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Ginko Empty Ginko

Post by Kenshi Sun May 10, 2009 1:57 am

Name: Ginko

Age: 30

Bloodline: None

Rank: S-Ranked Level

Classification: Since I'm an admin lol...

Village: He really isn't a "missing nin". He has never been missing, because he has never belonged to a village. He was born an raised in a traveling group of people.

Alignment: Neutral, to say at least.

Appearance: Sig and avatar.

Personality: Ginko has a very nice personality. He rarely gets mad for any reason, and his main mission is to help people. He is a trained doctor, so he has a high patience level and can think well on his feet. Ginko smokes on a limp cigar, which gives him a calm, mature personality. Ginko refrains from using force most of the time, and rarely gets in fights. Ginko is friendly to strangers, and doesn't mind making new friends. Overall he appears to be your average guy. And is.

Speciality: Ginko is extremely skilled in taijutsu. His speed rivals that of great ninja like the Fourth Hokage, the unheard of "Shisui" Uchiha, and Itachi Uchiha. Ginko's strength rivals that of Might Guy, and Sakura Haruno. Being a medical shinobi/doctor, his chakra control is finely tuned.

Learned jutsus: Chakra Shield, Kage Bunshin no jutsu....

Elements: Water

Weapons/items: No custom weapons as of now.

Goals: To see the whole world.


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Ginko Empty Re: Ginko

Post by Kenshi Sun May 10, 2009 2:00 am

History: Originally Ginko was born with regular features. He was born with black eyes and brown hair, your average normal child. His parents died when he was young, and Ginko was forced to wander much of the world. He managed to find a small rural mountain away from all the wars and the violence. Before his parents died, Ginko learned how to feed himself from his father, and he had the ability to take care of himself as a small child. He fed and clothed himself every day, and survived in a small cave. Ginko wasn't alone, and he wasn't emotional. During the day he would walk to other villages and interact with people to keep hisself from going insane.

During his time in the villages visiting and being around other people, Ginko was able to come to the conclusion that he couldn't live in the cave forever. He was a 12 year old boy, without education and talent. He would hate to see the other kids around him becoming ninja and getting stronger every day. Ginko would always ask them if they would train him, but since he was an outsider most of the genin in nearby villages would ignore him and continue on. Ginko didn't take lightly to that and decided to spy on training sessions and slowly pick up on how they were being trained. A couple of times he was jailed for sneaking into military/shinobi bases when he shouldn't have been. Back at his cave, Ginko would spend his time exercising, and becoming a strong child. His strength was still nowhere on par to the genin that were around him, but was still able to defend hisself.

Months later Ginko decided to move away from the cave. An influx of ninja had tried to attack nearby villages, and since his area was caught in between them, Ginko feared that they would kill him. Shinobi from Iwagakure and Sunagakure were constantly at war. The best bet for Ginko would be to move away from them and not get caught between them. One day Ginko tried to move with what little he had, and was caught by some Sunagakure shinobi. Since he appeared to be genin age, they mistook him for a Iwagakure genin. He appeared to be weak by the raggedy clothes he would wear, but Ginko was not scared of them. His training in taijutsu had given him a good amount of speed, and the Chuunin that he was up against were awed at his talents. Though Ginko was easily defeated that day, the shinobi decided to leave him alive, because of his talent so young. Ginko was robbed of a fishing pole, a hook, and a book that he'd stolen so he could learn how to read. They cut Ginko's leg, in order to mark him because of the small amount speed he'd gained as a child. That mark was there to show him that he would have to start over in his training.

Luckily for Ginko a woman didn't live too far off from where the attack had taken place. She was a tall woman, and wore a brown, raggedy kimono. Despite her appearance she was very talented as a shinobi. She used to be a part of the Senju clan from Konoha, but due to her powers she was banished from the clan and forced to live elsewhere. She was called the "White Haired Assassin". She was exceptionally skilled in Yin-Yang manipulation and could kill opponents with her tremendous chakra force alone. She took Ginko in to her own home and cared for him. Ginko stayed with her and worked with her to repay her hospitality. Ginko was snooping around one day and found an old picture of a lady hugging her young son. The son looked very similar to Ginko, and if it wasn't for the longer hair the boy had in the picture, one could have said that Ginko and the child looked exactly the same. The woman in the picture had regular black hair and beautiful brown eyes. She was a happy mother and wife, and it seemed like she was related to the white haired lady. Ginko asked the white haired woman about the picture, and she took him to a river.

The woman in the picture was actually the white haired woman. Her transformation had been due to strange creatures that only she and a rare few people could see. These creatures were neither man nor beast, light nor darkness. They were life in its purest form. These strange creatures were called, "Mushi". These mushi were creatures that lived in a plane of life that few could see. One of the mushi called "Eternal Darkness" was the reason behind her transformation, and the death of her family. The mushi had swallowed her family up, and consumed their souls for its own benefit. Sacrificing her eye and her memories of her family, she was able to escape it. Lucikly for her sake she'd recorded the times with her family and knows that they were the people that were taken by it, even though she forgets all personal experience with them.

Since Ginko understood the womans pain, he tried to help her in everything that he could. He would do all her chores for her, and everything. Ginko was treating the woman as if he were helpless. One day the woman decided to train Ginko in taijutsu. Ginko was grateful that she would do it, because of her history. The woman had a great amount of speed and strength and was well versed in battle. She couldn't manipulate elements at all, but she could manipulate the mushi. Since she gave up her eye, her "second eye" was open, and with it open she could expel mushi that she had defeated during her life. She could use them in battle, and the first thing Ginko had to learn was how to close his second eye. Ginko trained in Taijutsu, and became extremely fast. For a human, he had great speed and strength. Ginko wanted to learn Kenjutsu, but when he'd tried to steal a sword from the village, he almost got his hands cut off, and managed to escape a fleet of genin and chuunin on speed alone.

Ginko and the woman were training one day at a river when Ginko closed his eyes. When he closed his eyes, he could feel a "second" eye lid closing, and was surrounded by pure darkness. Underneath him was a massive river, the river that was the source of all power for the mushi. The woman told him that he could use power from the life river, but accessing it would cause him a great deal of pain. Ginko prompted her to teach it to him, but she didn't. She knew that the river's power was dangerous and it couldn't be used. She continued training Ginko untill he was chuunin level. Ginko hadn't learned how to use ninjutsu, genjutsu, or even ninja tools. With his encounter with genin and chuunin from the nearby villages, she was able to watch him grow in power as he was able to take on them and defeat them with taijutsu alone. He was growing into a strong young man, just like her son.

One day during training, the woman decided to teach Ginko how to walk on water. They stayed at the same river from the morning till mid day. Ginko didn’t know how to use his chakra well, and wasn’t very good walking on water. He could run on water with speed alone, but he could only do that for a small period of time, and after that he would fall. The woman decided to train him in speed more, because it seemed as if Ginko would never learn to manipulate his chakra. They trained a bit more, but Ginko still could not run on water for very long. His speed had now reached a jounin level, but he couldn’t do the simplest things like climbing trees without his hands and such.

While training, Ginko decided to stop. Him and the woman went to sleep beside a river. When morning came around they woke up in pure darkness. It was the “Eternal Darkness” mushi. It had attacked them again. The woman could not fend off the mushi this time and since she was trapped within it, she couldn’t use mushi to fend it off. The mushi had returned to claim her, along with Ginko. She instructed Ginko to give up his right eye. Ginko did and was freed from the Mushi. With that, he lost all his memories, and the same transformation that took place with the woman happened to him. His hair turned white, and his remaining eye had turned green. His second eye was open, a dark portal that could release mushi just like the woman.

Ginko traveled the world and trained. He was a jounin leveled ninja trapped within a 15 year old body. Iwagakure was the first to spot his talent and took him in. They trained him to use chakra, or at least tried. Ginko could walk and run on water, but he couldn’t climb trees or manipulate chakra at all. They tried their best to train him, and decided the best bet was to have the Tsuchikage train him. They knew that with his ability to manipulate mushi, he could become a great shinobi, and fight on their side.

Ginko trained with the Tsuchikage night and day. It turned out that the ability to manipulate Mushi was already in him from the start, and that all he had to do was open his second eye. Since his second eye was permantely opened, it released a “dark spirit force” which would constantly disrupt the flow of his chakra. If Ginko wanted to learn how to manipulate chakra, he would have to blind out his second eye, or have it sealed up. The Tsuchikage advised him to learn how to control the second eye for his own benefit. He called Mushi masters from rural villages to help him.

Ginko had a strange ability. He could use the mushi in battle with his own natural chakra, but also could use the spirit force from the river of life in his second eye. However, he couldn’t manipulate the energy from the spirit force. He could use it as raw power, but the fatigue and damage that had on his only good eye was too dangerous. If Ginko lost his only eye, he would be forced to rely on the mushi’s life power, which was near impossible to control because of its vastness. The Mushi masters were able to help him though. They were able to bind the power of the river of life to Ginko using a “Shimi” mushi. The kanji of the spell were sealed on him, making him able to use the power from the river if his chakra ever runs out. However, if there is too much power of the river being used, the power from the river will eat away at the seal, and the continuing flow of power released from the river will in avertedly destroy him within a seconds notice.

Ginko grew up and traveled, defeating small mushi and using them to his advantage. He learned how to manipulate his chakra, and was able to create a small jutsu to use to his advantage. He still uses taijutsu and wants to train with kenjutsu. Ginko isn’t allied to any village, but is looking for one to be allied with. Ginko was able to train under some ninja and learn that he could further use the “Shimi” mushi. Ginko was able to record stories of a Suiton user and his battles. Ginko sealed these mushi on him, and found that he was able to manipulate water to an extent. He wasn’t able to use it as great as the Suiton user, but he could definitely use it protect himself in battle.

Ginko returned to his “home” where the old woman used to stay. He lived there for a good portion of his life, and was hired by the Iwagakure military force again. Ginko continued to train, and was able to become an S-Ranked ninja. His speed and strength were not “god-like” but he was able to use them in a way that allowed him become powerful. His power rivaled that of a Kage, and Ginko soon found himself defeating Jounin, and keeping up with the Tsuchikage. Ginko still doesn’t like to fight, but still wants to be able to further his abilities, if he has to fight.
During his travels, Ginko noticed the group “Akatsuki”, and is currently trying to stay away from them. He tried to join the group, but was never able to get in contact with them. Ginko learned that they were evil and decided to stay away from them, and now still currently resides in the home of his childhood. Ginko remained hidden from ninja villages also, as he didn’t want to fight anymore. He was tired of the violence and bloodshed.

Ginko got the feeling that Iwagakure was dying. The ninja world had relaxed and shinobi weren’t shinobi anymore. He decided to move away and is now traveling to Takigakure. While on his way there, he managed to hide himself from Yoshimo Izoto and Taku. Ginko felt that the two were going to attack his home country, and as he left, he could see trails of smoke from the remnants of the village. Ginko currently about 30 years old, and is a doctor. He doesn’t have a wife or kid, and travels around villages healing people for a living.


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Ginko Empty Re: Ginko

Post by Kenshi Sun May 10, 2009 6:17 pm



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Ginko Empty Re: Ginko

Post by Zen Sun May 10, 2009 6:24 pm

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Ginko Empty Re: Ginko

Post by Kenshi Tue May 12, 2009 9:01 am

Can I get an admin to approve this also?


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Ginko Empty Re: Ginko

Post by tradebuzzing2 Fri May 15, 2009 4:30 pm

I will Approve this, although I am not an admin.


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Ginko Empty Re: Ginko

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Fri May 15, 2009 4:33 pm

Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Ginko Empty Re: Ginko

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