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They Meet (Shishio and Shini only)

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They Meet (Shishio and Shini only) Empty They Meet (Shishio and Shini only)

Post by Shishio-Sama Mon Feb 16, 2009 10:33 pm

After a year of staying in the cherry blossom village Shishio decides it is time to see his sensei and tell him the news of his son's death. Packing only what he needed he headed out to the village that had once been allied with the Sound, the lightning village. Not sure who the kage was he headed straight for the village without bothering to learn. "I wonder if I will encounter any old acquittance's on the way" Shishio thought to himself as he traveled on his trusty tiger Kin. Making his way from the Cherry Blossom village took sometime considering it was in another country but taking flight with Kin, Shishio had managed to cut the trip down to three days finally arriving in the Lightning country.

Pausing outside of the Village gates Shishio dismissed his summon and took a break to star at the sky. The clouds were a pure white, luscious and fluffy, almost unreal. The sky was a beautiful light blue with striations of sunlight, there was a clear view of the son, no clouds in the way just pure light shined down illuminating the village in all of it's glory. There was a cool relaxing breeze that brushed against Shishio whole body making him feel as if he were floating. He felt light on his feet almost as if he were a leaf dangling from a tree branch ready taken away by the wind. His eyes lite up with excitement as he felt a strong surge of power run through his body. His heart began pumping fast and he could feel the blood course through his veins. Leaping into the air he goes higher than the village gates scanning the village with his kotetsu bloodline feeling the H2o in the air for any familiar presence. Not finding any that reminded him of Seth or Kanakaru he began to wonder if he came to the right place. Letting himself fall he still scanned the area one last time and found the man who had been serving the drinks in the tavern the night Shishio told Kankaru of his father's death.
Falling elegantly through the cool air Shishio landed far on the other side of the village gates landing almost flawlessly. Recovering quickly he dashed to the man who had been the bartender at the tavern that night in hopes he may know something about Kankaru's whereabouts, or at least Seth's.

Covering the ground in a matter of seconds Shishio had traveled about one mile within a couple minutes taking his time to warm up from the dash. He flew, glided on water, and went into a sprint having fun with his freedom from living in restricted areas for the past 17 years. "I feel like a whole new person" Shishio said aloud to himself as he moved through the air taking in a deep breathe reminiscing about the times when he was on his own taking in the beautiful scenery. Coming to a halt realizing he almost over ran the distance he exclaimed a random phrase the Crop farmers used to say on a good cropping day, "Moisture!" he said aloud not caring if he looked like a fool or not. An old lady near by had heard him and must have thought he was insane by the look on her face, Shishio only chuckled and knocked on the door where the man's presence was felt. Before waiting for someone to answer the door Shishio peered into the house with his kotetsu to see who was in the house, quickly he noticed a women was coming to the door and in the far right room the man seemed to be sitting on his own. "Hello?" the women said answering the door unsure of who was knocking. "Hello does Kentasu happen to be home" Shishio gave a random name hardly remembering the name of the man, he knew it started with a "K". "Uhh, you mean Ketsu" She replied, not waiting for his answer she went to get the man. Ketsu came to the door with a curious look on his face unsure what his wife had been trying to explain to himself when she tried explaining the man at the door. "Hello...what business do you have with me?" the man asked. "Hey Kento" getting the man's name wrong again, "It's me Shishio Kankaru's pupil. I was wondering if you happened to know where either Kankaru or Seth might be? I need to give Kankaru news of his son..." Shishio sad looking down at the ground. Stepping out of the house Ketsu told Shishio that Seth and Kankaru had left for the mist village last he had heard. The tavern wasn't doing so well so they closed down and left on their on reasoning.

Thanking Ketsu Shishio wondered why they would go to the mist village, and what business they had there then headed out himself, performing one hand seal ice wings formed on his back and he took of leaving behind a strong gust. Flying high matching the birds Shishio soared the sky like a fighter jet playing around as if he had no cares in the world. Trying to test his own power he began to slow down then suddenly burst higher into the air seeing where he would peak. He shot through a cloud before finally redirecting himself and shotting down taking the shape of an arrow to gain extreme speed. As he got closer to the earth he opened his wings slowing his flight thus activating his kotetsu eye to scan the area for any familiar presence once again. He had made his way far out rof the lightning village and on the road to the mist. Ketsu had told Shishio that they had left only a day ago and looking at their state as they left they seemed to be taking their time to get there. "Maybe I can catch them on the way there if I pick up the pace a bit." He thought to himself as he got closer to the ground and kept an eye out with his bloodline to seek out any signs of Seth or Kankaru nearby.

Looking at the sky now Shishio noticed it was no longer as clear as it had been in the Lightning village. The sun was covered by dark droopy clouds and the sky was had an alternating color of blue and purple. The scenery was almost as if it had come straight from a painting. He was a bit weirded out by the drastic change in the scenery but assumed he had just made it farther than he thought. Suddenly he felt a strong pressure in the air a familiar wave life. There was a strong being near by and it's force was immense, landing from his flight smoothly he hit the ground like a cat light on his feet. He began walking around the path smelling the air. It was filled with something strange, an almost demonic spirit. The smell made Shishio's mind flash of blue. "Sensei?" Shishio mumbled aloud.

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