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Sanosuke Raitaga

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Sanosuke Raitaga Empty Sanosuke Raitaga

Post by Lee Sat Apr 18, 2009 12:03 am

Name: Sanosuke Raitaga



Village: Sunagakure
Alignment: Good

Appearance:Sanosuke Raitaga Kurogane_by_CrucioCurse

Personality:Sanosuke is a very busy person, seeing as he is the Kazekage, he is constantly working in his office. He is very light hearted when talking to the villagers, and genin often cheer him up with their young attitudes. The only time he really lets loose is during battle. He is always very eager and interested when it comes to fighting, and, unlike when he is working, Sanosuke often wheres a huge grin during battle. Although his mind is always racing with different thoughts concerning missions or village needs, he appears to have a very laid back front. Sanosuke tries to make up for being a murderer in the past, by being a good samaritan to the people of his village.

Birth:: The story of Sanosuke Raitaga starts in a hospital, like most other people's stories usually start.Except this isn't an everyday birth story....

"WHAT THE FUCK!!?!" yelled Sakura Raitaga, (Sanosuke's mother). These were the first words that newborn Sanosuke Raitaga, had heard come out of his mothers mouth. The reason for Sakura Raitaga's reaction was this: A large, blood covered sword had sprouted from the babies stomach just before it was pulled from the whom. The blade of the katana was completely red, making it very hard to see the blood. But of course, Sakura Raitaga could recognize her own blood.

The mother passed out. The docters all panicked and backed away in fear from the young child. His father only stared in disappointment. "My son is a freak," was all he could think as he looked over his newborn son calmly, in a room full of panicking people. Sanosuke's father tried to pull the sword from the hilt, and out of his child's stomach. He rolled on the floor and yelled in pain as the sword burned his hands to a crisp in a matter of seconds. Sanosuke, now being the calmest one in the room, fell back to sleep.

Age 7:: Sanosuke opened the door and slowly closed it as quietly as he could. It was still midday, but he did not want to awaken his mother, who had drunkenly fallen asleep on the couch. He had just come back from the ninja academy to get some lunch, although he would only find a bit of leftover rice on the counter. Sanosuke tip-toed passed his mother, who was sprawled out and snoring on the couch. Sanosuke accidentally stepped on a chip, and almost instantly, his mother woke up and threw a half empty bottle of Sake at him.

"Hey!!" yelled Sanosuke rubbing his head in pain. "Did you ditch school so you can come make a ruckus in my house?!" yelled Sakura Raitaga."If you must know, I came here to get some food. You didn't pack me a lunch like you said you would mom!! You never do anything for me.."

"Never do anything for mhhhm-you!?" Sanosuke's mother cut in. "I still fed you after you made me stay in the hospital for five fuckin weeks! I kept you under my roof after you're father ran away from me. Wanna know why he ran away?!Because we have a freak as a child. That's why he ran away!!" As his mother drunkenly continued on about how bad life is, something off happened to Sanosuke. His mind went blank. It was almost if he fell asleep where he stood. When Sanosuke came back to his senses, he held a red sword in his hands. It was red, not only because it was covered in blood, but that was also the color of the sword. Sanosuke had killed his mother. He stood over his mother in tears, for now, there was no one left to take care of him, and he was forced to go out in the streets on his own.

Age 16:: Now, at age 16, Sanosuke walked towards a gamble house with tattered clothes and a mad expression on his face, which hung low. He kicked the door to the gamble house open recklessly. Many villainous looking faces watched as Sanosuke walked down the steps and sat down, without even closing the door behind him. Everyone could tell that the man was a bit dangerous, so they continued the game as if no offense had been done. Deeper and deeper the game went, and Sanosuke became furious at losing. It happened again. He blanked out.

He awoke, this time, to a slap on his face. "Wake up! You troublesome boy.." An old man sat above him with a cup of tea and his legs crossed. Sanosuke jumped up and pointed his blade towards the mysterious man's neck. Sanosuke looked at the room and studied his surroundings. A completely white room. Everything was white. Outside it was bright, you could here the sound of birds chirping. The old man took a sip of his tea and lowered the blade with his index finger calmly. Surprisingly to Sanosuke, the blade did not burn the old man.

The man explained to Sanosuke about how he almost killed many men in a gamble house. How his eyes turned completely blank. "Your rage, it's too powerful to be left uncontrolled. I would be doing you, and the world, a favor by helping you control it." The old man waited for Sanosuke's response. Sanosuke hated the instances when he went blank, and awaking to blood shed."It would be wonderful if you could,"said Sanosuke, changing his mood, almost begging the old man with his tone. For the next 5 years, he spent his time with the man, working on controlling his rage, how to control the suiton element, and how to control his sword.

Age 21:: Sanosuke walked away from the old mans house almost in tears. He wore a large white cloak that the old man had given to him, to protect him from fire element attacks. The old man had changed Sanosuke's personality, and taught him to control his rage. He walked away a better person, no longer going off onto random killing sprees.

His way back to Suna was a hard one. Sanosuke was somehow taken far away from Sunagakure by the old man, and brought to his mysterious village. It was not a main village, more of a trading village, not really full of shinobi. The old man had given him directions back to the sand village, yet it still took him quite a long time. When he returned to the Sunagakure, he instantly became a jounin ranked ninja, considering his ninjutsu and kenjutsu abilities.

One day as Sanosuke was happily sparring with his friends in the training fields, a middle aged man with a sword, and hair that looked just like Sanosuke's, stumbled onto the field. He hadn't been seen around in the village before, so he came off a bit suspicous. His hands were still burnt up. It was Sanosuke's father. The man laughed. "I finally found you, ya freak."

Everyone, including Sanosuke, watched curiously as the man almost tripped while trying to walk towards them. He was as drunk as ever. "I heard you killed your mom boy. Do you think she deserved that?"

The old man yelled furiously while he ran at Sanosuke. He had his sword up above his head, a large cleaver like sword which he could barely hold. The old man swung his sword down towards an irritated Sanosuke. Sanosuke seemed to raise his hand, without any sort of effort. The tips of his fingers grabbed hold of the tip of the abnormely large sword. He brought the sword aside, still holding his weight against the mans struggle, barely showing fatigue. He wanted to make sure he had a clear vision of the man who shunned him down, only because of his birth day.

"Listen, I didn't want to kill her. Maybe if you had never ditched our family, I wouldn't be such a... 'freak'." Sanosuke looked at the mans surprised face, and then quietly said "Never come back. Ever". Sanosuke grabbed his father by his shoulder, digging his nails straight into hios skin. His father had brought about his extreme rage again, but Sanosuke had it under control. Slightly. He wound up, then proceeded on throwing his father outside of the village borders.

Age 31:: Two years since he came back to Sunagakure, Sanosuke was being trained under the kage. Being the best kenjutsu user out of anyone in the village, the Kage was quite interested in the young man. Sanosuke needed more work on his ninutsu at the time, so that is what they constantly trained on: He and the kage. Under the Kazekage's constant training, Sanosuke learned to control his reccesive elements.One day, Sanosoke walked into the Kage's office, looking forward to a nice day of training. He instead found the that the Kazekage was dead. He had on his desk, a note.

- Dear Sanosuke.
When the day comes that I must pass away, I want you to receive this letter. You can either call it a blessing or a curse, but I was the one who granted you the sword as a newborn. I could never hold it without being burned, hahaha. I suppose I just summoned it in the wrong place, and at the wrong time. You have the right to hate me for that Sano, but your mother and father were assholes before your birth. No sword would ever change that.

The Kazekage had also left his position to Sanosuke, and therefore Sano became Kazekage. Villagers suspected Sanosuke of killing the later Kazekage, first of all looking at his past, and then seeing as he was the first one to see the Kage dead. Sano tries to be a light hearted and friendly Kage, to lower suspicions, and try to put his past behind him.

Speciality:Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu
Learned jutsus:
Elements:Suiton (water), Katon (fire), Fuuton (wind)
Weapons/items: Red Blade
Goals: To serve as a trustworthy Kage.


Posts : 329
Points : 244
Reputation : 24
Join date : 2008-12-19
Age : 31

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Sanosuke Raitaga Empty Re: Sanosuke Raitaga

Post by Kenshi Sat Apr 18, 2009 5:16 pm

I'm counting on you to do this job.



Posts : 1401
Points : 629
Reputation : 29
Join date : 2008-11-19
Age : 33
Location : Apopka, Florida

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