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Spar Anyone?

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Spar Anyone? Empty Spar Anyone?

Post by AntiRyuko Sun May 17, 2009 12:53 pm

Still keeping the letter in his bedroom, he looks at it everyday, thinking of the day his family was assassinated. His heart filling with anger and sorrow everyday, his heart turning blacker and blacker. He tried to think of happy thoughts, trying to clear his heart into the way it use to be, but he kept on thinking of that one day. His eyes filled with tears and he bit his lip, trying to hold back the tears. Why am i sitting here, filling my heart with sorrow and anger when i could be out, living my life my family would want me to. He thought, getting up and started to wash his face, still trying to think of happy thoughts, the time he spent with his dad, training to be a Genin. All those time, then he died. Damn it. I could have saved him! Damn it!!!!!! Ryuko thought, frustrated with himself. Pounding the ground, his eyes started to fill with tears again.

I need to stop feeling sorry for myself and start living my life without my family. Maybe a little spar with anyone could cheer me up. Ryuko thought happily. He putted on his equipment and got his katana that his father gave him. Holding the katana in his hand, he thought he could hear his father speaking to him through the katana, like the spirit of his father was in the katana. He was ready for his second day as a Genin. He walked out of his house and then started to head for the training field, seeing people training, he remembered all the time his father training him. I gotta really stop thinking about him. I got the willpower to. thought Ryuko. He saw a tree with some shade under it and walked over there, sitting down and putting his katana beside him, he closed his eyes and waited for anyone to challenge him.

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Spar Anyone? Empty Re: Spar Anyone?

Post by Dean Sun May 17, 2009 10:00 pm

Tenchi walks into the training grounds thinking Dang him! Why must I do this? Tenchi then spots Ryuko sitting down dreading what is about to happen. First I'm dumb enough to challenge Nasamea now I have to fight again and make a fool out of myself again by all of the destruction I caused? "Hey you I want to fight you get up and stop sitting down!"Tenchi yelled. Tenchi looks up at the sky preparing for the oncoming battle. His muscles tighten and his heart starts to beat faster. "So, do you want to make the first move or shall i?" Tenchi said in an almost emotionless tone.

Tenchi then looks down at Kyuko seeing that he look as if he was a newer genin than he was." So when did you become genin?" Tenchi asked. This might be fun after all

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Spar Anyone? Empty Re: Spar Anyone?

Post by AntiRyuko Sun May 17, 2009 10:22 pm

Opening his eyes, he saw a challenger. "Yes, i am a newer Genin. I graduated 2 days ago and my name is Uchiha Ryuko." he said, trying to sound polite. He got up and grabbed his katana. "I see you wanted to challenge me in a spar. Will i accept your challenge. I need to get my mind off something so i hope this still help me." He placed the katana on his back and he got into a defensive position. "I'll let you go first. I want to see how good you are." Ryuko said, still in the defensive position but getting ready to take out his katana if his necessary.

Ryuko tried to sum his opponent to see how strong he was and he decided that the challenger was not a new Genin. He graduated sometime ago and he was a Ninjutsu user, his element is Wind by what he could tell. "Challenger, i still didn't get your name yet. I guess we haven't totally introduce ourselves yet." Ryuko said, trying to add a confusing tone in the sentence.

Last edited by AntiRyuko on Mon May 18, 2009 6:14 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Spar Anyone? Empty Re: Spar Anyone?

Post by Dean Mon May 18, 2009 4:11 pm

Tenchi rolls his eyes when he says his second sentence. What the **** is this person trying to say? 'I see you wanted to challenge my in a spar.' He really needs to work on his grammer "My name is Tenchi." Tenchi said emotionlessly. Tenchi looks up at the sky wanting this to be all over, but he knew this may take a long time. "Now I have come here to challenge you not for you to question me." Tenchi started to say a little angerly, but took the anger out of his voice. "There is nothing to be said. Let's get rid of these pleasentrys and fight." Tenchi said unemotionally.

Tenchi takes out his 2 katanas Kami and Kaze. He looked at them because he hasn't used them in battle yet. Only till now he has polished them, and made sure they were shining in the sun. The saphire in the swords with the dimond on the outside made magnificent blue on the ground. Tenchi smiled a little, and he looked at Ryuko. "So are you ready now or not? I'm ready to fight!" Tenchi yelled.

OOC: I had to edit cause i forgot to capitalize some I's and forgot to split a and little. Also, my puncuation is crap lol

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Spar Anyone? Empty Re: Spar Anyone?

Post by AntiRyuko Mon May 18, 2009 6:28 pm

Ryuko sighed a bit when he noticed that Tenchi's katana were glimmering and he saw the sapphires glimmering. "You know that no matter how good your weapon is, it doesn't do any good without the proper use for it, right?" Ryuko said, trying not to sound like a smart ass but it showed pretty good. He took out his katana and took off the scab. "Do you see this katana, Tenchi?" Ryuko said, showing the katana. "This katana was forged by my great great grandfather and passed down from generation from generation. Blood was shed on this and i can feel everyone's soul in this. It doesn't look good but it can be very powerful if the user uses it right." Let's see if i find out the great mystery of this katana. Father didn't tell me how to use it yet so i guess i have to find out in this battle. he thought, excited to see if he can hit two birds with one stone.

"I guess this is an unlucky day for you, cause this battle will help me in two ways." Ryuko said, trying to warn him. He got into a defensive form with his katana and waited for his opponent. "Well, Tenchi. Are you ready for the time of your life? Cause ill give it to you!! Hit me with your best shot!!!!" Ryuko yelled focusing his chakara into his katana,

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Spar Anyone? Empty Re: Spar Anyone?

Post by Dean Mon May 18, 2009 6:58 pm

Tenchi starred at Ryuko astonished by his knowledge. Wow for this genin to only be 2 days into being a genin he sounds very wise when he speaks. " I'm very surprised by your knowledge. Yes I know it is the person and not the weapon that gives the person power, but I must acquire skills before I can wield these weapons to their full potential." Tenchi said in a moderate tone. He looked at the old katana not judging by appearances because they could fool him. He was getting very interested in this new opponent because he seemed to be beyond his team and not a genin. My katanas looked bright in the light of the sun, and it still showered the area in it's refracted light of blue.

"You have no idea the luck I have had this day. For me this is good luck because i have someone my level to fight me!" ?Tenchi shouted a little. Soon the battlefield grew silent. Then he backed up from his opponent in battle in a defencive position with his swords. He held his sword Kaze in his right hand and Kami in his left. Tenchi had Kaze ahead of the other in front of his chest in a diagonal type of position while Kami in his left hand was straight, and he was crouching down into a position to make him more balanced.

I wonder if he knows what I'm doing right now? Tenchi continues to back up and soon he is 40 meters away from Ryuko, and he is still in his defencive position ready to defend from Ryuko. Tenchi looks ready as he waits for the on coming battle because he never did like to attack first due being to the same speed as other genin and same rank. He was ready if asked to attack first and awaited Ryuko.

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Spar Anyone? Empty Re: Spar Anyone?

Post by AntiRyuko Mon May 18, 2009 7:20 pm

"Don't think you can fool me, Tenchi, I know exactly what you're doing. You can perform ninjutsu without handseals because your weapon has some sort of special power. I still don't know my weapon special power yet because my father never really had a chance to explain it to me. I hope this fight will help me to realize how to use this katana." Ryuko said, trying to figure out what jutsu he was going to use on him. Then he saw the defensive stance so he figured that Tenchi wanted him to go.

The sunlight making his katana glimmer a little, he ignored it and headed straight on and his weird power started to activate. His eyes turn bloodshot and his body felt like it was being taken over by something. He couldn't think right and he turned into a bloodthirsting animal. Dashing at Tenchi, he took out a kunai with his free hand and throwing it him, he hoped to make a distraction to get the first attack. He toke the katana and placed it on the ground where he was standing. He tried to uppercut Tenchi and jumped back, taking out another kunai with his free hand and throwing it at Dead just in case he missed or something. Taking out his katana he got back into a defensive form and waiting to see what happened.

Last edited by AntiRyuko on Mon May 18, 2009 9:02 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Spar Anyone? Empty Re: Spar Anyone?

Post by Zen Mon May 18, 2009 7:40 pm

AOOC: Alright Anti three things one,you have some grammer errors "He putted the katana?" Second you autohit "he uppercutted Tenchi and jumped back" Third read the damn rules son! -Auto Hitting
You can not always hit your opponent. The actual blow or attack landing on a character is up to the other PPer (Role Player).
Anbu Captain
Anbu Captain

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Spar Anyone? Empty Re: Spar Anyone?

Post by AntiRyuko Mon May 18, 2009 8:59 pm

OOC: Sorry, Ken.
I was rushing cause i had to go. Ill edited it.

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Spar Anyone? Empty Re: Spar Anyone?

Post by Nasamea Mon May 18, 2009 9:49 pm

A black cloaked figure gingerly made her way into the training grounds. The figure had been passing by and, hearing the commotion, thought she'd check it out. Of course, it had to be Dean causng it. Nasamea made her way over to a nearby tree, leaping up into it and sitting on a branch, concealed by leaves to where nobody would notice her but she could see them battle. She began observing Dean and Anti, seeing their styles. Observing them talking and starting the fight, she shook her head irritably and began respecting Jin all the more.
'Dean's mouth annoys me, he talks to much. But this kid, this other genin, what is he thinking charging into battle in such a manner....' she watched him attacked Dean and bounce back, 'obviously not much training....or else he wouldve reacted appropriatly. Attacking two kantana with one, such a foolish move....clearly the favor is now in Dean's. But lets see how this turns out....and to chrage like an animal...', Nasamea shook hr head once more, highly dissapointed at this fight. She pondered if she wouldve been like that if it werent for Jin-sama.

However, she observed every detail, the flaws, the movements. Just to get the upperhand if she were to fight one of them sometime soon. She was curious how this would turn ut as well asnd if she may actually learn something else. But whatever it was, she figured Jin would teach her a more advanced version of such a move later.

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Spar Anyone? Empty Re: Spar Anyone?

Post by Kenshi Mon May 18, 2009 9:59 pm

Ginko had been traveling across Konoha like any other tourist. He had a good amount of money, so he was chock full of sweets, free samples, new clothes, and every thing that he wanted. Ginko walked around the village, feeling the warm atmosphere of the place. The people there were really nice, and they really were humble people. Ginko felt sad for them. He grew up in between Iwagakure and Sunagakure, so he knew more than enough of the truths of Konoha. These Konoha ninja thought that they were exceptional, and the leaders thought they were going to lead the world into peace. They didn't.

Ginko continued walking around the village, turning around a corner when he'd though he'd heard some one yelling. Eager to lend a helping hand, Ginko trotted to the area of the sound, wondering what was going on. He knew there couldn't be any fighting in Konoha, it was too peaceful of a place. Turning around the corner, Ginko came across a couple of genin going at a spar in a training field. They wouldn't sense him, since Ginko didn't have the best of chakra, and it was weak within him in his rested state. Ginko kept peering around the corner, getting an odd look from an old lady in the apartment adjacent to him.

"I wonder what they are up to...Why does that kid have a katana? He's only a genin!", Ginko whispered to himself.

Ginko continued watching them, spotting another genin that seemed to be watching. The Konoha shinobi was different from that of the Iwagakure shinobi. Since Iwa was out numbered by Konoha they lost in the past, but the set up and training of the Iwagakure ninja was exceptionally rough. The "White Haired Assassin" that taught Ginko was proof of that. The Konoha system was all too nice...Maybe if one of them wanted, Ginko could train them,for a few.


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Spar Anyone? Empty Re: Spar Anyone?

Post by Dean Mon May 18, 2009 10:30 pm

Tenchi easily deflected the kunai with Kami and his katana Kami in his left hand. The kunai bounced off the sword and stuck into a tree. He could easily cut off Ryuko's arm, but he doesn't wish to damage a young ninja for life for just a simple mistake as attacking wrong. Tenchi simply attemps to slam the broad part of the Kaze into Ryukos fist the was trying to uppercut me when attacking so randomly and without any technique at all. The second kunai thrown is deflected by Kami and hit away into the forest with a great metal clinging sound.

OOC: Seriously you cannot dodge that because you were attacking so randoming and animalistically. Also think of the motion of an uppercut.....once you start you really can't stop. Though it is up to you whether you take it or not

IC: Tenchi looks at Ryuko like he is an idiot. What the hell is he thinking I could have cut off his arm if i didn't move my katana. "Ryuko why did you just do that? I could have cut off your arm. You are very lucky I had the the restrant no to cut your arm off." Tenchi yelled at Ryuko. Still Tenchi looks at Ryuko like he is an idiot. Tenchi could fell something right then like eyes etching at the back of his skull. Tenchi became nervous wondering if he was just imagining this, but Tenchi manages to keep focus on the problem at hand. He wants to look around so bad but doesn't dare to take his gaurd down from this genin in front of him.

Tenchi regains his gaurd from before with Kaze ahead of the other in front of his chest in a diagonal type of position while Kami in his left hand was straight, and he was crouching down into a position to make him more balanced. This time though he starts to move Kami forward and Kaze behind kami. Hopefully he doesn't try anything stupid again

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Spar Anyone? Empty Re: Spar Anyone?

Post by AntiRyuko Tue May 19, 2009 10:20 pm

Shaking his head, his eyes started to turn into a lighter color of red and he was trying to get control of himself. "UGH!!!!" Ryuko yelled, getting on his knees, he started to bang his head on the ground. Tenchi's face got into a shock. Ryuko screamed in pain, taking his katana, he threw it at a nearby tree and he stopped banging his head. Looking up at Tenchi, his face was still in a shock and Ryuko's eyes turned to normal. What the hell just happened. I don't remember anything just now. I think my other side took over. But why did he wanted me to die. Ryuko thought in frustration. He got up and walked over to his katana, completely ignoring his opponent. Sensing that someone was watching, he decided to get serious now.

"Sorry for the interruption, Tenchi, my other side token over and i couldn't think straight." Ryuko said, trying to explain things. "It happens sometimes when i get in a fight, and it usually win but this time, it seems like it wanted me to die." He took out the katana from the tree and saw how rusty it looked. "Guess ill clean this up when I'm done. Looks rusty." Ryuko said, trying to blow the rust away. The two katanas, its a major advantage for him. I have to knock it out some how.. But how.."[/b] He thought in frustration, trying to think of a plan.

[i]Guess ill just knock out one of his katana and distract him with a kunai while doing it. Then ill knock the other one out. Lets just hope this work.
Ryuko thought, trying to test it out in his head. He saw how impatient Tenchi started to become and he decided to get on with it. Taking out a kunai and throwing it Tenchi, hoping that it would distract him, he dashed to Tenchi and with all his force, he swung his katana with all his might, hoping to knock it out of his hand or this would be the end.

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Spar Anyone? Empty Re: Spar Anyone?

Post by Dean Tue May 19, 2009 11:02 pm

OOC:I never said Tenchi was in shock about it. When you read get stuff straight before you say it. Also next time specify the way you are swinging it. Also i forgot to mention this last time but you somehow figured out my weapons powers without even witnessing it.

IC: Tenchi may have been distracted a little by his little senses he had, but got it together in time to see Ryuko throwing his kunai. Tenchi is not worried about the oncoming kunai. Tenchi simply swings Kami at the kunai and it flies into a tree making a thudding sound. Tenchi barely sees the oncoming attack of Ryuko with his katana. Tenchi waits till the last possible moment and then moves to the right ever so slightly to move completely dodging the attack. (OOC: I assumed you swung your katana straight from up to down because you did specify your moments and that would give you the most power out of a swing) His movements are so wild and unintelligent Tenchi then tries to kick Ryuko moderately in his ribs with his left foot. Why would he try such a dumb swing when i can simply dodge?

Tenchi looks simply dumbfounded at this genin "You must attack much more wisely.... More smoke and mirrors not straight up attacking. Imagine this as positioning your self in Shogi to put your opponent in check. I may be a genin but I know not to use straight attacks." Tenchi instructed a little. Tenchi had Kaze ahead of the other in front of his chest in a diagonal type of position while Kami in his left hand was straight, and he was crouching down into a position to make him more balanced. When Tenchi was 40 meters away tenchi stopped and put his katanas away.

Tenchi then Tenchi took out 2 kunai. Each of the kunai had a tag attached to it and threw them at Ryuko. It flew through the air as it zoomed towards its target. Tenchi then did some hand signs and got ready for the next attack from Ryuko.

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Spar Anyone? Empty Re: Spar Anyone?

Post by AntiRyuko Wed May 20, 2009 6:32 pm

OOC: I will be away for sometime because i have to study... A LOT! -_-

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Spar Anyone? Empty Re: Spar Anyone?

Post by Dean Wed May 20, 2009 10:12 pm

Just as Tenchi is ready to attack he then relaxes his position and then sighed. Tenchi waves his arms making huge gust of wind going across the battlefield and the kunai flew high into the sky and around 300 meters away from the battle field above the forest it explodes with a large bang. No debris enters the training grounds where Tenchi's and Ryuko's battle is at. Tenchi then looks a little disappointed at what he has witness so far through the battle thinking back to everything that has happened. This is a waste of my time. Tenchi walks toward Ryuko "I wish no longer to battle with you. This seems to be a little bit of a waste of my time as I can see. Please forgive me for leaving mid-battle"Tenchi said with a little distaste in his voice.

Tenchi then walks from the field of battle towards where he felt a strong presence. Tenchi is a little curious about this strange feeling he had in his stomach. As he approached the feeling got stronger and stronger until I saw a white haired man that seemed very nice. It looked like he was an onlooker of the short skirmish that had just happened. Tenchi starred a little at this person for a long time. There is no way this feeling is coming from this person. He doesn't look all that powerful to me. I have felt stronger before but their seems to be more of a phisical aspect to him Then he looked away at a tree still traveling towards this person.

Hopefully he isn't going to think it rude that i had just starred at him for a good second Then he keeps his current course until he is 5 meters from this person. "Hello who are you? I have never seen you around here before. Also were you just watching our battle we were just having?" Tenchi asked out of curiosity.

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Spar Anyone? Empty Re: Spar Anyone?

Post by Kenshi Wed May 20, 2009 10:27 pm

Ginko was busted. It seemed that the young genin had found him out, and caught him red handed in the act. Ginko had been watching their fight, watching the young genin that was in front of him especially, because of his talents with ninjutsu. His ninjutsu seemed to be that of a chuunin level, by simply spinning his hands he was able to stir up a small storm. Ginko wasn't talented in ninjutsu at all, but he could certainly teach the boy taijutsu if he wanted too. Konoha shinobi were always better suited at ninjutsu, even though there were a few that were good at taijutsu. If this boy was taught, he could be come chuunin in less than no time.

"Yeah yeah, I guess ya busted me. I was watching you guys, and especially I was watching you. The one with the sword...He seems to talk too much for his own good. He's got a power in that sword that he's constantly complaining about, and yet it never once fazed you. You're confident in your ninjutsu, but at the same time that is also your down fall. Ninjutsu isn't going to get you anywhere...And my chakra you're feeling right now, that massive feeling, isn't but a fraction of my abilities. I could train you child, but it would take your own effort, and your own will. What do you say kid?"

Training this kid would be good for Ginko, but the kid would have to wait before it started. Ginko had plans in Kirigakure soon, and it was of utmost importance that he got to Kirigakure. The child seemed like he had potential, something Ginko could work with. Even though Ginko though of himself as still in need of training, the experience of training someone could also be better for him, after all he was still a shinobi, and still needed more experience with other shinobi, whether his rank or not.


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Spar Anyone? Empty Re: Spar Anyone?

Post by Dean Wed May 20, 2009 10:44 pm

Tenchi looked up at this person who had just started to talk to him. He had invited him to train under him. Tenchi had yet to have a teacher. All the ninjutsu Tenchi knew was self learned. Tenchi stepped forward a little more wanting to be the student of such a strong person, even though he had not told him his name yet, Tenchi wanted to be his student. Tenchi didn't care that he was just a he didn't know his name. I want to be his student He looked at the person wanting to say something, but he was still in shock and moved his mouth without any sounds coming out. Tenchi was wondering if he could ever get over the awe of this person. I need to stop looking like an idiot and accept his invitation.

Tenchi then looked at this person firmly. "I want to learn taijutsu from you, not only because you are strong, but because I can use this experience with such a high ranked ninja to speed me to new heights to me fast. Probably faster than I ever thought possible. I may not know your name, but that doesn't steer me away from what I want." Tenchi said firmly. Tenchi then relaxed a little relieved that he had finally said something to this person of great power. Tenchi then looked down a little. Then he looked back up.

Tenchi awaited the reaction from this person hoping it to be a positive one. He wished for this to become true with all of his heart.

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Spar Anyone? Empty Re: Spar Anyone?

Post by Kenshi Thu May 21, 2009 5:07 pm

Ginko smiled at the small genin, knowing that he would have fun with him. After Ginko finished his travels in Kirigakure, he would be sure to stop by Konoha again and pick up the genin. He would have to talk to the Hokage, or any type of ninja to make sure that he wouldn't be bothered, and seen as a friend of Konohagakure. Ginko would have fun with the young child, and he would make it worth his while with his training. He would train him just as the "White Haired Assassin" had trained him. She was a bitch to have as a sensei, but she was the best there was. Ginko was sure if she was back....that she would still be able to teach him even more.

"Alright you little snot," Ginko joked, "Meet me at the Gates of Konoha in a couple of days. Me and you are going to have some fun"

Ginko flicked the genin in between the eyes, and along with the wind he was gone in an instant.


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Spar Anyone? Empty Re: Spar Anyone?

Post by Dean Thu May 21, 2009 9:22 pm

Tenchi simles "Okay I'll me you then!" Tenchi exclaimed. Then Tenchi rubbed his forehead from Ginko flicking him there. He watched as Ginko disappeared with the wind and was amazed at that it. Tenchi smiled again and started to look at the sky "In just a few days I'll be starting my training. I hope to meet up with Ginko's expectations." Tenchi said to himself under his breath. The sun started to set, and the clouds started to turn very beautiful colors of pink and purple. He then looked straight in front of him and walked out of the training grounds knowing that he was about to start his training. I wonder how hard it will be. It will probably be super tough on me, but I'm sure I'll make it through it.

The sun set, and the stars and the moon started to dance in the night, shining down onto the ground.

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Spar Anyone? Empty Re: Spar Anyone?

Post by Nasamea Fri May 22, 2009 9:18 pm

Nasamea, still hiding in a nearby tree, studies both of them carefully, listening to every word spoken. She mainly has her eyes set on the man named Ginko. Being around Jin, she was partially getting a sense of who's strong and who's not. She watched Ginko's every move, sensing he had power and smiled slightly. She figured Tenchi didn't notice her amongst the trees, however had a feeling Ginko was aware of her presence. She stood as still as possible and watched Ginko take off like she's seen Jin do. She then looked back to Tenchi talking to himself before leaving. After he left she scouted the area, from what she could see, and leaped down from her hiding place. She blended in with the shadow of the tree as best as she could and crossed her arms, smiling slightly with narrowed eyes.
"Well today was interesting" she thought before walking off into the night.

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Spar Anyone? Empty Re: Spar Anyone?

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