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The shadow of the Drakun: Keiteki's Return

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The shadow of the Drakun: Keiteki's Return Empty The shadow of the Drakun: Keiteki's Return

Post by Uchiha Kumori Wed Feb 18, 2009 2:00 pm

A footstep creaked through the air as a hooded figure walked through the streets of Kumogakure, having been gone for god knows how long. Keiteki and Illidan had trained using a time Ninjutsu that was cast by him, which allowed him to bypass time and learn new abilities with a much quicker pace, and a more threatening one at that. Keiteki did not know whether or not that he was being hunted by Kumogakure Shinobi, but regardless of what was going on, Keiteki had slinked into Kumogakure, using an entrance that only he knew to bypass the main gates. Keiteki was in the village still, with a bone to pick with somebody he hadn't seen in a long time. Keiteki was wearing a black cloak on, with a hood to attempt and mask himself from his pursuers, but he knew the disguise would not last forever. Luckily, Keiteki's appearance had changed drastically since he was last here. He was no longer the same Keiteki, and he was not the same Keiteki who left the village some time ago. Keiteki had finally returned, with one thing in mind. Keiteki continued to walk through the streets, his metal clanging as he remembered his former sensei's words of wisdom.

”Do not be rash when you confront your destiny. You must step true, or you will fall to your doom.”

Keiteki was walking through the streets, as a regular overcast blocked out the sun above, Keiteki remembered all of his past experiences here in the Village Hidden in the Clouds. Soon, however, something caught his eye. A crater in the ground, in the middle of the street that had been covered. He stopped in his tracks, gasping, and turning his head, and recognized everything around him. He was in the same exact place where he had first sparred Yoshimo Izoto when he came back from his long journey so long ago. He remembered to the fight, which was the first step to darkness for Keiteki. Keiteki had grown jealous of his friend's own power. But now, Yoshimo did not have to come looking for Keiteki, as Keiteki had come to Yoshimo. But, then he saw a citizen, who stopped next to him, and looked at him.

“Hey, are you a Chuunin Exam prompter?” The man asked Keiteki curiously.

“No. I'm just stopping by.” Keiteki said with little interest to the conversation.

“I can't wait until the results come in, and which people passed the exams. It is sure to be close.” The man said excitedly. Keiteki simply nodded, and bowed as the man also bowed and went on his way, probably to do something that did not interest Keiteki. Of course, because there was an overcast, the man did not really notice Keiteki's lack of a shadow.

Keiteki then saw the clouds crack open, flooding the village with sunlight and glee. Keiteki had moved up to a high tower in the village, overlooking the rest of the village, and he could see the Raikage's building far away from him. Keiteki sighed, and began forming handsigns, and and summoned his Asari Doragons, all twenty of them hovering in the air, high up. Keiteki looked at one in particular, and gave this one a dirty look. “Find the Raikage. And bring him to me.” Keiteki ordered the dragons. The dragons all fanned out, becoming invisible, and going to search for the Raikage, the man known as Yoshimo Izoto.
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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The shadow of the Drakun: Keiteki's Return Empty Re: The shadow of the Drakun: Keiteki's Return

Post by Keano Fri Feb 20, 2009 1:44 pm

After leaving Takigakure, Le'Keano traveled north to the coast. He was searching for a man that was said to reside in Kumogakure. It was said he knew every medicine known to man and that he could help Le'Keano with his desired goal. Le'Keano had saved up some money for the long journey ahead and when he arrived to the coast, he found a ship captain that agreed to take him to Kumogakure for 30,000 Ryo.

Captain: 30,000 Ryo should do the trick. So when you save up that much, come back and tell me. Then we shall set sail.

Le'Keano: Do not assume that I dont have the money. I hate it when old men like yourself jump to conclusions. You caught me on a good day so I shall forget what you just said. Now here is the money....

Le'Keano had with him a briefcase with 100,000 Ryo inside of it. He opened the briefcase and showed the captain the money and watched as the captain nearly fainted from seeing so much money up close. Le'Keano then closed the briefcase and then said he would pay the captain once he got there. The captain agreed and moments later, they set off. It was a long ride and after a week of sailing they made it to the coast of Kumogakure. As everyone began to unload the ship, Le'Keano began to walk off the ship and onto the dock. The captain noticed that Le'Keano was not on the ship so he yelled with anger and began to chase after him.


The captain continued to make his way towards a foggy area that met the docks. After a couple minutes of running, he stoped and crouched down to catch his breath. Moments later, he could hear footsteps that seemed to surround him. He looked around but the fog made it near impossible for him to see who it was. Then out of the fog came walking Le'Keano. He showed a emotionless face towards the captain, but the captain only continued to scream at him.

Captain: YOU FOOL!!!!! You think you could get away without paying me my money?!?! You stupid..........

Before he could finish his sentence, Le'Keano had appeared behind him. Tendrils could be seen coming out of the captain's chest and moments later, they went back inside of him. He then droped to the ground and Le'Keano was holding something bloody. It was the captains heart; he then squeezed the heart in his hand and watched as it gushed onto the ground.

" I said dont jump to conclusions old man."

Le'Keano then dissappeared in the fog........

A couple days later Le'Keano had made it to Kumogakure. He had never been here but he was told that it was a village in the sky. It ws true. Le'Keano even had to ride a skyline to even make it to the entrance of the village. Once in the village he began to look around. It was as if he came to another world. Everything seemed so different than when he was in Takigakure. After a couple minutes of walking he saw a man standing in front of his direction............

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The shadow of the Drakun: Keiteki's Return Empty Re: The shadow of the Drakun: Keiteki's Return

Post by Uchiha Kumori Fri Feb 20, 2009 3:07 pm

Keiteki found something coming for him. He immediately saw all twenty Asari Doragons in front of him, going back to their visible forms, Keiteki looked at them with dissappointment, thinking that they had not found anything, and he was right. They had told him that there was no sign on Yoshimo Izoto in the Village. Keiteki then sighed, and called them back, all of them in a huge puff of smoke. Keiteki then looked down before hopping back down to the ground, and wondered where he was. But, then Keiteki saw something. It was a man, but it was nobody that Keiteki had ever saw before. He did not know who this person was, but then he saw something. It was a Waterfall Headband. Keiteki knew this man wasn't from the village, and then it hit him.

"Le'Keano." Keiteki whispered under his breath.

He was a cruel and dangerous man, who has killed more people than most other ninja in Hidden Waterfall. Keiteki did not know why he was here, but he knew he was here for blood. Keiteki did not want to start a fight instantly, but he knew he was here to kill somebody. It was about time for Keitek ito test his skills. Lying down, he created one Kizuuton Bunshin, which looked just like him, and jumped behind the tower he was sitting on. Now, there was both Keiteki and a Kizuuton Bunshin on the loose. Keiteki needed to test this man, and see just why he was here.

Then, a figure walked out from behind the tower, looking just like Keiteki, with no differences in appearance, began walking up to Le'Keano, hoping that Le'Keano wouldn't be able to penetrate metal. He then walked up to Keano, wielding a Katana Sword. He looked grave and serious.

"Just what is a ninja of your stature doing here? Answer me, or know my steel by heart." Keiteki warned him.
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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The shadow of the Drakun: Keiteki's Return Empty Re: The shadow of the Drakun: Keiteki's Return

Post by Keano Fri Feb 20, 2009 3:38 pm

Le'Keano stood still and began to stare at the man. Using his contact lense to sense chakra, he noticed that this man was a clone. Le'Keano didnt have time to fool around. He needed to find the one they called Yoshimo Izoto. As the clone gave him a bold threat, Le'Keano became enraged. He was rare that someone would walk up on him and start trouble. But after awhile of looking at him, he noticed who he was.

"So it is the one they call Keiteki Drakun ehh. I read in the Bingo Book that you use Kizuuton. A Yin Yang chakra. Since you stand in my way I guess I have no other choice but to force you to move out of my path."

As he was talking, Le'Keano had managed to harden his body. As he looked around, there seemed to be no one else in the area but them two. He then began to think. After a couple of moments of creating a idea, he smiled. Well maybe he wouldnt need Yoshimo at all if everything went to plan. Le'Keano then performed a handseal and created two clones. Then one of the clones cocked his fist back and then came in with a monstrous punch towards Keiteki clone's chest.

"Get out of my face!!!!!!!!"

Since he knew that Keiteki utilized Kizuuton, he understood that this battle would probly take a little longer than the rest he had.....

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The shadow of the Drakun: Keiteki's Return Empty Re: The shadow of the Drakun: Keiteki's Return

Post by Uchiha Kumori Fri Feb 20, 2009 3:47 pm

"Kizuuton Kaika!" The Keiteki-form screamed out.

In a few seconds, Metal began springing out of the stored, condensed amounts in his stomach region. Keiteki mmediately grabbed his opponent's clone by the arm as it went to punch Keiteki, and now he held it in hand. Keiteki needed to use great caution in this upcoming battle, as his abilities may prove to be the death of Keiteki. Keiteki was not going to lsoe here, as his true foe was just around the corner. Keiteki needed to focus on getting rid of these clones first, otherwise they may jeopardize Keiteki's whole strategy. Keiteki decided to take on the approach of a two phase plan. This was the first phase, and he needed to complete this phase before he could move on to the next. But right now, Keiteki needed to act fast.

In a moment, a humongous crown of spikes extended from Keiteki's stomach, all of it condensed metal, springing out at the clone that was in his way. The spikes stretched out at his foe too quickly too dodge. Keiteki then extended his other hand forward, and began using the condensed metla in that hand two create two spikes in fornt of him, both of them meant to puncture the other clone. Keiteki knew this foe would have to take him a little more seriously.
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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The shadow of the Drakun: Keiteki's Return Empty Re: The shadow of the Drakun: Keiteki's Return

Post by Keano Fri Feb 20, 2009 4:18 pm

Le'Keano saw the incoming spike's going right at his remaining clone so he began to perfrom a string of handseals. The clone then croached down to dodge one of the spikes, but as the second one came in, the clone leaned to his right to avoid it. As the spikes pasted him, the clone stood back up and then stared back at the rival clone. Now Le'Keano was done performing his handseals and he then said......

"Suishouha - Water Collision Destruction!!!!!"

Suddenly a large volume of water to materialized out of nowhere. The water current then rushed at the opponents clone. Le'Keano decided to use Suiton on his opponent because he knew that metal would sink on the surface of a large amount of water. This would give him time to perform the next step. As the water closed in on the clone, Le'Keano wasted little time. He bit both thumbs and perfromed handseals. After that he slammed his hands onto the ground and said....

"Kuchiyose no Jutsu!!!!!!"

Suddenly a enormous amount of smoke appeared and moments later, Le'Keano's summon could be seen. It was one of his turtle summonings, Unakite. It stood about 100 feet and Le'Keano and his clone could be seen standing on top of it's head. Le'Keano then began to speak to Unakite while the water from his attack began to settle....

"Im sorry for summoning you but I need your help. As you can see im fighting Keiteki Drakun and he uses Kizuuton. I will need help from lightning abilities."

The large turtle then made a strange sound to confirm what must be done and within seconds, he inhaled a large amount of air. He waited about 5 seconds before exhaling. As he exhaled, streaks of lightning could be seen coming from his mouth towards the wet ground below where Keiteki's clone was located. Le'Keano knew that Kizuuton weakness was Raiton so the electrical attack was sure to do some type of damage. Le'Keano and his clone just continued to stand on top of the turtle's head while the attack continued.........

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The shadow of the Drakun: Keiteki's Return Empty Re: The shadow of the Drakun: Keiteki's Return

Post by Uchiha Kumori Fri Feb 20, 2009 5:08 pm

OOC: lmao it was a crown of spikes, EVERYWHERE. Reality previals, but Keano attempts to defeat reality and advance. XP

"Heh..." Keiteki said.

Keiteki did not see this attack coming, but he was totally prepared for it. Before the water swamped Keiteki, he took a huge income of breath, and stored it inside of his powerful, artifsct lungs. Keiteki could battle for over tne minutes without oxygen before he needed more, so he took advtange of this. However, there was a new danger ahead for Keiteki is a huge turle was summoned seemingly out of nowhere to attack. Keiteki knew he was going to be in trouble when he saw that Lightning attack come straight for him. However. This was nothing. Keiteki was going to end this fight switfly, but he needed a strategy to do it. Keiteki took action.

Suddenly, a Kizuuton Bunshin came from behind the tower the moment he saw the lightning attack. Why? Kurogeizou. It allowed Keitkei to modify his body using metal attachements. He was able to mimic the habits of his own Kizuuton Bunshins, and therefore trick his opponents. Keano was attempting to draw out Keiteki, but in reality, it was Keitkei who was out all along, fighting, and it was his clone who was hiding. The clone jumped in the way of the lgihtning, right in front of the attack ,and using the conductive nature of metal, took the entirety of the attack, crumbling into flakes, metal falling to the ground.

Keiteki then took action with a summoning of his own. Keitkei finished his tedious handseals, and held his hand in the air, and with a humongous puff of smoke, in the air was the monster known as Sanseki. This beast was the ideal summon for the situation. Keiteki then ordered Sanseki to come down on his foe.

Sanseki made a bee line tackle for Keano's summon, with all three heads breathing fire, ready to slaughter the summon. In the background, Keiteki was already forming handseals for his next offense.
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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The shadow of the Drakun: Keiteki's Return Empty Re: The shadow of the Drakun: Keiteki's Return

Post by Keano Fri Feb 20, 2009 5:46 pm

OOC: Oh my bad. I thought it was just two spike's coming.

Le'Keano saw how the clone was actually Keiteki all along. He then watched as the clone sacrificed himself to counter his attack and how Keiteki created a large three headed beast that was heading right towards them. Quickly, Le'Keano used his range finder to estimate how close the beast was from them and how fast his Katon attacks would come. He came to the conclusion that he had less than 8 seconds to do something about it. Le'Keano quickly thought of a plan. He made his turtle summon poof away so that he and his clone could gain more time as they fell from his head.

"This will give me 7 more seconds. So in total, now I have about 13. For now I will have to play on the defensive end."

Le'Keano then began to perform more handseals while the clone also perfromed handseals at the same time. As they continued to do the string of handseals, the clone manuvered his body under Le'Keano's. He then faced the ground while Le'Keano faced the incoming summoning. Le'Keano finished his handseals first and then said....

"Daitoppa - Great Breakthrough!!!!!!"

Le'Keano then took in a deep breath and exhaled, sending a massive gust of wind towards the fire attacks. As the two attacks collided, a large firery swirl was created, since the wind came towards the fire, the wind outmatched the fire which sent the swirl back at the summoning. Meanwhile, the clone finished his handseals and said....

"Kaiwan no Hiya - Strange Arm Flaming Arrow"

Suddenly the clone extended his hands with the tendrils help, and crushed into the ground below. By using the rock element, the clone was able to easily break through the ground, forming a deep tunnel. Just as they were about to hit the ground, they both fell into the tunnel. To soften his fall, the clone sacrificed himself as Le'Keano fell onto his body. Le'Keano wasnt that much damaged from the fall because of the clone as his coushin as well as him hardening his body earlier. Le'Keano then waited here until he felt the summoning hit the ground......

"Now I must perform the third step quickly..."

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The shadow of the Drakun: Keiteki's Return Empty Re: The shadow of the Drakun: Keiteki's Return

Post by Uchiha Kumori Fri Feb 20, 2009 6:09 pm

Keiteki watched as his foe managed to avoid the crushing blow of Sanseki. Keiteki was impressed that his foe managed to avoid that blow. However it cost them all of that chakra just to save their turtle. Keano would have to use up even more chakra to summon it again, which would work to Keiteki's advantage, who has only used one Kizuuton Bunshin and one summoning so far in battle, where as Keano has used two clones, a summoning, and many jutsu. Keiteki already has the advantage of terms of power, and now he has the advantage in terms of remaining chakra. Keitkei just needs to finish this foe off to win it for good.

Sanseki took it upon himself to continue raining fire on the ground, attempting to keep Keano pinned down. Keiteki hid in the fire, and after finishing his handsigns, came out and jumped on top of the same tower that he had started with, and waited for his opponent to make a move.
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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The shadow of the Drakun: Keiteki's Return Empty Re: The shadow of the Drakun: Keiteki's Return

Post by Kenshi Fri Feb 20, 2009 6:40 pm


So...sine you guys didn't do that, any damage that is done to the village will not affect the village, but the RP will still continue.


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The shadow of the Drakun: Keiteki's Return Empty Re: The shadow of the Drakun: Keiteki's Return

Post by Kenshi Fri Feb 20, 2009 6:47 pm

Also if someone dies then they die for real...its just the village thats protected


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The shadow of the Drakun: Keiteki's Return Empty Re: The shadow of the Drakun: Keiteki's Return

Post by Keano Fri Feb 20, 2009 10:41 pm

"He knows that im running low on chakra, but this is what will give me the upper hand. I hope that he doesnt know too much about me."

Le'Keano stayed underground as he thought. He had now thought of his plan to its entirety, but it would be risky. While still underground, he created one clone. He then performed some handseals while the clone began to jump up out of the hole. As he emerged he saw the beast still blowing fire. The clone realized that this summoning must have a large chakra reserve. But before he could do anything else, the summoning blew fire towards him. Quickly the clone performed more handseals and without hesitation, said........

"Kazekiri - Wind Cutter!!!!"

Suddenly a strong line of wind developed in front of the clone. It then rushed towards the summoning, and with it's superior power, split the fire in half. As the piercing wind continued to rush towrds the summoning. Le'Keano was done with his handseals and out he yelled...

"Doton Kekkai • Dorou Doumu - Earth Barrier • Earth Dome Prison!!!!!!"

Suddenly the earth overturned and rose up around the summoning. Since the summoning was so big, Le'Keano's earth chakra was nearly depleated. But before it ran out, the clone ran and got close to the trapped summoning. He then made his way on top of the dome and slammed his hands down onto the top of the dome. Suddenly Le'Keano began to gain some chakra back from using the summoning's own chakra as his resource. Not only was Le'Keano benefiting from this. His clone was also obtaining chakra while at the same time focusing on the dome's weak spot. This would make sure that the summoning was trapped and couldnt get out while Le'Keano and his clone both refueled on their chakra supply. Just in case if Keiteki happened to step in the way, they would be ready for him........

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The shadow of the Drakun: Keiteki's Return Empty Re: The shadow of the Drakun: Keiteki's Return

Post by Uchiha Kumori Fri Feb 20, 2009 10:57 pm

Keiteki saw the whole move unfold in front of him. It appears that Sanseki is in a toughy. However, Keiteki knew how to defeat a jutsu such as this one. Keiteki hard learned about it while training under Illidan. Since it was not an element Keitkei was not able to easily deal with, he extensively studied under it, and knew how to deal wiht plnety of these abilities, and one of them was this jutsu, meant to halt an enemy. He also knew that the jutsu could be used in conjunction with sending the user isnide fo the dome to gain the advantage, almost like a cage match. Of course, since this jutsu was on such a large scale, it would be harder to destroy. But Keiteki had that strength, the ability needed to destroy this attack. Keitkei pulled out all of his size bombs from his pocket. He knew he mgiht need these later on, but he needed all of them to crush the wall.

"Die." Keiteki said coldly. It was time for this foe to die.

Keiteki threw about ten or fifteen between marble sized objects forcefully at the dome from far away. Keiteki knew what was going to happen. Before about two seconds form impact, the bombs all increased in size, becoming huge, and smashing into the prison. The earth around Sanseki began crumbling as quickly as it had formed, and Keiteki had hoped that this would be the end of it. Suddenly, as the dome began crumbling, Sanseki's middle head smashed through the top of the prison, with it's mouth open, teeth bared, and closed it's mouth over the clone. Sanskei then flooded his mouth with fire, probably incinerating the clone as quickly as it had appeared.

Keiteki then turned his attention to the hole. Sanskei immediately knew what to do. Flying high up in the air over the hole, Sanskei rained a huge fire storm over the hole, spreading the fire into the innards of the hole, flame broiling everything on the inside. Keiteki knew that this foe would not die that quickly, so with handsigns ablaze, Keiteki set up the only trap in his arsenal. One that would rain the senbon of hell upon the enemy.
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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The shadow of the Drakun: Keiteki's Return Empty Re: The shadow of the Drakun: Keiteki's Return

Post by Keano Fri Feb 20, 2009 11:48 pm

Le'Keano knew that he would have to take some type of pain to get out of this one alive. The dome had given him a great amount of chakra back so he knew that it was not over yet. He began to perform handseals and moments later he said "Suishouha - Water Collision Destruction!!!" Suddenly more water appeared out of nowhere. The hole then began to quickly fill up with the water and the incoming fire attacks were easily negated. The next step was to find a way to stop the incoming senbon. Le'Keano was tired of this summoning and thought that it was time to destroy him. Since his thumbs were already bloody, he slammed them on the ground....

"Zoisite emerge!!!!"

Suddenly out of the air poofed a even larger turtle. This turtle was was Zoisite, Le'Keano most powerful summoning. As it came crashing down above the unknowing summoning, Le'Keano used this time to merge with the water from his suiton abilities and emerge a distance away on top of the surface where it was still wet on the ground.

"This guy is good. I will need a new tactic.......but what."

Le'Keano stayed there just as Zoisite was about to land ontop of the summoning. Le'Keano would have to think of something fast....

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The shadow of the Drakun: Keiteki's Return Empty Re: The shadow of the Drakun: Keiteki's Return

Post by Uchiha Kumori Sat Feb 21, 2009 12:04 am

OOC: For the record, you shouldn't be using ANY of these summons, for the sheer fact they haven't been approved yet. The move you just used right now should be nulled, as should've your previous turtle. However, check to make sure when you use something, it is APPROVED.

"Heh, you underestimate Sanseki." Keitkei gravely told Keano.

Sanseki immediately moved out of the way, using his great speed and agility to his advantage. Keiteki smiled, as now the turtle was on the ground, with no hope of dodging this next move. Keiteki knew that it would definately sap chakra, but it was all worth it. Sanseki immediately swung around in his flight path, and taking advantage of the turtle's fall, Sanseki literally jammed himself at his opponent, charging straight at the vast turtle's face, biting down with all three heads. This attack was certain to leave this turtle dead, and the next attack was also certain to leave Keano dead. Keiteki smiled as he finished his handsigns, and hopped ihgh into the air, and got ready for this next attack. However, Keiteki suddenly noticed that half of Sanseki's body was crushed by the turtle, being held by him, which meant Sanskei was rooted there either way.

Keiteki put out both hands, like he was going to use Fireball Jutsu, but instead, a deadly, different attack came. A humongous titanic blast of fire, Keiteki's Gurenkou, or Grey Fire, was blasted out of his mouth. The fire immediately wreaked it's wrath upon the land, grey fire fanning out all over, literally burning through the ground, and burning through buildings, and there would be no hiding underground, as the attack was also burning underground as well. If a ninja dared to go any further than as fire as the fire could reach, they'd be crushed. The Gurenkou raged across the battlefield, and Keano was not in sight. Keano's fate was uncertain. If he was swallowed, he'd be dead.

OOC: Keano, I'm going to give you a choice. You can either accept defeat now and here, and that will be the end of it. Howeve,r if you do NOT accept defeat and continue fighting, than I will make your death as embarrasing and unconventional as possible. You don't want to be remembered as the guy whoes ninja was killed by an ignited fart.
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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The shadow of the Drakun: Keiteki's Return Empty Re: The shadow of the Drakun: Keiteki's Return

Post by Keano Sat Feb 21, 2009 12:47 pm

OOC: What do you know, they are approved.

Le'Keano watched as the three headed summoning rushed at Zoisite. He figured out that this guy was in fact too much to handle at Le'Keano's current state. As the summoning was about to bite down on Zoisite, He forced his body inside of his shell, which left the three headed summoning biting down on his hard shell. Le'Keano then noticed that Keiteki finished his string of handseals and then blew a mysterious grey fire in his direction. Zoisite was ok from retreating back into his shell. He then took in a deep breath and exhaled, causing a current of water to blast out of his shell directly at the three headed summon. Le'Keano then heared Zoisite yell.......

"Le'Keano!!!!! Today is not your day to fight with him. Retreat and save your life. I will give you some of my chakra just so that you can escape from here."

Le'Keano was surprised to hear these words from Zoisite. He cared about his pride, but he would just have to suck it up and deal with the loss. Le'Keano then began running towards the left side of the area. As he ran, he used his range finder to approximate the distance from him and the incoming fire. He came to the conclusion that if he continued at this pace, the fire would catch him before he made it to the safe zone. He then perfromed a couple of handseals and then said.......

"Kaiwan no Hiya - Strange Arm Flaming Arrow!!!!!"

Suddenly his arms dispatched again and shot out in front of him. They moved at a increased speed from the chakra that zoisite gave him. A couple of seconds past and the fire was not right over Le'Keano. As it began to crash down, his hands had griped on to a crack in the ground. He then was immediately pulled in that direction. As the fire collided with the ground, debree of fire began to rise up and some of it managed to hit Le'Keano's back. He screamed in pain and then rolled over onto his back to try and put the flame out. As he made it to where is hands brought him, he sat up and then looked in Keiteki's direction.

"It seems that you have won today. So accept it and allow my retreat. I will not forget your name though. You may have won today but believe me when I say I will return for you."

After saying this, Le'Keano slowly rose to his feet and began to run in a direction of fog. After his attack, Zoisite then poofed away seeing that Le'Keano had managed to saved himself. As he continued to run, his appearance dissappeared inside, only showing the emotion from a loss......

OOC: As much as I have learned about battles I know that I will win some then I will lose some. But I must live to fight another day. Besides I told you my condition so take heed to that and just accept this victory. Mad

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The shadow of the Drakun: Keiteki's Return Empty Re: The shadow of the Drakun: Keiteki's Return

Post by Zen Sat Feb 21, 2009 2:58 pm

OOC: Alright hold on first off Keano you cannot run from this battle after deciding to not run when Keiteki gave you the choice,you have to stay and fight. Secondly you used those summonings that weren't approved till after you posted them in your post,so that entire post you did means nothing and you are still in the battle. So as far as im concered either stay and fight or your character dies automaticly without fighting.
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Anbu Captain

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The shadow of the Drakun: Keiteki's Return Empty Re: The shadow of the Drakun: Keiteki's Return

Post by Kenshi Sat Feb 21, 2009 3:10 pm

I'm going to null this since it never was started off right by Keiteki in the first place.


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