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The jounin Spar (koga and I)

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The jounin Spar (koga and I) Empty The jounin Spar (koga and I)

Post by razor_shinobi Fri Feb 13, 2009 6:21 pm

Evare stood under a tree awaiting his opponent, Koga the forest king. he knew koga was a well skilled shinobi with the mastery of wood, but Evare thought he could handle koga being an amost Master of the Katon justu technique's, the art of fire. He knew Koga was going to be a challenge so Evare prepared by resting the night before and bringing extra kunie knives, stars, and even brought his sword, the kage-katana. Evare pulled a loaf of bread out and started to eat, awating Koga

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The jounin Spar (koga and I) Empty Re: The jounin Spar (koga and I)

Post by Koga Fri Feb 13, 2009 6:33 pm

"Evare, its good to see you, friend." Came a voice from nearby, though its exact location was indistinguishable. A few calm moments later, the image of the village Advisor slowly faded into view, a camoflauge being released from his person. He was well-prepared for this friendly spar, especially knowing that he would be facing his styles major weakness. Heat, sparks, and fire. This would be a truly worthy match, and would prove to be a learning experience for the both of them.

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The jounin Spar (koga and I) Empty Re: The jounin Spar (koga and I)

Post by razor_shinobi Fri Feb 13, 2009 6:37 pm

"koga! how nice of you to arrive, are you ready to spar old freind" Evare said as his got into a battle ready position and readied his katana. "lets begian." Evare said as he charged at koga and jumped in the air flipping over him. while in mid air evare performed 5 hand signs. "Gouryuuka no Jutsu!" Evare yelled as he blew a huge white gragon headed fire ball at koga begining the fight.

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The jounin Spar (koga and I) Empty Re: The jounin Spar (koga and I)

Post by Koga Fri Feb 13, 2009 6:54 pm

Koga was glad to see his opponent's eagerness to fight. With a smile, he stood calmly, the massive blaze of draconic fire diving towards him. In a flash, the Advisor thrust his hands together and completed multiple hand seals, readying his jutsu. "Bursting Water Collision Waves!" He barked in an instant before releasing a fierce torrent of water from his mouth, the jet colliding with the dragon flame. Steam exploded from the impact point, easily covering the area between the two ninja. Both flames and water remained, small embers lingering along the ground, as well as puddles built up atop the dirt. Koga was impressed by the force behind the fiery blast, and was even more sure about the grandness this battle would have. While the steam still covered the area, he leapt back, gaining distance between himself and his scorching adversary. "Not bad, Evare. However, it seems the turn to strike has been passed to me!" He boomed, forming another few hasty handseals. After he had finished the last of them, formations of wood began to grow off of his body, extending themselves to both his left and right. The bodies of seeming liquid wood began to form figures, which became more and more defined, until they became exact clones of Koga. The two then dashed in their respective directions to their creator, aiming to attack from both sides of Evare. They each pulled out a single kunai and leapt towards their target, hoping to catch him offguard from either direction.

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The jounin Spar (koga and I) Empty Re: The jounin Spar (koga and I)

Post by razor_shinobi Fri Feb 13, 2009 7:00 pm

Evare stood there watching each of them come at him fastly. "grrr, time for some real power" Evare said as he performed 6 hand signs. "Rairyuu no Tatsumaki!!!!" Evare yelled as he he charged lightning all around him as he put his hands up in the air and started spining and the shape of a huge lightning dragon appeared. as the shadow clones charged the lightning destroyed them in a matter of seconds. The A ranked jutsu was very chakra draining but Evare could hold through. Suddenly the dragon charged at Koga's real form with eletcricity flickering everywere. "now Koga, take this!" Evare yelled spinning faster causing more lightning to erupt.

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The jounin Spar (koga and I) Empty Re: The jounin Spar (koga and I)

Post by Koga Fri Feb 13, 2009 7:12 pm

Koga watched as the monstrous formation of lightning roared towards him, his two clones getting violently torn apart. However, they managed to stay lightly intact by the vagueness of the drakes attack on them. The wood clones were slashed by the sparks of electricity, the bolts slashing their bodies, tearing hands and chunks off of them as their true wood nature was shown, the color from their body fading. Though they had lost the ability to hold their kunai effectively and thus dropped them, two dove towards Evare with the last of their energy, their arms being flung towards the ninja, hoping to grasp onto him as he focused on controlling the dragon. Koga leapt back, gaining a bit of time before the gigantic blast of lightning would hit him, giving a moment to retaliate as his clones tried to halt the attack. He threw his hands together, making another batch of handseals. "Water Encampment Wall!" Then, milliseconds later, he thrust his head forward after landing, spitting a stream of water forward and to the ground, the liquid forming a spinning, circular wall around his entire body. The blast of lightning struck the wall of fluid, nearly vanishing entirely in the same moment as it was conducted into the water.

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The jounin Spar (koga and I) Empty Re: The jounin Spar (koga and I)

Post by razor_shinobi Fri Feb 13, 2009 7:22 pm

Evare stood before the wall panting as the dragon took much energy from him "shadow clone jutsu!" Evare yelled as his shadow clone defended him agianst Koga's clones. the sun shined bright and Evare smiled as he slid his Black ops mask on and pulled his katana out. "Koga, youve learned much, no ordinary jounin could deflect that attack, im impressed, but it's not over" Evare said as he focused his chakra into his katana causing a flamed aroura (sorry if i spelt that wrong) around the sword. "this sword. when i focus my Katon chakra into the blade, flames erupt and if i put enough chakra, the blade can cut trhough even concrete." Evare said as suddenly he charged at Koga . Evare jumped up and brought his sword down slicing at koga

Last edited by razor_shinobi on Fri Feb 13, 2009 7:26 pm; edited 1 time in total

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The jounin Spar (koga and I) Empty Re: The jounin Spar (koga and I)

Post by Koga Fri Feb 13, 2009 7:24 pm

Koga allowed the wall of water to fall to the ground, releasing his jutsu and watching as his clones were stopped by Evare's. He had fallen into his trap, just as he had hoped. "Eat this!" Barked the Cloud Advisor, forming a single handseal, his index and middle finger extended in front of his body. The same moment, the two wooden clones of himself ignited in two bomb-like explosions, easily destroying his opponents two shadow clones, as well as the shockwave hopefully managing to hit Evare, who had just leapt from the ground to attack with his flame katana. Koga calmly awaited the outcome of his surprise attack, smoke covering the area where his two wood copies went off like C4.

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The jounin Spar (koga and I) Empty Re: The jounin Spar (koga and I)

Post by razor_shinobi Sat Feb 14, 2009 10:55 pm

Evare was blasted by the bomb a few meters but right before he ran into a tree Evare flipped over with his feet going towwards the tree, bounced off and launched towards Koga with his sword burning once agian slicing. "come on!!!!" Evare yelled as his sword grew hotter and stronger.

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The jounin Spar (koga and I) Empty Re: The jounin Spar (koga and I)

Post by Koga Sat Feb 14, 2009 11:06 pm

"Very good, Evare. Lets see you avoid this!" Barked Koga, feeling the fury of adrenaline rushing through his veins for the first time in a long while. Thrusting his hand forward, he flung a single kunai towards his opponent, a small tag wrapped around its hilt, which lit aflame as it flew towards him. However, it was not as far as the Advisor planned to go. A single, simple explosive tag wouldnt be enough to win this duel. Quickly forming handseals, he called out: "Projectile Shadow Clone Technique!" With that, the kunai multiplied in midair, now thirty knives with explosive tags wrapped around them flew towards the pyro ninja. Once they got within range, they all detonated in vicious bursts of energy, the explosions surely hitting their mark.

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The jounin Spar (koga and I) Empty Re: The jounin Spar (koga and I)

Post by razor_shinobi Sat Feb 14, 2009 11:12 pm

"oh shit!" Evare yelled but suddenly he completed 6 hand seals in enough time as he yelled "Raiton Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!" And out of nowere several raiton bushins appeared infront of him as they absorbed the blast destroying themselves and with there disenagration lightning flickered everywere stricking both koga and Evare painfully. "soo, koga, my turn!" Evare yelled as he used 4 hand seals and yelled "Gian no Raiton!" As Evare leaned back and shot A huge ray of black electricity out of his mouth raging directly at Koga.

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The jounin Spar (koga and I) Empty Re: The jounin Spar (koga and I)

Post by Koga Sat Feb 14, 2009 11:27 pm

"Looks like I have no choice." Said Koga, leaping back as the bolts of lightning struck at his crimson red armor, sliding across the ground as he landed. After a rapidly-formed group of handseals, he took a solid stance. "Time to use my Wood Style abilities! Wood Barrier Technique!" Said the Cloud Advisor, and suddenly a half-spherical wall of wood burst from the ground just in front of him, in the way of the black blast of electrical energy. As it collided with the shield of wood, bolts of lightning shot everywhere, slashing at the surface of the wall. Where the blast connected there was now a massive, burnt indent, having nearly pierced through the entire barrier. Koga leapt up, landing on the top side of the damaged wall, locking his eyes back onto his adversary. Forming another group of handseals, he called out. "Great Forest Technique!" With that, his arms changed into tendrils of wood, five where each arm had been. Thrusting all ten of the tentacles forward, four flew directly towards Evare, whereas another two went to strike him from the left and from the right, and the final two went above him, aiming to stab him in the back.

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The jounin Spar (koga and I) Empty Re: The jounin Spar (koga and I)

Post by razor_shinobi Sat Feb 14, 2009 11:43 pm

"Hmmm, here we go agian, Rairyuu no Tatsumaki!!!" Evare yelled performing 6 complicated hand seals as he through his hands in the air and spun at incredable speeds, lightning erupted, and Evare's spining erupted into the shape of the beautifull lightning based dragon both defending him and attacking anything who dares touch as it launched at Koga full force. "Come on!" Evare yelled spining faster and harder. suddenly the lightning grew darker and turned black and the raiyuu no tatsumaki turned into the ominous raiyuu no tatsumaki, becomeing even more dsestructive and dangerous. this may be evare's last hope to defeat the forest king

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The jounin Spar (koga and I) Empty Re: The jounin Spar (koga and I)

Post by Koga Sun Feb 15, 2009 12:50 am

The monstrous dragon of lightning roared towards Koga, having disintigrated the tendrils of wood that he had come of his arms. After the Great Forest Technique had failed, his arms returned back to normal, allowing him to use jutsu once more. This powerful attack that Evare had just launched at him would truly require something just as strong to ward it off. Though this battle was surely coming to an end soon, Evare was beginning to look tired from all these massive attacks he was launching. No shinobi could keep this up for very long, let alone as long as he already had. This was probably his final option. He formed handseals, readying for the blasts arrival. "Four Pillar Prison Technique!" Suddenly, wood burst from the ground between himself and the dragon, forming a thick, sturdy, cubic prison, and then another, and then one more, all in a row. The trio stood before the draconic bolt, just barely in time to intercept it. The reptilian blast tore through the first easily, then pierced the second, and finally shot through one side of the last, but as it struck the final wall of the last prison, it wore out. The lightning had nearly made it through, but the wall was just an inch too thick, and the chakra in the blast was barely unable to do the job. Blocking that blast took a great deal out of Koga, he stood calmly, his hands still together in a handseal, panting from the energy he just had to put forth. "Not bad, Evare. You almost had me there." He commented after the lightning finally faded.

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The jounin Spar (koga and I) Empty Re: The jounin Spar (koga and I)

Post by razor_shinobi Sun Feb 15, 2009 2:13 am

Evare stood panting as he took his black ops mask off and smile "hrh, koga you have gained much strength and i feel this fight is coming to an end........ but to whom?" Evare said grinning as he jumped back a few steps and performed 8 hand seals, it was time for his ultimate jutsu for this fight. "this is it! Riageki no tatsumaki!!!" Evare yelled as he stood straight and lifted one hand in the air as lightning drew from the sky on to him and disks of lightning surrounded him as if protecting him in a sort of way. suddenly the lightning actually covered his body and shaped into his form around him acting as an impenetrable sheild of lightning. "heh, not only is this an indestructible shield but this is MY trump card" Evare said as suddenly one of the disks of lightning shot at koga and the others followed one by one shooting at him with incredible force. almost nithing could stop these disks, not even the four piller wood technique. "my last shot" Evare thought to himself as he closed his eyes

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The jounin Spar (koga and I) Empty Re: The jounin Spar (koga and I)

Post by Koga Sun Feb 15, 2009 2:23 am

"Heh.. Well, we'll see how useful this one is.." Said Koga with a slight grin, as if he had anticipated this turn of events. His hands bolted together, forming handseal after handseal, until finally his jutsu had been completed. "Birth of Dense Woodland!" Roared the Advisor, and in a flash, gigantic roots came rushing out of the earth beneath them, growing higher and higher, all around. These massive trees grew high and spread far, and were close knit, making it almost impossible to see through all the branches and massive, curved trunks. The sun began to be blocked out by the canopy of the forest that The Forest King had caused to grow, dimming the entire battle area drastically, the only light that truly remained was from the lightning surrounding Evare and that of the discs he had sent after him. After the huge woodland had been completed, Koga shifted his hands to another, single handseal, and his body slowly vanished in a blur of darkness. He had become camoflauged, hiding himself amongst the trees and shadows that now surrounded Evare. Now, he would be unable to see his opponent, and therefore be unable to send his discs after him, simply wasting chakra by keeping them active, as well as the lightning armor that surrounded him.

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The jounin Spar (koga and I) Empty Re: The jounin Spar (koga and I)

Post by razor_shinobi Sun Feb 15, 2009 2:29 am

"its not mormal for me to say this but its a friendly fight so i quit" EVare said as the lightning faded away. "my chakra is too low and im not using my reserves on this fight, so you win" Evare said as he slipped his black ops mask on and waited for koga's reply

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The jounin Spar (koga and I) Empty Re: The jounin Spar (koga and I)

Post by Koga Sun Feb 15, 2009 2:35 am

"I see, then. It was a good battle, my friend. We should do it again sometime." Said Koga as his image was revealed a few meters from Evare, standing atop a large root, his arms crossed. "You certainly have incredible firepower, Ill give you that much." He continued, impressed at the great amount of strength that was in every one of his sparring partner's attacks. "Perhaps a few, more accurate jutsu would be beneficial to you." He continued, doing his job as an Advisor, hoping his ally would take his advice and better himself for their rematch someday.

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The jounin Spar (koga and I) Empty Re: The jounin Spar (koga and I)

Post by razor_shinobi Sun Feb 15, 2009 2:50 am

"ya maybe koga, maybe" Evare said as he slipped his katana into his seath and looked baack "eh, i better get going" Evare said as he smiled and headed the other way

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The jounin Spar (koga and I) Empty Re: The jounin Spar (koga and I)

Post by Koga Sun Feb 15, 2009 3:20 am

"Until we meet again, Evare." Said Koga, turning the other way as well, his image fading away, as it had just seconds ago. As the Advisor vanished, the massive roots and trees and formations of wood began to recede, leaving the area as it was beforehand, leaving it in perfect condition for the next pair of shinobi to have their own duel.

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The jounin Spar (koga and I) Empty Re: The jounin Spar (koga and I)

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