's head, and his left leg towards the right of the genin's leg. Ginko was too close for contact by that child, and he surely would be knocked out...


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OOC: Ginko Vs Kokoro Empty Re: OOC: Ginko Vs Kokoro

Post by tradebuzzing2 Thu May 21, 2009 5:06 pm

Kokoro was now done for. He knew that this was the end of the battle he could not block this attack, and he couldn't even if he had seen it sooner. He smiled and accepted his fate. However, he moved his feet as far as he could, so the force of Ginko's kick would seem less on his leg. "I should have used Taku on you!" He yelled as the kick hit him, sending him to the ground. "Using Neji, wasn't the best choice, like I said before." He sighed and jumped back up, away from Ginko. The kick took a number on his leg. It made it hard for him to move.

"You are strong, but I'm not done yet. And even if I lose now, like I know I will, I will be back. I'm going to make a name for my clan, you'll see." He looked into the sky and then back at Ginko. The sky had brigthened up, as Kokoro talked. He lugged himself over to his oppoent, and began to breath heavy. "I'm not done yet." He got back into a Gentle Fist Stance and smiled. "Now, I have one last attack in me. I know you will hit me after this attack, and the match will be over." He sighed, and then got his attack ready.

"Sixty-For Palms!" Kokoro yelled out, as he began to aim towards Ginko's chest. He was aiming for the heart this time, and hopfully he would hit him atleast once, but it was very unlikly. Kokoro would lose the match, from here, if he did not hit. This was a risky move, but the only move he could make.


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OOC: Ginko Vs Kokoro Empty Re: OOC: Ginko Vs Kokoro

Post by Kenshi Thu May 21, 2009 5:47 pm

Ginko knew the match would be over soon once that kick hit the genin's leg. Ginko always aimed for the shin area, because if it was hit the hardest, it would usually send a jarring pain out across the whole leg, making it hard for anyone to move. Ginko's thoughts became true as the genin crashed into the ground and slowly picked himself back up again. For a genin, he had strength and he was pretty good, but it was time for the battle to be over. Ginko looked over to a lone medical shinobi in the stands in all white. He lifted his hands up, moving his two fingers to beckon the medical ninja on the playing field.

Ginko's image disappeared once more and a trail of dust appeared at his feet. The dust stopped, and Ginko was positive that no one could tell where he was. Ginko appeared right beside the genin, decking a beautiful punch to the side of his head. Ginko aimed at his cheek bone, careful to not hit his temple and permanently mess him up. Instead of flipping all over the place, the genin fell flat over into the ground, making a small little crater, and a cloud of dust around him. Ginko squatted down to tell the genin something.

"Come back to me when you are stronger, copy cat ninja..."

With that, the medical nin rushed on the field as Ginko's image scrambled and disappeared. Ginko appeared again at the top of the stadium, with his image in eyesight of the boy. His image disappeared again, and Ginko was gone.


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