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Shishio Sotatsu

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Shishio Sotatsu Empty Shishio Sotatsu

Post by Shishio-Sama Sat Nov 29, 2008 10:15 pm

History:Born in the Moon Village, Shishio was the brother of Zetsuya and son of Kazumea whom was the Anbu leader of the Demon Lotus. On the day of his birth there was a raid formed by the Sound village. The raid was aimed at the Sotatsu family, also the only still living users of the kotetsu eye. The eye was a rare kekkai genkai with a the shape of a crescent moon around the pupil which allowed the user to freely manipulate water. New worshipers of Orochimaru had come across documents of all Orochimaru's conquers and failures to gain the hidden jutsu and bloodlines. The followers decided to form a massive organization in the name of Orochimaru, they were to pursue and destroy any failed attempts that Orochimaru had made in obtaining knowledge from other clans, villages, etc. making him seem like he was the greatest shinobi in history.

Kazumea being the Anbu leader of the Demon Lotus had no thoughts of running away when the organization came to destroy the Kotetsu eye. But in the midst of this blood filled battle he heard a child crying, instantly he thought of his new born child and decided the only way to protect him would be to release his sealed demon. He quickly ran to his wife and two sons telling them to run and hide until this was all over. Zetsuya having recently finished the Chunnin exams thought there was no way he was running away to hide when he had spent all his time training to master his kekkai genkai with his father. Kazumea decided to take Zetsuya into battle with him knowing the risk. Now having made up his mind he re-entered battle with his son Zetsuya. After hours of fighting Kazumea stopped to look around and found almost all Anbu squads had been killed, finally cutting his arm and smearing the blood across his chest and performing multiple hand signs to release his sealed demon he felt a sharp pain in his chest and his vision began to go blurry until he suddenly lost consciousness.

When he woke up he looked around only to see Zetsuya with a dis amputated arm, quickly he ran over to his sons body calling out his name. Kneeling down next to his son he began shaking his body vigorously and calling his name in hopes of waking him up from his unconscious state. After a few moments of trying to awaken Zetsuya Kazumea finally realized he was dead. Tears began to stream out of his eyes as he held his son close to him for the last time. Standing up and wiped his eyes he looked around only to see through the trees only to see his wife Sayuri had also been killed.

Falling to his knees again thinking of his failure to protect the village he looked around one last time. No cries or sounds could be heard for miles. He then came to the conclusion that Shishio is new born son must also be dead and it was all his fault. If only he could have held the Sound raid of with his own power not the reckless power of his demon that was locked away in his body. Bringing himself to his feet, Kazumea slowly walked over to the blood filled river that surrounded the small village. He saw a kunai clenched in one of his dead Anbu member's hands, stopping next to the body he leaned over trying to hold back his tears from seeing one of his own men dead, taking the kunai from his squad members hand he brought it to his head and plunged it deep into his cranium letting out a cry of hate, pain, and sadness which ecoed through the forest that covered the village.

Just after the echo of the cry faded a crying infant could be heard shifting far off in the forest. Shifting in the trees opposite of the cries could be heard as allies of the Moon Village appeared leaping into the village and quickly scouted the area, they had come too late to help ward of the raid. The leader of the squad told his men to search for any survivors. Two of the men ran through the village checking every house in the village, after about four minutes of searching they came across the crying infant wrapped in blanket with his Sotatsu emblem on it. The two men brought the child back to their squad captain reporting that this had been the only survivor they found. "Hmm, only one survivor huh. That organization are damn ruthless, we will take our leave now if none of the others have found anything of importance. As for the child when we get back to the village I will leave him in the Shukasu families care."

15 years passed and Shishio spent his life training as a mist shinobi, unknowing of his real family and their tragic death. Aina was the only daughter of the Shukasu family and was five years older than Shishio. So Shishio was mostly in the care of Aina while her parents worked or went on missions assigned by the village. Aina finally decided to tell Shishio the truth about where he was from and about the organization that had aimed to destroy his family, and the reason why. Now knowing why he had always had a good feel for water, a strange feeling in his left eye, and about his families death he decided to seek revenge. He promised himself he would no longer laze around and blow of training as a Genin, he promised himself that he would pass the upcoming Chunnin exam and leave the village only to become a wandering shinobi that seeks revenge on the Organization members that did this.

On Shishio's 16th birthday Aina went out looking for him while he was training alone to pass the exams. Aina wanted to present Shishio with a gift for all of his hard work and determination, he had finally shown true strength and meaning as a shinobi. Aina was always a kind hearted person and never seemed to show any hate towards anyone so she could never comprehend Shishio's hate towards the sound shinobi that had killed his family. She believed that all people deserved a chance especially when they haven't even met before so she wanted to teach Shishio a lesson along with giving him the present.

After having finally found Shishio Aina prepared for what she wanted to say. "Shishio!" Aina said. "Hmm, Aina what are you doing out her in the forest?" Shishio replied. "I wanted to give you this for your birthday." Aina said pulling out a summoning contract from behind her back. Shishio looked at her puzzled not knowing what is was. Quickly Aina replied, "You don't recognize it do you...Well it's a summoning contract that was found in the ruble after the destruction of your village." Looking at the item closely Shishio proceeds to take the contract from Aina's hands and began to exam it closely. He had never seen one before, given that he was still only a Genin. Looking closer at the writing he saw his last name on it, "Sotatsu?!" Shishio murmured. "Yes thats right it was a contract passed down from generations of the Sotatsu family, your family." Shishio turns his head to hide his tears, this is why he had preferred to wear his head band around his eyes, it hide his emotions from everyone. He no longer wished for tears or sadness in his life, only revenge. "Thank you...Aina" Shishio said. "Your welcome Shishio...There is no need to hide your emotions when you are with me, I'm your family now Shishio please do not shut me out, I love you." Shishio froze realizing that he was in love with her, "Ai..Aina...I am sorry for any pain or burden that I have caused you. I will try to be more happy for you if that is what will make you smile" Shishio replied turning around to face Aina he wiped his tears. Aina not sure what to think replies with what first came to her head, "Thank you Shishio, and you are welcome for the gift. Now come on let me teach you how to use this like a pro!" Shishio smiles "Yes sensei, please teach me so that I can be strong like my family before me." Aina replies "Shishio you must forgive those who killed your family if you want to learn true strength. To fight like a true shinobi one must let go of all their feelings towards others and clear their mind. Please you mustn't be clouded by the hate for those who killed your family. I know you have been set on wiping out those who hurt you and that is your shinobi way, but please for me, to make me smile you must find true forgiveness." "I'm sorry Aina that is the one wish that I can not perform for you" Shishio replies saddened and unknowing what to do or what to say. "Yes of course...I'm sorry Shishio we will continue with our training" Aina holds back her tears at her failed attempt, she knows if she cannot change his mind then no one can.

Aina and Shishio continue with their training and chakra control for 3 months teaching Shishio how to not only control summoning but other techniques such as walking on water, climbing trees, and manipulating mist. Aiana decides to train Shishio far beyond the limits of the chunnin he will have to fight so he can pursue his dreams if that is what will make him happy.

Two years pass and Shishio is now a chunnin at the age 18. He was one of the oldest chunnins because he had never bothered with training as a genin and never showed up to classes. Now he has been on the most basic of mission for a chunnin and decides it would be a good time for him to leave the village for awhile and gather information on his families killers. He says his goodbyes to Aina and all of his friends and family. Before leaving Aina wanted to present him with one more thing before he left. A weapon that her father made. He was the main craftsmen of the village and she had asked him to make him a weapon that would work well with his bloodline. It was the changeable liquid ice steel. Shishio was puzzled when he first saw it but Aina's father Matsu explained that he could manipulate it because it was a mixture of a special liquid steel diluted with water that he could freeze into different weapons, namely ones that had the same size. Aina helped Shishio train with the weapon and they focused on three different forms; Ice gauntlet, Ice sword, and Ice scythe. The Gauntlet covered his arm up to his tricep, the swrod was like a regular ninja straight sword, and the scythe was a smaller compacted scythe with a crescent moon shaped blade. Training with this item took some time but having Aina as a sensei made it easier for Shishio to understand how it worked. Now being fully prepared for any battle Shishio set out for one year to gather information on his families killers.

On the day of Shishio's return he was 19 and was making his way to the Shukasu's place, he suddenly had a terrible feeling in his stomach, the feeling that something wasn't right. He had returned to find that the mist village had suddenly broken out in chaos because there had been a prison break where they kept all mist outlaws. They had all planned to take as many hostages as possible and force the Misukage to give up his power thus killing him to gain control over the village. Shishio quickly ran to Aina's house hoping that she would be hiding and no one would have broken in. He found Aina warding of two of outlaw shinobi and quickly jumped to her aid.

Shishio and Aina took the two outlaws on with no problem knocking them out and tied them up. "Aina are you okay? Whats going on here why is this happening?" Shishio asked unaware of the situation. Aina quickly told Shishio the situation and how the prisoners where raiding the village for as many hostages as possible. Aina then asked Shishio why he had come back. "I found the killers of my family." He said looking down at the ground trying to avoid eye contact with her. Aina replied already knowing the answer to her question, "Oh...did you kill them like you had planed." "No..I did not. I spared there lives like you wished Aina...because what I have now is more important to me than the past, and if I were to ever lose it I would not want to live." Aina sat in silence puzzled for a few seconds, she was happy that Shishio decided against murdering those who killed his family but what was it that he found that had made him change his mind? "Shishio if I may ask...what..what made you change your mind?" "My love for you was stronger than my hate for them, I know I could never replace someone like you in my life Aina, and I could never lose you to my hate, because I love you." Aina cried as she heard those words come from Shishio with a smile on his face, after he had left she thought she would never see him smile again. As she leaned in towards Shishio's mouth to kiss him a sudden earthquake happened. It was a massive bear summoning, the bear was brown and covered in armor and had razor claws and sharp fangs he tore through the village blowing flames from his mouth. Both Shishio and Aina realized this was not conducted by the mist ninja alone it was developed by an organization that had been formed to take revenge on the Misukage of the mist village. The leader was the past Misukage who was evil and tried to go against all the villages causing a major war, then current Kage challenged and defeated him taking his spot. Shishio with his new skills as a shinobi decided to use his summon against the bear. Shishio performing multiple hand signs released Kirobi his tiger summon, "Lets go Kirobi take out that bear" Aina did not know what to do so she decided it'd be best to try and free the hostages. The Mist Anbu squads were all now focused on the bear and joined in with Shishio in his fight against the former Kage. Finally after an hour of fighting the the outlaws the Shinobi of the mist defeated the evil Kage and his rebellion. They were all punished and killed soon afterfor his betrayal. Shishio scrambled back to Aina as soon as he could. Only to find her being carried away with the rest of the dead Mist shinobi. Feeling a sudden pain in his chest he walked only five steps towards Aina then passed out and coughing up blood, medical ninja quickly came and carried him away.

Three days after the villages destruction and Aina's death Shishio recovered. Waking up in a hospital bed he looked around knowing where he was and knew the attack was not a dream. Getting up from the bed he grabbed his things and put his head band over his eyes telling himself he would never take it off, so that he would never have to see the site of a loved ones death again. Leaving the Mist Village to forgot about his lose he became a wandering nin.

As a wandering nin Shishio came across a man named Seth, wanting to test his strength Shishio challenged the man to a fight. Not holding back Shishio and Seth both pushed themselves to the end of their limit. Seth intrigued with Shishio's kekkei genkai he decided to take him to his master Kankaru. Taking up Kankaru's offer to train with him for four years to master water techniques Shishio stay in Kankaru's village. After their training has come to an end Shishio begins to take his leave telling Kankaru of his goal to become a village kage and protect his villagers so that his history never repeats Kankaru is shocked to hear that Shishio's father was Kazumea and begins telling him the story of how he met Kazumea and that he was plotting against his village while posing to be his good friend. Shishio was pondering how this happened after the events of the Moon village when his father had supposedly died. Researching the matter closely Kankaru and Shishio discover that Kazumea's body was possessed by the evil demon that had been sealed away inside of him. Shishio now set out so redeem his father's name and repay Kankaru by destroying the demon that tried to work against him.

Last edited by Shishio-Sama on Tue Jun 23, 2009 9:41 pm; edited 6 times in total

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Shishio Sotatsu Empty Re: Shishio Sotatsu

Post by Shishio-Sama Tue Dec 30, 2008 10:50 am

the original post was to large to hold all the information plus my history so my character creation will have to be two post <,<.

History:After a year of searching Shishio finds that the demon had been residing in the ruble of the Moon village and made his way to destroy him. Engaging in combat with the demon he sees that he is no joke and is almost stronger than himself. After countless hours of battle Shishio found himself half dead along with his opponent, but he was not about to give up his hopes of avenging his family. Having used his strongest summon his chakra count was almost completely diminished making him have to rely on his koterasu to finish the fight. Rising to his feet he quickly scanned the area with his koterasu for any signs of his opponent, after a few moments of searching he found the demon rising to his feet about 10 yards into the forest. Quickly Shishio entered his new ice fang form covering his body in an armor made of frozen solid ice just as hard and sharp as diamond lined with chakra, using the arrow dynamics of this form Shishio's body was now made to move just as fast as a jet. Covering the distance in a mater of seconds he approached his opponent with every intent to kill. After Shishio delivered the killing blow, Kyoshi released his spirit reviving Shishio's father from his dormant state within his own mind causing Shishio to kill his owne father. As Shishio was stunned by having killed his own father in the end Kyoshi's spirit entered Shishio's body. Shishio Began screaming as the spirit crawled through his body and made it's way to his brain in attempt to take full control of Shishio using him as a host like his father. The demon began to yell in Shishio's head. He could hear the persuasive voice of Kyoshi almost like he was whispering into Shishio's ear, telling him to give into the demon's power, become one and gain even more power.
As Shishio struggled with the demon his father mustered up enough strength to place his Right hand upon Shishio chest surging pure chakra through his body to crush the demon within him. Both Shishio's and his father's body lite up, glowing white, illuminating the forest and lake that lye in front of them. It was almost as if time had stopped, slowly Shishio fell into the lake, as Shishio's body was engulfed by the lake it began to glow a crimson color. Blood leaked from Shishio's body and flowed into the lake the water began to condense around his body. Slowly he sank to the bottom of the lake, suddenly the lake flashed white and his wounds on his sealed healing externally and internally, fully revitalizing him. When he hit the bottom of the lake his eyes opened to reveal his koterasu had been active leaving him with gills on his neck. Quickly he shot up to the sruface freezing a piece of land on the lake to stand on. Looking around at his surroundings he was quite confused at the events that just took place. "Was that really my father" he asked himself as he looked at where he had fallen in from he saw the body of Kyoshi which was previously his father's body. Looking closer he knew it was him, it was undeniable, he had killed his own father, but what was that thing he had done to him when Kyoshi entered his body. Looking down at the lake Shishio saw his reflection and was shocked to see that his hair had completely turned white. After examining his reflection he walked over to his father's body and carried it to the lake saying a prayer, then putting in the lake. "The deed is done" Shishio said to himself "Time to see master Kankaru"

After fulfilling his promise to his sensei, Shishio headed out in search of Kankaru. Shishio discovered that the economy had died in the Sound village and set out for the closest village next to it. Once he arrived he decided to stop in the tavern for a quick drink. Looking around the tavern almost looked abandoned. There were two people at the bar and a bartender washing cups, looking to his left he noticed a staircase that led to the upstairs to the tavern. The tables had all been empty and the only preoccupied chairs were the two men at the bar. To his convenience Kanakaru was one of the men sitting at the bar with Seth close by as always. Shishio took a seat next to Kankaru and explained to him what had happened, explaining how he killed his own father and how Kyoshi tried to posses Shishio. After a while of reminiscing and having a few drinks Kankaru suddenly went into a serious tone asking Shishio if he could do a favor for him. "Yeah, sure what is it Sensei?" Shishio replied unsure of why Kankaru had gone into such a serious state. Kankaru walked over to the staircase not replying to Shishio's answer then called a females name. For a few moments the tavern was silent, suddenly footsteps could be heard coming from upstairs as the person made their way down stairs. Shishio looked closely at who was coming down. She was a beautiful women with long hair and one hand on her back, examining closely Shishio realized she was pregnant. "Shishio" Kanakaru says, "This is Kioku my unofficial wife."

After introducing each other Kankaru asked Shishio to take care and raise his son in the monk country. He explained that he had a close relation with them and they would let him stay once he told them who they were sent by. Sleeping in one of the rooms Shishio felt a strange power within him, it moved back and forth like it was flowing in the wind it shined bright inside him, he was unsure of what it was and ended up falling asleep before looking into deeper. Once he awoke the next day he went downstairs to find Kioku already packed. She explained to him that Kankaru and Seth had some buisness to take care of and were sorry they could not see him away. After getting something to eat Kioku and Shishio headed off to the country of the monks on Kin Shishio's tiger summon. Kioku was at first a little take aback by the size of the tiger but Shishio ensured her that it was safe. Making their trip at a slow pace as to not harm the baby that Kioku nursed within her they made their way to the new country within a a few weeks.

When they first arrived the monks didn't seem to care they had entered the village until Shishio and Kioku tried to enter the temple, which was their holy ground. After quickly explaining who sent them the monks lead them both the head master of the temple. There they explained there business and told them Kankaru had sent him and he instantly rejoiced telling them they could stay as long as they needed. After a few days Kioku had given birth and died while doing so, she had been in labor for almost a day and her body could not handle splitting it's nutrients between her and the baby causing her systems to crash. The next day Shishio sent a messenger bird to Kankaru explaining what had happened during the birth and ensuring him that his son was ok. Weeks went by and the bird returned with no news from Kankaru. Shishio thought that was unlike him but things had changed since the Sound village economy died. Considering Shishio would be living with the monks for a long time he decided to train with them and shaved his head, training with the monks he learned more taijutsu and how to redirect attacks oppose to just evading them. He didn't use much ninjutsu and when he did it was mainly water techniques. Kankaru never officially gave his son a name so the monks gave him the name Oniku. Oni deriving from Kankaru's old nickname from the monk meaning demon and ku from Kioku's name this was how they usually named their new born by taking characters from both the father and mother.

When Oniku was old enough to train at the age of six Shishio took him under his wing to discover which elements he had inherited. The first element that showed was fire, which was the temples main focus in ninjutsu. Training with Oniku Shishio felt the strange power rising within him again, more and more everyday, it made his soul feel on fire and intensified his taijutsu, it was as if there was something growing inside of him. Five years pass and Shishio begins having dreams of Kyoshi's life and his father's life seeing it through their eyes. Night after he would go through horrifying things only to wake up in sweat. The monks thought maybe there was a negative spirit lurking around the temple harassing the mind while it is dormant. He went to the high priest and began performing a ritual to look inside of Shishio mind and soul to see if the spirit was within him. When he entered Shishio's mind everything was black as if Shishio was unconcious but suddenly a flash of red hit him and a loud laughing could be heard. The priest was forced out off Shishio's mind only to see Shishio holding his hands in a Tiger seal, suddenly they ignited both his hands were engulfed in flames and he had an unfamiliar smirk on his face. "Shishio stop!" priest called out as monks rushed through the door to see what was going on. Shishio threw his hands into the air and fire shot from them rapidly all around the room setting things on fire. "It is no longer Shishio priest, my name is Kyoshi. When you entered Shishio's body you released a pressure chakra seal that had been put upon me just before Shishio's father died, and now I am free to posses this boys body like I did his father's" Kyoshi said with a high pitched laugh as he stomped on the ground and fire shot out from his body. The head master monk heard something had gone wrong in the chapel and ran into to find three monks already dead. Using the power of his own fire ninjutsu he redirected the flames back at Kyoshi using a series of unusual hands sign scorching his body. The pries then created three shadow clones of himself and circled around Kyoshi chanting in a different language. Kyoshi screamed as the chanting forced him back into Shishio's mind sealing him inside once again. Shishio came back to conciousness with tears in his eyes. He was not pleased that he had let this happen to the monks, those who took care of him. "The seal they placed upon you will not last, I must perform one last technique if you wish to never lose control again, but to do so means that Kyoshi will forever be a part of you." The head master said. "I no longer care what happens to me as long as those around me are saved" Shishio said as he wiped his tears thinking of his first family and adoption family. He stood on his feet ready for the Master monks commands, out of no where the monks tensed his palms and thrust it into Shishio chest, his palm was engulfed in blue flames the flames seemed to have passed right through Shishio's body. Shishio fell to the ground and the room was silent. Suddenly his eyes were wide and he began to cough, he could feel a burning sensation as if he had just walked through flames. "Now only Kyoshi essence remain within you, his mind will never be able to cross yours again. Shishio looked almost completely different. It was as if Kyoshi and Shishio fused together. His eyes were pulled tight, his face made him look like he was in his late thirties.

Unsure of what happened that night Shishio went to his room and fell right to sleep. Waking up he felt different but wasn't quite sure what had changed about him. When he saw his reflection he was shocked. "Who...who am I" he asked himself wondering if he was still the same person or if his soul had been transferred to another. He went to the Master monks office and asked him what had happened. The Master explained the events that took place and what he had to do to ensure that Shishio ever lost control again. "You may undergo strange urges, sort of a split personality if I may say. Your personality will seem like it isn't yours sometimes. Please stay strong and understand it's what had to be done. This ensures that you will never become Kyoshi again" The Master explained. "Well so far I don't feel any different so I guess I'm fine for now" Shishio said slightly confused about what may happen to him. "Just carry on with your days as you normally would everything will be fine Shishio"

A couple months pass and Shishio discovered he could utilize Kyoshi essence to create fire jutsu while training with Oniku. 10 years pass and Oniku dies of a strange disease the monks were unable to Diagnose. Instead of sending Kankaru a message Shishio decides to go and tell him in person. Explaining the situation to the monks he leaves the next day visiting each village in the countries on the way. He loved site seeing and being out off his own country. During spring he got side tracked in a beautiful village which was full of cherry blossoms and elegant flowers. He decided to reside in this land for the time being until he gathered his thoughts again.

Last edited by Shishio-Sama on Sun Feb 15, 2009 9:16 pm; edited 4 times in total

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Shishio Sotatsu Empty Re: Shishio Sotatsu

Post by tradebuzzing2 Sun Feb 15, 2009 4:07 pm

The history is good...but you need the rest.


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Shishio Sotatsu Empty Re: Shishio Sotatsu

Post by Shishio-Sama Mon Feb 16, 2009 6:38 pm

<,< the one time when i finished it and posted the rest you DONT reply to it.

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Shishio Sotatsu Empty Re: Shishio Sotatsu

Post by Shishio-Sama Sat Jun 20, 2009 4:27 pm


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Shishio Sotatsu Empty Re: Shishio Sotatsu

Post by Kyouken Uchiha Sat Jul 04, 2009 12:02 am

There's still no name, age, village etc.....where is it?
Kyouken Uchiha
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