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C.C. (Finished?)

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C.C. (Finished?) Empty C.C. (Finished?)

Post by L Mon Mar 02, 2009 10:27 pm

Name: C.C.

Age: Unknown (Appears A Little More Than 16 Years Old.)

Bloodline: -

Rank: None (Never Fought Before)
Classification: L-Rank?
Village: Wanderer (Currently in Kumo)
Alignment: Neutral


Personality: C.C. is willful almost to a fault, usually doing whatever she wants regardless of whether or not it inconveniences others. She also likes to withhold information, usually telling people just enough to leave them wondering. Her individual experiences have led C.C. to become a detached and lonely individual (though she usually tries to hide it, especially around those she does not know well). C.C. has a strong penchant for pizza and also carries around a stuffed toy of "Cheese-kun", for some unknown, strange, reason.

History: C.C. was born before the the ninja era, in a small village, hidden from all the others. In this village lived beings with incrideble powers. It was said that there was an immortal witch living among them, giving them their powers. This "witch", known as Cera, gave C.C. the power of making light green lightning come out from anywhere of her body, attacking the nervous systems and making them paralyzed for 3-6 minutes, aswell as the power to make everyone fall in love with her. This "witch" took C.C. away from her mother and nurtured her, as she did with every new born female in the village. Although, unlike the other females, C.C. was the most special, well at least in Cera's eyes she was. She treated her as though she was a queen, giving her almost everything she wanted and needed.

By the time C.C. was 10, people were already constantly asking her out, giving her present, and oddly enough, even asking for her hand in marriage. Of caurse, she rejected the marriage proposals, but she did accept the gifts and said yes to some of the people that asked her out. And that's how most of her life went until she was just a little above 16 years old. Once C.C.'s power evolved to its highest point and she grew tired of all the proposals and gifts, Cera transferred her immortality to C.C., allowing her to die while leaving C.C. in the position of repeating the cycle. But, in giving C.C. immortality, she took away her power to make everyone fall in lkove with her. And as she was supposed to, she kept giving new borns strange powers. Eventually, she gave some strange powers to a new born child, that would later be known as the "Sage of Six Paths". The man that would go on and make ninjutsu and begin the Ninja Era. But that's to far in the future for now.

One unfaithfull day, the villages that feared C.C. and her village, discovered it's location. They all got togethor and attacked the village, killing everything and everyone that they saw. C.C. ran to the church with the Sage Of Six Paths, as she liked to call him, Sennin. She hid him, knowing that she was somewhat special, like her. As the people ran into the church, C.C. began to pray. They all went barging into the church, with axes and whatnot. The began to attack her, chopping at her with axes and knifes. Eventually, they stopped, after she was completly covered in blood. They quickly left the village. C.C. awoke, in her bloody state, it was the first time she had died. She walked over to a secret cabinit where she had hid Sennin, telling him that it was okay to come out now. Togethor, they left the village and set out towards the outside world, unknown to both of them.

They eventually arrived at a village, one that didn't know who they were or what their former village was. That's where Sennin began to uncover the power that was bestowed upon him by C.C.. He began to use them to make ninjutsu, but felt as though he wasn't able to perfect it around C.C.. C.C. and Sennin stayed in that village for quite awhile, about 8 years to be exact. Sennin was now 21 and the villagers were getting suspicious of him and C.C., knowing this, C.C. had planned to run away from the village with Sennin. On the night they were supposed to run away, a lot of things went wrong. She had planned to just leave with Sennin without anyone noticing them, but the towns people had planned to unveil the secret behind her and Sennin on the same night. So, just as they were about to leave, a huge mob of towns people, carring pick axes and torches, surrounded C.C. and Sennin before they were able to leave. They asked them questions about who they really were and where they came from, but like C.C., she didn't want to tell them. After awhile, the villagers got irritated and grabbed C.C. by her arms and set her on fire. C.C. ran, screaming in pain. Eventually, she fell down of the ground, "dead". This is when Sennin first used his ninjutsu against other people, forming hand signs, he unleashed a big ball of fire from his mouth towards all the people, killing them.

He put out the fire covering C.C., picked her up, and ran. He didn't really care where he went, he only wanted to get away from the village. Once they were far enough, C.C.'s skin was almost back to its perfect state. Sennin than realized that C.C. wasn't making him weaker, but actually made him stronger, but he knew what he had to do. He left C.C. in the woods, near a river, it was unknown where Sennin went, but where ever it was, it was where he made ninjutsu known. C.C. woke up to find her self alone in the woods, away from that dreaded village. She wondered what had happened to Sennin, most likely dead, is what she thought.

She wondered around the world from then on, going from village to village, meeting new people, seathering bonds, being attacked and killed, it was always the same thing over and over again. It continued on for centuries, until the shinobi era began. It was unknown how it happened, but somehow everyone that was being born now had the same power as Sennin, the ability to use jutsu's. For the first century, the elderly, the ones that didn't have the ability to use jutsus, were constantly commiting suicide, in fear of the younger generation. After the first century, people no longer judged people like C.C., since they were now, almost, exactly the same. Although, there were still people who's powers were extremly weak, that they couldn't preform any jutsu's, these people would be treated as normal people, while the ones that had the power to make jutsus, known as ninjas, formed clans. She could now live in harmony with everyone around her, but her personality had changed from when she first started.

Even though C.C. had thought that all of the fights were over, but people began to fight about which clan was better and whatnot. Eventually it got to a point to where countrys began to fight to gain power and expand their territory. In these times, ninjas were nothing but individual clans acting as armed militia, each clan was hired to fight for a country. But, among all of the ninja clans, the Senju and Uchiha clan were feared as the strongest. C.C. being with the Uchiha Clan. Although she wasn't an actual Uchiha member, she knew all about them, in fact, she knew everything about every single clan that ever existed. She knew stuff that even the clan leaders didn't know. She shared her information with Madara Uchiha, telling him how to make his sharingan stronger. Madara, who needed the power, did as she said and gained the power, but he didn't know of the consequences. Once he went blind, he asked C.C., who was now always with him, if there was a way to get his sight back. C.C. told him of the only way being that of taking his own brothers eyes and inplanting them into his. Wanting to make his clan the strongest, Madara did as C.C. told him. Once the Senju requested an alliance with the Uchiha, C.C. strongly suggested that he turn it down, and again, as told, he tried to. But, the other Uchiha Members wanted the alliance, so he did as his people told him.

Of caurse, C.C. stayed with him, helping him, giving suggestions. C.C. knew almost everything that was going on, and also the best actions to take, but sadly, most people didn't listen, except for Madara, who took all of the advice she tossed at him. When the Uchiha and Senju Clan formed togethor to make Konoha, she thought that she might have been wrong when telling Madara to decline their proposal, that was until she saw what position the Uchiha Clan got. Even though most of them were blind to it, she was able to see exactly what the Senju Clan were doing. They were taking over Konoha and simply having the Uchiha there so they wouldn't have to get their hands dirty. It seemed as though the only ones who could actually see it were her and Madara, but she urged Madara to not do anything rash, knowing that if he were to fight the leader of the Senju, that they would both end up dead. Sadly, that was the one suggestion that he didn't listen to. When C.C. was asleep, Madara went off to go fight the leader of the Senju clan, and as you probebly all know by now, it was assumed that they both died, but Madara actually survived by teleporting to another location.

When C.C. woke up to hear that Madara had died, she quickly fled the village, since Madara was the only one that truely understood her and protected her from all the others. As she wondered around the world, once again, she eventually found her way to Kumo. There she thought to just act as a normal citizen until something exciting happened. Decades past by and eventually something exciting finally did happen. The Raikage was killed. She was in the front of the crowd that surounded the Raikage's beheaded corpse. Everyone quicky looked up to see a ANBU standing there. C.C. listened carefully to what he said and found it interesting. It was as if he was a newer, better, reincarnation of Madara. She wondered who the masked man was. After a couple of months, she finally confronted him, telling him her story. Of caurse, the man, Sanmaru, found her interesting, just as she found him. From then on, they lived togethor, secretly, no body knowing of their relationship. They gave each other suggestion of what they should do, each of them from time to time taking the others into consideration...

Speciality: Mental Attuned
Learned jutsus: None
Elements: None (Lightning, sort of)
Weapons/items: None
Goals: Currently Unknown

Posts : 253
Points : 126
Reputation : 29
Join date : 2008-11-21
Age : 32

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C.C. (Finished?) Empty Re: C.C. (Finished?)

Post by L Fri Mar 06, 2009 1:02 pm

Finished? Maybe, I don't know...

Posts : 253
Points : 126
Reputation : 29
Join date : 2008-11-21
Age : 32

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C.C. (Finished?) Empty Re: C.C. (Finished?)

Post by L Sat Mar 07, 2009 11:54 am


Posts : 253
Points : 126
Reputation : 29
Join date : 2008-11-21
Age : 32

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C.C. (Finished?) Empty Re: C.C. (Finished?)

Post by Guest Sat Mar 07, 2009 12:02 pm

Everything seems to be in order L. I will Approve this.


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