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Ginko vs L (K.O)

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Ginko vs L (K.O) Empty Ginko vs L (K.O)

Post by Kenshi Tue May 19, 2009 6:46 pm

The forest was damp and dark, and that made the environment all the more annoying. Ginko was walking, well traveling on a path used to get to the main villages of the Fire Country. As much as he hated taking the short cuts and missing out on the beautiful scenery, Ginko was forced to take the shortcut due to time. He was getting medical supplies for a friend in Amegakure, and the only place he could get them was in Konoha. He was a doctor, and to be a doctor he would have to stick to his word to help save lives. His patients whole family was at risk of catching the sickness that the father came down with. It wasn't Mushi, of course Ginko would have solved the problem by then, but it was surely one that needed attention.

The rare sight of clouds breaking up after a small storm shadow was for Ginko's eyes to see alone. The sun shone its beams of light down on Ginko, filling him with warm and comfortable feeling. The sun was good for Ginko's pale skin, and as much as he was outside, the sun didn't seem to tan him at all. Ginko continued walking on the path, very close to the forest that he'd just come out of. There would be people around, and Ginko knew that he could get questioned about his business in Konohagakure, or somewhere even near it. He was prepared for it, but he was also prepared to fight if necessary.


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Ginko vs L (K.O) Empty Re: Ginko vs L (K.O)

Post by L Tue May 19, 2009 8:31 pm

Using his kunia to leave a straight line on the right side of the trees he was passing by, Sanmaru walked away from Konohagakure using one of the many shortcuts that the Fire Country contained within it. He liked using the shortcuts because, well, he was now a busy guy. Before he joined the Akatsuki he would of taken the normal, long route, but now that he's in the Akatsuki he's really busy and has places to get to, quick. At the moment, he was heading towards Suna. He had a couple of time to spare, but he wanted to get there as soon as possible so that he may rest awhile once he finally reaches his destination. He decided to take this shortcut in particular because it seemed that it contained zero people in it, there of been a reason as to why, but he decided not to question it. The sight of sunlight could be seen a couple of feet ahead of him, he figured it was the desert, but once he finally reached it, he smiled in disappointment. It seemed as though the path was in the shape of a U, used to pick rare berries found at the tip of the curve. He had ended up right back where he started.

He let out a small sigh. That was the last time he asked a child for directions, but thinking back on it, he really shouldn't of asked a child in the first place. He looked up after letting out his sigh, looking for the nearest adult like figure he could spot. He walked up to the traveler who had just gotten out of the forest.

"Excuse me, could you please point me towards the direction of Sunagakure?" He asked Ginko.

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Ginko vs L (K.O) Empty Re: Ginko vs L (K.O)

Post by Kenshi Tue May 19, 2009 8:48 pm

Ginko turned around to the complete stranger behind him, and lifted up his eyebrow in confusion. He didn't know that there was someone following him, or that there was someone even in the area that he was in. Ginko turned around, completely facing the stranger, wondering who he was and how'd he get there. It seems that he was nice and didn't want any trouble, but the question that he was asking was completely stupid. How in the hell would he not know where he was going? There trail to Konoha was obvious as daylight, and any grown man would know that. There were kids that knew there way around all of Konoha...

"Uhh, how do you not know where you are going...This is the path to Konoha..."

Ginko was of course being mean, but knowing that was common knowledge for anyone that was traveling in the forest. Ginko might have came off harsh, since he was a really good traveler, but there was no excuse for the man's ignorance. Konoha was known by everyone, and there would be an obvious path to Sunagakure. There was no way a random man was just walking around the forest...It would be impossible...Ginko didn't think that anything would happen, but he prepared himself. Even though he couldn't sense chakra well, he could tell that this person was not ordinary. Ginko was itching for a fight too...To test out the new jutsu he'd trained on.


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Ginko vs L (K.O) Empty Re: Ginko vs L (K.O)

Post by L Wed May 20, 2009 8:14 pm


Sanmaru said, two seconds after Ginko made his remark. Sanmaru was the kind of man that usually liked to get straight to the point and waist as little time as possible, when he was doing something important. But, it seemed as though this man before him liked to fool around and waist time the opposite, you could say, of Sanmaru. He really didn't want to start a commotion in his current location, since they were so close to the village and were bound to attract some attention.

"Umm... I don't think you answered my question... I know that this is the path to Konoha. What I want to know is where is the quickest path to Suna. Now, if you don't mind, where is the quickest route to Suna? I suggest you comply."

He really needed to know the route, if this man didn't tell him where it was, Sanmaru might have to fight him as a punishment for his disobedience.

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Ginko vs L (K.O) Empty Re: Ginko vs L (K.O)

Post by Kenshi Wed May 20, 2009 8:23 pm

It seemed as if the idiot before him was tailored and snotty. Not only did he not know where he was going, he gave off a snotty attitude. Not being the one for the type of attitude that he was getting, Ginko got a little angry. Though it wasn't good for him to get angry Ginko couldn't help it. He disliked people that had attitudes and even though he'd given some to the person in front of him, that didn't mean that would take it back. The person wanted Ginko to "comply" and to Ginko that meant he wanted him to do what he said. Follow orders from a stranger. Something that Ginko wouldn't even try.

"Comply? What kind of arrogant fucker do you think you are? You're a grown man, you should know your way around. I'll be damned if I tell you anything..."

Ginko's appearance came across as soft, but he was none other than the opposite of that. If need be he'd beat the living shit out of the stranger, just to teach him a lesson on how to talk to others with a since of respect. Ginko couldn't stand his attitude, and was ready to snap in a seconds notice.


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Ginko vs L (K.O) Empty Re: Ginko vs L (K.O)

Post by L Wed May 20, 2009 8:56 pm

The responce that Sanmaru got back was not the kind he wanted. It seemed as though this man wasn't really smart. All he had to do was point him towards one single path and Sanmaru would have been out of his hair, but nooooooooooo. He just wanted to anger him even more, not something that a lot of people would recommend. Maybe fool around with him at the beginning, but once he got serious, it wasn't the wisest thing to do. Now, Sanmaru had to fight this person...

"An ignorant elder? Huh, not very common that you'll actually get to meet one. Tell, me, how old are you? I'm guessing, maybe, 5 to 10 years older than me? So, me being 20 you'd either be somewhere between 25 and 30. I thought you people were supposed to be wise..."

Sanmaru began to walk away from the stranger. Three senbons fell down, into each hand, from inside of Sanmaru sleeves. He caught them inbetween his fingers. Once he was at the perfect firing distance from Ginko, he turned around and threw them at him. They were going directly towards his main pressure points.

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Ginko vs L (K.O) Empty Re: Ginko vs L (K.O)

Post by Kenshi Wed May 20, 2009 9:17 pm

Now there was a battle. Ginko knew that something would happen between the two of them, and they wouldn't be arguing for no more than a few seconds. Ginko watched as the Raiton Senbon fell into the mans hands, which seemed to be purely from the sky and no where else. 'He must have some great chakra manipulation, to create senbon out of thin air...' Ginko thought, knowing that he was already out matched in ninjutsu for this battle. He wouldn't be able to use techniques against this person if he wanted to win, he would have to sick to taijutsu and make sure that he didn't get hit. Ginko was still surprised at his opponents swiftness into battle, he'd quickly created senbon out of nothing, and hadn't used any hand signs.

Now it was time for Ginko to react to the attacks. A frontal attack such as that wouldn't play against Ginko. As he watched the senbon draw closer and closer towards him, Ginko could tell that they were aimed at certain points on his body, simply because he was a doctor, and the opponent didn't just try to aim him at his head. It seemed like his opponent knew what he was doing. Ginko's speed made up for his lack of ninjutsu as he quickly darted to his left, letting his white hair shimmer in the sun's light as he dodged the senbon attacks. Ginko prepped what little chakra he could move and started his own attack.

" jutsu..." Ginko lingered, letting his voice seep across the battlefield.

Ginko's right eye was covered by hair which began to move a bit. Since Ginko's summons only required pure chakra because of his "Second Eye" there was no smoke, no blood, or no useless motions to get his Mushi on to the battlefield. Two small green like antenna popped out of Ginko's eyes, another set of antenna followed, along with a third set. The antennae were simply green slugs that crept out on Ginko's shoulder, falling to the ground without a sound. They crept around the ground, moving about, eating all noise. Ginko mouthed something, probably a snide comment to his opponent, but since the stranger was well within 30 meters he wouldn't hear it, or anything else for that matter.


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Ginko vs L (K.O) Empty Re: Ginko vs L (K.O)

Post by L Wed May 20, 2009 11:10 pm

Sanmaru watched the slugs fall off of the stranger and make their way towards him. He didn't know what abilities the slugs had, but he always liked to be extra careful. He wasn't going to let the slugs get any closer than what they have already. He took a step back and took in a deep breath, he hoped for this attack to kill the slugs and perhaps, if he was lucky, cause a little harm to Ginko. Or atleast see what else he had up his sleeve. He quickly lowered himself and moved his right leg in a sweep kick motion to send a wave of fire rush across the ground and make its way towards the slugs. This fire was hot enough to kill any ordinary bug/insect on contact.

Quickly following the sweep kick, Sanmaru used his left leg to jump up into the air. There, he made several reverse roundhouse kicks, all releasing more waves of fire towards the area surounding Ginko, not necessarly aimed at him. He then allowed himself to fall down towards the ground as the fire continued along its path to its destination.

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Ginko vs L (K.O) Empty Re: Ginko vs L (K.O)

Post by Kenshi Thu May 21, 2009 5:39 pm

Ginko flipped back several times, letting the slugs on the ground be swept away by the massive fire. Sound returned to the area, and Ginko and the stranger could hear again, and Ginko could hear how massively powerful the fire was. He'd dodged the first two waves as he back flipped on the ground, flipping his hands on the ground, and his feet dangling above him. Ginko jumped, tightening his body as he dodged most of the attacks. It seemed like they weren't really aimed at him, but they were close enough. The remaining round house kicks of fire sent to Ginko were easy. Ginko leaned back, all the way to the hot ground, letting them pass over head, as he flipped back up, back flipping to his feet.

"Nice one, but I'm sure that ninjutsu of yours isn't all that great."

Ginko tightened his right fist, and rose it in the air. With a quick burst of speed, Ginko launched his fist down into the hot ground, creating a giant whole in the ground which sent debris and smoke everywhere, covering Ginko up. The ash had Ginko coughing and gagging for a second, but as three whips of dust spread out towards the forest, the cloud began to dissipate, and Ginko was revealed holding a massive rock in his hand. Ginko couldn't move that fast with the rock, but his speed would surprise the man. Ginko appeared 10 meters in front of the man, closing in on him fast. Ginko tossed the rock towards him, launching it towards him at a good speed. Finishing up the attack, Ginko used his speed to appear at the back side of the man, aiming a kick towards his neck.


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Ginko vs L (K.O) Empty Re: Ginko vs L (K.O)

Post by L Fri May 22, 2009 8:14 pm

Suprised by the speed and strength of the stranger, all Sanmaru was able to do was let the attacks hit him. There was almost no way that he could dodge both attacks, but there was a way for him to use one of the strangers attacks against him. He would have to take the kick to the neck, that was one was certain, but that only left the boulder. In order for this move to work, he would need to have his timing perfect, which would be difficult since he would have someone kicking him in his neck as he did it. Something like that would definitely disrupt someones concentration, hopefully sanmaru would be ready for it.

When the boulder barely touched Sanmaru's body, it seperated into sharp, senbon-like figures, leavinga gap in the middle of it allowing Sanmaru to go through it. The kick, which hit Sanmaru at the same time as the boulder, sent him flying through the gap and as it did, the senbon-like rocks went flying towards the stranger at high speeds.

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Ginko vs L (K.O) Empty Re: Ginko vs L (K.O)

Post by Kenshi Fri May 22, 2009 8:28 pm

Ginko was amazed by his opponents mind. Usually if the opponent was caught between two attacks, the best thing to do would be to pick either left, right, above or below to dodge. However, the opponent used his intelligence and let one of the attacks hit him. The attack would hurt his neck, and he would be feeling sore for the rest of the battle in that area. If Ginko hit there again, it would be over for the opponent. But what the opponent hadn't realized was that he'd helped Ginko figure out more about him, which would help him and his advantage.

The oncoming spikes would be impossible to dodge, and Ginko took most of them. They stabbed him in the arm, legs, and chest, leaving Ginko on the ground, with smoke coming from his wounds. Ginko coughed and rolled over a little bit, breathing heavy from the force of the attack. It seemed that changing the shape of the rock wouldn't change the force of it's momentum. Ginko got on all fours, breathing heavy sharply. He looked up at his opponent.


All of the senbon fell off of him like dirt. They hit the ground, leaving Ginko completely spotless and unharmed. Ginko was playing around with his opponent, trying to test his mind and see how far he could drive him into a corner. Ginko stood up, bushing the dirt off of himself, smiling at his opponent. Ginko smiled and flicked his opponent off, chuckling a bit.

"Kuchiyose no jutsu"

A small black wriggly like creature slithered out of the hole in Ginko's eye. It plopped on the ground wriggling in a slimy layer of mucous. The black thing was no bigger than a golf ball, and it appeared to have a weird tail on it. Ginko looked as his opponent smiling again, as the small thing took off, towards the opponent, wriggling around his legs, leaving a trail of mucous horrible smelling mucus everywhere. Another one came out, with the same horrible mucous over it's small body. Ginko reached his hand in his eye and pulled it out, throwing it directly at Sanmaru's face.


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Ginko vs L (K.O) Empty Re: Ginko vs L (K.O)

Post by L Sun May 24, 2009 12:36 am

Sanmaru smirked as he grabbed his neck with his right hand. His hand was glowing green with medical chakra. He was trying to heal the spot that the stranger had kicked to the best of his ability. But, as he did, he thought about his opponent. He was obviously playing around with him, cockiness was usually what led to ones own demise, but would that proven true in this battle? The way the fight was going, it didn't seem like it, but it was just the beginning, there was still plenty of time to switch things around.

Once the stranger threw the black little "thing", Sanmaru looked down towards the ground and sighed. The ground infront of him rose up to about 4 feet taller than him and went charging towards the stranger, causing the "thing" to crash into it. Sanmaru had to take some time to recover abit from that kick, so he had to play on the defensive for now.

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Ginko vs L (K.O) Empty Re: Ginko vs L (K.O)

Post by Kenshi Sun May 24, 2009 10:09 am

It seemed that his opponent had feel for his trick. Ginko threw two of them on purpose, knowing that his opponent would look down, as to look away from the on coming one hurling towards his face. Once the opponent caught a glimpse of the Ganpuku, it rushed up around his legs, squirming all over his body and directly into his left eye. The Ganpuku pushed it's way into his left eye and was immedieatly trapped within it. Ginko smirked and focused on the rushing wall.

Using his speed, Ginko rushed towards the wall in a quick blur, smashing his fist into it. Cracks spread outwards from the area of the impact, and the whole wall came tumbling down into a giant pile of debris and dust. The attack was useless, and it didn't help Sanmaru anything. Ginko's strngth could handle most of his earth based ninjutsu attacks. Ginko would be fine.

'So it seems like my opponent can change elements into whatever element he wants. So far he's chosen fire manipulation with his feet, earth manipulation just now, and lightning manipulation from the start of the fight. I doubt he can use all five, but if he can I need to watch out for elemental combination attacks' Ginko thought,

Ginko thought this one out. He shouldn't take the offensive in this fight anymore. Something was weird about his opponent. His ability to change elements into other elements so quickly was weird. Ginko needed time to figure out more about his opponent, then it would be easier to defeat him.

"Kuchiyose no jutsu"

Ginko pulled his hair back over his second eye, looking directly at his opponent's face. Thousands upon thousands of tiny little bird creatures began to erupt from his eye, rushing their way towards his opponent, getting closer with every second. Several of them flew into the sky creating a swarm type of effect. Ginko could see with his normal eye, so if the opponent tried anything he would have ample time to react.


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Ginko vs L (K.O) Empty Re: Ginko vs L (K.O)

Post by L Tue Jun 02, 2009 9:32 pm

Once the one little thing, as he called it, crawled into his eye left eye, the muscles in his right hand tightened up. The muscles tightening were a sign of his heavy thinking and holding back an erge to do something. Whatever he was trying to hold back, was unknown, but it seemed as though he was about ready to stop his restriction on it and set it free. The feeling of the thing in his eye was somewhat bothering him, aswell. He wanted to take it out the instant it trapped itself inside. It didn't hut, no, it was more like an ich that you just can't seem to get. It wasn't painful, just annoying.

The thing's inside my eye... And it's annoying. There's no way that I'll be be able to fight under these conditions, it'll make me lose my concentration and miss key things. I have to get it out of there, but how? I can't just pluck out my eye, no, then I'll be left with only my right eye and I lose half of my vision. Huh... I could activate my doujutsu and see if that'll force it out. But, could it be that easily beatin? Well, not all ninjas have a doujutsu, so, it is possible. He sighed. I guess it's worth a shot.

He sighed once more and then activated his doujutsu. It really wasn't much. Sanmaru had learned to use the abilities of his doujutsu, at about half strength, without really "activating" it. Activating his doujutsu really just allowed him to use it at full strength. The thing, that was trapped inside his left eye, came squirming out of his eye and fell down on the ground. There, it writhed. Sanmaru took a glance at it one more time and then used the tip of his left foot to crush it, like a finished cigarette.

Well, would you look at that... He thought as he watched his foot continue to crush the thing. It actually worked. Who would of guessed? Well, now that that's been taken care of, I can get back to what I was doing... "Helping" this guy.

Finally, Sanmaru took his foot off of the thing and brought it back. He looked up at the stranger, doujutsu still activated, and simply stared at him. He was waiting for him to make a move. In three seconds time, it seemed as though the stranger was finally going to make his move... Thousands of dragon-fly-like creatures came flying out of the strangers left eye. They flew everywhere, up into the sky, the right and left, and even forward towards Sanmaru. All that Sanmaru did was watch them fly out. As they surounded him, he simply stood there, annoyed once again. They were as annoying as mosquitoes. He thought of what he could do to get them away from him.

Hmm... If I burn them, a bunch of them will touch me and I'll probably be burned aswell. I could blow them away, but they'll probably just come back, so... It'll be a waste. Water? No. Earth would do no good. So, that just leaves lightning. I could electocute them. Hmm... I guess I'll do that.

Sanmaru quickly spread his arms out, sending a big shock wave all around him. The radias was pretty big, Sanmaru made sure that it was large enough to reach the annoying creatures and hopefully the stranger too.

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Ginko vs L (K.O) Empty Re: Ginko vs L (K.O)

Post by Kenshi Thu Jun 04, 2009 5:18 pm

It seemed as if his opponent had a doujutsu and was immune to genjutsu. Whoever this was, he couldn't be fought underestimated. His abilities were good enough, that Ginko didn't even feel the doujutsu start, and before he knew it both of his mushi were dead. Somehow he'd guessed the weakness of the Ganpuku, and turned on his doujutsu. Just like usual, the Ganpuku died from the surge of chakra to the eyes, and was pushed out. He had defeated it so easily, it almost made Ginko feel ashamed. The next mushi wasn't even at test of Ginko's powers, but he wanted to give it a shot. They were an easy summon, but if they didn't work that didn't mean a thing to Ginko. Ginko watched as his opponent used his Raiton ninjutsu on them, shocking them into clouds of smoke which took their leave from the battlefield. His mushi, even though they were weak, were defeated effortlessly almost.

The fight would have stick to taijutsu. Ginko knew that he wasn't going to win if he kept trying to use summons. He would lose every time to his ninjutsu, all because his summons were really not supposed to be strong. Ginko didn't want to get close to the elemental manipulation, but he would have to if he wanted to win this fight. Ginko sighed, rolling his shoulders back as the lightning faded and cascaded into sparkling lights. None of the lightning from the attack had reached him and he was perfectly fine. Ginko stretched his arms, getting ready for his next move. What ever it was, it would have to be a good one. Ginko quickly thought back to when he landed at hit on his opponent. Even though it was blocked, that meant that Ginko could do it. If he could do it once, then he could do it again.

Ginko's image disappeared and he appeared 5 meters behind his original spot. As soon as he appeared he was gone again, and several winds began to pick up around the opponent. It was obvious were Ginko was, and he was making sure that his opponent knew that. Even though the high trail of dust surrounded his opponent, Ginko had to make sure he wasn't seen. He was moving quick enough to keep his movements hidden, Ginko had to find out the extent of his opponent's jutsu. He was already taking advantage of the elements that his opponent had used against the fight. The fire across the ground kept the dust from settling, and kept the area hot. The dust tower around the opponent began to grow high, about 10 meters in the air. Ginko was already about 10 meters away from him in his movement, so he would be fine. Ginko expected many things, but he had to test his opponent's ninjutsu. If he got a good analysis of that, he would be able to defeat him.


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