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Ginko vs Sanosuke (K.O)

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Ginko vs Sanosuke (K.O) Empty Ginko vs Sanosuke (K.O)

Post by Kenshi Sat May 16, 2009 2:40 pm

Ginko's travels had led him to a small mountainous region in between Iwagakure and Sunagakure. Walking in the deep and dry of the mountains, Ginko focused his way out, trying to find his way to the top. The sun was bearing down on him, and there was surely no escape from this place. Small lizards and reptiles scurried under rocks at the sound of Ginko's foot steps, retreating away from any possible threats. There was a small cactus ahead of Ginko, about 3 feet in front of him. He stopped and looked at it, taking a deep breath. He'd collected some water from the previous village, but was running low on his supply.

"I guess this is the only water out here..."

Whipping out a small kunai from his patch, Ginko carefully tilted the cactus to one side and cut through the thick material. With a small container, Ginko poured the fluids into his current storage of water and mixed the collection up, swishing it around in the deep canteen. He sighed, looking up as he knocked his head back to swallow some of the fluids. Ginko's thirst was instantly quenched, and as he wiped his face clean of dribble he continued walking.

As soon as he'd enjoyed his water, something came across his senses. There was someone, or something tracking him. He wasn't good at sensing chakra, or much less anything to do with it, but the eerie feeling of eyes behind him was prominent. He knew someone had to be playing around, and Ginko didn't feel like trying to have fun his the hot sun. Who ever it was would have to come out, or Ginko would surely sniff them out and deal with them.

Ginko stopped and smirked, taking off his canteen and throwing it aside.

"You ready to come out now?"

Last edited by Ginko on Sun May 17, 2009 9:20 am; edited 1 time in total


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Ginko vs Sanosuke (K.O) Empty Re: Ginko vs Sanosuke (K.O)

Post by Lee Sat May 16, 2009 3:17 pm

Sanosuke had sensed a strong force, almost just outside of his village. Since the Akatsuki attack on his village a couple weeks back, he was constantly on the look out. Any signs of a threat to his village were to be investigated. Sanosuke descided, that instead of sending some ninja to go do his work, he would go out himself. This seemed to be an S-ranked shinobi, and Sanosuke needed some time out of his office. It only made sense that he would go out to the opposing threat. If it even was a threat. So, Sanosuke stepped out of his office, and followed his senses. Without even putting his shoes on, he ran to the outskirts of his village, and beyond.

After a few minutes of sprinting through the sand, Sanosuke stopped. A good 50 meters away, he spotted his target. His trip had taken him to a mountainous region, and now Sanosuke was mentally kicking himself for not bringing his sandals with him. Sanosuke walked behind a rock, trying to keep himself on the down-low. Peering from behind the rock, he could see a man with white hair, who was extrating some liquid from a cactus, and pouring into a canteen of his.

"Well, this isn't much of a villanous act," Sanosuke whispered to himself. "I guess this isn't an Akatsuki, maybe I should just leave this man to himse-" Sanosuke said, being caught off by another voice.

"You ready to come out now?"

That's what the voice had said. Sanosuke peered back over the rock, seeing that the man with the white hair had spied him. Sanosuke snickered, then walked from behind his rock. He put one hand on his hip, placing his other hand on his blade hilt. "Sorry to be interupting you," Sanosuke said. "I have to be on the look-out for high chakra levels approaching my village. I thought you might have belonged to an organization called the Akatsuki." Sanosuke said, smiling at the man. He didn't know whether to just walk away, or to keep conversating with this mysterious force. "So, if you don't mind me asking.. Who are you?"


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Ginko vs Sanosuke (K.O) Empty Re: Ginko vs Sanosuke (K.O)

Post by Kenshi Sat May 16, 2009 3:30 pm

Ginko cracked his knuckles and and turned around to face the man. This person seemed to be in a rush, he didn't even have anything covering his feet in this insanely hot weather. The rocks had to be burning his feet up, but that was due to his own lack of preparation. Ginko didn't mean to look threatening, but the smirk on his face probably came off like that. It seemed as if he was somewhere he wasn't supposed to be, seeing that someone was watching him. Ginko blew a small puff of smoke from his small cigar and smiled.

"My none of your business. Why should I give out my identity to someone that was constantly hiding theirs from the start? If you want questions answered, you're going to have to give me more than that.."

Ginko eyed the person, his clothing and everything. He seemed to be someone that could hold his weight, but Ginko wasn't sure about him. He didn't seem like anyone fun, and he looked as if he could be dropped within a second. He was out searching for the Akatsuki, a group Ginko had rarely heard of. There were a few mentions of the group in Iwagakure, but no one really cared for the group at all. Ginko assumed that his village, or wherever he came from had to be close by. Since he'd decided to run on bare feet, he'd probably assumed that he could go back if there was no threat. Ginko let a small chuckle escape from his lips at the shinobi, tempting him. The wind blew, sending a needed breeze across both of them. Ginko's white hair fluttered around, along with the shinobi's.

It was turning into a stand off.


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Ginko vs Sanosuke (K.O) Empty Re: Ginko vs Sanosuke (K.O)

Post by Lee Sat May 16, 2009 4:17 pm

Sanosuke eyed the man more carefully now. The white-haired traveler, or so it seemed, was ready for a battle. Sanosuke didn't know why this man was out here, but Sanosuke didn't care. He didn't neccesarily want fight the man, but his opponent was giving off that sort of vibe. Sanosuke cracked his neck by spinning it both ways. He felt the relief in his neck, as he lifted the blade an inch from his hilt with his thumb. "Well, if you must know... My name is Sanosuke Raitaga. I'm the Kazekage..." he said. He was feeling a strange urge, to lunge at this man.

He eyed him, the wind blowing through his hair. He brought his sword out from his hilt in one movement, with his right hand. He pointed it at the traveler before him. He didn't know why he was here, but he could sense great skill in him. "And I haven't fought in some time.." Sanosuke whispered. "Are you up for a battle, no name?"

Sanosuke glared at the man, having no idea why he just said what he said. It was quite random, for Sanosuke to feel the urge to fight now-a-days. Maybe it was his inner demon kicking in. Sanosuke calmed himself down, mentally. He still held his sword out towards his opponent.


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Ginko vs Sanosuke (K.O) Empty Re: Ginko vs Sanosuke (K.O)

Post by Kenshi Sat May 16, 2009 4:31 pm

The first move had to be made by one of them. Ginko was sure that his taijutsu alone would be strong enough to hold up against the Kazekage's kenjutsu. There was no way that Ginko would lose to someone with a raggedy ass sword and the title of Kazekage. Ginko smirked at the Kage and leaned back to crack his back. He kept the position, with his head back and stomach up, flipping quickly into a back flip, stretching his body. Ginko had no formal way of starting a battle, so he "put up his dukes". Ginko's taijutsu was great, and after almost 10 years of training with the "White Haired Assassin", Ginko would not lose. He smirked at Sanosuke.

"So you're Sanosuke huh, the big Kazekage...I wonder how they're doing in the sand village while you're gone?"

Within seconds time Ginko's image flashed, creating a quick ruffling sound that filled his area. His image appeared a few feet away from him, and Ginko repeated the process again, continuing it. He moved quickly, creating a small tufts of dust every time his body appeared. Ginko's white hair flurried under the pressure of his own speed, covering both his eyes and he quickly moved back and forth, stirring up dust and warming himself up.

A few seconds later, Ginko's image disappeared, and a trail of dust could be seen heading its way towards Sanosuke. It was Ginko. Using the move he'd learned from the "White Haired Assassin", Ginko quickly built up a large amount of momentum by moving back and forth within a small area. Ginko released the momentum towards Sanosuke, creating a small trail of dust that snaked it's way towards him. As if being summoned, Ginko appeared as Sanosuke's right side, throwing a punch to his face.


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Ginko vs Sanosuke (K.O) Empty Re: Ginko vs Sanosuke (K.O)

Post by Lee Sun May 17, 2009 12:18 am

Flashback: While behind the rock, watching his white-haired target, Sanosuke made preperations for his strategy. In case he would have to fight this man, and, in case he was dangerous, Sanosuke did not want to risk himself. Sanosuke would have to observe his skills before shwoing himself truly. After creating a normal bunshin, Sanosuke heard the voice of the man he was watching. Sanosuke's clone winked at Sanosuke, giving him a sense of personification. As his clone walked out to meet his target, uknown on what treacheries would lie ahead, if there were any, Sanosuke took his own route.

From behind another boulder, a few feet to the left of his bunshin, Sanosuke could see the events ahead. He saw his opponents moves, his jaw hanging from his mouth. It was no wonder he had sensed the white haired mans chakra levels, his steps were even qucker and more complex then his! Apparently though, his chakra sensing abilities were not very incredible, as Sanosuke was succesfully able to conceal his true form behind a rock. The big question on the Kazekage's mind was: Did this man have the strength to back up his speed?

Well, Sanosuke would find the answer to his question soon enough, as his que was already passed due. His opponent dashed quickly towards his replication, sliding up next to him, and ready to attack. Sanosuke jumped from behind his rock, as his replication was destroyed, leaving a trail of smoke from where it was. Sanosuke made up for his lost time, running quickly at his opponent. He could lightly see the figure of the man through the smoke, and Sanosuke was sure that his opponent could view himself as well. He quickly jumped through the smoke, seeing his opponent standing there. He had his sword hovered above his head, ready to bring it down as he jumped through the smokey area. He then sent a downward slash at his target.


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Ginko vs Sanosuke (K.O) Empty Re: Ginko vs Sanosuke (K.O)

Post by Kenshi Sun May 17, 2009 12:37 am

A bunshin. That's what Ginko got from keeping his back to his opponent, and instead of looking towards him. He knew something was iffy about the person, but he couldn't sense the separate chakra's since they were somewhat the same. Ginko's taijutsu was proving to be effective, he'd wasted no chakra and was still able to fight. All he had to do was hold out longer than his opponent, and he'd win the battle. Ginko's fist made contact with the clone, and it detonated on impact, leaving him in a small cloud of smoke.

His opponent had forgotten one thing that could have helped him. Shoes. Since he didn't have shoes on is feet, Ginko could easily hear the patter of his feet against the rocky floor as he made us way towards the smoke. Ginko knew that he'd take advantage of the smoke from the bunshin, so he'd prepared himself accordingly. The Kazekage was fitting into his plan with every move.

A sword cut through the smoke, aiming towards Ginko. Ginko had his footing on the ground, and his opponent didn't. Ginko could move and dodge, but since his opponent was in mid-air, it would be impossible for him to make a clean reaction. Ginko's image seemed to scramble, and suddenly he was at the canyon wall. Ginko punched the canyon wall, causing a massive crack to quickly trickle up the side of the wall. Rock after rock, boulder after boulder, they all came crashing down on top of Ginko. Ginko quickly turned around facing his opponents back, flipping in mid air, kicking rocks and boulders towards his opponents backside. Ginko continued, somersaulting off of rocks, kicking and throwing the large debris at the backside of his opponent.


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Ginko vs Sanosuke (K.O) Empty Re: Ginko vs Sanosuke (K.O)

Post by Lee Sun May 17, 2009 1:04 am

Sanosuke should have known the attack wouldn't work, upon seeing his opponents reflexive speed skills. Plenty of things could have given his attack off, now that he thought about it. But he had already just realized this as he ran out to attack his opponent. It would be useless to stop then, but Sanosuke felt even more useless now. Or maybe the word was...helpless. Rocks were being flung straight at him, coming from behind. His question about his opponents strength was answered all too quickly. The white-haired man was strong, and fast, that was apparent, and Sanosuke knew he would be in for a good fight. Then another thought came into question... Why were they fighting again?

There was no time to think about that, for Sanosuke had to think about something else. He couldn't let these other thoughts raffle through-out his head. He had to keep focused. Once he did this, he was able to find a counter-attack. Sanosuke turned around in mid air, clasping his hands together in hand-seal, signalling the finish of his needed hand signs.

"Fuuton:Air Fist!" Sanosuke yelled, thrusting his fist forward.

As Sanosuke extracted his arm, a strong force of wind was expelled outward as well. Eye-hand coordination was something that Sanosuke had to have, being a master of Kenjutsu techniques. Therefore, when Sanosuke turned around to see his opponent, he could view the line of boulders that were being shot at him. He lined them up, quickly sending his clenched fist out in the way which would help his plan. The air started as a small fist. Small, meaning, the size of one of the boulders that his opponent had kicked at him.

As it gained speed, and momentum, it got bigger, carrying the different sized rock that his white-haired opponent had kicked at him. Fully formed, the fist came to an ubrupt halt, hitting the biggest boulder that his opponent kicked last, and sending all the other boulders at his opponents direction as well. These would be hard to dodge, even for this speedy opponent. Not only were they going faster then before, when they had been kicked at Sanosuke, but they were all heading at him at once. Sanosuke landed on the ground switching his blade back into his right hand.


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Ginko vs Sanosuke (K.O) Empty Re: Ginko vs Sanosuke (K.O)

Post by Kenshi Sun May 17, 2009 1:18 am

It seemed as if Ginko's opponent was able to react to his move. He'd resorted to ninjutsu, making Ginko sad about the chance to get to fight his opponent with Kenjutsu. His opponent had a wind elemental affinity, upon hearing the jutsu being called out, Ginko began to prepare for more attacks that were wind based. Ginko's main focus would be to stay away from his katana, if the situation ever arose.

His opponent had sent his attack right back at him with the large scale wind jutsu. The rocks that were coming back at him were going faster than he'd sent them, and Ginko wouldn't be able to send them back. He still had a lot more strength and speed to share, but he had to deal with the rocks first. The first boulder came at him, and using a bit of speed, Ginko ran into the boulders, canceling the momentum with his own, breaking the rock back down into pure dust. Ginko picked his speed up again, stopping the next largest boulder, canceling the momentum with his own, and crushing the rock down to dust in one hit. Instead of wasting energy to dodge all of them, Ginko leaned back, letting the rocks fly over head, crashing back into the canyon wall.

It was Ginko's turn now. Ginko's image once again scrambled, and a scar like image of him could be seen running around his opponent. Ginko picked up his speed a bit more, and a pure stream of dust began to follow. The dist grew and grew, to about 6 feet in height, which surrounded his opponent in a barrier which was 5 meters away from him. Ginko's image faded, but as soon as it did, it re-appeared right behind Sanosuke. Using his both of his hands in a chopping motion, Ginko flattened his hands, and swung them both in towards Sanosuke's neck, aiming to chop off his head in one swift motion.


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Ginko vs Sanosuke (K.O) Empty Re: Ginko vs Sanosuke (K.O)

Post by Lee Sun May 17, 2009 1:51 am

Sanosuke tried to keep his cool as his opponent dashed around him like a roadrunner. He could barely see the mans distinct face, with his white hair. It seemed as if his earlier attacks were put into use, but only barely. By the looks of it, the large boulders that his opponent had broken in half did not seem to hurt him at all. Judging by the looks on his face, it barely phased him. Yet Sanosuke did that sometimes, as a bluffing move. He would put a happy expression on his face when he was sad, or a comfortable expression in his face, and body, when hurt. Sanosuke was using it now, to pretend like he wasn't scared, or excited. The truth was, he always is, in every fight. But rash emotions tend to bring out the worse side of Sanosuke, so he has tried to avoid them.

Sanosuke let the dust kick up around him, not showing his state of fear. Sanosuke couldn't think quickly enough the react to this move, so whatever would happen, would happen, regaurdless. His opponent began kicking up dust, or something like that, bringing it in a circle around Sanosuke himself. His hand clenched around the hilt of his blade, he patiently waited for an opening. Suddenly, the dust stood still in the air, instead of constantly spinning all the time. The image of his opponent was not spinning around him any longer, and instantly, Sanosuke knew what was going on.

His opponent was attacking from behind. Sanosuke couldn't see it, but he knew it from process of elimenation. He couldn't be anywhere else, except at an abrupt stop. Plus, Sanosuke could still sense the force behind him. The approaching attack, although Sanosuke was un-sure on what it was, was definetely coming towards him. Sanosuke did something, which would seem stupid to people witnessing it for the first time. He swung his blade straight in front of him, where his opponent wasn't. An idiotic move at first site, turns out to be the perfect move for this attack.

As his sword swung ahead of him, most of the blade dissapeared, and reapeared behind him. The blade was linear to his hilt, only it was behind him, and swinging the opposite way. As Sanosuke swung right, and the blade behind him went left, Sanosuke intended on burning his way straight through his opponents skin, cutting his body in half. Sanosuke felt a cold feeling on his neck, and knew it was his opponents attack. Sanosuke had no control over what would go on next. Either his opponent would back off, or they would kill each-other in one simple move.


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Ginko vs Sanosuke (K.O) Empty Re: Ginko vs Sanosuke (K.O)

Post by Kenshi Sun May 17, 2009 11:15 am

This would be the end of the battle. Ginko had a clear shot to the Kazekage's neck, and the Kazekage had a clear shot to Ginko's back. If they both kept attacking, they both would lie dead on the battle floor in a seconds time. However, Ginko wasn't just a fast and strong dumb ass. He knew that the landscape of a battle was important, and that's exactly why he did everything he did. From the start of the battle, Ginko was planning Sanosuke's movements, and Sanosuke followed right into his plan.

When Ginko smashed the canyon wall into debris, he did that to create a lot of dust on the ground, as to stir up time to create a some dust. Ginko knew that he'd defend with some type of attack, and he didn't really want all the debris to hit his opponent. It was the dust he'd wanted. Even though the wind attack pushed some of it away, his main focus was getting it on the playing field. Once Ginko had the dust, he'd circled around his opponent to create a barrier that he couldn't be seen in, and that's where it all happened.

The clone's fist tightened, and instead of chopping, it landed a solid blow to the side of his neck, knocking the Kazekage unconscious, and sending him spiraling into another canyon wall. The Kazekage hit the wall with a sickening thud, creating a small crater around his impact area. The sword that was behind him cut the shadow clone, dispersing it into smoke. The smoke layer was to give room for Ginko to create a bunshin, and as the real Ginko appeared.

The fight was over, and the Kazekage had been knocked out. Ginko smiled, and picked up his canteen.

"You should lose that sword technique...It's not going help you if you need to save your country." Ginko's voice echoed a bit off the canyon walls, as he walked away with a victory.


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Ginko vs Sanosuke (K.O) Empty Re: Ginko vs Sanosuke (K.O)

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