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Pheonix Pheo N/F

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Pheonix Pheo N/F Empty Pheonix Pheo N/F

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sun Apr 12, 2009 1:32 am

Name: Pheonix pheo

Age: Unknown


Rank: S rank missing nin
Village: Kumogakure (area)
Alignment: Good


Personality:Pheo is a chaotic mind of fun attitude cheerfulness. He is very curious and at times very clumsy. He tends to get into everything but also keeps a serious demeanour to him. He has the worst lucky of showing up somewhere he isnt needed or shouldnt be.

Birth of the pheonix

The birth of the world was very seldomly noticed at all. The shinigami death god had done great work as instructed by the gods themselves. He had kept a perfect balance on the world. Evil and good male and female. However the supernaturals were next to be created. The two realms that stood borderline from eachother Life and Death.

On the side of the death there was The reaper known as Raeper. He was a powerful humanoid but the life side was without a supernatural and death was thrown into a stronger side. This was how the Pheonix was born. The shinigami saw the inbalance and sought to fix it. So in his mind he conjured the image of life. Full of flames that spark that made life unigue and joyful.

That image conjurned into the realm as a bird a bird that was firey and large. It was a immortal bird. The esscense of life itself was a pheonix as the bird was called. It was powerful and held the spark that made it so it could never give up. As the bird flew the borders between life and death it skrimished with Raeper.

Him and Raeper fought along the borders as they were both the balance that constantly fought to gain control. Each wanted the other gone but inevitable unable to kill one another. They soon stopped the skrimishing and they watched eachother closely waiting for a sign of weakness.

Pheonix grew tired of his body and soon began his plans to create a new one. Using his powers he slowly crafted a new one a humanoid one. It was male had white hair and was average build. After decades of crafting the body was finished.

The begining of the Pheonix's new form

Pheonix hovered above his new body. He was begining the sealing but his enemy raeper had pulled a trick on him. It was devistating and very very annoying to pheonix. He had given the body a soul.
A bloody soul was given to the vacant shell he had made to house himself.

Pheonix was unable to end the sealing before he sealed himself into the body. The body was full of life when pheonix arrived into it. He was pushed back by the soul and unable to take control. Pheonix cursed as he had just given a mortal his powers of life.

The body smirked and a battle started among the soul and the human. "YOU BASTARD I KILLL YOU GRAHHH!!!!!!!" pheonix roared inside the body. He fought to release himself from the cage that had been formed around him. Then the soul spoke to him "I apologize for this Great pheonix. I couldn't turn down a new body I want to live on the mortal plain and defeat the evil that is there." Pheonix's flames burst from the cage striking the kid who dared speak to him in such a manner. "You ungrateful son of a bitch release me from this cage right this second or i will kill you." Pheonix's eyes glowed a red as his flames grew even more intense.

"I cant good sir since this cage is not of my design. I belive your enemy Raeper is the cause of this cage. However i will fight as your servent if you would so wish." Instantly as it ended the body began to catch on fire and a flame shot in the air that looked like a pheonix. Pheonix broadcasted his message to the kid and to hopefully raeper. YOU SON OF A BITCH YOU WILL DIE RAEPER yoU WILL DIE!! GRAHHH!!!! YOu think this body is a curse that will hinder me pish it will become stronger than you and I. Ill come for you Raeper ill be coming for you."

The kid's eyes were open and he screamed in pain as wings grew from his back. He laughed as he felt the power of pheonix merge with the chakra system he had. The power was incredible he felt like he could destroy anything. He started to walk a conversation going on between the 2 minds as a portal appeared made of fire before the body. It entered the portal and instantly it was felt as the realm of life had lost its strongest power. Pheonix had gone to the land of the mortals.

Speciality: Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, Chakra intuned, Nature intuned.
Learned jutsus: Will post
Elements: Katon
Weapons/items: Will post
Goals: To purge the uprising evil from this world and keep the balance between good and evil energys

Posts : 716
Points : -9821
Reputation : -10012
Join date : 2008-11-20
Age : 32

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Pheonix Pheo N/F Empty Re: Pheonix Pheo N/F

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sun Apr 12, 2009 5:01 pm

Birth of the legends Pheo Pheonix takes stage.

As a portal of fire appeared facing in towards a ledge a male body stepped out of it and onto the rocky cliff. It raised its head and screamed "WE HAVE ARRIVED PREPARE YOURSLEF ON GUARD!" The soul of Pheo a once great kunouchi and that of Pheonix arrived upon the mortal plain of existance after the trickery of Raeper.

They looked upon the teerain seeing it as a forest and that they sensed many people. They Looked upon the forest to only look down and see a village right below there feet. It was just starting as a small village hidden in the forest. There were many ninja's all hard at work. Instantly after seeing the symbols on a few of theres uniforms of that of the Senju and Uchiha clan. Pheo explained that they were rival clans each supposed to be the god's of the mortals in a way. Pheonix looked upon the uchiha and sensed the death and looked upon the leader who stood upon the buidling with the senju leader as scum. He saw the senju as the people who would be the ones who could defeat the evil. When the uchiha seemed to vanish from the roof. Pheonix made his move forcing the body to jump to the ground landing on the rooftop on one knee behind the senju leader.

Instantly the eyes changed and focused on the senju leader as he turned around. "Hello My name is Pheonix. I mean no harm to you or your organization of ninja's. I would just like to speak to you and explain my perdiciment" The leader turned and heard and then he spoke " My name is Hashirama Senju. I am the leader of the senju and this is the to be soon village hidden in the leaves. I will be happy to listen to your story but now it is not the time."

Hashirama and pheonix soon dispersed from the roof top to meet at the moutain top that night. Pheo took control of the body from this point. She walked through the village wondering of how this world was going to work.Pheonix and her talked trying to pass knowledge back and forth to get a better understanding of one another. The day seemed to fly by and they slowly made there way to the top of the moutain.

As they arrived at the moutain top the moon was peeking out in a third of a crescent. Pheonix looked upon the mood without helping but utter out a sigh saying "Magnificent" As soon as he said that he heard rattling in the trees and then he heard something "Indeed it is. The moon is one of this worlds greatest treasures. Now what did you need of me young child?"

Pheoonix was about to reprimend on that comment when he remebered this body was that of only 14 and it was young at that. He couldnt help but let out a laugh as he stated "I guess its my own vanity that got me this time. Hmmm hmm. I am more than i seem Im pretty sure youve heard the legends of the 3 divine spirits of the supernaturals?"

Hashirama nodded his head as a saying that he had but he was powerfully confused. "Well i am actually Pheonix. The supernatural representing life. Prosperious cheerful joyous life. Well you may be wondering why i am here on the mortal plain. Well im afraid it was a trick a dastardly trick done by Raeper my enemy. I created this body so that i may become stronger and the vile bastard had stuck it with a soul. I am now forced to live with this soul inside this body" Instantly Pheo childishly broke out in insult in the mind. Pheonix threw it off and then returned to Hashirama who was about to speak.

"I see the dilema here. Now the thing is what am i to do?" He turned around and thought for a moment he was clueless for what he would do. Pheonix however spoke after the hokage thought for a moment [color=red]"Your not going to help me. Im going to help you. I have chosen your senju clan as the one that will become the strongest clan in this world. You will be warriors of the balance.

Posts : 716
Points : -9821
Reputation : -10012
Join date : 2008-11-20
Age : 32

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