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Mayakashi (Finished?)

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Mayakashi (Finished?) Empty Mayakashi (Finished?)

Post by L Thu Jan 15, 2009 8:47 pm

Name: Mayakashi

Age: 21

Bloodline: Zetsubou

Rank: Unknown (S-Rank)
Classification: L-rank?
Village: Kumogakure
Alignment: Neutral


Personality: Mayakashi seems to always maintain a cool, disinterested exterior and it he seems to be a very cold, stoic person. Although that's how he seems on the outside, he's really only surpressing his other emotions, fore he thinks that emotions are what usually brings a human closer to his/her own death.

History: The moon was at it's highest peak up in the sky, fire covered the trees, houses, and everything else of that sort. Mayakashi ran by the side of his pregnate mother, only three years old at the time and yet still able to keep up with her. He followed her, trying to get away from the war that was currently in progress, she ran, knowing that he could keep up with her. Suddenly, she fell, and Mayakashi stopped, trying to help her stand back up. A woman can to their aid, she knocked-out and put him and his mother on her shoulders and disappeared.

When he woke up, he didn't reconize his suroundings. There were rocks everywhere and a big bright light coming from over a boulder. He walked around the boulder only to see his mother being used as a sacrafice to seal the 5-tailed bijuu, Gobi, into a small baby. Mayakashi wasn't a genious, but he was smart enough to know that that baby was his brother. He slowly walked backwards and then began to run. He ran behind another boulder and hid there until the light faded away, he slowly peeked to see what had happened. He saw his mother dead on the floor and a woman walk away with his baby brother in her arms. He ran to his mother as tears began to run down his cheeks, he kneed down next to her and said his first words. "I shall avenge you." Is what he said. He then stood up over her corpse and wiped his tears away. It was as if witnessing all that had awoken something inside of him, knowledge. He began to follow the woman. He stalked her, taking care of his baby brother from afar and learning what he learned.

When he turned 7, Sanmaru had turned 4, it was then when he was given his first opportunity to meet his brother, but he decided not to take it. He didn't want Sanmaru to know of him, at least, not yet. Two hours after Sanmaru was left at the day care, he arrived with fake parents to leave him there for a while. Although he kept his distance from Sanmaru, he observed his behavior and actions. When it was time for their pick up, Sanmaru and Mayakashi were the only ones left and even then they didn't talk to each other, they simply, sat in seperate corners of the room. Day after they, they continued this. After a year, the day came that the woman pretending to be Sanmaru's mother came back to pick him up, Mayakashi was able to tell what Sanmaru was going to do before he did it. Although he was slightly disappointed that their time togethor was now over, he was more interested in what the woman was doing for this whole time that she was away. He left the day care 1 minute after Sanmaru, following him once again.

Once Mayakashi arrived at where Sanmaru was, he began to listen to what the woman and an old man were telling him. Once it was over, he was interested in this training that Sanmaru was going to go through. He already a little about chakra and all that, but never actually practiced it before. He decided to mimic and go through the same training that Sanmaru was going to go through, only after observing some of it, he discovered how to make it so that the training would actually push him far beyond what it was ment for.

Five years passed, Mayakashi being 12 and Sanmaru being 10, the training had just ended and they both learned what they needed to learn. Although, since Mayakashi had modified his training from Sanmaru's, he had become stronger. His power was beyond Sanmaru's and he had mastered everything that Sanmaru could only get profeciant on.

A year later, Mayakashi wondered if he should still be following Sanmaru around. He'd been doing that for the rest of his life now, and he thought that Sanmaru was old and strong enough to take care of himself. But, if he did, where would he go? What would he do? Would he just live a simple life like everyone else? Or would travel the world and see what it held? He had to think of something to do, he didn't want to keep doing this for the rest of his life. But, he put those thoughts aside once he witnissed Sanmaru kill the woman and the old man. That's when it came to him, he had promised to kill her for killing his mother, but now that Sanmaru had done it, he really had no purpose. But he was now interested in what Sanmaru was going to do.

He followed Sanmaru and stopped once they arrived at Konoha's great gate. He had never seen gates so big before, at least, not that he could remember. As Sanmaru walked in and headed for the Hokage's mansion, Mayakashi stayed back walking in very slowly. He had almost forgotten about Konoha, his home village. He began to walk around the village slowly remembering it. Soon, he heard an explosion, he ran towards it, arriving in mere seconds. He saw Sanmaru becoming an ANBU agent. He then knew the life that Sanmaru had chosen, but was should he also pick the same life style? He walked off wondering about what he should do. He decided to stay in Konoha just to see Sanmaru rise through the ranks.

Three years passed, Mayakashi being 16 and Sanmaru 14, Mayakashi was walking on top of the Konoha village border that surounded the village, when he saw a messenger bird coming out from Sanmaru's office. He caught the bird and began to read the message that was atied to it's foot. It was something about planning an assasination on the Raikage. Mayakashi found it interesting that Sanmaru would be planning something like this out. He looked at who was to be recieving the message and began to head towards it.

Once he arrived, he was surprised that the reciever was a ANBU from the Cloud village. Betraying his won kage or his own village? Either way, he must have had his reasons, but even with that it didn't matter. Mayakashi stromed into the ANBU's room and killed him before he could react. He put in the ANBU's clothing and then burned the body. He was going to use this ANBU as a disguise until the assasination took place. He took out the letter and wrote a reply. He then called for a bird using a special bird call and sent it back to Sanmaru. They continued doing this until all the details on the assasination were agreed on.

Two years passed, Mayakashi being 18 and Sanmaru 16, the day had come, their assasination plans were about to go into effect. Mayakashi awaited Sanmaru ontop of a mountain just outside of the Hidden Cloud Village. He wondered how all this would turn out, but after spending 2 years in the Cloud Village, he saw that the Raikage wasn't anything special. He was just a coward that cheated his way to the top and hid behind others. He was no leader, and it would be Mayakashi's pleasure to have been a contributing part in his assasination.

Finally, Sanmaru appeared. They began to run through the plan once more just to make sure that everything was in place. Once they confirmed it, they began to head towards the village. On they way there, they began talking, Mayakashi told Sanmaru that he wasn't who he thought he was. He told him that he had killed the ANBU member that he had sent the message to, but that he was still willing to help. Sanmaru didn't really care, just as long as he didn't mess up then everything was fine. He began to go faster, they had a time limit in which they needed to be at a certain point.

Once they arrived, Sanmaru began to play his part in it while Mayakashi went on to the area where he was supposed to hide until Sanmaru arrived with the Raikage. When Sanmaru finally arrived with the Raikage, along with 5 other ANBU, in his office, Mayakashi's role started. He threw a senbon from a small hole in the roof down into the office floor with a note attatched to it. Once the Raikage picked up the note and read it, he sent 4 of the ANBU up to the roof to fulfill it's orders.

When the 4 ANBU arrived at the roof, they saw one of their own waiting for them, leaning up against the fence. He took out the katana that he had strapped to his back and signaled them to come and attack him. All of them went charging towards him at once with their katana's drawn. In a blink of an eye, the head of 2 ANBU went flying into the air, making the other two stop in their tracks. They looked around, trying to find Mayakashi. They soon spotted a blinking light in a corner, it was Mayakashi using his katana to reflect something making it blink , he was signalling where he was. Once the stared at the blinking light for 3 seconds, it stopped. Mayakashi then ran towards them cutting the head off of one and taking away his katana. He then knocked one down on the floor and placed the tip of the katanas next to his neck, in a way for so if he made any type of movement, his head would come right off.

Suddenly, Mayakashi heard Sanmaru announce the death of the Raikage. He grinned. Their mission was sucessfull, Sanmaru would become the new Raikage, but what of Mayakashi? He decided not to think about it, he just had to leave the scene before Sanmaru noticed him still there. He cut off the head of the ANBU and then disappeared in about 2 seconds.

Ever since that day, he decided to reside in the Hidden Cloud Village as a unknown ninja. He no longer follows Sanmaru around, for he kinda thinks of him as an inferior intellectual and that he can take care of himself now. He occasionally, though, leaves Kumogakure and goes to differant villages to see what the world has become ever since his mothers died.

Speciality: Doujutsu, Ninjutsu, Kenjutsu, chakra intuned
Learned jutsus: Practictly the same as Sanmaru, besides the bijuu ones.
Elements: All
Weapons/items: -
Goals: Unknown

Last edited by L on Sun Jan 18, 2009 11:37 pm; edited 1 time in total

Posts : 253
Points : 126
Reputation : 29
Join date : 2008-11-21
Age : 32

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Mayakashi (Finished?) Empty Re: Mayakashi (Finished?)

Post by L Sat Jan 17, 2009 4:10 pm


Posts : 253
Points : 126
Reputation : 29
Join date : 2008-11-21
Age : 32

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Mayakashi (Finished?) Empty Re: Mayakashi (Finished?)

Post by Guest Sat Jan 17, 2009 4:26 pm



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