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Sanosuke's Vist!

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Sanosuke's Vist! Empty Sanosuke's Vist!

Post by Zen Tue Dec 16, 2008 10:37 pm

A young man walked through the gates of the Sand village and into the streets,his arms behind him resting his head as he seemed to walk lazy having a rather semi bored expression on his face. His hair brown and spiked almost looking like a rooster and his shirt having the symbol for "bad" on his back. He then stopped in the middle of the street looking around"well this seems to be a less crowded then the other villages i've been to...least it's better and not somewhat gloomy as that one other village,of course its filled with sand"Sanosuke thought as he shuddered abit. He stretched out his arms cracking a muscle before moving on,the sand sweeping up along the streets as he walked"this place just has to be filled with sand...wonder if anyone has ever gotton sand in a very uncomfortable place before"Sanosuke thought as he laughed quietly to himself as he walked to make sure no one stared at him.
Anbu Captain
Anbu Captain

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Sanosuke's Vist! Empty Re: Sanosuke's Vist!

Post by Guest Tue Dec 16, 2008 10:45 pm

Taku was lounging on one of the many buildign in Suna. He was basking in the sun, his favorite way to relax. It crested his eyes, and he started to fall asleep. He opened his Jagan eye juts in case. It woud alert hi of anything out of the ordinary. Even while he relaxed, the villages safety was his first priority. It wasn't long before th Jagan arroused him of a strange presence. Taku quickly leapt on to his feet wihtout usin his hands, squating in a loose shikadachi stance, his arms hangin at his side. This wa sodd. He had no clue who this man was, but he was unlike any other warrior Taku knew of. He wasn't quite sure why yet though. He did know for sure that the man was a warrior though. He body flickered behind the person and unsheathed his sword a few inches. "What business have you here stranger."


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Sanosuke's Vist! Empty Re: Sanosuke's Vist!

Post by Zen Tue Dec 16, 2008 10:52 pm

Sanosuke whistled quietly to himself as he continued to walk along,of course when Taku appeared infront of him he stopped his whistling and shrugged abit before noticing him draw his sword out a few inches. "Hmm?....oh sorry im just here looking around for something to do,maybe drink or do work or a fight ya know whatever is thrown at me"Sanosuke explained to Taku shrugging abit. He placed his hands in his pockets staring at him,getting the feeling this guy was on egde about him,but he wasn't too worried since he didn't really do anything wrong and just explained his reason for why he was in the village in the first place.
Anbu Captain
Anbu Captain

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Sanosuke's Vist! Empty Re: Sanosuke's Vist!

Post by Guest Wed Dec 17, 2008 3:28 pm

Taku listened intently to what the man named Sanosuke said. He was alert for hidden meanings amung his words, but could find none. He resheathed his sword. This was an interesting character, and Taku wanted to find out more. "Then how about I treat you to a drink, Suna's finest. I am sure that wouldn't trouble you at all, so long as you are up for some good conversation." Taku awaited the mans response.


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Sanosuke's Vist! Empty Re: Sanosuke's Vist!

Post by Zen Wed Dec 17, 2008 6:42 pm

Sanosuke stared at Taku grinning abit as he scratched the back of his head"well if you're not doing anything important but sure i'll take you up on that offer lead the way then"Sanosuke said as he placed his arms behind his head and started to follow Taku.
Anbu Captain
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Sanosuke's Vist! Empty Re: Sanosuke's Vist!

Post by Guest Mon Dec 22, 2008 4:45 pm

Taku began to walk down the winding streets of Suna, Sanouske following closely. It was not far to the pub, and Taku knew the way quite well. They arrived with in minutes, exchanging only a few words during the short journey, none worth mentionnig. "I hope you like a good brew," said Taku jokingly as he opened the door, polietly allowing the guest to enter first. He was excited to learn what tales this man had to offer. He was unlike any other warrior he had ever seen or heard of. He was also quite curious to learn of his training and where he had been taught, as well as who had taught him.


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Sanosuke's Vist! Empty Re: Sanosuke's Vist!

Post by Zen Mon Dec 22, 2008 4:48 pm

Sanosuke followed Taku into the pub and as soon as he entered he looked around,seemed kind of interesting he then looked at Taku and smirked shaking his head"no I don't mind at all"Sanosuke said as he then found a table sitting down in one of the chairs. He yawned abit and stretched out his arms,by his personality it seemed no one would take notice that he was an acutal fighter,well that is except maybe Taku since apparently Sanosuke got the feeling that he would ask a bunch of questions while they were there.
Anbu Captain
Anbu Captain

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