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Shiro Tojiro (Finished)

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Shiro Tojiro (Finished) Empty Shiro Tojiro (Finished)

Post by shiro_tojiro Wed Mar 25, 2009 6:11 pm

Name: Shiro Tojiro (The Twin of Kumogakure's Takuma Tojiro)

Age: 20

Bloodline: Takai Manako

Rank: S Ranked Missing Nin


Village Born: Hidden Blood Village

Village Alliance: None

Alignment: Evil

Appearance: Shiro has a natural light skin tan and has many battle wounds and scars covering his body. Out of all of his scars none are more noticable than the one that cut through his right eye and continued down the right side of his body down to his abdominal muscles. He stands 6' 1" and weighs 165 and he is well toned from constant training. He has shoulder length, darker than night, black hair and haze filled dark gray eyes. He has a thin black mustache which connects with his small thin beard creating a small gotee. He also has silver tribal tattoos surrounding his eyes which then make its way down his neck and covering his chest, back, arms and cuts off at his mid section.

Shiro wears a long black robe trimmed with a simliar silver lining as to his tattoos and it also covers his feet. The sleeves on the robe are long enough to reach and cover his arms and then they dangle over. Underneath this robe he wears a custom made black Jounin jacket that has numerous storage places for his personal scrolls and other weapons he tends to use. On the back of the jacket is the sign of Jashin and the Jacket is over his long black tank top lined with navy blue around the edges. The tank top is long enough to stretch pass his belt buckle, but he often keeps the front part tucked into his black jeans so others could see the buckle. His black jeans are in good condition considering how rough Shiba is when he gets into fights and such. He has a pair of black combat boots which he wears long black socks with that are tucked under the pants legs. Also when Shiba removes his robe his Ninja Pouch, holding his kunais, shurikens, smoke bombs, etc, is strapped to his right leg. Shiro also wears his signature Jashin necklace passed through his Clan for many years which he often holds for either good luck or when he prays.

Personality: Shiro grew up to be very cold and ruthless. He was abandoned at birth by his family and Clan due to the demon sealed within him, but he has grown to ignore the fact of that. Shiro is very intune with his religion of Jashin since his Clan were the ones to create the Religion. When he isn't obeying the rules of Jashin, Shiro is often someplace training to perfect his techniques or planning on his next move in life. He loves to be laid back and doesn't have a temper, unless someone disgraces his Religion and then he would strive to kill them.

History: Shiro Tojiro was born into a middle class family in the Hidden Blood Village along side his twin brother, Takuma Tojiro. When he was only a mere few hours, the Elders of the Clan had sealed a Demon into him to help save the Clan's existance. After this had happened, Shiro was forced to be separated from his family and twin brother to become the Clan's protector in times of need. He was forced to fight in numerous battles using the demon within to kill those that tried to attack the Clan.

When Shiro turned 5, he had already been forced to kill over thousands of people who wanted either the Clan's Kekkei Genkai or wanted the demon lurking within himself. He was given special training from the Elders of the Clan to help Shiro control the demon within him and become a follower of the Jashin religion. He learned of numerous Clan jutsus that would help him in the battles that approached. Everyone in the Clan looked up to Shiro and considered him the Son of Jashin as well as The Protector. The attention soon began to annoy the young shinobi, but unfortunately he couldn't do anything to change their opinion.

When Shiro turned 7, he was forced to fight more and more and his body was pushed past their natural limits. This was proved when a once allied Clan attacked the Tojiro Clan and the Demon within Shiro was unleashed. That day brought much bloodshed to the Clan and everyone else within the area. The enraged Demon killed the seemingly endless amount of Shinobis and Civilians of the Clan and before each died they all begged for forgiveness. Their cries went unanswered until a man stood before the Demon. The man performed a long series of handseal before sealing the Demon back into Shiro. When Shiro came back around, he saw that he had shoved a katana blade into the man's skull. It took a minute to figure out who the man was, but he soon remembered that it was his father. This angered Shiro and he went into a whirlwind of anger, rage, and depression. He was the lone member of the Tojiro Clan and had managed to unlock his Kekkei genkai in the process.

Several years passed and Shiro continued living in the ruins of the once glorious Tojiro Clan and continued his training of becoming a Shinobi. He knew that he wouldn't be accepted into any of the major Villages since he would only be considered a murderer and monster. While staying in the Clan ruins he had found numerous records of the Demon within him along with more Clan jutsus. Behind all of this, Shiro had came across the birth records of the Clan. He began to search through and then saw that he was born a few minutes before another child, which they shared the same mother. He had a twin and by the records it was a man named Takuma Tojiro. He couldn't believe he had a twin, but at the same time he could. He could feel that his brother was going through immense pain which was similar to the pain he felt when he found out he killed his own father. This was when Shiro began to plan his reunion with his twin brother Takuma.

He left the ruins when he was only 13 and went on his journey to meet his brother. While on his journey he met numerous amounts of shady Shinobis and other criminals, out of them all none stood out more than a man named Daimyo. He had met the man one day when he was hungry and tired and needed some food and he eneded up trying to jump the man. He ended up losing to the elderly man, but was still rewarded with food and some rest. When he awoke he was forced to train with the man. After long days of training he had mastered Taijutsu as well as being able to open up 7 of the 8 Chakra Gates. He learned that the man was actually considered a S Rank Criminal and was worth alot of ryo within the many Villages because he had managed to kill 5 entire clans in each of the 5 Great Shinobi Villages. Shiro had no problem with this since he knew that he would also be a well paid bounty because of his killing of the Tojiro Clan and half of another. Shiro then decided that he and the man would get along well and decided to be his assistant.

A few years pasted after Shiro had been the man's assistant before he had managed to not only master Taijutsu, but Ninjutsu and Kinjutsu and a little bit of Puppetry as well. He had also managed to find and master his two chakra Elements through training as well. The entire two years of him and the man traveling he had never mentioned his bloodline, but did mention his Demon. When Damiyo heard of the Demon, he insisted that they trained to master it. Shiro had trouble controling the Demon's power at first but managed to control it for a slight while. The two continued on training the Demon until Shiro could draw chakra from it freely, but still couldn't handle the transformation stage.

One day Shiro and Damiyo sat around a camp fire eating when a kunai aimed itself at the elderly man. Damiyo dodged it with ease, but was killed within moments by a swift moving Shinobi wielding a long katana. Shiro was enraged once more and attempted to strike out at the man, but was ambushed from behind and a chakra supressor was placed on him sealing the his chakra and fainted. When he awoke he was tied down and was back at the Tojiro Clan ruins with the two men quietly talking. When he fully awoke, the youngest of the two men decided to fight with Shiro. The two fought and Shiro thought he would easily win, until he found out that the man was capable of using the same Kekkei Genkai he had, but to a fuller extent. The man won and let Shiro live with the exception that he train under the two men and follow their orders to come. Shiro accepted and after another few year of training, found out the two men were his long, lost, two eldest brothers who were both slowly dying and wanted the Tojiro Clan to rise up to its former glory.

Shiro was 16 when his brothers died in the Ruins of the Clan, but he simply prayed for them and then removed their Kekkei Genkais and placed them within himself. He knew that if he wanted to restore the Clan to its former glory, he was going to have to get stronger. He was also knew he would need his long lost twin brother. He then travelled to the Hidden Rain Village where his two brothers said they had left Takuma behind with their mother. He travelled many days without stopping because reaching his brother was his top priority because it was his brothers wish.

When he entered the Rain Village he was first stopped by the guards at the front gate, but because of the Blood Village being supposedly wiped out centuries before he was born he was given trouble. He ended up killing the two guards and entered the Village. Upon entering the Village, every corner he turned there were Shinobis ready to kill him. After he killed what he believed the majority of the Rain Village Shinobis, he was confronted by the Amekage and his Advisors. The Advisors began the battle by running out at Shiro in an attempt to kill him, but their attempt failed and left them with broken skulls and them bleeding before him. Then he and the Amekage stood quietly before the Kage spoke to him.

"Why have you come to my Village to spread pain?", he asked without emotion.

"To find my brother", Shiro replied removing his hood showing that he looked just like Takuma.

"I am sorry to inform you, but he left our Village a year ago to be stationed in Kumogakure and from what I've heard.... he is quite the helper."

Shiro's rage and anger got the best of him and he angrily threw a kunai aimed for the Kage's skull. It didn't make contact, but it did explode and knocked the Kage down. Shiro knew that the Kage must have been playing to have said that his twin was helping others because that would have been a violation of the numerous rules of Jashin. He then agrily stormed from the Village making his first appearance to the Ninja World as him being an A Ranked Criminal.

Shiro went into the shadows and hid from the Ninja World, which during this time he had trained to perfect even his most simplest of jutsus and techniques. He was residing in the ruins of the Tojiro Clan and there was when he had managed to make a two new friends to help him train. The two people names were Haru and Jiro. The two were supposedly A Rank Criminals (and at the time Shiro was an A rank as well), but they had more killing experience than he did. The two were brothers of a Clan that was supposedly wiped out by the Rain Village. This intrigued Shiro and he knew that they could possibly even achieve a common goal, of killing the Amekage. He only wanted to do so because the Amekage had persauded his brother to become a do gooder when he was actually supposed to become a Criminal as himself. He then knew that they couldn't just go out and kill the Amekage, but instead they were going to have to work their way up to it. The trio then set out to kill Fuedal Lords in the area around Amegakure and, not long afterwards, they were at the front Gates of Amegakure.

Shiro had came up with a plan so they could end up achieving more than what they intinaly planned. Even though they planned on just killing the Amekage, Shiro believed they were strong enough to destroy it. The two brothers agreed and decided to go with Shiro's plan. When the sun had set, Haru and Jiro had approached the front gates and without hesitation destroyed them and entered through the front of the Village. Shiro on the other hand was on the opposite side of the Village entering from the back end. Haru and Jiro had drew enough attention so all Rain Shinobi had to report to the front gates, leaving the back ones unguarded. Shiro crept through the streets of Amegakure before reaching the Amegakure's Central Palace where the Amgekage resided. When Shiro had entered the doors of the Kage's palace he saw something he wasn't planning on, Haru and Jiro laying dead on the carpet in front of the Amekage's desk. From behind the desk a man could be heard chuckling and then turned in his seat to reveal it to be the Amekage.

"I knew you would return and thats why I let you live last time", the Amekage said while staring at his blood drenched kunai.

Shiro stared emotionlessly at the Kage before asking, "How'd you kill them and then return here without breaking a sweat.... how'd you know?", Shiro said keeping a cool tone.

"Well I control the rainfall in the area like every Amekage before me and everything in the rainfall I know about and your plan was spoke of under my rainfall.... and how do you keep so calm while your teamates are dead at your feet", the Amekage said while gripping his kunai in his hand.

"Doesn't matter.....all that matters it that you are going to die for destroying my brother of what he was supposed to become."

The Amekage just stared blankly at Shiro before he threw his blood drenched kunai at him. Shiro swiftly dodged and threw his own back at the Kage. The Kage moved and watched it go through the window behind him, which he then jumped out of. Shiro quickly followed after him and the two stood on the roof of the Kage's palace while the people of Amekagure stood below them. The fight lasted 30 minutes straight and was ended when both Shiro and the Amegakure were very weak. Shiro drew up enough power and stamina to open up the 6th Chakra Gate in which he finished the exhasted Amekage. When he had killed the Amekage he was past fatigue and rested on top of the roof that night. The civilians simply left Shiro alone since they didn't want to get killed like their Leader. When he awoke the next day, he simply put his robe on and left the Village and disappeared from the Ninja world once more.

A few months passed before Shiro emerged from the shadows once more around the Kumogakure area. He had mastered his Kekkei Genkai and could maniplulate his elements withease. He then spotted his twin brother Takuma was a Leader of a Genin Team and seemed to be making the best of life as a Kumogakure Jounin. This type of behavior made Shiro sick to his stomach, but he planned on giving his brother another chance to redeem himself because if he didn't then he would kill him personally.

Last edited by shiro_tojiro on Fri Mar 27, 2009 4:54 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Shiro Tojiro (Finished) Empty Re: Shiro Tojiro (Finished)

Post by shiro_tojiro Wed Mar 25, 2009 6:13 pm

History Continued:

He gave Takuma his chance a few months later, when he had caught Takuma alone in his apartment in Kumogakure. Takuma was surprised to see that he had another brother and a twin at that, but Shiro was still unhappy with Takuma's kindness. He then told Takuma that if he did something he asked him to, he would be able to please Jashin to the fullest and gain his Kekkei Genkai's last Stage. At first Takuma was hesitant, but he came around and agreed. The two brothers returned to the Hidden Blood Village and Shiro summoned their Father and two older brothers. Takuma was still hesitant thoughout the enitre battle, but in the end showed no mercy and killed them ruthlessly. This proved to Shiro that he still had the Tojiro Clan deep within his soul and that helped him gain his Final Stage. Now Shiro and Takuma are still seperated, but Shiro knows that one day Takuma would become an Outlaw and together they would bring glory to the Hidden Blood Village once more.

Shiro, even though he was supposed to bring his brother to recognize his true potential as a Tojiro Clan member, has already began wreacking havoc over the Ninja World so people would remember the Tojrio Clan's name again. Takuma has already disagreed with his actions, but it doesn't matter to him because he had already gotten a job in *Daybreak*. His job varies from time to time, but in the end it requires him to get strong, kill people, and show no mercy. Shiro can often be spotted around the Hidden Rain Village or Hidden Cloud Village since Takuma is still there.

Speciality: Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, Genjutsu

Learned Jutsus: (Add to another post)

Main: Fire
Sub: Earth/Lighting

Weapons/Items: N/A


Some of Shiro's Jutsus:

Name of Jutsu: Shinjuu Zanshu no Jutsu (Double Suicide Decapitation Technique)

Rank: D

Range: Mid Range

Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu

Element Affinity: Doton

Description: A Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Earth Element. The ninja will travel through the ground to appear below their target. They will then surprise their target by then pulling them into the ground. Once in the ground their target is thus immobilized.

Weakness: If the target is faster than the user, then they can dodge the attack

Name of Jutsu: Doro Gaeshi (Mud Overturn)

Rank: C

Range: Close

Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu

Element Affinity: Doton

Description: A defensive Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Earth Element. After striking the ground with their hands, a large wall of earth will rise into place as defense. The defense is not perfect though, a hard or drilling impact can puncture the wall.

Weakness: The user must have a Earth source.

Name of Jutsu: Karyuu Endan (Fire Dragon Projectile)

Rank: B

Range: Mid-Long (Depends on Chakra used)

Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu

Element Affinity: Katon

Description: A Ninjutsu utilizing the Fire Element. The ninja does a string of hand seals and the proceeds to blow a large jet of fire from their mouth.

Weakness: A Water Jutsu of C Rank or higher could stop the jutsu.

Name of Jutsu: Haisekishō (Ash Burning Product)

Rank: B

Range: Close-Mid

Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu

Element Affinity: Katon

Description: With this jutsu the user breathes out a cloud of superheated ash capable of causing third-degree burns. Because it is ash and not flame, the attack remains in the air around the target, and therefore remains potent for a longer period of time

Weakness: The jutsu can be cancelled with C Rank Wind Jutsus.

Name of Jutsu: Kokuun no Jutsu (Black Clouds)

Rank: C

Range: Close-Mid

Type of Jutsu: Ninjutsu

Element Affinity: Water

Description: This is a water based technique. After forming the necessary hand seals, a black mist will emit from the user’s body and rise into the sky. Black clouds will form, releasing a flammable rain of oil onto the targets. The oil is easily flammable and can cause Katon techniques to backfire, hurting the Katon user with the technique instead. Affects Katon attacks used AFTER this technique is used and lasts for two turns or until a Katon technique is used that burns the oil.

Weakness: A high powered Wind jutsu (B+) can be used to blow the oil away.

Name of Jutsu: Intial Lotus

Rank: B

Range: Close

Type of Jutsu: Taijutsu

Element Affinity: none

Description: A taijutsu technique performed by opening the first chakra gate, the open gate. It unfastens the control of the brain, and enables a person to use his muscles at their limits. Because of that the user is granted phenomenal high speed and power.

Weakness: It requires a lot of stamina it puts an unimaginable strain on the muscles.

Name of Jutsu: Primary Lotus

Rank: C

Range: Close

Type of Jutsu: Taijutsu

Element Affinity: none

Description: A forbidden jutsu performed by opening 3 chakra gates (releases the body's limits on muscle usage/chakra flow). It goes beyond the speed and power of any other lotus technique. Continuous speed and high powered attacks makes this devastating to any opponent. The power can increase even more by opening more chakra gates.

Weakness: It puts a lot of strain on the body and muscles and is nearly a suicidal attack. Some muscle fibers are torn causing slight immobility.

Name of Jutsu: Asa Kujaku (Morning Peacock)

Rank: A

Range: Close

Type of Jutsu: Taijutsu

Element Affinity: none

Description: This jutsu uses six of the Eight Gates to give the user unmatched speed and strength. After the gates are open, the user will approach the opponent in a somewhat distinctive stance and, once the user gets close enough, kick them into the air. The user then hits the opponent over and over, causing a peacock-like fan of flaming chakra to develop. Once the user is finished, the opponent will fall back to the ground, covered in the attacks' aura.

Weakness: The opponent will also fall back to the earth, covered in the flames from the attack. This attack will drain the user causing most weak ones to either faint or barely stand. Stronger Shinobis will only feel drained of their chakra and still manage to fight.

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Shiro Tojiro (Finished) Empty Re: Shiro Tojiro (Finished)

Post by Kenshi Wed Mar 25, 2009 8:48 pm

Due to the extent of your history please give me time to approve this. I can't read it all in one night. Also, if any other mod wishes, you can approve it if you read it all.


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Shiro Tojiro (Finished) Empty Re: Shiro Tojiro (Finished)

Post by Kenshi Fri Mar 27, 2009 1:50 pm



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