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Journey to Kumo

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Journey to Kumo Empty Journey to Kumo

Post by tradebuzzing2 Fri Feb 13, 2009 7:07 pm

A single mans footsteps were heard from a distance, but their were two voices. Almost like one man was carrying another. Infact that was almost it for these two twin brothers. The two were almost like they were fused together. Like Sakon and Ukon, they were. Soon people around the village of Kumo could hear them talking in the distance. Roku looked restless, and he happened to be the one whose head was showing. Yottsu's was the one walking and his full body showing. Roku glared behind Yottsu and opened his mouth. "Hurry the fuck up!" Yottsu sighed and yelled back. "Fucking wait, you're so much like a fucking kid. You got to learn to wait, you asshole!" Roku snarled back. "Don't fucking call me an asshole! I would murder you, If you weren't my brother!" Yottsu began crying, but it was merely a fake cry. "Oh, that hurt so damn much" He began to laugh. Roku shook his head. "You're a damned pussy" Yottsu laughed and as soon as he did they arrived in the village. "Well, fuck that did not take long at all. And Roku, you dick, You know very well, who the stronger one here is!" Yottsu was stronger than Roku, but only barely. Roku then sighed. "I know, but you're an asshole." Yottsu did not say anything back, he just walked towards the middle of the village and then sat down on a legde.

Last edited by Diabloss33 on Fri Feb 13, 2009 10:27 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Journey to Kumo Empty Re: Journey to Kumo

Post by razor_shinobi Fri Feb 13, 2009 7:09 pm

Evare sat on a branch above the 2 brothers wereing his Black ops mask somewhat laughing. "bit of loud mouths you two are" Evare said laughing. "you two aheaded into kumo?" Evare asked the 2 argumentive brothers hopping down to the ground. "you two sure cause alot of racket, you remind me of sakon and ukon." Evare said laughing a little bit. the sun glisted in Evare's eye holes as he turned away a little bit waiting the brother's answers. "so? hmm?"

Last edited by razor_shinobi on Fri Feb 13, 2009 7:14 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Journey to Kumo Empty Re: Journey to Kumo

Post by tradebuzzing2 Fri Feb 13, 2009 7:10 pm

Yottsu glared at the man and then sighed. Roku, began to freak out, trying to move around as much as he could to get a good look at the man. "Who the fuck is talking?!" He yelled out still freaking out and moving around to see the man. "Yottsu fucking move!" Yottsu moved out of his seat and looked at the man. "We are not the same person as Sakon and Ukon, we have some of the same ablitles, but different blood." He smirked and walked a bit closer to the man to get a better look. "We both look up to the two, because we are much like them, Thanks to Lord-Kabuto." He began to laughed, but soon after he did get serious. "We have matters to attend too." Yottsu than turned around and walked away slowly. This would give Roku a chance to see him and speak his mind. "So, who the fuck are you?!" He shook his head and glared at him. "I can anwser that, you're just a piece of shit, that likes to bother people, isn't that RIGHT?!?!" Yottsu shook his head. "Roku, enough of the bad mouthing the man." Roku sighed and glared at the man yet again. "Well, fuckuing anwser me, before I murder you!"


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Journey to Kumo Empty Re: Journey to Kumo

Post by razor_shinobi Fri Feb 13, 2009 7:45 pm

"muder me eh" Evare asked as he pulled out his katana. "lets see you try" Evare said laughing. "sorry but i cant let you in untill i know what you are doing, and since youve got connection with the sound, i may have to hold you for questioning" Evare said getting ready for the brothers to try and run or something, but then he remembrd how imobal they were. "so, what are you doing here hmm?"

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Journey to Kumo Empty Re: Journey to Kumo

Post by tradebuzzing2 Fri Feb 13, 2009 7:52 pm

Roku seemed pissed, but Yottsu was stanglely rather calm." I fucking told you!" Roku shouted at the man. "We came from the chunnin exam and if you got a fucking problem, fucking do something about you it!" Yottsu sighed and turned back around. "We are no longer with the sound, seeing as it in longer around. But We have plans of brining it back." Yottsu laughed and then turned to his side so, both of the brothers could talk easily. "Now, you fucking listen..." Roku shouted but was cut-off by Yottsu. "I see you pulled out the Katana there, sees we have a fight on our hands, Roku." Roku began laugh. "Oh, Fuck, you have done it now, you litttle shit head!" Roku began getting happy, but he still went on bad mouthing Evare. "You are over your fucking head, you have no fucking clue who the hell we are!" He yelled. Yottsu turned towards him and nodded, Roku knew at the point what was going on. Yottsu reached back and began to pull something from his back. Roku grunted a little, but something white had come from their backs. "This here weapon, is a whip, I bet you've seen it before." Yottsu laughed has be held a whip just like Kimmimaro's. Roku laughed as Yottsu stood their. "You fucking moron!" He yelled one last time at Evare.


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Journey to Kumo Empty Re: Journey to Kumo

Post by Rain Fri Feb 13, 2009 10:05 pm

Rain was walking around the village getting used to it. She had almost finished circling the village, when she heard the Random swearing. She walked over, to see someone holding a sword, and two fused people holding a whip. "Um... What the hell is happening here" She asked pulling out her gun. If she was going ot fight she was going to try taijutsu, she was okay, but it needed some work. If she had to resort to genjutsu or ninjutsu she would. She waited for them to make the first move. This might be dificult if they were able to un-fuse. She thoguht of just sticking with er gun but it might be to much work, for just her gun, one hit would be all thats needed to finished them off.

She put her hands in posiotion aiming, for the chest, but a little of incase the try to run. "So, is this some sort of battle, or what, very welcoming I would say" She took three steps back ready to attack, or be attacked.

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Journey to Kumo Empty Re: Journey to Kumo

Post by tradebuzzing2 Fri Feb 13, 2009 10:22 pm

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Roku yelled loudly as he saw the girl come. "Yottsu it looks like.." He was then stopped "I fucking know there is someone here, she just spoke you dumbass!" Roku snarled back at him. "Don't call me a dumbass, you fucking prick!" Yottsu calmed down a little and then sighed. "Ich, Ni, San" He counted out loud and then sighed once more. "Roku, we have guests, us fighting won't help us." Roku did not listen to him. "Come on you fucking moron, stop the fucking counting and talk to me!" Yottsu ignored him and turned around. He glared at the girl and her gun. "Do you think that fucking gun will even hit me? Come on, I'm a high-leveled chunnin. A weapon like that, couldn't do shit to me." Roku finally calmed down and spoke up. "Some girl, thinks she can even touch us? What a fucking dumbass. No on can fucking touch us!" Roku went on how good they were. Yottsu then stepped in the speech. "I'm not gonna lie, we have a great gift and we have never been beaten, yet. But I am almost sure, someone can and will. This is why we must become stronger." He smirked and looked at the girl. "The best way to get stronger is by fighting!" Roku's eyes opened wide. "It's about fucking time!"


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Journey to Kumo Empty Re: Journey to Kumo

Post by Rain Fri Feb 13, 2009 10:59 pm

The first thing rain did was laugh. "well, wouldn't that be awful if I was to loose, which mist happen' She said laughing. SHe knew most peopel could dodge her bullets, as long as its skims them they are going to be in some pain. "So.. Who is going to make the first move, Im not, I would but you know, I rather not be your fist target" She said laughing not scared at all, "Tell me did you find the Chuunin Exams difficult in any way?", "I thought it was really easy, didn't take that long really". She laughed again, She was monitoring all of there thoughts.

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Journey to Kumo Empty Re: Journey to Kumo

Post by tradebuzzing2 Fri Feb 13, 2009 11:11 pm

Yottsu began to laugh. "The chunnin exams..I never had the chance to really take one. Although I've been in a few already." Roku began laughing as hard as he could, even laughed so hard that a few tears began to come out. "OH FUCK GREAT TIMES!" Yottsu chuckled and shook his head in agreement. "Yes, quite good fucking times. I'm not going to tell you what we did, but in your eyes, I don't think it would be a good thing." Yottsu turned around to let Roku talk. "Fuck yes, I remeber those days like they were last night." He giggled a little. Yottsu turned back around and got a serious look in his eye. "If you aren't gonna start this I will." As soon as Yottsu had said that, Roku twitched his wrist and A puppet showed up behind Rain. The puppet looked ready to fight, like an other puppet did. She had something else about her that no puppet ever did. Roku smirked and yelled out "Shargian!" The puppets eyes held the shargain. "Surpised?!" Roku yelled and as soon as he did he moved his wirst and the puppet dashed towards Rain with a punch right at her face.


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Journey to Kumo Empty Re: Journey to Kumo

Post by Rain Fri Feb 13, 2009 11:19 pm

"No not really, I excepted something like this, you were thinking of it, haha, thats awful" She said as she jumped back sending her foot into its face. She knew not to look in the eyes of someone with the sharigan, so she didn't. She did hand signs "Crush Earth Slab" as she said this the earth under the two brothers had quickly gone up and threw themsleves at each other, virtaully only leaving three seconds to escape. She laughed, as she jumped away from the puppet. "You know three against two isn't very fair" after saying that she thoguht it was time to use her gloves. She put her hand out, and fice chakra bullets shot out of her fingers heading straight for the slab of earth, and once it hit the earth, it traveled through looking for the two, if it hit it would cause some pretty awesome internal damage.

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Journey to Kumo Empty Re: Journey to Kumo

Post by tradebuzzing2 Fri Feb 13, 2009 11:56 pm

Yottsu and Roku soon looked into the sky. "Shit, We better get the fuck out of here." Yottsu had whispered to Roku. Soon Yottsu and Roku turned into water and dodged the on coming earth attack. The bullets, however were blocked, after changing back into their orignal state. He used a Sticky Golden armor, that came out of his pres to block the bullets. "Well, shit...its been really fucking real, but we have matte3r to attend to." Yottsu soon jumped over Rain, and while he did so, Roku have moved the puppet to attack Rain, so that they could easily get away. "I'm so fucking sorry we have to leave, but shit has to be done." Roku yelled out laughing.

As soon as the two have passed Rain, Zonbi had showed up to see what was going on. He merely grunted at the sight of the mess and he had just seen the puppet leave. "Let them go." He said. "Other ninja can handle em. We have nothin to worry about." He walked in the middle of them and sighed. "You did well..."


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Journey to Kumo Empty Re: Journey to Kumo

Post by Koga Sat Feb 14, 2009 1:35 am

As the twin brothers began to flee, the ground underneath their feet caved in slightly, though just as it fell downward, something forced its way upward. Massive tendrils of wood came ripping it way out of the earth, root-like trees came bursting out, for as far as the eye could see around the two Sound shinobi. The plants grew upward, reaching for the sky, many of which managed to block out the light of the sun itself. The darkened woodland that had magically created itself surrounded the twins, twisting vines of wood and shadows in every direction. It seemed as if the legendary Forest of Death had teleported to the Village Hidden in the Clouds, minus the wildlife. "I dont know what the two of you plan on doing here, but I will give you this one opportunity to leave now." A stern voice came echoing from the woods, pinpointing exactly where it came from being rather difficult due to the sound waves ricocheting from branch to branch. Movements could be seen in every direction, almost as if the forest itself was alive, readying itself to attack at any moment, from any angle.

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Journey to Kumo Empty Re: Journey to Kumo

Post by tradebuzzing2 Sat Feb 14, 2009 1:58 am

"Fucking shit head! You are a fucking asshole! Why the fuck would you do this! Fucking moron. I hate you asshole!" Roku began to yell out. Yottsu knew what this jutsu was and knew he had to have some similar tests done on him. "So, I see you have the first Hokage's DNA. Well, you should be thanking Orochimaru for your skills, as do I mine." Yottsu looked around and sighed. "Roku, ust the fucking puppet." Roku twichted his fingers and a puppet came up from the ground and stood right by the two. "Seeing as how the we won't get the fuck out of here anytime soon, it seems we have to fucking fight you. But be warned I have seen people use this jutsu. I know how to fight against." Yottsu sighed after he was finished talking. "Roku now!" Roku laughed and twicthed his fingers. "Great Fire ball jutsu!" He yelled out and his puppet move it's hands to make the proper hand signs to do the jutsu. Red hot flames came out of it's mouth and blew away some of the branches. "Roku, we will stick together!" The moved towards the area they had burnt and would repeat this until they were out.

Last edited by Diabloss33 on Sat Feb 14, 2009 3:00 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Journey to Kumo Empty Re: Journey to Kumo

Post by Koga Sat Feb 14, 2009 2:12 am

"Hm. An Uchiha puppet?" Murmured the voice to himself, quietly. He would give a stealthy chase to the Sound twins, not allowing them to find out his location while the forest could still be his veil. Forming handseals as he rushed to keep up with them, activating a technique with the final one. From the dense and thick branches around the fleeing brothers, three blob-like formations of wood extended from the tree's limbs. These blobs of liquid wood took the forms of Koga, and became perfect copies of him. The trio hid up in the shadowed canopy for a moment, waiting for their opponents to be directly inbetween and underneath them, upon which time, they all dropped down. Landing in a triangular formation, one clone landing directly in front of where the twins were running, they each quickly tore out an individual kunai and an individual shuriken, ready to engage in melee battle with the two Sound shinobi. All three of them flung their shuriken towards the brothers, from the three different angles, immediately rushing towards them afterwards. Each planning on slashing at them in different styles, the one in front of them slashing downward, the one from behind to the left slashing horizontally, and the one from behind to the right aiming to slash diagonally.

Last edited by Koga on Sat Feb 14, 2009 7:48 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Journey to Kumo Empty Re: Journey to Kumo

Post by tradebuzzing2 Sat Feb 14, 2009 2:34 am

ooc: Yea, I did...go look at my jutsu if you wanna know how.


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Journey to Kumo Empty Re: Journey to Kumo

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