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Keiteki Drakun (Deceased)

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Keiteki Drakun (Deceased) Empty Keiteki Drakun (Deceased)

Post by Uchiha Kumori Sat Jan 03, 2009 10:52 pm

Keiteki Drakun (Deceased) 15zp6x3

Kekkei Genkai
Ying Yang Element

Name: Keiteki Drakun

Age: 27

Bloodline: Tsubasa Zono Doragon

Rank: S Rank Missing Ninja
Classification: Kage-Leveled
Village: Kumogakure
Alignment: Good


As in tail with the inheritance of the Drakun Clan, Keiteki is a physically fit young man. He is relatively skinny, and muscular for his age, although almost a half of Keiteki's muscle's are located in the Kekkei Genkai part of his body. In addition, Keiteki is of relatively tall height, about 6 feet and 6 inches of height, he is much taller than his mother, who is only about 5 feet and 7 inches tall. Keiteki is unnaturally light, only about 120 pounds. This is because of his Kekkei Genkai, he needs to be thin and light in order for his flight abilities to be at their peak. Keiteki does not appear as strong as he really is, because his bone's aren't as strong as other people. This is also a weight saving feature. Because of many traits of the Drakun Clan, some people refer to members of the clan as birds people. However, the clan is not to be underestimated or made fun of. Keiteki is still relatively good looking, and does look for opportunities to further his looks, though he does not really make a fuss about it.

Keiteki's hair is untamed to the eye, it is brown, and it appears that there is more hair than there actually is because Keiteki wears is forehead protector higher up than most ninja, and holds his messy, semi-spiked hair up. In addition, he has a long, spiky ponytail which almost reaches down to his waist (like Jiraiya), and he tends to this with great care, unlike the other parts of his hair, simply because many men wear the ponytail, and others tie something around their waist which leaves a sort of "tail" at the front. This is to come even close in nature with Dragons. Keiteki's nails are not actually nails, but are in fact claws, very hard and rooted by muscle, along with his toes, which are easily extended to a foot in length. This makes them weapons in themselves. This only adds to their nature as dragon worshippers and warriors, who use dragons and dragon likes techniques and martial arts.

Because of his new afilliation with the Akatsuki Organization, Keiteki has now doned a new set of clothes. Like all members of the organization, he has an Akatsuki Robe on him, complete with the black background, and the complementary red clouds, all in one cloak. His cloak's sleeves are a little more narrow than a normal cloak's sleeves to allow for more effective swordsmanship. The cloak's collar is also usually partly open, leaving the face, the base of the neck, and a small part after that visible, revealing his undershirt. Like other members of the Akatsuki, he has the same bamboo hat on him, and it masks his identity on the move. He has the same kind of undershirt worn by Uchiha Itachi, making his clothing much lighter on him, allowing for greater movement. Also, on his back is the Kanehajii, which holds all of Keiteki's weapons, strapped to him with an "X Belt". Also, he has three scrolls inside his cloak, one for holding his artfiact swords, the second meant to hold the Kanehajii, and the third is used to hold the artifact gauntlets, which he wears on his hands most of the time.


Keiteki has been through numerous personality changes, with his reverse back to the good side, his personality has also lightened, and became like his former self. Keiteki is still a prideful warrior, giving his opponent a fair fight, and is not one to cheat another person, or backstab another. Keiteki still has his pride, but he values honor and friendship over anything else, over his reputation, which has bleaked in his home village. Keiteki cares deeply for his friends, even if he does not show it some times, he still holds a deep concern for his friends and accompanies, and will do just about anything to protect them, even putting his own life on the line to help them, he will leave no man behind. In addition, he has a firm sense of what is right and what is wrong. However, what this is, is yet to be seen. Keiteki is also reliable, and even in the spite of some mishaps in his life, he has managed to find himself, and now seeks to accomplish his goal.


Birth Time (0-10)

At the time of Keiteki's birth, there was a Shinobi War in the process, between the two factions of the Village Hidden in the Clouds, and the Village Hidden in the Leaves. The Leaf Village, though very peaceful, was involved in many Shinobi Wars, mostly because of territory hungry villages. Keiteki's birth was between two members of the Drakun Clan, his mother, Reidou Drakun, and Daifou Drakun. Both were strong and proud ninjas of the Hidden Cloud Ninja, and during war time, Reidou's pregancy prevented her from battling, until Leaf Ninja killed Daifou in battle. It was around this time that Reidou gave birth to her new baby, Keiteki. However, hearing the death of her husband made her furious, and she unwittingly charged into battle for her village, but died in the end.

Keiteki was a newborn baby orphan. However, Reidou's cousin, Tesuda, and her own husband, Ikkoku, were both members of the Drakun clan, and readily adopted Keiteki into their family, also losing their own son in battle, trying to fill the void to an extent. However, the two loved Keiteki more than they had ever loved anything else. This was around the time the Cloud Village was forced into submission, and had to sign the peace treaty. Because of this, Keiteki's own orphan parents never fought anymore in the war.

After hearing of the attempt to retrieve the powers of the Byakugan from the Leaf Village, the family became rather sad, and tried to get the Raikage to take responsibility, but to no avail. This only diminished his foster parent's respect for the nation. Of course, at present day, a new Kage stands tall, one who is more honorable than the previous. Because of this, Keiteki was raised in having pride for his village. He never, however, severed ties with his religion, which would only bring himself as low as the previous Raikage, or so he believed. Keiteki continued to grow up, not learning his foster parent's secret.

Lessons of the Genin (10-14)

Keiteki was entered into the Ninja Academy of Hidden Cloud when he was only six years old. However, he was still barely able to keep up with the rest of his class, and generally did not pass the academy for a while. However, because he was entered into the academy so early in life, he was able to graduate at ten years old, only accredited with this because he spent four years in the academy. This proved a great decision for his future, learning the ways of the Shinobi young in his life. Keiteki was promoted to Genin, and was partnered with two other Genin and a Jounin master after graduating the Academy.

His parents were very pleased in his passing the academy at a young age, and began to plan something very special for Keiteki, but not yet, later on. Right now, Keiteki was spedning much of his time training his method of Taijutsu, which involved incredible aerobics and gymnastic moves. He wasn't weak, but he wasn't a prodigy either. He was still the better Genin in the squad, however, and this continuously showed through out his time in his squad. His talents also made a mark on his foster parents, who still have yet to tell him about his biological parents. They simply couldn't do it.

Keiteki and his squad undertook many of the low ranked E and D ranked missions, as other Genin teams would do, but, like many other Genin, eventually grow tired of the “chores”, and want to move on to the real missions. Keiteki got his first real mission when he and his team were hired to deal with a young man, only about 18 or 19 years old, who had robbed a nearby weapons shop. They bit off more than they could chew when they were dealing with a group of 5 bandits, who were each masters of a certain weapon. The one who had attacked was a master of Shurikens, and managed to land a Shuriken in Keiteki's left arm, which were thankfully not his main.

The boss was a Chuunin Level missing ninja, but the squad leader was able to defeat this foe without much trouble. There was the problem of the five weapons masters, but Keiteki was able to fight them, and was able to burn down his foes with Goukakyuu No Jutsu. This was one of his strongest assets at the time. At the time, he only possessed strong Taijutsu, and a few Katon Techniques. This all changed, however, when Keiteki was close to becoming Fourteen. It was decided that he was old enough for something that going to change his life.

Keiteki was brought to the large, main clan compound, where there were a few other clan youth, one older and one younger than he was. Another three were somewhere over with the adults, walking over to us. Keiteki was brought for something in which every Drakun Clan Member was put through, no matter what. It was time for Keiteki to sign his summoning contract with dragons. One by one, each youth was forced to cut down their primary arm, and use the blood to sign a blood contract with dragons, and then it was up to their families or Jounin masters to teach them the Summoning Jutsu. Keiteki got a hold of the Summoning Jutsu in about a week by training with his foster father. He summoned the first summon he had ever done. An agile, mount dragon known as Sumikaya. This Dragon allowed the user to have easy transport if they were injured or too fatigued to use their wings. Keiteki was yet to gain his wings however. That was for later in life.

Keiteki also experienced yet another terrible revelation. One morning, he awoke to a table with breakfeast, but normally, his parents would be there to greet him. Suddenly, he overheard I conversation between his parents and a Clan elder, Sanosuke. He overheard the terrible story of his parents, and before he could say anything, He burst out an open window, and began running, and running, and running away. He couldn't take the shock of his parent's fate, and learning that all this time, they were simply pretending to be his parents. Keiteki had no other will but to run. He stormed out of the village, running away to an uncertain fate.

Keiteki spent at least a few weeks in the wild, feeding on what he could find, and was a in a bad medical condition. It was when a Ninja from the village actually found Keiteki was he returned to the village. Due to a long talk, and a long hug, Keiteki realized that even though his true parents had gone, these people had stepped in and became his parents, no matter who created him, they were the ones who had raised him and loved him since the day he came into their hands. Keiteki got over his depression, and was able to readily step back into the ninja business, and rejoin his squad.

Armed with his new power, Keiteki spent a shorter amount of time perfecting his abilities, able to summon larger Dragons now who were capable of fighting, but still weren't the monster sized ones who were to come later in his life. However, it became time to test his new abilities during the Chuunin Exams. These were the exams that took place a year before the famed Sand/Sound Invasion of the Leaf Chuunin Exams. Keiteki passed the Chuunin Exam with flying colors, however, sadly, his squad members died during the third part of the exam, killed in battle. However disappointed Keiteki was now a Chuunin Ninja. Keiteki was able to grow out of it, not really growing a large bond with his squad members, but still feeling for them.

Chuunin Dragon (10-19)

Over the period of several years, Keiteki continued to serve the Hidden Cloud Village, and continued to improve on many of his jutsu, and was able to become a full fledged Drakun Clan member, save for 1 thing. When Keiteki entered his adult years, he was called for yet again another special ceremony. However, this ceremony was the ceremony in which Keiteki was to activate his Kekkei Genkai, his dragon wings. Joining the same clan members that he did when he signed his summoning contract. By meditating under the Drakun Clan shrine, with other members bring out Keiteki's power, and he grew his wings. He felt like he took a load off his back. He could stretch like no other. He immediately tested out his wings, and loved it.

It was at that time that he had mastered his most powerful technique he has. The White Flame Technique, capable of destroying everything in it's path, yet can only be used once in a battle. However, the time was soon to come where the life of Keiteki was truly put on the line. A powerful Ninja from the Village Hidden in the Mist faced Keiteki in battled, one who had mastered the use of the weapons, and used huge versions of weapons, and was able to raise the dead. This powerful ninja fought Keiteki in a graveyard in the Lightning Country border area. Though the battle was decisive and very close, Keiteki was able to previal against his powerful foe, but rather than leave him or disgrace his corpse, he gave the man a proper burial. This showed Kieteki's honor system.

Drakun: Jounin (20-Present)

Some time later, after furthering his skills to the peak of what they are now, Keiteki was promoted to Jounin. Also, as his first mission as a Jounin, he was given an S-Rank Mission was assigned. He was hired to assassinate the leader of a powerful organization and cult, the Crossbone Society. Keiteki, along with two other ninja, were sent into the village, and attempted to assassinate him. However failing, the three chose to face the man in mortal combat. During the battle, he lost one of his teammates, but was able to kill the leader. This was regarded as one of his first major successes as a Shinobi. Keiteki had yet to face a revelation he had not yet experienced.

Last edited by Keiteki Drakun on Thu Apr 09, 2009 9:46 am; edited 16 times in total
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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Keiteki Drakun (Deceased) Empty Re: Keiteki Drakun (Deceased)

Post by Uchiha Kumori Sat Jan 03, 2009 10:52 pm

The Drakun Clan was split into two before the formation of the Shinobi villages. One side stayed loyal to the old ways and the Chivalry of the Dragons, while the other side of the clan detached from the traditions of the old ways, and formed their own customs and traditions, defying honor and replacing it with evil. The Drakun Clan was disgraced by this uprising slice of the once solid and great clan. It was when, on a normal B Rank Mission, he encountered a member of the dark side of the Clan.The power he weilded, rivaled Keiteki's own. However, shock and weakness, due to the man being of his own kin, got the better of Keiteki, and he was defeated, but thankfully, rescued by his teammates. Afterwards, Keiteki regretted holding weakness, and now, he has a new goal: stop the dark side of his clan.

The Gathering Storm (Present - 25)

It all began with a simple sparring match between Keiteki and his friend, Yoshimo Izoto, a friend of Keiteki. Though Keitkei did win the short sparring match, he believed that Yoshimo did not care for the match, and was "going easy" on Keiteki, and he left to do other things by the time Keiteki had won, and this was the first step to his darkness. Keiteki wanted more and more power, driving him to complete his new S Rank jutsu, Roku Tama Seiryoku. Keiteki mastered this impossibly powerful jutsu, but even that couldn't beat Retsu Drakun. Keiteki continued to train, and was soon faced with another challenge, but this allowed him to move forward, and advance into a more powerful ninja, but all this power, and he thought he was still weak.

Soon, he was able to discover that he had an extremely recessive element, Doton. Though he could not form jutsu with it, he soon began to think of a way to make it stronger, and allow him to become even stronger, and form a new technique. However, he found more than a new technique when he tried using all three of his elements simultaneously, and he drew out and amplified the power of Metal. He was able to use it on small scales, for now. But soon after siscovering his new ability, evi lreared it's face, as the air turned cold, and Keiteki was now faced with fighting the powerful Retsu Drakun, the Coldblood. Keitkei did battle, along with Lelia, a Genin, who fought his summonings. Though the battle swayed and turned, Retsu never had the intention of killing Keiteki. Rather, since his own life was giving out, he needed somebody to replace the position of Coldblood, and the dark dragons recognized Keiteki as the next one. Had this not been the case, Retsu would've easily killed Keiteki.

Retsu used a poison given to him by the dark dragons to stab Keiteki, injecting them into his body. Rather than kill him, it was actually the final push to darkness. The toxin got into his brain, and began nullifying his emotions, and gave his already darkening outlook the final push, and Keiteki was now able to become Coldblood. First, the dragon Retsu was riding, Hydra, was killed by Keiteki when he used his Shiro Enkou Nenshou against it, burning it completely, leaving little traces of it, except for it's bones, which still lay at the site of the battlefield, and Retsu was also caught in the White Flame, but not before deliveirng the injection. Also, when Retsu cut himself with a shuriken and threw it at Keiteki, Keiteki's own power was amplified by the blood, as it contained much of his chakra, and yet another poison. It was all a game. Now, Keiteki has turned to darkness, and his future remains shrouded in it.

The Breaking Dawn

Keiteki took it upon himself to do away with the one man he believed was the source of all of his trouble, and that was Yoshimo Izoto, his former friend. Keiteki found him, along with three other, powerful ninja, and engaged him in combat, attempting to take his life. Yoshimo did seem somewhat shaken by the attack, but it did not prevent him from defending from the attack, and he fought fiercely. However, the battle was seemingly swaying in Keiteki's favor, as he laid a few damaging strikes to Yoshimo before the spectators took action to try and stop the fight, and either take away Keiteki, as one man wanted to do, or to recruit Keiteki into their own organization, as in Yoshi's own case.

Keiteki fled the scene along with the man, but chose to split off from him himsrlf, leaving him to an uncertain fate, Keiteki found himself on a moutain, all alone, contemplating his life. Suddenly, his friend, Yoshimo appeared. Reassured by his friend, and realizing what he had to do, Keiteki abandoned his darkness, and turned to the light once again, now shining as a beacon of hope, and redeeming himself to the dragons, Keiteki joined Yoshimo in his Akatsuki Organization, and a year and a half's worth of planning, training, and sharing good times even, Keiteki is now on the move once again, now older, and ready to bring out his best.

Speciality: Ninjutsu, Element Attuned
Learned jutsus:
Many Fire Jutsu
Many Wind Jutsu
Many Metal
Other jutsu
Elements: Fire (Primary), Wind (Secondary), Metal (Ying Yang Element)
Weapons/items: Artifacts, Weaponry.
Goals: Unknown

Last edited by Keiteki Drakun on Thu Mar 19, 2009 6:19 pm; edited 5 times in total
Uchiha Kumori
Uchiha Kumori

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Keiteki Drakun (Deceased) Empty Re: Keiteki Drakun (Deceased)

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sat Jan 03, 2009 11:09 pm

Kyouken Uchiha
Kyouken Uchiha
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Keiteki Drakun (Deceased) Empty Re: Keiteki Drakun (Deceased)

Post by Uchiha Kumori Thu Mar 19, 2009 6:19 pm

Updated for timeskip.
Uchiha Kumori
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Keiteki Drakun (Deceased) Empty Re: Keiteki Drakun (Deceased)

Post by Uchiha Kumori Sat Mar 21, 2009 8:48 pm

Sexual bump
Uchiha Kumori
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Post by Kenshi Sat Mar 21, 2009 8:58 pm



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