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Sannam Namikaze(God Of Life)

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Sannam Namikaze(God Of Life) Empty Sannam Namikaze(God Of Life)

Post by tradebuzzing2 Sat Nov 22, 2008 12:24 pm

Name:Sannam Namikaze


Rank: Kage


Appearance: Sannam Namikaze(God Of Life) Jiraya-1

Personality:Sannam is very seroius, he does not like to play around a lot. He gets annoyed very easy, and has a slight temper.The only time he will play is when he is with his younger brother.He enjoys lots of running, and helps people a lot. He doesn't always make the smartest chocies, but in the end, he comes out on top. He wants to become the strongest of his family, without having to kill anyone that is close too himself. He seeks power, but for the right reasons. Although Sannam is like this, a lot of the time, he sometimes shows a softer side. He wishes the best for his village and will his life to protect it and the people in it.

History: (History)-Hidden Era-

"You must be strong, my son. I love you, but I must leave" Said Sannam's father, the day he left him, in the leaf village. Sannam was not even a year old at this time, but was given to the Hokage to be kept in his care. He was treated with much care, because the Hokage had kepted him safe. He knew, from a young age that the Hokage was not his father, and did not want to stay with him long. However, the Hokage, put him in a serect academy class, were only he was the stundent and a selected Jounnin was selected to teach him. He was around the age of four, which was now a very young age for children to go into the academy. He was in there at an early age, so he would have something to do, and also he had a special power. This power needed to be master as soon as he could, because one day, he would be a great help to the Leaf village. As he learnt the basic ninja skills and other things these stundents learnt, he grew tired of only seeing this Jounnin teacher. One day around, the time he was going to gradute, he ran out of the buidling he was in and wanted to meet other childern his age. He was qucikly stopped, but he was stopped around some of the childern that were in the public academy. They childern were frighten and they ran. His fate was sealed, to be made fun of once, he become a Genin. A few weeks later he, had grauted, but still had to be a serect from the rest of the Shinboi, besides his old Jounin Teacher. He then started to train with more advanced ninja arts. He become, very good at these thing farily fast. He trained a lot, each day as much as he could, until it was time for him to learn his special power. Not many people knew how this power was going to be used, everyone, but the Hokage had no clue of it. Sannam's father gave him a set of training exerises, so he could train Sannam. It was an honor to be traine under the Hokage. He had been a father figure all his life, and Sannam was happy to be trained under him. As many months passed Sannam learnt only one thing, that would help him, master this Bloodline.

As the years passed, Sannam conutied to train with the Hokage. He was now eight years old, and almost ready for the Chunnin exams. However, he wasn't aloud to take them, for the fact as he had no team. As he trained in serect he, was left out on all his childhood, he didnt have a friend. He again got the idea of leaving the training and looking for a friend. He ran out and right then and there, one of the kids saw him and was scared to death. Sannam looked different from most kids, and the way, his charka was formed around him, like an aura. The Hokage sent out Jounin to find him. When the did, Sannam teleported away. It was a surpise to everyone. It wasn't a body flicker jutsu, it was different, his body moved from one place to another, in one moment. He did not know how to control this power, but this was part of his special power. Sannam looked up the the Hokage cliff and pointed to Minato. "He is the one" The Hokage was shocked and now knew, Sannam knew, of his speical pwer. The Hokage quickly took him back to his office and had to keep an eye on him, if their enemies found out of him, they would be in grave danger. However, Sannam would be released to the real world sooner or later. Meanwhile, his training coutined.

Sannam finally got the Genin team he was looking for. However, he was the strongest in his team, and the only one, strong enough to even think about joining for the Chunnin exams. Even so, the team had to compelte missions, so they could, get into the Chunnin exams. These missions seemed way too easy for Sannam, he watched the other genin, struggle. He had no need for them at this time, and did not care much for them. All he wanted was to get stronger, because thats all he knew. He did however, become friends with his new Jounin Sensei. He was more skilled than his last and also knew that Sannam, wished to become stronger. He put him through some insane training, strating with, his elements. Sannam's element was lightning and he did, want to learn many justus, using this element. He also wanted to make his own jutsu, but that would be saved for later. As for the missions, they were not going well. They still lacked the kind of battle, Sannam really wanted. His sensei did Spar with him from time to time, and Sannam Taught his fellow Genin, some of the things he knew and they did not. However, they still did not know, how to do the things, that Sannam did.

The group went onto the Chunnin exams and passed the first part with ease. They had found some infromtion, about the test and they were all failry smart kids. They had all passed to the second round. In the Second round, they had to work together, which was their weakest, skill. They did however, barely make it passed the second exam. It came time for the third exam and the two genin in Sannam's team got out from the start. Sannam, quckily took out his other oppoents and as aloud to pass the Chunnin.

As a Chunnin Sannam had much time to train alone and work on his Lightning jutsus. He had not learnt many, but he trained with the ones he knew, so he could use them a lot better. He also knew something about, another element he could learn at his current level. He went to his sensei, to find out what his second element was, which was wind. He liked the wind element, he was glad he had goten as his second one. He would train along time with these two elements.

As Sannam trained for four years, he become a very well, rounded Ninja. The only thing he really lacked was Genjutsu. He also did not wish to learn it, unless he needed to. He trained under several different Shinobi, so he could get better with his Ninjutsu and Taijutsu. His speend was amazing, but at this age he as nowere near the speed of Minato, nor the strength of him. He doubted he would ever become as strong as him. Even though he would never give up on trying, because even though this village had kept him a secert and for a good reason, he would defend it with his life. He was a step closer to become Hokage like, because most Hokages thought this way.

He trained each day to become stronger, but he was never ready to become a Jounin, because his Team was still a bunch of Genins. He did however, spar with his Sensei, and come close to winning. However, he let his guard down and got caught in a Genjutsu. He still had no want to learn how to use them. He went on to do many missions and he helped with the chunnin exams, hoping this time, his team would make it through. He watched and wait, as he did not see much hope in them. Although many of the Genin now were weak. As it came time for the last exam, they did pass, but only barely. They now could do missions, that were harder for them and they could as well work on their teamworking skills, which was much needed.

As the team, become stronger, while doing many missions and helping around their village, it came time too, become stronger and teach their own team. He did not get a team right away, but he countied to train. He even started to learn, the Rasgean, from The Hokage. As his training, came to an end, it was now time for the Jounin exam. .

As the Jounin exams came to the pass, Sannam was on of the first to sign up. He had no doubtin his mind that he would pass it. As h fought other Jounin, it came to see, he was ready. He was the strongest Chunnin and soon to be Jounin. As he came to pass the Jounin exam, many were impressed, at the skills he had. He would one day, become greater than the Fourth Hokage.

AS a Jounin, Sannam ment Zen and what he thought was the love of his life, Moka. He trained with, because, on a Tragic mission, one of his Teamates, had been killed and one was trapped and taken away. He got over it fast, becuase they were never really friends. Moka,was never really part of the Village at the time, but she was very powerful. Zen was stronger than Sannam, at the time, but not by much. They were not a team, just a group of friends, that were pretty strong. Sannam still had to stay secert and was not allowed to come to anything, that was afun evnt, not even the Exams. Sannam is getting very tired of, having to be excluded from all the fun things. Even though he still had much time to train, alone, and become stronger than Zen.

Around this tme, Sannam had fully mastered The Namikaze ways, and made some of his own jutsu. He even made a Genjutsu, because is was due time he learned atleast one. It also was time to pick a New Hokage, and Sannam fit the job.

-Hokage Era-

Sannam was chosen for the Hokage, but there was some doubt on how well he would do. It was Mostly Non-Shinboi and Shinboi Chunnin and lower. The simple fact, as they did not know who he was. They did not know him, nor how strong he was. Sannam deicded to hold a tourment, putting each rank, to fight against one another and the strongest out of each, would fight Sannam on a three verus one match. As you would thing, Sannam would lose, but however he took out the three with ease. Almost all, took one move each. They were amazed on how strong he was, but the stll did not know if he was ready to lead. Sannam knew he was, because he was also very smart, and he does not fold under stress.

As the months passed, Sannam met many new people, while having his job. One he had his eye on was Yoshimaru Kangai. He would on day, teach him, to become a great Shinobi. At the Time, a Man named Drac, had brought him too see him. Drac was the Nannin of the Sand at the time, and Taku was the Kazekage. After meeting Yoshimaru, he assigned him to a team, of Minato, Aimi and the Sensei was Zen. Although he had his eyes on Yoshimaru, he sercetly Trained Minato, his cousin. He taught him how to use the Namikaze skills.

Sannam had wished to make an allinace with Suna. However, he was attacked by the Kazekage, Taku. He showed him great attacks, and Sannam was the first ever to get free from Taku's Charka Cage. The battle ended in a draw. Tried, Sannam was allowed to stay and he then made allinces with the Sand village, but back at the Leaf village was under attack. The Team that Zen was assinged to, were now all Jounin and ready for almost anything. However, these invaders were stroger than Sannam and Zen. Also word traveled slowly to Suna about the attack, Sannam qucikly left once he haerd it, and along came Drac. They fought them off the best the could, it lead to the downfall of The Village Hidden in the leaves.

At this time, Sannam was not pleased with himself. He needed to become,even stronger and find infromation on, everyone one he could. This would mean he had to leave the village, and also come up with a new or tempary Hokage. Minato and Aimi left the village, so the only two choices were Zen and Yoshimaru. Although it would be a tough coice, he had till the rebuilt the Leaf village. Sanna wanted the new village, to be above ground and have mch more protection to it. He wanted it also to be more techogoly advanced, for this he needed to see Osamu. They were already, allies, but he needed him, so the leaf village, would nevr be destoied again. He agreed and helped them with the village. While the rebuilding, went on, Sannam movd the people of the leaf, to a safe area, in a different Contury. As the building came to an end, Sannam had to chose the new Hokage.

The time had come for hm to make up his mind. This was a tough choice, but the end result was Yoshimaru for the simple reason that he could take the village somewere. Sannam had also prepared a very long speech, explaining one reason he was leaving, To Become Stronger. He then noticed Zen, had left, for a reason he did not know. He went to search for him, he had spotted him, but he then disappered. Now it was time for Sannam to leave, he said his final goodbyes and left the village.

Last edited by Diabloss33 on Sun Nov 23, 2008 11:35 am; edited 1 time in total


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Sannam Namikaze(God Of Life) Empty Re: Sannam Namikaze(God Of Life)

Post by tradebuzzing2 Sat Nov 22, 2008 12:24 pm

-New Beginning-

Sannam left the leaf village, with many troubles on his shoulders. He did not know how well, the new Hokage would do and if the rumors he had heard, were true, he would not last long. However he had to leave, to become stronger. His first goal, was to learn how to use the Hermit Mode, he already knew how to summon the toads, this would be the next step. He began his travels outside the gates and quickly ran looking for them. He had researched the where abouts before, following Naruto's footsteps. Sannam, also was the first since Naruto to even be serious about learning the Sage mode. As he walked he took out books, that Naruto had written, about these Sage mode. He wanted to learn all he could, before starting the training. The books were, a big serect and Sannam did not tell, anyone about them. They were bigger books, and very hard to carry, there was a lot to learn, when wanting to use Hermit mode. As he came to a series of mountains he knew he was getting close. As he looked up the monutains he appeared infront of the one called Pa. Sannam bowed down and asked him to teach him the ways of the Toad Sage. Pa agreed because He knew, that he had been the Hokage and he watched him grow.

As the Training, started, Pa was surpised with how much he already knew. Sannam told him, that Naruto, explained a lot of it in a book he had wrote. Pa was not very happy, because now anyone could learn the Sage mode, or atleast he thought so. Sannam told him he had brought the books, and handed them over to Pa. Sannam's training went on. Sannam did not have to stick with the oil as long, because he had trained a lot, before hand and he was already a kaged level shinobi. He then did the exerise with complely staying steal. This was hard for Sannam, because he had been moving all his life. A few hous into the training, he had finally made some progess, but not enough. This part was a lot harder for him, than Naruto. He did not know why, he could not do it. At another hours pass, he finally had gotten the non moving down.

Sannam was greatly relifed that he had learnt how to use the Sage mode, but he had to leave, to become even stronger. He hoped he never had to use this jutsu, because it took along time to perform the jutsu. He greatly thanked Pa and lefted to research on groups like Akatsuki.

As Sannam left, he felt as if he missed something. A sceen came back to the leaf village, bout the time, Sannam found the Toads living area. Kyouken and Yoshimo had killed the Hokage, Sannam had a clone, to watch the village, and once he disappeared, he would know about it. He had him stay back, and watch. A kunai was threw his way, and he poofed away. Sannam was shooked, and felt asmued he had not been there for his village. He feel to the ground weeping. He now had to become even stronger, and more prepared, so this would not happen again.

When the Death of the Hokage, was accouned, a furenal was held the next day, Sanna did so up, for part of it, because he did not want to risk another attack, and this would now be the time to attack the village. However, he did not sense, the dead Hokage, just a new form of enegry from him, he knew that he could not be dead. He left to start his research.

Sannam was first intresented in the "Four Heavenly Kings". This was because they attacked his village and destoried it in the first place. He stuide starting with the smartestand the most well, known, Yoshimo. He studied him for several weeks, until he disappered, while fighting. Next was Kyouken, which did not do much, because he had a wife, who was once a leaf Jounin, he was very disappointed in Aimi at this point, but there was nothing he could do. Next was Jin, and along with him Lucy. Jin, However died, while he was studying him and no use in studying more of a dead man. The team seemed, to be no more, he stopped his studies and focsed on something far worse.

The Akatsuki was back a fully running. They even had a base he could not get into, and this would be a serious problem. He had to keep, all his atteion on this group. They had already started taking over the small countries, which, he could not get involed or this would ruin his studies. He had to wait, until he was ready to go back to the leaf village. As soon as the Akatsuki finally caputred all the small conutries, a new memeber had joined. His name was Ryu, and he called himself the Son of Pain. He called himself this because he had the Doujutsu Rinnegan, now the fight had really came to the world.

AS Sannam finished with his studies, it was time for him to go back to the leaf village. He traveld back, a new man. He was much stronger and devepoled his justus and came up with many new ones. He also looked different, he had hoped no one woul know it was him, but they most likely would. He enetered the Konoha's Gates. "I am home, My village." Sannam has now taken the title of Hokage back.

Learned jutsus: Kaze no Sunshin,Rai no Sunshin,Ka no Sunshin,Flying Thunder God Technique, and Rasengan

Weapons/items: (Specific items that you carry around thats not part of the typical shinobi. Ex: A poisoned-dipped katana)

Goals:To protect his village


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Sannam Namikaze(God Of Life) Empty Re: Sannam Namikaze(God Of Life)

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sat Nov 22, 2008 5:15 pm

Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Sannam Namikaze(God Of Life) Empty ummm

Post by jakesuma Wed Apr 08, 2009 7:43 pm

u do relize that pic is of young jirya rite


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Sannam Namikaze(God Of Life) Empty Re: Sannam Namikaze(God Of Life)

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Wed Apr 08, 2009 8:20 pm

Genius!!!! BRILLIANT!!!!!.....

I think he knows good and got damn well who the hell that is
Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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