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Kazekage vs Madoken the Teleport

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Kazekage vs Madoken the Teleport Empty Kazekage vs Madoken the Teleport

Post by Lee Mon Jun 22, 2009 3:40 pm

Sanosuke was right. The windy streets of the sand village wasn't as comfortable as it usually was. No, sadly, today, it felt more like death. Like the Akatsuki attack multiplied. The Order were attacking Sunagakure. He could already see them in the difference. The Kazekage's clothes were singed from his before-hand actions. He had woke up this morning and went directly to his apers. Being quite bored, he thought that the rest of his whole day would be like this. Apperently, it wasn't. A man named Sanmaru had stepped into his office. Konaha's 'secret weapen'. Only after retreating his short battle with the man had he realizaed something. He should have known this before hand, how dangerous he was. He had done research on all the bijuu's, and Sanmaru concealed one of them within himself. Sanosuke couldn't remember which one, but he also remembered something else about the one whom called himself, 'Sanosuke's Judge'. His elemental control. He had moves that dealed with all 5 elements. Sanosuke cringed in fear. His village was being attacked big time today. He needed help. Out of his village jounin, they would have to be doing something right now.

Sanosuke, watching his opponents from afar, saw three different men. A big guy, really big, who Sanosuke could barely see as any kind of 'Magician'. That's what The Order was, after all, from what Sanosuke knew. They were basically ninja hunters, who used chakra for magic, instead of ninjutsu. Sanosuke had thought about it, and descided that the two weren't that different. Maybe the big guy was more of a... thug, to The Order. Then, he found someone who he liked a bit more. Well, he hated him, but liked his style. He hated him because, he had killed his village guards right in front of his face. There was also the fact that he was with the Order, whom was attacking his village as of now. He loved the mans style, but hated his cause. Finally, there was the one that Sanosuke actually showed some fear in. Well, only a little. The other two, he was sure could have been beaten easily. But this other man, the man with the white long hair. He could sense some sort of power, as he almost seemed to teleport from place to place.

Sanosuke looked down at his burned hand and forearm. Some part of it were red, and brown even. It was atleast a third degree burn, only being that because of how Sanosuke defended himself.It was f*cked up, but Sanosuke was used to it. His sword. afterall, was known for being one of the most heated items in history. It could burn through just about anything, but oddly, it couldn't burn Sanosuke. Not anymore, anyways. Sanosuke averted his eyes, and mind, from his burned hand. He had to get his mind off of his earlier battle and his injuries. As well as the fact that kaji-Kanto was in his village as well. Damnit, what was he doing here? Sanosuke didn't know, but these men before him had to be stopped. He would barely be using his right hand in this battle, only as a last resort. Good thing he was a lefty.

The white haired man was spotted by Sanosuke a a good 40 meters away. Sanosuke was still ontop of his mansion, looking down. He could see the man with the white hair looking around at his villagers. He knew he was up to know good. Sanosuke created a clone, cutting his chakra in half. Before, in his fight with Sanmaru, he had used his chakra multiplying seal, which brought back double the chakra he had put in before. Cutting his chakra, from what he already had, (that amount being around 80%) he now had 40% chakra. When the multiplier seal was activated, he gained 40% back, getting him back up to 80% chakra. He had to cope with this. He couldn't be at a full amount, for he had just fought against his opponent, Sanmaru.

Sanosuke had to attack, quickly, before this man began destroying his village. Sanosuke nodded to his clone, and it took action. Bracing his feet, he jumped from the top of the mansion, performing a string of hand-signs as he began his descend to the village streets. "Great Fire Dragon Technique", the clone whispered, beginning to descend faster. The wind went violently through the clones hair. He put his hands up to his mouth, then put four fingers over it, leaving an opening. A matter of fire began to expand from his mouth, growing bigger and bigger, until it reached the size of a small meteor. A personified face could be seen on the front of the fire matter. This is why it was called the 'Great Fire Dragon' technique. As the fire sped down towards the ground, so did Sanosuke's clone. It ran along the edge of the building, slowing it's speed so it would not explode upon impact of hitting the ground. Sanosuke watched all the from a distance. The white haired man should have been feeling the heat on him about now, for the attack was only a few feet away from impact. Was he fast enough?


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Kazekage vs Madoken the Teleport Empty Re: Kazekage vs Madoken the Teleport

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Mon Jun 22, 2009 4:35 pm

*moments ago*

The only feeling that this village could ever feel was deathThe natural feeling of death has arose from this situation once again as the sand village was being attacked once more, not by the typical shinobi but by some of the most ancient warriors thats techniques are completely foreign to those who have not fought them, research about them or even train with them. These men, these magicians are the one's who go against the whole entire shinobi lineage, they wish to destroy the shinobi, there believes and practices and make a common rule the world that was once theirs and completely annihalate the villages.The white haired man, Madoken his name was, comes walking out of nothingness. His abilities was unknown at the moment but it was clear that he was a magican of some sort. His appearance was almost simular to the leader of The Order, some have mistakenly called him the leader for his long flowing hair and his grey eyes. He had a shady appearance, very shady to be exact as he glances around to see the people look at him, staring at this man wearing some type of monk attire, only difference with this attire was that there some type of mesh covering his upper body and the he had cutless sleeves rather than long and overbearing sleeves. As he glances, he smiles showing the canine teeth he had and then he opened his mouth. Something was coming out of it, something bright, an orange like color comes shooting out of his mouth and towards the people who were staring there and gawking at him. The energy seem to pass through them, almost as though it was not causing harm to those that been passed through but the people began to drop down like flies being swatted. There faces gray, there appearance; pasty. There eyes, completely white. It seems the orange like beam that shot out of his mouth took there souls to the afterlife. A sad and haunting experience for those who saw the people drop dead, without saying a word.

Madoken begins to anaylize the village, it still looked as though it was still rebuilding. He heard about the attack that happen only a year ago in which a group called the Akatsuki attacked the village and left there unharmed, killing hundreds and wounding hundreds. It sounded like a perfect time to attack, when they were at there weakest. But it has been a year, they would not be so dumb to leave such guards at the entrance so no trespasser would do that again, however, the village failed this time when it came to them for these men were not the regular shinobi. As he glances up he sees the adminstration building. No doubt it was probably where the leader abode was for it towering over the village like a guardian protecting its people. As Madoken looks upwards at the adminstration building, he see's a man. He was about fourty meters away so Madoken could get a full take on what this guy looked like. He saw his short black spiked hair with the serious intent on his face. Seeing that he was wearing some type of garment that was meant for battle, no doubt he'll have to fight this man. He could not tell what his power level was at for the moment but that was all about to change in a matter of seconds as he saw the man perform handseals and in an instant he saw a clone in front of the man up top of the building. Madoken had a small smirked knowing now that this man was defintely a person that he could fight

"Shinobi" he said to himself "He'll probably be mad seeing the villages drop dead in a matter of seconds but hey, what can ya do eh?" he stares at the clone and at the man standing beside it. They appeared to nod at each other and the clone began to take action. Madoken sets himself by moving his leg back, getting into position to fight. His excitement was noted by him licking his lips ever so profusely. As the clone begins to perform handseal, Madoken took note of it. He was very familar with the handseals of a shinobi and he could see that it was katon ninjutsu, noted from the last handseal being the tiger seal. As the clone blows out fire, Madoken was surprise at first. It was large, large enough to consume him and burning him alive he did not take action. Madoken's adrenline was pumping, his eyes widen out of pure instincit and he smirked even more until he reached a devilish smile. Madoken then sidesteps over and half of his body fades out like there was an invisible wall there. He smiled as he fully disappeared as soon as the dragon reached his position, making impact with the buildings where Madoken was standing in front of. Did it hit half of his body? Did he fade away? Questions would probably be asked but it'll be answered very shortly to where Madoken walks out to what seems to be a small white portal, behind the clone. Madoken had his arms by the side of him and his hands in his pockets slightly. He looked disappointed as he faced the real Sanosuke, his eyes somewhat shut and his head lowered. His extremely muscular arms raises up slowly but quickly dispatches itself hitting the clones side of the head. His arm swing speed was incredible as he used a back handed fist on the clone. He looks up and stares at Sanosuke for about five seconds

"What the hell was that, shinobi shit? A little fireball? Please dont make me laugh. That fire will be no match for the power that you are about face...heh, to think that our ancestors lost to you guys....they must've been weak as hell....well, I guess this will prove who is amongst the elite" He walks forward only to disappear again but reappearing quickly behind Sanosuke. He stares at him with his slanted fox eyes "Well, I guess I can introduce name is Madoken the Teleport. I am amongst the elite of my group. You might think its The Order since you shinobi shits think that its The Order doing this, no were doing this out of pure hatred and are against The Order. They believe in that peace thing and I dont totally agree with that, you know what im saying. I just wanna see you guys burn ya know, fuck the peace thing, fuck harmony between magicans and shinobi....blah blah blah...." he almost sounded annoyed by the fact that he'll have to fight a shinobi. As much as he despised him, he had so much hatred for them that he gets sick fighting him but at the same time he gets more pumped up. Its an strange emotion. He takes his hands out of his pockets and claps his hands together "Enough of the bullshit talking, lets get a started eh?"

"Teleportum Magnus Shollius" his voice echoed out. About fifty feet above Madoken's head were openings of some sorts, portals of both white and black nature. Coming out of it were four giant demon like creatures. As they come down on the rooftop of the mansion, they shook it immensly as there sizes were enouromous, almost fifteen feet each in height. These creatures pertain to have no faces, no hair, just solid muscle, arms, legs, hands and feet. There bodies itself look metallic, a titatinum type of color which could indicate that they were metal like creatures. They did not pertain to sound and they almost looked blind. They look at Sanosuke, although to Sanosuke it was hard to tell whether they were looking at anything. They begin to charge towards him with intent to crush Sanosuke. It was somewhat of slow charge at first but they were increasing in speed in a very short time period. Because of the short distance between Sanosuke, the metallic demons and Madoken it was unknown at what Sanosuke might do but Madoken had that covered. Madoken's only weakness was that he was not that fast, he uses his teleportation skills to dodge attacks. Even when he uses his teleportation, there is a slight break period between those times and it was unknown as to how long it was.
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Kazekage vs Madoken the Teleport Empty Re: Kazekage vs Madoken the Teleport

Post by Lee Mon Jun 22, 2009 7:34 pm

The hell? Sanosuke thought as he stood atop his mansion with grief. This man confused him, especially with his talk of The Order and what not. Maybe Sanosuke had heard wrong, but what The Order were doing was exactly what this man was doing. They were going around, village to village, and killing off all the so called 'Shinobi Shit' that they hated so much. If this man was correct, The Order aimed to stop all of that, and make peace between the villages. If so, then what kind of group was this man in? Was he in the Order as well, but just a very defiant member? Sanosuke thought back on his offensive words... They believe in that peace thing and I dont totally agree with that, you know what im saying. I just wanna see you guys burn ya know, fuck the peace thing, fuck harmony between magicans and shinobi....blah blah blah...." Sanosuke cringed. All this magician stuff was completely unheard of too Sanosuke. It brought about whole new problems then what was their before. There could be no more feuds between the villages, if these magicians attempted to erase every village from existance. No, they would all have to work together to defeat these 'Order'. And after this was all over, he had plans to meet up at the Kage Summit to discuss crucial issues. He would have to meet with all the Kages and make a permeneant truce, as well as alliances. they would have to work together to completely erase this new threat.

Sanosuke looked up. Apperently, this man specialized in teleportation, just as Sanosuke had expected before. But it seemed to be more then just the ability to teleport himself. No, that would get useless after a little while. Above his very own mansion, the Kazekage could see a portal opening up. Then, bringing weight onto their mansion, they fell upon it, surrounding Sanosuke. Sanosuke took a quick count in his head. One to, five, he said, forgetting to include the magician below him. He took a look at his surroundings, the wind blowing through his hair among the silent atmosphere. The calm before the storm. The Kazekage knew what he had to do, and he did it. He braced his feet, and jumped up, a few meters into the air. He flipped backwards, being sloppy, for he was never to good with acrobatics. He landed on the shoulders of one of the faceless thugs, anylizing their features before-hand. It was odd, and Sanosuke wondered how they saw, or smelled things. If they couldn't, this would be easy. Having unsheated his blade in the air, he slit the throat of the no-faced attacker, not paying attention to the after effect of his burning sword against the thugs neck. It was dead though, that was for sure.

Sanosuke was still on the creatures shoulders. As he felt him falling to the ground, he noticed two more coming at him. This was bad. I guess they had no compasion for their fallen comrade, for they were charging right at him. It was odd for Sanosuke to see them charging at him, for they had no faces. Usually, when he was being charged at, he heard battlecries or looks of anguish and rage. Now, Sanosuke didn't recieve any of those emotions, and he was a bit less faltered. He jumped from the no -faced being's shoulders, letting him fall off the edge of the mansion. Now, he was up above the two other no faced gangsters. He kicked both of their shoulders, making them stumble ahead of themselves. As they began to trip off the edge of the mansion, Sanosuke sent a burning slash down at their backs, making sure of their deaths. As he landed, he forgot all about the fourth one. He landed on his feet, facing away from the other creature, with false pride. Then, he thought it over. How many of them were their again?

Before he could even finish his thought, a burning sensational pain was sent to the back of his head. The thing had caught him off gaurd. The thing with no face had got the best of him. Even as Sanosuke fell to the ground, he cursed at how stupid he was being, telling himself to get back in shape. This was no time to be off focus, and he needed to defeat this man. He would definetely not let some outside force destroy his village yet again. he quickly began sliding off of the curved roof of his own mansion. Regaining full counsciousness, he caught himself with one hand. Close one, he thought, hanging on for a few seconds. Sanosuke had to act quick. With a bit of a swinging motion, Sanosuke put a lot of his strength into throwing himself up over his roof, again performing more crappily performed acrobatic moves. He did a full front flip, then put his blade above his head like a spartan. He had to fight to keep back his inner rage, which would take over and target everyone, even his friends. As he came down upon the no faced thug, he swung his sword down with a loud grunt. He began panting as he moved swiftly passed his opponent, lading his feet on the ground. the thing was slashed in half diagnolly from Sanosuke's blade. Without Sanosuke looking, the no-faced creature fell down onto the floor, in two pieces.

Sanosuke felt no pride now, only pain and responcibility. He had to get his shit together, or else he would die. Or else a lot of people might die. Sanosuke glanced at his burned arm, and felt the pain in the back of his head. These things would hinder him in his fight, but only as much as Sanosuke allowed them too. Sanosuke would not be weak, but he wouldn't be fighting to much with his right hand. Sanosuke shook off all the pain, and walked directly to the side of the building. He looked down a his opponent, still standing there with that smug look. He wants to talk rude? "Hey, bitch. Is that all you got? You think that saying some spell's gonna make me go away? Hell nah. I don't care HOW much you teleport around, you're not that fast. I can see that. And by the way you--" Sanosuke was cut off, with a sound from behind him. Sanosuke knew who he was. By their short fight, he could tell already who was in his presense. The one whom had called himself, 'Sanosuke's judge', or 'the secret weapon of Konaha'. Was he here to fight him as well? Sanosuke certainly hoped not.


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Kazekage vs Madoken the Teleport Empty Re: Kazekage vs Madoken the Teleport

Post by L Tue Jun 23, 2009 1:06 am

"And here we see the Kazekage, fighting to protect the village, will he succeed? Sanmaru asked. It stayed quiet for about a second before talking again. "You're right, well... Should I help him?" He paused again. It seemed as though he was talking to someone, or possibly himself. Either way, it made him look kinda odd. "Hmm... You know, that's not a bad idea. I'll do that." He said, finally finishing the conversation with whom ever he was talking to.

Well, Sanosuke, it's your lucky day." Sanmaru said as stood on his little air sphere. "I'm going to help you." He stayed on his sphere, with his arms crossed, looking down at the battle field. "Allow me to see the opponents abilities before I make my move." He stated towards Sanosuke.

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Kazekage vs Madoken the Teleport Empty Re: Kazekage vs Madoken the Teleport

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Tue Jun 23, 2009 1:21 am

The no-faced demons did very well unto attack Sanosuke, it showed how acrobatic and flexible this man could be, seeing how the no-faced demons could adapt to any type of terrain with no hassle whatsoever, regardless of having no eyes, ears, nose or mouth to use any of the five sesnes, they did a fanstastic job into see what type of ability this man bestowed upon himself. The agile feet into slicing the demons neck and then landing on his shoulders to see where the other demons were coming at, not to mention he saw that because the demon's did not make a sound nor did they show any sign of emotion, it was hard to get a good detail on what to do and it showed that it had thrown off Sanosuke typical assumptions. Sanosuke was skilled but it was not enough to impress Madoken at all, not the least bit worried about his skill.

Madoken claps his hands together, acting as though he was impressed by his skills "Well, well, well, you dont make yourself look completely below average, not all. I see the you, shinobi, do not disappoint when it comes to physical agility and flexibilty. To actually kill the demons without even the notice of them making a sound, thats impressive my friend and what now you are talking shit?!?! Whoa ho ho, well this is getting so got damn interesting Im almost tickled to actually attack you now, this is fucking exciting, fucking brilliant" he laughed in a almost mocking matter to the point of almost demeaning become a shinobi, he almost topple over but he catches himself. He looks back over at Sanosuke and see's another man standing there......this was probably something he would never expect to see. He whispered to himself "Sanmaru Gokage.....The former Raikage of the village, how indeed interesting. I've heard rumors about your ability and how you can change elements into another. Thats a good ability, considering I barely use my element.....". He smiled at Sanmaru and thought to himself Hope that was convincing.

One thing was for sure, Sanosuke was somewhat off guard, after doing an amazing performance over his demons and now kinda distracted, this was a chance for Madoken to pull a manuever that would probably help him "Now then, Kazeum Shallow Bostionian" Another portal appeared this time beside Madoken. Coming out of this one were tentacles, ranging from about twenty five to thirty, that were made out of complete darkness, they strecth themslves towards Sanosuke and Sanmaru in random directions. It was hard to predict which direction they were going cause some would cross together, zig zag, etc over and over reaching over to there destined targets.
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Kazekage vs Madoken the Teleport Empty Re: Kazekage vs Madoken the Teleport

Post by Lee Tue Jun 23, 2009 3:45 am

The Kazekage was... well, a bit confused. With two dangerous shinobi placed on either side of him, he was stuck in a situation of extreme tension. he had fought both of them today, and was already a bit tired. He panted, listening in on Sanmaru's conversation..with himself. Sanosuke made a disturbed face. Was this guy talking to himself, at a moment like this? He muttered these words, back and forth, but the Kazekage could hear only a few of them. It sounded to him that he was debating whether or not to help his former opponent at this time. After a while, Sanosuke had his answer. "Well, Sanosuke, it's your lucky day." Sanmaru said as stood on his little air sphere. Sanosuke became almost overjoyed. His opponent was no weakling, and neither was this man before him. Containing the bijuu, and the ability to change elements, this man was no joke. "I'm going to help you, allow me to see the opponents abilities before I make my move." Damnit, Sanosuke thought. It seemed like he didn't want to help right away, so Sanosuke had to fight a bit more before recieving assist. That was fine with him. This man excelled in the art of teleportation. If Sanosuke attacked, he would do the obvious thing. Teleport. Sanosuke remembered how his newfound ally used his brains more then his instincts during battle. If Sanosuke was able to bring out this mans battle patterns, he knew that Sanmaru would be able to anylize it. With a teleportation artist, that would definetely come in handy. Sanosuke thanked the gods that the former Raikage had come to attack him this morning. It was an odd thing to do, but now he was greatful he had shown up at all. He was thankful for his attacker. Now Sanosuke had to do...what he had to do. He would bring out his opponents attacks.

As the Kazekage walked quickly to the edge of the building, he realized he may have already done so without trying. Large, quick, dark tentacles were flying right in his direction. They were twisting around eachother, spiraling over eachother, quicly smoothing it's way up the mansion and to the two shinobi. It was now or never. "Well, it seems like Sanmaru is your real name. I remember now, the Raikage two times back, I believe. I can't believe I didn't remember... anyways..." Sanosuke looked down at the gaining tentacles of darkness. "Watch your back."Sanosuke then diverted his attention away from Sanmaru, and back to the gaining tentacles. He searched his mind for something that would work. He thought of all his techniques, and tried to think a little before hand before he rushed into battle. This helped him a bit, but he realized that he probably could have thought up something like this as he moved. He had wasted time. It was time to move.

Sanosuke ran off the edge of the building, diving right into the face of the attack. As he got close to a tentacle of darkness, he planted his feet on it. There were many around him at the time, and there was something he really had to remember at this point. The 4 D's: Duck, Dodge, Dip, and Dive. Sanosuke began sliding down a tentacle of darkness, his feet picking up heat as he went along. The tentacle was rushing one way, and he was rushing the other. As he slid down, other tentacles went to attack him. The four D's. He ducked under one that went for his head, then dodged one that went for the right of his stomach. Yet, there would be no dodgin' or diving here, no, that would be too dangerous. No diving into darkness today. As he slid down, he braced his feet for the action he was about to attempt.

The wind flowing through his hair, he jumped, flipping over a tentacle. His overcoat flew around like a cape as he came down in mid air. He turned his body to the side, facing his opponent, as well as some tentacles. He used the momentum from before to keep flipping, this would help in his new technique. As he flipped forward, he yelled, "Elemental Enhancement, Red Blade Scar!" As he flipped, his blade grew a few inches wider, forming into a scimitar rather then a straight blade. A red aura trailed behind it as he flipped forward. Soon, Sanosuke's body looked to have a red circle around him, from the firey trail surrounding his blade. Sanosuke licked his lips and made one strength swing. In less then a second, the scar made from the blade's attack had cut through the tentacles base, leaving most of them detached and falling from the sky. The crescent shaped attack flew at almost the same speed towards his teleporting opponent. This move seemed to be so fast as to teleport to his opponent. Could his opponent teleport the same way in time before the hit?


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Kazekage vs Madoken the Teleport Empty Re: Kazekage vs Madoken the Teleport

Post by L Tue Jun 23, 2009 12:31 pm

Sanmaru stared at the magician as he spoke, his facial expression showing little to no interest to what he was saying. He was, however, impressed by one thing. His talent in the art of acting. It seemed as though, to Sanmaru, that this magician was quite the actor. A tiny bit shabby, but pretty good, nonetheless. "Well, I'm glad to know that the Order has taken an interest in my abilities. Well, I guess they would take an interest in every shinobi's abilities since it would be pretty idiotic of them to go into a battle not knowing what they're up against. But, you, you recognized me on the spot... Now ain't you something special. I sure hope the rest are as brilliant as you. Who knows, maybe then I might have a fight on my hands." Sanmaru told the magician, in a sarcastically, mild tone. I hope I didn't offend him, now, that would be bad.

Sanmaru diverted his attention from the magician and looked down, below at Sanosuke. "I would recomend that you attack him using your ken and taijutsu. Since you're a close-range type of fighter, that should be no problem for you and it'll make it a bit easier for both of us. I'll handle the rest. Now, lets see if we can beat him in under ten minutes." Finishing his last sentance, Sanmaru looked up, towards Madoken, seeing that he had already started attacking. It seemed like he wanted to get it over as soon as possible, just like Sanmaru.

Black, shadowy like tentacles started to come out of a portal, that had appeared beside Madoken. They reached out towards Sanmaru and Sanosuke in weird, unusual patterns. Sanmaru being where he was, had time to think about what to do. Unlike Sanosuke, who went to go cut the tentacles with his sword. Well, at least he was taking Sanmaru advice, right? As Sanmaru watched Sanosuke charge at the portal and Madoken, dodging the tentacles, he began to think. How would he beat these tentacles? It seemed as though they were made completly out of darkness, could darkness by cut? Or, did they have a limit? Mostly everything does. So, why shouldn't these things have one too? After a couple of seconds, about one or two, Sanmaru decided to do the easiest thing he could think of, just dodge the tentacles and let Sanosuke deal with them. His wind sphere would give him all the speed he would need in the air, it would be more than enough to dodge them.

Sanmaru allowed them to reach him, once they did, he used his wind sphere, dodge them. He moved from right to left, up and down, and forward to backwards. He continued using and doing the same things until finally Sanosuke cut off the tentacles from their base. Once that was done, Sanmaru looked to see him attacking Madoken. Now, that the tentacles were gone, he could finally go and attack without any disruptions. He flew down, above Madoken, and pointed his fists towards him. He released a blast of fire, towards Madoken. He knew that he would be able to dodge it, and he knew that he would. He just needed to see what else he was able to do.

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Kazekage vs Madoken the Teleport Empty Re: Kazekage vs Madoken the Teleport

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Tue Jun 23, 2009 1:27 pm

Madoken looks at his attackers, one of which, Sanosuke, cut the tentacles at the base of it and used that same energy to attack Madoken while Sanmaru simply dodge them and uses his katon ninjutsu in order to burn Madoken. Indeed these were all simple works and to Madoken it was nothing to him, he did not even flinch to when his tentacles of darkness did not reach over to Sanmaru or Sanosuke, in fact his intentions was to lure them into USING ninjutsu on him. The two portals were still open, the darkness had faded away the moment Sanosuke cut it and Sanmaru jumped and dodged it. Madoken flips backward, but while flipping backwards he smiles and whispers to himself


As he lands back on his feet, the red energy screeching towards him was actually eaten up by one of the portals. The portals did not move, it simply just used its gravitational force to absorb the attack. Same went for fire that Sanmaru produce out of his body and at Madoken. The second portal also used its gravitational force to absorb and consume the fire attack. Madoken smiles at them both and claps his hands again, this time more expressed as though he was insulting them both "Well put shinobi's, you really are taking your time into trying to see what my weakness is. Hah, thats hilarous, im actually enjoying to be exact. Yes, there is a limit to my teleportation, however its like a computer taking codes. It changes randomly and even I dont know what the limit is when it changes, thats the problem with magic. It always changes and it varies due to the elements around us. Because the elements of my ability vary, its hard for me to use it.....however, maybe you guys are smart enough to figure it out.....until then...." he claps his hands together and the teleports began to glow a deathly red "I need you both to die...."

The portal in which case absorbed the red scar energy released the fire energy back at Sanmaru, who would still be in mid-air or landing, which ever it was, the fire would aim straight at Sanmaru with a more powerful affect than his own. The portal in which case absorbed the fire energy released back the red scar energy back at Sanosuke. Both of there speeds and power had increased because it was affected by the magic in the portal. Madoken took note on that Did the powers of there ninjutsu increased when it was fused with the magic? Hmmmm, this is very intriging, I'll have to remind my comrades about that....thats quite deadly for both us and the shinobi. The attacks that they released at Madoken backfired and they were going to get attack by there own misfortunes. Madoken then thought to himself again, this time with a smile Now it'll be hard for them to even manipulate since it has magic in it now, I doubt these shinobi have the ability to manipulate magic like we can.
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Kazekage vs Madoken the Teleport Empty Re: Kazekage vs Madoken the Teleport

Post by Lee Tue Jun 23, 2009 3:02 pm

The Kazekage's attack had succeded, but only slightly. The tentacles of darkness were destroyed from their base. Cut from the roots. He watched the tentacles fly down and hit the sand, then slowly begin to whither away. Sanosuke looked up to see if his other attack had succeeded. What he saw was the complete opposite. His attack had simply gone through this mans portal, being absorbed by it. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw his teamate Sanmaru. It seemed as if he had attacked Madoken as well, with some kind of fire attack. It looked to be the same one that he had used on him in his earlier fight with Sanosuke. His opponent had two portals, and Sanmaru's attack was also absorbed into the portal. Sanosuke slowly fell down to the sand, where he watched his opponents moves carefully. For a short time, nothing happened Sanosuke just stood there, watching. Then, the attack begun.

Out of the portal that sucked up Sanmaru's attack, came Sanosuke's very own attack, the red blade scar, flying right back at him. Sanosuke wondered why the portal that he had shot his into wasn't the one to shoot his attack back at him. He assumed the same happened to Sanmaru, with his own attack. Sanosuke instantly knew what to do. Sanosuke also had some work in the art of portals, but only as much as his sword would let him. For instance, he is able to use an attack called: "Mirror-Blade:Side Slash". With this move, Sanosuke will pull a surprise on enemies who try attack him from behind by using his mirror blade ability to strike horizontally from one side of him, and then slicing across his backside to the other side of him. It's like a slice from behind when Sano is slicing in front of him. He does this by opening up a small portal in front of him, to behind him. Utilizing this ability, he would find a way to get rid of the, what seemed like, now enhanced scar. The scar was only a second away from him, so he had to act quick.

Sanosuke made a diagnol slash, attempting to calculate the angle at which the red blade scar was going at him. He drew the portal with his blade in that exact same degree. Just in time. He cut the portal off with his blade by discontinuing the chakra flow throughout his arm. His attack flowed through at just the right time, and at just the right size. The portal opened behind him, and out came the red blade scar. It flew off in the distance, and impacted against a sand-dune. Sanosuke looked forward. Projectiles weren't going to work, or so it seemed. He had to get in closer. Or, something did.

Sanosuke reached into a his side pouch and took out a kunai. He swung it around his finger as he jumped into the air, facing his opponent directly. He threw the kunai right at his opponent, and passed his shoulder. Although, this was no regular kunai. Behind his opponent, he watched his kunai extract a large poof of smoke, and out came a clone of Sanosuke, already in attack position. This was his Shuriken Kage Bunshin no jutsu. He could allow his weaponry to become a shadow clone, but at the same chakra cost. Sanosuke was getting tired, he had utilized quite a bit of chakra. He landed back on his feet, then looked up to see how Sanmaru was doing. Sanosuke's shadow clone was behind his opponent, swinging down at his shoulder with a burning blade.


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Kazekage vs Madoken the Teleport Empty Re: Kazekage vs Madoken the Teleport

Post by L Wed Jun 24, 2009 3:15 pm

Sanmaru stood on his wind sphere, floating up above Madoken. Both his and Sanosuke's attacks were absorbed by Madokens portals. After that, there was nothing. Just simple silence. The wind blowing the sand towards the right. It was getting quite boring at the moment, to say the least. No one was doing anything, they were all just stareing at each other. Sanmaru was getting bored, all he had to do was wait and see what Madokens next move would be. The portals were still there, so... By the look of things, it seemed that his attack would have something to do with those portals. But, what? Was he going to send out more of those tentacles?

That's when finally the battle began, once again. Out of the portals, Sanmaru's and Sanosuke's attacks came right back at them, except... They came out from the opposite ones. They were faster, though, and probaby stronger aswell. Huh. Sanmaru already knew what to do, all he had to do was simply move out of the way. He didn't make the attack that big and it came out the exact same size, only faster and possibly stronger. This would be simple.

Sanmaru jumped off of his wind sphere. He jumped away from the fight, landing on the ground below. Right next to the mansion that they were fighting on. He landed on both of his legs, in a squating position. He fell backwards and landed on his ass. He sat there, immediatly reaching for his shoes. Quickly, he took them off one by one. He threw them to the side of him and then stood up, barefoot. Now that his shoes were off and he was barefoot, he could finally use his earth manipulation to it's extent, that is, for the area he was in. Now that he had done that, Sanmaru could now feel the most minute vibrations in the earth, be it the presence of trees and buildings or the march of ants several meters away. Through this heightened seismic sense, he can visualize where people are, their relative distance to him, and their physical build.

"Lets see if I finally mastered this form of earth manipulation.

Sanmaru jumped up to the top of the mansion. Once he landed, he looked around, feeling the vibrations, but using his eyes to see instead of this 'other sense' of his.

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Kazekage vs Madoken the Teleport Empty Re: Kazekage vs Madoken the Teleport

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Thu Jun 25, 2009 5:29 pm

Again, agility and flexiblity were on the side of the shinobi and for Madoken, he would need to advise a new way in order to gain the upper hand. He realize now that because of his teleportation skills, it was throwing off both Sanmaru and Sanosuke. This was probably there first time facing up against someone who used portals and dimensions in order to fight opponents. He then saw that now they were done anaylsising and were about to strike through hand to hand combat. Madoken wasnt as fast as a shinobi pretell but he had a skills of a master martial artist and if there was a battle between sheer skills, then he might have the upper hand but for now he'll have to see what else they will have in store

A kunai travels past him, missing him on purpose. Madoken was obviously suspicious of such skills, why would anyone miss there opponent on purpose and there was only one reason as to why, because there something else behind him or something else in store. He turned his head to the side and got a glimpse of another Sanosuke with a blade that was encased in fire come down and slashed him, he moved to the side dodging it slightly. The lower half of his arm was burn to the second degree due to the fact that the last part of dodge the sword was his arm. Damn he thought. He knew this wouldnt affect him right away and with the amount of adrenline that was pumping through his body, he wouldnt feel it as much but the pain still affected him. He grinded his teeth as he slides on the rooftop of the mansion. As he gain balance once again, he placed his hands together and his body began to glow

"This is getting bothersome, I gotta end this soon" his body began to release off a enormous amount of energy. An energy that would consumed 70% of his current power but this technique was all and worth it. He stares down at Sanosuke but a smile that showed his canine's was a devilish as it could be. He opens his hands up and faces towards him. Was he going to release a blast? He then said "Portalum Mirrorus Sallium". Instantly a portal formed in front of Sanosuke. It was a black and seemingly endless portal releasing off black energy that was simular to a chaos type of chakra. The black portal began to widen itslef quickly and swiftly. Madoken smiled although in the back of his mind, he would either have to retreat or die here and he had no intentions of dying here. He need this plan to work for this was one of the final techniques. As the portal continued to expand, figures began to walk out slowly. Some had there hands behind there backs, some had there hands folded or there arms folded but others just walked out plainly and cool. They did not have any faces so they were the same type of creatures that Sanosuke killed without trouble but these type of no-face creatures were different, much more powerful than there giant brothers. They look, facing towards Sanosuke with a kill intent that was worth noting itself. The no-face creatures, about eight of them, pulled out a kunai.

Madoken closed his hands and smiled "Now, you'll get to see what it is like to face up against one of the strongest no-face demons ever......*breathes in and out* lets see how powerful you really are....go my demons, kill and leave no prisoners!" Two of the demons jump and run towards the village, four of the demons jump up throwing kunai at Sanosuke and possibly Sanmaru while the last two rushes towrds Sanosuke. There speeds were noted as they were about to strike at Sansouke with there kunai's,
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Kazekage vs Madoken the Teleport Empty Re: Kazekage vs Madoken the Teleport

Post by Lee Thu Jun 25, 2009 7:45 pm

Sanosuke was in deep trouble. The no-faces were back to haunt him, and this time they meant business. Two of the no-faces went off, probably to reak havoc along his village, and the rest attacked him and Sanmaru. They were too quick, even for him. Sanosuke was drained. He had a burned arm, to a third degree extent, as well as a head-ache. His dodging abilities were a bit off. He tried to jump out of the way, but two of the kunai hit his thigh, digging deep inside. This would no doubt cripple him for the rest of the battle. When Sanosuke was hit, he flipped over from pain. Mid-way through his flip, he found two no-faced demons directly under him that were to be charging at the position where he once was. Sanosuke made a horizontal slash at them, his kenjutsu skills holding strong after all these injuries. As the two no-faced creatures fell to their deaths, Sanosuke landed on the floor on his backside. He slid his foot up and cringed, holding back the pain. He looked up from his lain down position. Was this man crazy? Sanosuke stood up, although it did pain him. He just looked at his opponent. Even after being hit by the burning blade of his clone, had he forgot to recognize that he was their?

The clone just stood their, waiting for some kind of attack to hit him. Usually, it went like this for the bunshin: He would attack, then get attacked. But now, nothing happened. He watched as the man created another portal to attack the original Sanosuke. Finally, he snapped out of it, and realized what he had to do. Sanosuke had thought the order was derived of only the smartest of magicians. Maybe this man was just tired. Madoken had slid over a bit, but not to much. It was enough only for the clone to step to the side a bit without being noticed, getting directly behind him again. Without his opponent openly knowing that the clone was even their, or remembering it, he struck. The clone made a straight jab at the wizards back, making haste of the time where his opponent was so vulnerable. If this hit, it would go straight through his opponents heart.


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Kazekage vs Madoken the Teleport Empty Re: Kazekage vs Madoken the Teleport

Post by L Thu Jun 25, 2009 9:12 pm

Sanmaru watched Madoken make another portal, out of it came out 8 demons. Sanmaru wondered what these demons were and what they were able to do. He wouldn't have know about these demons since he wasn't there to see the first ones in action. Sanmaru stood at the sidelines, watching the first demon that came out of the portal, analyzing it. It seemed as though it couldn't see, that's all Sanmaru was able get out of it. Once that Sanmaru as able to deduct that much, which was within the first second that it appeared, he knew what to do. He stood there, making it seem like he wasn't doing anything, but in reality he was manipulating the sand on the ground. He was able to do this by taking the pieces of the unground up earth and putting them into large amounts. The sand, quickly, and secretly went heading towards Sanosuke, from all directions. The sand blend it with the terrian, making it so that practically no one could see it moving, and even if they did, they would probably think that it was the wind carrying the sand.

Surprisingly, the sand had to kill the demons the moment they stepped on it, but it didn't. It simply followed Sanosuke everywhere he went. The demons stabbed Sanosuke, making it so that he would barely be able to walk. Sanmaru looked at him. This is it... You were right. He thought to himself. This is the chance I've been waiting for. I'd be a fool not to take advantage of it.

Sanmaru ran, as quick as he could, over towards Sanosuke. He jumped into the air. Once he was above Sanosuke, the sand quickly formed a strong, cylinder like wall around him. If he swung his word, he would slice it, but the wall would instantly fix itself. The only way out was the top, which was where Sanmaru was. Sanmaru punched down, into the hole the sand left ontop, towards Sanosuke. He released another big blast of fire, up to 2730 °F. It went directly down, leaving no area inside of the wall that was left untouched by it. Now, the question is, what of Sanosuke. Did he escape the wall, some how? Or was he burning inside?

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Kazekage vs Madoken the Teleport Empty Re: Kazekage vs Madoken the Teleport

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Fri Jun 26, 2009 2:16 am

The peircing of flesh Madoken heard and felt. He knew that that clone was still behind him but he had no idea that the blade would do something like that to him. He felt the blade pierce through his back, although slowly trying to reach to his heart, he swings himself to the side and does a reverse roundhouse kick to the clone's so that his stabbing would stop. He shifts himself forward but stumbles as he was now wounded and had about 25% of spirtual energy that could be manipulated by him but he choose not to. Thanks to his muscluar body, the piercing didnt fulling go through but the blade was still lodged in his heart. He did not want to rip it out of his body for if he did, he would bleed out and die in matter of minutes. He left it in there although it was painful to move and breath at the same time.

"Dammit, you son of a bitch.....almosted pierced me through....heh....well, I least I stopped some of it before it got through me through me.....hehehe...oh whats this" he sees that Sanmaru had found an opening to attack Sanosuke with his katon ninjutsu. Instant consumption of the ball of fire, he saw Sanosuke get consumed by the flames. Did Sanmaru's plan succeed. All he knew that he was on his one knee, about to face death for he messed up big time. He failed as a leader but he achieved his goal by destroying much more of the sand village. He was breathing heavily. He looks up at one of the no-face demons and see them causing more and more destruction. Even though he lost, he knew one thing was for sure. He stares at the smoke that was probably burning Sanosuke.

"Fucking Shinobi shit.....I won this.....rather than you killing me, I goal.....and you a.....Kaze....kage........" he falls down onto the ground and lays there unconscious getting closer and closer to death.
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Kazekage vs Madoken the Teleport Empty Re: Kazekage vs Madoken the Teleport

Post by Lee Fri Jun 26, 2009 7:56 pm

The Kazekage had been tricked. What he thought was his temporary teamate, had revealed himself to be his everlasting enemy. Sanmaru Gokage. Was this the plan all along? had he been played into thinking that this man was his companion? Why had he attacked Madouken? Then Sanosuke figured it out as he heard Madoken's last words. He had achieved his goal. But Sanosuke had failed... failed at being Kazekage. Sanosuke pondered that, but quickly, for he was in danger. Danger of being burned. Had he done well at fending off this attack? He had defeated Madouken, but it seemed like Sanmaru was the threat all along. Sanosuke had failed to acknowledge this, and was stupid to think that a man could change sides so easily. He had realized all this in a short amount of time, but in a shorter kind of thought.

Sanmaru came above him, after trapping him in sand. He knew it had to be Sanmaru that did this right away, for he could control all kinds of elements. Sand was an interesting one, but it was a sub-earth element. He was standing, and he was inside of a dome that Sanmaru had just made. He could see Sanmaru in a stance that he remembered. This is what signalled him to use the technique that he was about to use. As soon as the cylinder was made, he began performing hand signs, then he put his hands over his mouth, opening his fingers for an entry way. He breathed in, and as the blast of extremely hot fire that gave him a third degree burn in his fight before neared closer, he used his sujinheki technique.

From his mouth, came a large blast of water which would normally cover a large area. The fire of Sanmaru's attack would usually outmatch the sujinheki technique in terms of temperature, but now, the sujinheki was condensed. It was made for attacks just like these, and it was stupid of him not to use it before. He could have saved himself an arm in battle if he had used the technique during their earlier fight. He kept the attack up until he heard the easing sound of steam, exiting from his condensed prison. Before Sanmaru could take advantage of this, he jumped out from the trap. He had forgotten about his leg pain. A tear was jerked from his eye as he landed on the top of his mansion, kneeling down in pain. He extracted the kunai from his leg in pain, blood oozing out slowly. He threw them to the ground and panted a bit, most likely giving Sanmaru some type of opening. Sanosuke thought back to the first day when he became the Kazekage. How he stood on top of this mansion in peace, looking out across his village. This would be a place to relieve his anxiety, or remind him that their was still life in his village. Lots of it.

He stood up straight and faced his opponent. His arm, leg, and head were all severly injured, but he still had energy left. He would protect this village with his last breaths. Only a few more techniques. Probably only two more left in him. He began. Behind his mansion, where he and Sanmaru had been fighting before, there was a large body of water. As Sanosuke's figure brought his hands towards it an a tired attempt, the water began swirling. This was another technique, which dug at the roots of his chakra. He was becoming weak. The two large water dragons came swirling out, almost draining the body of water. His hands over his head, behind him, he still faced Sanmaru. As he struggled his hands forward, the water dragons swirled around above his head. He brought his hands down, and the water dragons attacked. Wherever his opponents moved, the attack would follow. If it hit, the dragons would bash into him, collapsing itself against him until they ran all out.

Last edited by Lee on Fri Jun 26, 2009 9:35 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Kazekage vs Madoken the Teleport Empty Re: Kazekage vs Madoken the Teleport

Post by L Fri Jun 26, 2009 9:17 pm

The thick wall of sand, fell down towards the ground, once Sanosuke had escaped from it. Sanmaru landed on the right in the middle of the big pile of sand that was left. He looked up towards Sanosuke, who was now standing somewhat firmly on the mansion, his back facing the arena where they first fought. The jutsu that Sanosuke had used to save himself from Sanmaru fire, had practically filled up the whole area with water. Sanmaru thought about that fact. He could use the body of water to his advantage, that was, if Sanosuke didn't use it first. He though about manipulating the water to attack him from behind while he attacked from the front. It would of been a good plan, but it had some very serious flaws, the biggest one being that Sanosuke had already begun to use the water.

Two dragons made out of water began to come out of the body of water. Suiryuudan no Jutsu, literaly, water dragon projectile. A jutsu that Sanmaru also had in his arsenal. It required a large source of water, which Sanosuke had made, and a long string of hand signs. After the hand signs were performed, a column of water would rise from the water source in a form of a dragon. A strong jutsu, but it required a lot of chakra. But, what struck Sanmaru was that Sanosuke had used the jutsu without any hand signs. Was this a special ability of his? Now that Sanmaru thought about it, Sanosuke had done most, if not all of his jutsu's without performing any hand signs. This one thing made Sanmaru think about letting Sanosuke live to conduct tests on him. But, he knew that he was too dangerous of a shinobi to live.

It was time for Sanmaru to finally end this. Sanmaru ran straight foward, towards the incoming Dragons and Sanosuke, the large amount of sand behind him. It followed him, ready to attack. It was obvious that he was going to use the sand in an attack. He activated his doujutsu, his eyes turning pink-ish, red-ish as he did. The dragons instantly changed elements. They went from water to earth, making it easier for Sanmaru to destroy them. It cost him quite a bit of chakra, but it was worth it. He pointed his hands towards each one of them, sticking out his middle and index fingers. He shot out lightning bolts from them, heading and destroying the dragons. Since lighting defeated earth, it wasn't that difficult.

He continued running towards the Kazekage, rubble from the dragons falling all around him as he did. The sand that was following Sanmaru went ahead of him, now. The sand formed 5 spinning drills, aimed towards the left, right, front, behind, and the bottom of Sanosuke. His only way of dodging was the top. That's where Sanmaru aimed his next attack. He turned his hands into fists and aimed an enormous amount of fire, at 2730 °F, towards the top of Kazekage. He hoped this to be enough to defeat him.

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Kazekage vs Madoken the Teleport Empty Re: Kazekage vs Madoken the Teleport

Post by Lee Sat Jun 27, 2009 12:59 am

Sanosuke retreated two one of the drills. Only seeing the ones to the right, left, front, and bottem of Sanosuke, he fell back. As his back was drilled into by a sand drill, the fire before him showed the end of his life. A couple seconds of silence... He coughed up some blood. He chuckled a bit, looking up at Sanmaru. This man was obviously more powerful then him, he could never have defeated him in battle. It was such a smart move, trapping him from all angles of the body. This man was too quick.. even for the Kazekage.

"Damn...." he whispered openly.

Sanosuke looked around the rooftop. It was nearing the sunset, when the sand started to glow into more of a bright-orange color. His favorite time of the day, on his favorite place in the world. Sanosuke died, leaning his weight against the back of the sand drill. Their couldn't have been a better place to die, nor a better place to live.


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Kazekage vs Madoken the Teleport Empty Re: Kazekage vs Madoken the Teleport

Post by L Sat Jun 27, 2009 1:21 am

Sanmaru dispersed the sand drill and stopped the flow of the fire. He walked over to the, now former, Kazekage. He looked down upon him. "You failed my judgement... But... You earned my repect..." Sanmaru took one more look at Sanosuke before walking away. He suddenly stopped. He turned around and looked at is corpse. He pointed his fist at him. He released a giant blast of fire towards Sanosuke's corpse. There laid Sanosuke's corpse on fire. Sanmaru made the fire hot enough so that the corpse would turn to ash in a matter of minutes. Five at most.

Sanmaru looked over at Madoken. "You served well, would of thought you would have done it so professionally." That was the last thing Sanmaru said before he disappeared, leaving the village known as Suna.

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