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Koga - The Forest King

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Koga - The Forest King Empty Koga - The Forest King

Post by Koga Wed Feb 11, 2009 2:23 am

Name: Koga (The Forest King)

Age: 30

Age After Time Skip 1: 32

Bloodline: The Mokuton Release.

Rank: S-Rank Jounin, Hunter-Nin.

Rank After Time Skip 1: S-Rank Missing-Nin.

Classification: (?)

Village: Hunter-Nin of Cloud Village. A technical defectee of the Sound Village.

Village After Time Skip 1: Defectee of Cloud Village. Technical defectee of Sound Village. None.

Alignment: Akatsuki.

Appearance: Koga - The Forest King 1_339089739l

Appearance After Time Skip 1: Koga now sports a rectangular, black container of six scrolls on his back. The first five scrolls each have dark red designs, are are held in the lower five slots. The sixth scroll is the highest up in the container, and is entirely black, with the designs and writing in white. The ends of the scrolls are pointed to the left and right of his back, and are accessable with either of his arms to the point where he can easily twist an arm around his back and pull one out in an instant. On the top and bottom of the container are engraved symbols of the Cloud Village, which are painted over in black. The Cloud symbols are painted atop white circles, which are outlined in red.

Personality: Very stern and calm, though he is more relaxed when around friends and comrades. Offers up wisdom to those who request it, or to those he feels need it. A true mentor at heart. Appreciates meditation and silent reflection. Has strong beliefs on the differences between right and wrong, and what is and what is not just. Agrees with the philosophy of an eye for an eye. Believes in honor and fair fights. Has no hesitation in taking the life of one he judges as "a lost cause".


Long ago, in the Village of Sound, while under the rule of Lord Orochimaru, there had been many experiments done involving certain Kekkei Genkai. One of these particular bloodlines, one of the most unique, was the Mokuton, the Wood Release. The Sennin of serpents was fascinated with this bloodline, and made sure that many of the experiments conducted involved it. Among the hundreds of gruelling trials, there was a certain.. success. This is where the story of Koga, The Forest King, begins.

The scientists that worked under Orochimaru had always been searching for more intricate ways to create a replication of the bloodline. Though many of their attempts failed, a certain scientist realized something about their endeavors. Normally, they would capture ninja and try to force the DNA of the bloodline into the host. That had obviously began to draw nothing but failure. That is when his brilliant idea had hatched.

The man realized that, in order for them to change the DNA of other ninja would be impossible. Changing the genetic code of their entire being, all in an instant, was an entirely childish idea from the start. After working for Orochimaru for so long, the scientist had forgotten how to think like what he was. A scientist, a man of logic, one who reasons things out, who finds new routes to old destinations. Once he realized how much his mind had changed since working for the Sound, he began thinking, for himself, once again.

What if, instead of infusing a living being with the DNA containing the bloodline, they created a new living being with that very same DNA? Brilliant, he thought, his plan was perfectly brilliant. However, the scientist had found his sense of independance, a sense of pride. He wished to work on projects of his own, and to take credit for his own work, for his own discoveries, his breakthroughs. He knew Orochimaru would never let that happen, and for all he knew, he would be killed once he gave the vile Sennin what he wanted, to protect its secrets.

The scientist kept his work secret. Samples of DNA would strangely go missing, vials of dangerous biochemicals would vanish, valuable genetic engineering tools disappearing, then reappearing hours later, right where they had been before. Though the other workers, as well as Orochimaru's informants, slowly became more and more suspicious of him, he was confident that his work would be long complete before they finally caught on. From there, he would take his findings, and flee to another village, away from Orochimaru and the Sound, and become a rich, wealthy man by selling his idea. Its a pity that this is where the story takes a turn for the worst.

He was ecstatic, bursting with pride and amazement. Finally, all his delicate work would come to the fruition of something great, something the world had never seen before, something that would make him immortal. The genetic material had duplicated itself, and had been growing for weeks, it had formed an entire human body inside a large containment capsule. The scientist new the day had come. The day to open the capsule, the day to show the world what he was capable of.

His extended finger pressed against the button on his computer terminal, cold mist came spilling out from the crevices along the capsules door. The haze filled the room, blinding the scientist as he searched for the figure of his creation. As the mist cleared, a perfect replica of the First Hokage stood, just as he was all those years ago when his life came to an untimely end. Previously endowed with the armor known by the First, the experiment took its first blink, and began to move its arms, clenching its fingers, looking into his palms. The scientist stood silent in awe.

From across the room, clapping suddenly began to sound, and a horrid chill rushed down the spine of the scientist. Shocked, he thrust his view to where the applause was coming from, seeing nothing but darkness in the corner of the room, between a pair of large machines. As the clapping persisted, a steady walk began, the sound of sandals against the stone floor. The scientist took a step back, worried at who had found him out, frantically praying for this to be a dream. Thats when he saw them.

The piercing, yellow eyes of a serpent, glaring into his. Glaring deep into him, watching his mind writhe, feeling his heart sink, knowing the fear that he held. The fixated pupils drew closer, into the light. The scientist was frozen, unable to do anything but shake in fright. He knew who had discovered his treachery, but he fought back his logic, hoping to the dear gods that he was wrong.

Orochimaru stepped out of the shadows, a malevolent smile easily drawn on his face as his eyes remained locked with the scientist's. Finally, he sent a gaze over to the clone of the First, seeming nearly impressed by the work of the scientist. The Sennin opened his mouth and began to torment his old employee, the dagger-like teeth of a reptile gleaming in the light of the computers surrounding them all the while. The scientist could feel himself losing his mind, he refused to accept that his had happened, that he had come so close only to fail. Everything he had worked for was lost, it was over.

Before the next instant was over, a blade was thrust into the scientists neck, the point of a katana severing his jugular straight through the side. Orochimaru, in slight surprise, turned to where the blade had come from. A Sound Chuunin stood, gripping the hilt of the blood-stained weapon tight, its blade still inside the man's neck. Thrusting it forward, tearing a gash in the scientists neck, he thrust towards the Sennin, who leapt back, easily avoiding the slash sent at him. A coup had just been decided, the Sound were revolting.

As Orochimaru landed, another three Chuunin appeared, clearly they had all been hidden in the room long before the Sennin had gotten there. Kunai, shuriken, katanas, all sorts of weapons were thrust for the Sound leader, while at the same time, hordes of snakes would be summoned to combat the oncoming legions of other Sound ninja. The clone stood still, watching the bloodshed unfold, Chuunin falling underneath the grip of serpents, the snakes being cut in half by sharpened blades. Then he looked down to the scientist, the one he had heard Orochimaru describe as his "father".

Something conglomerated in the replication's mind as he stood there, watching the floor be painted red. Perhaps memories from the original First Hokage, or perhaps a natural instinct he had been created with had caused it, but whatever it was, it unleashed the great power Orochimaru had been hoping for. Unfortunately for the Sennin, he would not be on the same side as the bloodline he so yearnfully chased after. Inside the clone's subconcious, he could feel rough bark on his palms, branches beneath his feet, towering, lumbering trees as far as he could see. He could feel his power, the gift he was made to have, and he would use it to give to those what they deserve.

In a spontaneous, violent rage, the clone, by instinct, began forming handseals. Not knowing how or why he was doing it, he continued, forming each one perfectly, and at unimaginable speed. As he reached the last, he felt a surge of energy leave his body, and he could feel the ground beneath him respond to his actions. He did not know what was coming, but he knew it would reveal to him everything he needed to know. The floor burst upward, tiles smashing against the machines and computers, devices caving into the earth as something great forced its way up and into the war that had begun before him.

Roots of wood tore through the floor, grasping everything and crushing as they did so. The large machines were shattered by the force of the wood, sparks flying off the computers as the vines of bark squeezed them like they were nothing. The Chuunin screamed in shock, attempting to escape the roots with quick movements, but to no avail. The vines grasped ahold of them and gripped tight, their bones shattering within seconds.

Orochimaru had managed to escape, as he always finds a way to, and alerted all his other men of the clone and what it had done. After they had grouped together, they rushed into the science labs, destroying everything in their path to find the replication before he got away from them. They were far too slow. By the time they reached the room where the battle had taken place, all that was left was a large, gaping hole in the ceiling where the clone had fled through. That would be the last time that Orochimaru ever saw the replication of the First Hokage, for five years later, the Sennin would be dead.

After his escape, he led the life of a wanderer for many years, deciding to give himself the name "Koga". Though he swore vengance on the Sennin of serpents for taking the life of his father, he found come to find that, almost fifteen years after that day, that Orochimaru had met his end. After his dreams of revenge had been cut short, he continued wandering for a while, never settling down until he came across the Village of the Clouds. Since then, Koga has taken up loyalty to the people of Kumogakure, and has lived there, devotedly serving under the Raikage ever since.

-Time Skip 1 (1.5 Years)-

In the time spent advising the Raikage, Yoshimo Izoto, Koga had originally been focusing on his duties as a Kumogakure shinobi and making sure that the village was secure and kept in perfect condition. However, this began to fail him as a daily rutine once he realized that not much trouble, or considerable trouble, normally befell his new, peaceful home. In light of such, he had decided to take on some of his Lord's studies, that of medical and biological techniques. Though Koga could never bring himself to master the healing aspects his superior had, something he figured that he just had no natural aptitude for, he turned to the darker, more metaphysical aspects that the teachings had to offer. This is where he thrived, manipulation of the heart and brain. Learning how they work, how they function, how they are controlled. He had read of much more powerful techniques, forbidden ones, and made sure he avoided learning too much about them, to protect the village, as well as himself. Though he would never be able to consider himself a full-fledged medical ninja, at least now he had more strengths under his belt, as well as a better understanding of the leader he so zealously followed.

Speciality: Ninjutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Spiritual.

Learned Jutsu: Wood Clone Technique, Wooden Men Technique, Great Forest Technique, Manipulate Advancing Blades Technique.

Jutsu Learned During Time Skip 1: Brainwashing Technique, Dead Soul Technique.

Elements: Wood (Earth and Water).

Weapons/Items: Kunai, Shuriken, Explosive Tags, occasionally a Naginata.

Weapons/Items Obtained During Time Skip 1: Summoning Scrolls (Corpses, his Naginata)

Goals: To protect the innocent and to punish the guilty.

Goals After Time Skip 1: To further to goals of Akatsuki.

Last edited by Koga on Sun Apr 26, 2009 8:26 pm; edited 3 times in total

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Koga - The Forest King Empty Re: Koga - The Forest King

Post by Kenshi Wed Feb 11, 2009 9:25 am

Your approval is currently pending. I need time to read this all. I promise you I'll get to it today.

Other admins...I want to personally read this my self.


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Koga - The Forest King Empty Re: Koga - The Forest King

Post by tradebuzzing2 Wed Feb 11, 2009 9:47 am

Weren't you on the First Ninja Nation? I recall there being a Koga there.


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Koga - The Forest King Empty Re: Koga - The Forest King

Post by Kenshi Wed Feb 11, 2009 10:09 am

Well, its glad to have a Mokuton user in the Cloud. As Sandaime Raikage I welcome you.

I think your history is great, just get another admin to approve it. Usually people find Mokuton iffy, so we get two people to approve it for safety.

It's approved from me.

Read the spolier.



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Koga - The Forest King Empty Re: Koga - The Forest King

Post by Koga Wed Feb 11, 2009 3:49 pm

Once approved for the second time by another admin, Id be glad to take you up on both those offers, Izoto.

So now we wait.

But no, I havent roleplayed in a long time. This is the first "Ninja Nation" site I recall ever being on. Probably just a coincidance.

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Koga - The Forest King Empty Re: Koga - The Forest King

Post by Kenshi Wed Feb 11, 2009 4:01 pm

If no one approves you in a little while I'll let you get it.


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Koga - The Forest King Empty Re: Koga - The Forest King

Post by Kenshi Wed Feb 11, 2009 4:06 pm


No ones on lol


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Koga - The Forest King Empty Re: Koga - The Forest King

Post by Koga Wed Feb 11, 2009 4:09 pm

Right on. Ill post up the bloodline and my jutsu now, which I already have completed for the most part.

What would you say the limit for the number of jutsu one of my rank would be allowed to have? I have a tendancy to go a bit overboard if Im not given any specific limits. >.>

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Koga - The Forest King Empty Re: Koga - The Forest King

Post by Kenshi Wed Feb 11, 2009 4:09 pm

Just post them and I'll approve the reasonable ones.


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Koga - The Forest King Empty Re: Koga - The Forest King

Post by Koga Wed Feb 11, 2009 4:10 pm

Right then. Ill start shooting them up in batches.

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Koga - The Forest King Empty Re: Koga - The Forest King

Post by Guest Wed Feb 11, 2009 4:41 pm

Diabloss33 wrote:Weren't you on the First Ninja Nation? I recall there being a Koga there.

That dudes name was Kong Drac. Welcome to the site Koga. Nice to see we finally have someone who is all to willing to work for what they get. Thumbs up on the history.


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Koga - The Forest King Empty Re: Koga - The Forest King

Post by tradebuzzing2 Wed Feb 11, 2009 4:51 pm

Taku, I know there was a Kong, but there was also a Koga, he was the son of Shino.


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Koga - The Forest King Empty Re: Koga - The Forest King

Post by Koga Wed Feb 11, 2009 4:54 pm

Good to be here, Taku. I felt a bit rusty writing it up, so thanks.

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Koga - The Forest King Empty Re: Koga - The Forest King

Post by Kaji-Kanto Wed Feb 11, 2009 7:28 pm

I will have to say Approved
(for the second admin approval)

This is actually very well done...

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Koga - The Forest King Empty Re: Koga - The Forest King

Post by Koga Wed Feb 11, 2009 10:17 pm

Thanks, Kaji. Appreciate it.

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Koga - The Forest King Empty Re: Koga - The Forest King

Post by L Wed Feb 11, 2009 11:23 pm

I brought him here ^-^

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Koga - The Forest King Empty Re: Koga - The Forest King

Post by Koga Thu Feb 12, 2009 2:34 am

That you did, L. That you did. Cool

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Koga - The Forest King Empty Re: Koga - The Forest King

Post by Minato_Uzumaki Tue Mar 10, 2009 3:53 pm

That was my brother Koga

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Koga - The Forest King Empty Re: Koga - The Forest King

Post by Koga Wed Mar 18, 2009 6:20 pm

Okay. I updated my profile in entirity to compensate for the time skip. Ive added new appearance, history, learned jutsu and other things in their own sections. Tell me what you think.

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Koga - The Forest King Empty Re: Koga - The Forest King

Post by Kenshi Sat Mar 21, 2009 8:39 pm

Even though I wanted the Time Skip things in a separate post, I'm still fine with this.



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Koga - The Forest King Empty Re: Koga - The Forest King

Post by Koga Sun Mar 22, 2009 12:35 am

Yea, sorry about that, Yoshimo. I had planned on posting it seperately after seeing what you said about that, but thanks for the approve regardless.

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Koga - The Forest King Empty Re: Koga - The Forest King

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