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Takuma Tojiro (Done)

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Takuma Tojiro (Done) Empty Takuma Tojiro (Done)

Post by Takuma Sun Feb 15, 2009 10:14 pm

Name: Takuma Tojiro (Taku)

Age: 18


Rank: Jounin


Village: Kumogakure (Former: Hidden Rain Village)

Alignment: Good

Appearance: Takuma has tanned/light skin and is well toned. His body has many battle wounds and scars as well as a few tattoos he chose to get. He has a tattoo of a Cresent Moon on his back with two trident-like spears crossing through it and he also has 2 tattoos of crosses on his forearms. His face has many scars as well, but none as noticable as the scars from the bottom of both his eyes to his chin. He has misty gray eyes and extremly black, shoulder-length hair that he oftens keeps in a ponytail (unless he decided to wear it down). Takuma's Kumogakure headband hangs loosely around his neck.

Takuma often wears a hooded black robe with a fine silver lining and is also has the sleeves ripped off at the shoulders. The robe reaches down to cover his legs and only shows his boots. He also keeps it half way zipped revealing only a partial bit of the shirt under it. The shirt is actually a tank top with black lining at the edges. He sometimes has the front of the tank top tucked into his baggy black jeans. The jeans are rugged and faded and also torn in some places. He also wears a pair of black combat boots with metal enforcing in the sole and toe area of it. He wears long black socks with the boots as well. He has his ninja pouch filled with the basic ninja supplies such as kunais, surikens, explosives, etc. around his right leg. On his back he carries his Summoning Scrolls for his puppets.

Personality: Takuma was a caring/intelligent/nice kid when he was growing up in the Rain until the war came. After the War, he became slightly cold-hearted/sympathetic. When he lost his best friend Yue and the rest of his team he became even colder and is thought of emotionless to most. However when he moved to Kumogakure he changed his ways and began to show the same characteristics he had as a kid. Once Takuma was assigned a Team of Genin to watch and train, he began to be more responsible and vowed he would kill anyone who tried to harm them. He also has gotten a slight joking type personality as well.

History: Takuma was born into a middle class family in the Hidden Blood Village. He lived with his mother, father, and older brother. He lived happily with them until they were forced to live in the Rain Village. While there a war broke out when he was 5. The war was between the government and the civilians. His father was drafted to fight for the government while his brother went to war against them. In the cross fire of the war his mother was killed and left him alone until he was 6. For the entire time his mother was dead and his brother and father missing from battle, he lived in the house defending himself from thieves and fighters that tried to take over the house and/or kill him. As he was going on 7 the war was over and his father and brother never returned home, however ANBU members were sent to rescue suviviors and when they approached the home they saw Takuma covered in blood and his mother's corpse somewhat corroded from being dead for over 2 years. They managed to get Takuma cleaned up and sent him to live with the his uncle that lived through the War. When he moved to live with his uncle he was forced to do illegal jobs for him since his uncle was a drug lord in the area. He continued doing so until he turned 9 when he was sent to assasinate a Fuedal Lord. However in the course of assasination he came across an ANBU member that convinced him not to go through with the mission and instead enroll himself at the Rain Academy.

Takuma did as the ANBU member asked him to do and enrolled at the Rain Academy where he was started out as an Academy Student. He wasn't liked by many people due to his past of killing others for his own protection and then going to work for his uncle to kill people for money. He did however manage to make one friend known as Yue. He and Yue did everything they could do together. They did their training together and when Takuma was beaten by his uncle was able to live with Yue. When the time for Graduation came however they knew that they might end up having to fight each other. Takuma had managed to kill all of his enemies easily and the same was for his friend Yue. When the last battle came Takuma didn't have to fight Yue which relieved him and he managed to pass his Graduation Exam with flying colors. However for Yue it was a bit more difficult and ended up nearly losing his life in the course of the battle.

Takuma and Yue were granted to be on the same team along with a girl named Fei. The girl was somewhat shy and never talked during their times together, but she was fairly nice. Their Sensei on the other hand was extremely tough and was a desendant of the one of the Great Swordsmans of the Mist. Their Sensei put the three through the ringer, giving them the hardest missions avaliable and made them undergo the hardest training as well. He made Yue master Ninjutsu while making Takuma mastered Genjutsu, however Takuma was also given the oppertunity to also try out Puppetry as well which he quickly got the hang of and managed to be quite good at it. Before the Chuunin exams came their Sensei sent them on another hard mission to get the head of an Akatsuki's Underling. The team went out to do so, but the mission was harder than they had ever imagined. They lost their teammate Fei to the enemy, who then ended up killing their Sensei. The enemy then thought he could play around with Yue and Takuma and killed Yue in the process. This made Takuma angry and activated his Kekkei Genkai in the process. He injured the Underling and thought of how he lost his whole team to one man and made him want to grow stronger so he wouldn't have to lose his friends because of how weak he was.

Takuma returned back to the Village with only Yue's body on his back. The villagers were scared at the appearance of Takuma who was bloodlstained and they were even scared at the state of the body on his back. The Kage had requested that some Jounins and Med Nins go and recover his Sensei's body as well as Fei's. He also wanted to talk to Takuma and get information on the battle. Takuma was somewhat scarred from the battle and during the meeting with the Kage had a flashback of how cruel and heartless the enemy was. After the Kage saw it he wanted Takuma to go home and rest and the next day they would bury his teamates. He however had other things in mind with Yue's body. He went home and create an exact replica of his teamate's body and sent it to get buried the following day. With the real body he decided to transform it into his human puppet which he would use to get his revenge on the enemy who killed them. As he finished the puppet the Kage had asked to speak to him again. This time the Kage wanted to talk about helping Takuma unlock the full potential of his bloodline. After a long discussion the Kage had agreed to let Takuma undergo the training and soon afterwards get revenge on the Akatsuki Underling. The Kage then had Takuma sent to the midst of the long forgotten Tojiro Clan Ruins. When he arrived he was surrounded by a group of survivors from his Clan that lived throughout the War and helped him to perfect his Kekkei Genkai. After a few months Takuma had mastered the Kekkei Genkai as well.

Takuma returned to the Rain Village and the Kage had packed up Takuma's belongings for the trip. The Kage offered Takuma a few Jounins to assist him in the trip, but he declined and went out on his mission. He returned to the area where the Underling was last seen and was ambushed by a few of the Underlings' followers. He easily killed the younger followers and yelled out to the Underling to reveal himself. The Underling did and taunted him in the process of the last time they met. This angered Takuma and he angrly unleashed his Kekkei Genkai and fought the Underling on par getting in a few attacks that would draw blood and the Underling made him draw blood as well. When it seemed that the Underling would win however Takuma unleased his puppet from behind the underling and killed him. The Underling had enough life to turn to face the puppet that killed him, the puppet was none other than Yue who he had fun torturing in their last battle. Takuma rose to his feet and brought the man's body back to the Hidden Rain. As he arrived the Kage stood at the gates with a huge smile that he had achieved such a thing at his age. As Takuma threw the body down before the Kage, the Kage presented Takuma with the Honor of any rank that he pleased and joining the ranks of ANBU. Takuma wiped the blood from his face and gave an emotionless stare at the Kage before replying. He said;" I wish to have the rank I would've had when my team would've returned from our last mission together." The Kage nodded slowly and then walked off knowing that eventually Takuma would either become the Rain's best fighter or worst enemy.

A few months after his mission, Takuma grew somewhat bored of the life and decided it was time to do more exciting missions as well as get a bit more powerful. He went to the Kage and asked for another mission. The Kage instead offered him an alternative. Takuma was puzzled slightly and the Kage asked him how would he feel to gain more power. Takuma was pleased since it would offer him to get stronger. The Kage had Takuma transfered to a distant land known as the Moon Village. Takuma learned many of his Clan's ancient and deadly jutsus as well on how to increase his own power as to Genjutsu control and lost Puppet Summonings. Takuma stayed in the Moon Village until he turned 15 when he returned to the Village.

When Takuma returned to the Village he found out that the Kage he served under was killed and was replaced by another one. Takuma cared less about the new kage and could only think about the old one and how much the previous one did for him. He now rarely uses his true power on missions. He rarely even accepts mission unless he has to now. He is even planning on leaving the Village to get revenge on the person who killed the previous Rain Village Kage.

Speciality: Puppet Master, Taijutsu Specialist, and mastered his 2 elements along with Bloodline.

Jutsus: (Attach to another post)

Main: Water
Sub: Lightning

Name: Puppet Enhancer
Weight/Length: 5 lbs / 12 inches
Description: A set of metal enforced gloves that Takuma wears that allows him to control more than 10 puppets (one for each finger) and will let him control up to 30 puppets. Each glove has 15 small slots that Takuma channels his chakra to come out of and attach to his puppets. The gloves can also be used as a basic weapon since it has 3 blades coming from each glove (each blade is 2 feet) that can also be used for Takuma to channel his elemental chakra through them (think of Sora's chakra blades for that part).

Name: Elemental Explosion Seal
Description: Takuma seals some of his elemental chakra into an explosive seal. When he sets off the seal an explosion will occur using the element he used. (ex: if he sealed his water element, when activated a huge explosion of water will occur)

Goals: Takuma plans to help Kumogakure become as powerful as need be so that no one can get hurt.

Last edited by Takuma on Tue Mar 10, 2009 4:58 pm; edited 9 times in total

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Join date : 2009-02-13

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Takuma Tojiro (Done) Empty Re: Takuma Tojiro (Done)

Post by Takuma Mon Feb 16, 2009 12:06 am

Basic Jutsu List for Takuma Yakuza:

Name: Human Puppet Summon; Yue
Rank: C
Element: None
Description: Takuma takes out one of his Summoning Scrolls and draws his own blood and lets it drip on the scroll. The Scroll explodes and afterwards a 14 year old Human Puppet stands where the Scroll was with an emotionless face. Takuma attaches his chakra to it and uses it as he pleases. Takuma created the puppet in memory of his friend Yue and has equipped it with many traps such as 18 inch blades in the arms, mini flamethrower, posionous gas, or he can use it as a clone to help him with other combos.

Name: Demon Strangle
Rank: C
Element: None
Description: This Genjutsu will cause the area around the target to be enveloped by darkness. Once inside the black space, the target will see grotesque figures said to be the previous victims of the technique. These grotesqueries will reach out and grab a hold of the target. They will then be thrown into the void to the mercy of a spectral dragon. The horrifying demon can even extend from the targets own body to attack them. All aimed at transfixing the victim with fear and shock while Takuma himself chokes and kills the target.

Name: Bringer of Darkness Jutsu
Rank: A
Element: None
Description: Kokuangyou no Jutsu is a Genjutsu technique which causes the ninja's opponent to be enveloped in total darkness. While in the black void, the ninja will be unable to see any incoming attack or threat.

Name: Hell Fire Jutsu
Rank: C
Element: None
Description: Jigoku Gouka no Jutsu is a Genjutsu technique that causes its target to see a vision of fire. After Yoroi forms the needed handseals, a huge ball of fire will descend from the sky to envelope his target. The victims of the genjutsu will believe they are being engulfed by a torrent of fire and flee their location for safety.

Name: Hell Viewing Jutsu
Rank: C
Element: None
Description: Narakumi no Jutsu is a Genjutsu technique that causes its target to see a horrifying vision. The ninja will use the serpent hand seal to cause a circle of leaves to spin and envelop the target and then fall away. Once cast the world will appear normal to the target until they see the illusion.

Name: Mist Servant Jutsu
Rank: E
Element: None
Description: Kasumi Juusha no Jutsu is a Genjutsu technique that creates false attackers to delay and confuse the enemy. Though these servants are not real, the actual ninja is able to remain hidden and throw kunai and shuriken matching the movements of the servants. This makes it appear the false servants are capable of attacking. When the enemy attempts to attack the servant, they will merely disrupt the servants illusion body but not destroy it.

Name: Water Barrier Wall Jutsu
Rank: C
Element: Water
Description: Suiton Suijinheki lets the user create a blast of water from the mouth to create a wall. This jutsu is usually used to block fire type attacks or attacks in general.

Name: Water Dragon Jutsu
Rank: C
Element: Water
Description: Suiryuudan no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Water Element. The ninja does a long string of hand seals which then causes a column of water in the form of a dragon to rise from the water and then strike their target.

Name: Lightning Needle Technique
Rank: D
Element: Lightning
Description Raihari no Jutsu lets the user form many small bursts of electricty that pelt an enemy, wracking them with pain and screwing up their nervous system, but not enough to be fatal. If enough make it to the victim's body it can temporarily paralyze the enemy

Name: Lightning Bullet Technique
Rank: D
Element: Lightning
Description: Raidan no Jutsu lets the user create a large ball of electrical chakra and shoots it forward.

Name: Transformation Jutsu
Rank: E
Element: none
Description: The user assumes the appearance of another person or animal. This is one of the basic jutsu taught at the Academy.

Name: Replacement Jutsu
Rank: E
Element: none
Description: The user quickly replaces themselves with another object, such as a plant or an animal. This usually confuses the attacker and leaves them open to a counter-attack. A fairly common Jutsu, it is one of the basic Jutsu a Ninja must learn before graduating to the Genin level.

Name: Body Flicker Jutsu
Rank: D
Element: none
Description: This jutsu allows the users to appear and disappear in an instant. This is very useful when trying to escape or attack suddenly. The users often uses nearby elements, like mist, sand or leaves, to mask their disappearance or appearance.

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Join date : 2009-02-13

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Takuma Tojiro (Done) Empty Re: Takuma Tojiro (Done)

Post by Shin Uchiha Mon Feb 16, 2009 12:20 am

Mitomeru! "Approved"
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Takuma Tojiro (Done) Empty Re: Takuma Tojiro (Done)

Post by tradebuzzing2 Mon Feb 16, 2009 12:30 am

Please post justu in justu creation.


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Takuma Tojiro (Done) Empty Re: Takuma Tojiro (Done)

Post by Takuma Mon Feb 16, 2009 12:32 am


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Takuma Tojiro (Done) Empty Re: Takuma Tojiro (Done)

Post by Kenshi Mon Feb 16, 2009 8:29 am

We do not allow the Body Flicker, because if we did everyone would dodge peoples attacks, and it would never be fair in battle.


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Takuma Tojiro (Done) Empty Re: Takuma Tojiro (Done)

Post by Guest Mon Feb 16, 2009 10:44 am

As long as you dont use it in battle that is fine. Its fine to use it in an rp which is not a battle.


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Takuma Tojiro (Done) Empty Re: Takuma Tojiro (Done)

Post by tradebuzzing2 Mon Feb 16, 2009 1:26 pm

I told him to get rid of it in his jutsu creation, all is taken care of.


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Takuma Tojiro (Done) Empty Re: Takuma Tojiro (Done)

Post by Takuma Wed Feb 18, 2009 5:26 pm

More History:

After Takuma had finally started cooperating with the Kage, the Viilage had begun to take a turn for the worst. Almost everyday there was either a Civilian riot or a group of Shinobi from another Village tried to invade. This sparked an intrest in Takuma since he loved fighting and using his powers. The other Shinobi officials however did not agree with Takuma's ideas on the violence being a good training excercise. They thought that they shouldn't have to injure their own Civilians to make them obey the law. Takuma could've cared less about the other Chuunins and higher ups and decided to go ahead and stop the ones causing the chaos. He ended up going on a killing spree killing over 500 of the Rain Village's civilians. The Advisors of the Rain had known Takuma since he was very young and knew that if Takuma wanted to do something then he was going to do it.... even if he broke the law in the process. The Kage did not know about Takuma since when he went to read the information on all of the Shinobis takuma's wasn't there. That was because Takuma was filed under the most dangerous of the Rain Shinobi Forces and his information was destroyed before the previous Kage died. The Kage was somewhat confused about Takuma and his goals and had given him a traveling pass to do whatever he pleased until he needed him. With Takuma gaining the pass he put his hood up and left the Village to roam freely.

A few weeks afetr being away from the Village Takuma had already been to many other Villages and was staying at the Leaf for a while. Meanwhile back in the Rain, the Council had a meeting on what they should do to Takuma. They did not know if they should kick him out of the Village, lock him up, or hire assasins to kill him. They knew that Takuma was extremely skilled in the arts of fighting and was trained under the previous Kage which helped him master Genjutsu, Puppetry, and Summoning. They also knew that while he was freely roaming around he was training in the other specialties the other Villages had. It was true, while in the Leaf he had fought some of the Hyuuga and Uchiha suvivors. He was also getting training in with higher level Ninjutsu and Taijutsu with other Shinobis. The Rain Village had their hands full with Takuma and decided to extend his traveling pass for another month.

When Takuma recieved word that his pass was being extended he knew that something was wrong with the Village. He then began his route home, until he was ambushed by numerous Shinobis each from different Villages. He was attacked wherever he went and at least 8 times a day. Takuma was one of the Rain's best fighters and he was also very intelligent even though he might not show it alot. He then began to get the idea that the Rain no longer wanted him. He ignored the fact since he knew that the Rain needed him more than he needed it. After the 10th day on his track home, he began to get tired from the constant battles. He passed a tea shop and decided to stay there for the remainder of the day and continue on during the night. He entered the shop and went into the back corner. He ordered a cup of tea and then went to sleep. When he awoke there was a note attached to the body of the shop keeper. The note read;"You are in grave danger and if you continue on you will be treated like the shop keeper". Takuma shrugged off the threat and left the store on his way back to the Village.

Takuma drew closer and closer to the Village and the ambushes got even more frequent. This began to irritate him and instead of injuring the enemies he began to kill them. He could not stand the idea that his own Village would send their Shinobis to come and kill him. When the Gates to the Village were in sight he was confronted by a group of vividly dressed Shinobi, each wearing the Rain Village headband with crosses through them. The were Rouge Shinobis of the Rain. Takuma was already extremely tired from the previous ambushes that when they began to attack him he knew he could not hold out too much longer. He ended up feeling a large amount of power surge through him and then fainted only to wake up in the Village's Infirmary.

After Takuma was released from the Infirmary he was sent to meet with the Kage. The whole walk to the place his back was hurting and felt like he was burnt. When finally approaching the Kage's Palace, the Kage had him sit down. They then talked about his return to the Village and about how his back was hurting. The kage took a look at it and saw nothing. When he sent some chakra through it however he saw a seal of some sort in the middle of it. He then told Takuma that he had only been fighting with seemingly half his true power for the last 10 years of his life. This made Takuma wonder about his past and remembered that the Kage before the previous one had put something on him at a young age. He had no idea that it was a seal holding back his power. The kage then held a deal with Takuma stating that if he was to remove the seal he would have to be stationed in Kumogakure until they wanted to bring him back. Slowly, but surely, Takuma agreed to the conditions and had the seal removed so he could use its power as he pleased.

The following week Takuma had his bags packed and was sent on his way to Kumogakure. They stated they were going to send the Raikage a message saying that he was to be there for as long as they wanted him to be. This really didn't matter to Takuma because he planned on unpacking and then working on training with the seal's power. However his ideas changed once he reached the base of the Village and found out that the life he was going to live there was quite different from his previous life of roaming and being in the Rain. There were actually laws here that he would have to follow. He was also told that if he did good here he would recieve Jounin Rank.

Last edited by Takuma on Wed Feb 18, 2009 6:34 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Takuma Tojiro (Done) Empty Re: Takuma Tojiro (Done)

Post by Kenshi Wed Feb 18, 2009 5:32 pm



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