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Hokunam Sumiyaka "Namikaze"

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Hokunam Sumiyaka "Namikaze" Empty Hokunam Sumiyaka "Namikaze"

Post by Shin Uchiha Sat Feb 28, 2009 12:13 am

Name: Hokunam Sumiyaka

Age: 32 (A few seconds younger than Sannam)

Bloodline: Sumiyaka

Rank: A Ranked

Classification: B/A ranked

Village: Doesnt have one. Was born in Konoha's Hospital

Alignment: Neutral(Leans more toward evil)

Appearance: Hokunam Sumiyaka "Namikaze" Kyuu_sketch1_by_Lizeth

Personality: Hokunam is the total opposite of Sannam. He can be mercyful at times, but he is mostly hidden and quiet. His voice has always had a riggid sound, which makes people quiver when he speaks to them deeply. Even though he never knew his family's history, past, present, members, he always somehow knew about Sannam. Hokunam can be very careless on whom he kills and speaks to, as if he looks down on them like they are nothing at all. He is somewhat kind to children, as he finds mercy for them, not wanting to harm them. If he see's an innocent animal minding its own business, he might as well kill it for his own pleasure and amusement.

History: When Hokunam's and Sannam's mother was pregnant with the both of them, they looked exactly alike, as normal twins should. Everything went perfectly well throughout the months, but it was a matter of time until the village of Konoha was attacked and ambushed. His mother somehow got knocked out by one of the ninja, and taken to their base in a different country. Sannam and Hokunam were both still developing. The village was still unknown in the attack, but one doctor, knowing several thousands of seals, medical treatments, and chemical mixes, was going to operate on this woman. He had injected the womb with a needle, and the chemicals inside the tube were toxic and unknown. The needle went straight into Hokunam's little arm by accident. He was the one injected with the full dose of it. Sannam was the lucky one who wasnt effected by it, and neither was his mother.

The mother was returned to the village, and on the ground as if she had been laying there for a long period of time. His father found his mother, and took her to their hospital. They checked everything, and she was healthy as nothing even happened... Until they checked her developing children. A sudden effect took place from the chemicals, as Hokunam's hair turned red, as well as having nails grown into the shape of claws. The most odd changes out of all of them were having three lines on each side of his cheeks.

More and more months passed by, everything was fine for the 'Namikaze' family. Hokunam's mother went into labor, as Sannam was first. He was a healthy baby boy, then passed to the doctor. After a few seconds, then came Hokunam. Still the odd baby he is, they examined what was wrong with him. He opened his eyes, as they were blood red with a diamond shaped pupil, like a cats eye. His mother named Sannam, because San meant Sun. His father named Hokunam, because Nisshoku meant Solar Eclipse.

In a blink of an eye, the same doctor that injected Hokunam with the chemicals appeared in the room with them. He took the baby from his mothers arms and poofed away, as if it was all in one fluent move. The doctor appeared in a dark room. The room was lit by a few candles on the ground, but the candles were around the perimeter of something... It was a circle of Japanese Kanji symbols. The doctor placed the baby in the middle, as Hokunam was crying loudly. Several ninja came and sat at the edge of the circle, putting their hands on the symbols. The doctor got out a shaking jar, with seals holding down the lid. What was inside? They were about to find out.

The ninja began to chant different seal signs in japanese. The doctor used a special unsealing technique to unseal the lid, as he put his one hand on the stomach of the child. "Shishou Fuuin! Four Image Seal!"He shouted as he opened the jar, releasing a flow of red and white chakra, as it lead inside the stomach of the baby. A few minutes of sealing, the doctor laid on his back, dead. A spiral appeared around the baby's stomach with four symbols on the top and bottom. The Suno-Kyuubi had been sealed inside of this baby.

A jounin of the unknown country took in the baby boy, as he knew that the mother and father would never accept Hokunam for what he is now. The Jounin's name was Biki, as Biki became the new father of Hokunam. The boy was taken care of as if he was no different from anyone. Even if no boys or girls played with the odd little child, he just played by himself. His father had treated him with the best of care, even if he was alittle tough on him.

One day when Hokunam was about 5 years old, he asked what his bloodline was, and his clan. Biki told him he was a Namikaze, but he accually was not. He was a Sumiyaka, which were told to be one of the fastest ninja alive. Hokunam Namizake was what he went by since then. He had always got curious about who his mother was, and if he ever had a brother or sister, but Biki never answered that question.

When Hokunam turned 13, Biki finally confessed to him that he has a real mother and father, also a twin brother. They talked about it for hours on time. Hokunam never thought he would have a brother just like him, but he did not. Biki told him that he was genetically mutated by a shot with unknown chemicals(To him) when he was still in the womb. Hokunam grew upset and mad about this. His eyes grew narrow and he yelled and shouted at Biki. Knowing that the man was not his father, he had the right to kill him. With uncontrollable and amazing speed, the adopted father was killed in a bloody death scene.

-The New Era-

Hokunam had been living on his own since the death of Biki. He killed innocent animals in the woods with a weapon he had made by himself, cooked them, and ate them. He even learned how to grow vegetables and fruits. He had been a very independent person, able to think on his own and catching on quickly. He didnt have to even go out and buy commonly used sources to make the natural foods we all eat. He just stole them from farms and houses while no one was around.

He began to grow tired of being the usual civilian of his village. He wanted to be a ninja, but he never knew if they would even attempt to let him graduate or even become an Academy student. But as a few days passed, he comfronted the main proctor, "I, Hokunam Namikaze, would like to enter the Academic Exams to become a shinobi."He said with a face full of pursue. His red, spikey, shoulder lenth hair blew in the wind as his red eyes stared up at the man's eyes, staring into them. The proctor laughed and shook his head, telling him that he could not. Hokunam felt rejected once again, as he just walked back to his house and began to plan.

A few days passed by, as he walked outside fresh in the morning. He was getting ready to check on his vegetables and fruits. An old man, wearing a full orange robe walked up to Hokunam, greeting him with kindness and careless of what was sealed within him. Hokunam was aware of this mans gentleness, as the old man said, "Come with me to the temple of water. We will teach you the arts of Ice and Aqua.", as the young boy gave in, leaving his house and walking off to a new life, new hope, and a new person.

Hokunam arrived at the temple, as it was large and built with marble, a new mineral he hadnt seen yet. Smiling, he was taken in and was beginning to learn how to be a monk. Even though Hokunam could not combine two elements for some reason, as it didnt feel in his blood, he wasnt one of them, he could not master it. He was tought a different element... Lightning.The training with this shocking element left Hokunam in tears, bruises, and scars. It was all worth it in the future.

Years and years of practice, Hokunam was about 18 by now. He had learned how to control both Suiton and Raiton at the same time. His mutation must have lent him this amazing power, even though the Sumiyaka clan could not produce both at the same time, he was different. Hydroelectric energy, it was called. He learned on his own how to send small shock waves of lightning through water, through his own fingertips. He could even shoot a lightning bolt or two from the tips of his fingers. One of the monks even tought him many of seals.

Once Hokunam turned the age of 20, he set out on his own once again. He had many jutsu by then, and felt independent on his own now, and felt more safe that he had something to use when he was being attacked. The monks also lent him a spear with a curved blade at the top, very sharp, as he kept it weilded on his back so he wouldnt hurt himself. He returned home and grabbed his bags and whatever he needed to pack with him.

-Journey Era-

Travelling from country to country, Hokunam had no problem at all being alone. He was a very quiet and unsocial person as it was. He would see many animals pass by him, killing them with a dash and a jab of his spear, not even breaking a sweat. He had to know who he was. He had to know who his mother and father were. He had to kill his brother, and he had to know why he was so damn different from everyone.

Years of searching, he crossed from island to island, using he simple chakra to feet technique to cross oceans. He would even sleep on the water and have a protective layer of chakra so nothing could attack him as he slept. He came across many countries, killing innocent people who questioned him about who he was, or where he came from. He was carless as it was, no emotion for the citizens. He would leave Jounin in a bloody pile of more jounin if they all ambushed him.

He finally arrived to a country on his map he had. It was called the Fire Country. Memories raced past his mind, as he decided, that this was the place he was born. He had aged since his long journey from Island to Island. He was 32 now, as he knew that his twin was 32 as well. He couldnt wait to meet him, and then kill him, and killing anyone else that came near him. He smirked, as he looked at the amazing wall that kept Konohagakure in secrecy and safty. He jumped over the wall, landing at the top of it.

Taking a deep breath of the air, "This is where I find and kill him... Where I find who I am!"He called out, as he jumped down. He was in the area of Konoha, he was going to search for him and fight with Sannam.

Speciality: Ninjutsu, Fuuijutsu, Kenjutsu

Learned jutsus:
Name of jutsu: HydroElectric Pulse
Rank E-S: A
Range: Close
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): Created by Hokunam
Element Affinity: Suiton + Raiton

Description: Hokunam comes from either behind or to the side of the opponent, as he puts his hand on their back or neck. He sends a pulse of lightning through their body by releasing the lightning chakra into their blood. But since their body is made up of 60% of water, it sends a shock through every vein in their body that the lightning can travel to. This causes serious paralization and possible death.

Weakness: Must have the jutsu ready. That means he has to have his hands sparking with electricity, which is a big give-away to his jutsu.

Name of jutsu: HydroElectric Sphere
Rank E-S: A
Range: Close
Type of jutsu: Ninjutsu
Clan(Optional): Created by Hokunam
Element Affinity: Suiton + Raiton

Description: Gathering water into his hand, Hokunam is able to make it stay in his hand by the use of Suiton Chakra. He swirls it to a fast pace as it takes some time to get it going as fast as a rasengan. He then cofuses lightning chakra into the same hand with the ball of water. The water begins sparking in different directions, but keeping its swirl. The water starts swirling even faster as the lighting begins growing tendrils. Once the sphere hits the opponent, the water hits first, scratching up their body as if the water has shards in it of glass. Then the lightning hits, which can easly goes threw the opponent.

Weakness: Can be interrupted during the process if Hokunam is attacked.

Elements: Water and Lightning

Weapons/items: Spear with a blade at the head.

Goals: To find out who he is, his backround and history of the Sumiyaka/Namikaze clan, and to kill his brother.


Last edited by Kratos Aurion on Sat Feb 28, 2009 3:16 pm; edited 2 times in total
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Hokunam Sumiyaka "Namikaze" Empty Re: Hokunam Sumiyaka "Namikaze"

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sat Feb 28, 2009 12:46 am

approval pending
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Hokunam Sumiyaka "Namikaze" Empty Re: Hokunam Sumiyaka "Namikaze"

Post by Shin Uchiha Sat Feb 28, 2009 12:54 am

*He is going to die in a battle against Sannam anyways*
Shin Uchiha
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Hokunam Sumiyaka "Namikaze" Empty Re: Hokunam Sumiyaka "Namikaze"

Post by Shin Uchiha Sat Feb 28, 2009 3:16 pm

Made two jutsu.. [Added them under the Learned Jutsu]
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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Hokunam Sumiyaka "Namikaze" Empty Re: Hokunam Sumiyaka "Namikaze"

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sat Feb 28, 2009 5:00 pm

Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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