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Kaima's spar against Hoshimaru

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Kaima's spar against Hoshimaru Empty Kaima's spar against Hoshimaru

Post by Lee Mon Mar 16, 2009 8:37 pm

It was a nice sunny day outside in Konaha, and the air was still. On top of a large hill, Kaima sat at the bottom of a tree, with a pen and a notebook. He spent most of his time drawing in this notebook, improving both his artistic ability, and his battle skill.

In the distance, he could see his friend Hoshimaru, who was a genin before he had left to Kumogakure to become a Chuunin. He had heard that the chuunin exams prelimaries fight's were being held in Konaha, but he was to lazy to go. As Hoshimaru approahed, Kaima took out a scroll and began to write words onto it. He had to do this often to communicate, seeing as he couldn't speak. He was mute.

Suddenly, a wolf that looked as if it had been made of ink flew from the scroll and at Hoshimaru. About a foot in front of Hoshimaru, the wolf dissapated, and words began to form out, both in written form and verbal form. Hey Hoshi, back from the Chuunin exams already? How did it go?

Kaima stood up and closed his notebook, awaiting Hoshimaru's answer.


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Kaima's spar against Hoshimaru Empty Re: Kaima's spar against Hoshimaru

Post by Darkjagwar Tue Mar 17, 2009 11:35 pm

Hoshimaru smiled when he read Kaima's message. He had met Kaima a couple of times before and had known him already as a strong chuunin from the village. He also knew he was mute and could only communicate through writing. He walked up to Kaima, bowed in respect and then reached out to shake his hand.

"The exams were hard, but it all payed off in the end. I have now increased my rank in this village to chuunin." He was wearing a backpack at the time, and so he took it off, took out a green vest that showed he was a chuunin, and put the vest on. "Ah, I feel so much more important in this! So, what do you think?"

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Kaima's spar against Hoshimaru Empty Re: Kaima's spar against Hoshimaru

Post by Lee Wed Mar 18, 2009 12:07 am

After hearing the words that Hoshimaru had said, and after seeing his vest, Kaima gave Hoshi a thumbs up and a smile. He then began writing on the scroll again. This time, the words merely dissipitated from the scroll instead of exiting through form of a wolf. Once again, the words spoke aloud and left from the smoke in message form.

"Looks great Hoshi. Haha, I just realized that I can't call you a youngin' anymore. Hey! Now that your chuunin level, how about a spar?" Kaima's words read before they floated high into air. Kaima readied his battle equipment.

Kaima knew that Hoshimaru wouldn't turn down a challenge, even as a genin he probably would have fought against Kaima. So he didn't think twice about taking out his drawing scroll, and backing up just a bit, but slowly, just in case Hoshimaru declined. He readied his paintbrush and waited for Hoshi's reply, allowing him to go first.


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Kaima's spar against Hoshimaru Empty Re: Kaima's spar against Hoshimaru

Post by Darkjagwar Thu Mar 19, 2009 11:03 pm

Hoshimaru stretched, then took a few steps back and stopped. He remembered last time he and Kaima had a match back before the chuunin exams. Hoshimaru thought he had the advantage with the high level techniques his father taught him, but then was defeated because he exhausted himself. "Sure, Kai," Hoshimaru said cheerfully. "But I warn you," he continued in a more serious tone, "I've gotten a lot better since I left." He stood there in front of Kaima completely still. He didn't even put his guard up or get his hands ready to make handseals. Then he closed his eyes and relaxed his head and neck.

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Kaima's spar against Hoshimaru Empty Re: Kaima's spar against Hoshimaru

Post by Lee Thu Mar 19, 2009 11:17 pm

Kai wanted to say something, but he didn't feel the need of importance to write it down in his scroll.

I wouldn't be so sure Hoshimaru.. thought Kaima as he prepared his equipment. He jumped backwards about five feet, already beggining to write on his attack scroll. As he landed, it took him around two seconds to draw the remaining beasts. He was a quick painter. The beasts on the scroll were shown in left to right as: Lion, Falcon, Lion, Dragon, Lion, Bear. It was a bit of a big first move, but hopefully it would last him a while. As he poured around 25% of his chakra into the scroll, the beasts began to come to life, and began taking there positions.

The dragon stayed where he was meant to be, wrapped all around Kaima, acting as a defence for him. Two of the lions came at Hoshimaru, one after the other. The large falcon had the bear in the clutches high in the air by now, if the lions attack failed, then the bear would instantly be dropped into an attack position straight on the top of Kaima, so if the lions didn't finish him off, the bear would. The third lion stood behind Kaima, acting as a Plan B if Hoshimaru had found a way to counter all of his moves. The creatures could be destroyed easily, as they weren't quite made of solid mateirial, but they were still dangerous.

"Show me those chuunin skills of your's Hoshimaru." thought Kaima as his attacks unfolded.


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Kaima's spar against Hoshimaru Empty Re: Kaima's spar against Hoshimaru

Post by Darkjagwar Sat Mar 21, 2009 10:24 pm

As the lions approached, Hoshimaru opened his eyes and lift up his head. He drew his katana and channeled chakra through it for his Energy Blade Technique. He slashed at the Ink Lions as they attacked him in hopes of making them dissipate. A quick, easy way to get rid of the attacking ink animals. Over the course of the exams, Hoshimaru had learned that sometimes, the largest and most powerful attack isn't always the most intelligent choice.

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Kaima's spar against Hoshimaru Empty Re: Kaima's spar against Hoshimaru

Post by Lee Sat Mar 21, 2009 10:44 pm

(ooc: sorry to do this, the time change is happeneing in a couple hours I believe, so we need to be 1 and a half years into the future now :/. I'd like to get a chuunin team together, with me, you, and some other chuunin from Konaha. Sorry again.)


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Kaima's spar against Hoshimaru Empty Re: Kaima's spar against Hoshimaru

Post by Darkjagwar Sat Mar 21, 2009 11:32 pm

OOC: mmmkay. That's cool.

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