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Sousuke's Katon Training (Koga and I)

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Sousuke's Katon Training (Koga and I) Empty Sousuke's Katon Training (Koga and I)

Post by serpents-prey Wed Feb 18, 2009 4:36 pm

After about three weeks of training with his instructor Sousuke was getting nowhere in his Fire element training. After searching around Sousuke managed to find a friend to help him, Koga, an advisor who had agreed to help him. Sitting in a tree with Kaze sleeping at its base Sousuke noticed the tranquility of the clearing and though to himself, "That won't last very long when we get started." Relaxing back into a branch Sousuke snapped a twig off and began chewing on it. "Kaze! You see anyone yet?" he shouted down to the burly wolf. Kaze sat up, looked around, then responded by whining then laying back down to resume napping.


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Sousuke's Katon Training (Koga and I) Empty Re: Sousuke's Katon Training (Koga and I)

Post by Koga Wed Feb 18, 2009 5:09 pm

Koga walked up to the tree from the opposite direction that Sousuke had been looking, hands to his sides, he looked up and saw the ninja he was supposed to be training today, though he didnt look too much up to it by his lazing appearance. "Sousuke, what are you doing? Shouldnt you be getting warmed up?" Called out the advisor, concerned as to why he had not yet begun his practice. "If youre looking to master a new element, I dont think sitting in a tree talking to a dog is the way to go. Not by a longshot." He went on, hoping to explain the intensity the training required. This training would be serious, especially considering that Sousuke had been learning about the Fire element for weeks now. Perhaps he just didnt have the aptitude towards elemental ninjutsu, maybe he had a poor instructor, or maybe he was just a slow learner. Regardless, they were going to find out.

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Sousuke's Katon Training (Koga and I) Empty Re: Sousuke's Katon Training (Koga and I)

Post by serpents-prey Wed Feb 18, 2009 5:36 pm

Being caught off-guard Sousuke fell from the tree. getting up and brushing himself off Sousuke looked to his new instructor. "Koga-senpai I already warmed up an hour ago i've been waiting for you." Sousuke had tried to play it off as though he had honestly practiced but he felt like Koga already knew. Walking out to the middle of the clearing Sousuke took up his stance and prepared for his training. "Jeez what an unpleasent person." he thought, "He sneaks up on people and catches them off-guard i gotta remember that." after all his thoughts of his new teacher had made their way through his head Sousuke decided to ask his trainer what he planned to start with. Bowing to his teacher he asked; "Koga-senpai how do you want to start?"


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Sousuke's Katon Training (Koga and I) Empty Re: Sousuke's Katon Training (Koga and I)

Post by Koga Wed Feb 18, 2009 7:54 pm

Koga could tell that his young trainee was unappreciative of the stealth aspect of being a ninja, something that he would have to grow to understand, and even indulge. However, that was a lesson for another day, and the advisor linked his arms behind his back, ready for the training to begin. "Well, Ive always believed that the best training comes through experience, from actually getting out there and trying to use what youve learned in real situations. In your case, being in a real battle that requires you to use your Fire-style aptitude. That being said.." Continued The Forest King, nearing the real piece of information that Sousuke wanted. ".. Lets get something like that going, shall we?" He said, his hands moving calmly around his torso, his fingers combining into a single handseal, activating his jutsu. Suddenly, from all around them, Wooden Men began to walk onto the scene. From behind trees, from inside brush, out of alleyways, they marched into position, under the precise control of the advisor himself. "Begin." He stated, a single Wooden Man leaping into the air, directly in front of Sousuke, doing a rapid spin in the air, thrusting a leg towards the young shinobi's side.

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Sousuke's Katon Training (Koga and I) Empty Re: Sousuke's Katon Training (Koga and I)

Post by serpents-prey Wed Feb 18, 2009 8:10 pm

seeing the wooden man flying at him Sousuke pulled out his ivory daggers and sliced through its leg. taking up his stance he managed to pour a small amount of fire chakra into his blades making them hot, not burning, but hot. clicking them back together he formed a handsign making three Kage bushin. after they took up the same stance as the original sousuke waited for the advisor's next move.


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Sousuke's Katon Training (Koga and I) Empty Re: Sousuke's Katon Training (Koga and I)

Post by Koga Wed Feb 18, 2009 8:42 pm

"I see your taijutsu isnt the issue, Sousuke. All the more reason to use true Fire-style techniques against these dummies." Said the advisor, trying to push the trainee to utilize more powerful Katon jutsu. Suddenly, with the mental command from Koga, another eight Wooden Men went into action, four running straight at Sousuke and his clones, and the other four leaping into the air, falling towards them. Each of the four look-alikes would be dealing with two of the Wooden Men, one in the air, and one on the ground. The ones on the ground thrust their right fists forward, and the ones in the air brought their heels straight down, aiming for the foreheads of the quadruplets.

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Sousuke's Katon Training (Koga and I) Empty Re: Sousuke's Katon Training (Koga and I)

Post by serpents-prey Wed Feb 18, 2009 9:04 pm

All of Sousuke's clones thought the same thing and formed a stream of handseals. when they were done the three clones surrounded sousuke bringing their hands to their mouths they each used a weak form of Katon Goukakyou no Jutsu in their respective directions while Sousuke himself used an almost pathetic Housenka No Jutsu. the large fire balls and the fountain of small fireballs looked very much like a fire flower. as the fire faded sousuke finally spoke. "Koga-senpai i need a way of improving my fire to a useful weapon.' Sousuke's clones exploded into three clouds of smoke as he put his daggers together and stored them on his waist.


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Sousuke's Katon Training (Koga and I) Empty Re: Sousuke's Katon Training (Koga and I)

Post by Koga Wed Feb 18, 2009 9:51 pm

Koga unfolded his fingers, releasing his manipulation over the Wooden Men, who stood calmly, ready to battle in their natural, unimpressive manner. "Well, as you might know, I dont exactly have that much experience with weilding fire. However, using any element is exactly the same, its all about control. However, you and your clones have proven that its not control you lack. I believe, you simply lack the ferocity to use fire. The passion to command it to do as you please. All elements do require control, but they all need other things as well. Water requires inner peace and mental tranquility, Earth requires a will of stone and solid judgement. Wood is merely a combination of them." Explained the advisor, hoping that the young shinobi would be able to understand what he was lacking in his jutsu. Though he had the ability to use the techniques, he had no passion, no burning inside of him, no fire in his heart, not while he used those abilities, anyway. That would definitely be the wall in his path.

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Sousuke's Katon Training (Koga and I) Empty Re: Sousuke's Katon Training (Koga and I)

Post by serpents-prey Wed Feb 18, 2009 10:07 pm

"I think i understand," Sousuke began, "So i have to be angry when i use the Fire techniques? No problem." jumping back he was ready to resume the battle. forming a few handsigns he prepared to use Housenka No Jutsu.

OOC: sorry for the shortness i'm on three different sites


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Sousuke's Katon Training (Koga and I) Empty Re: Sousuke's Katon Training (Koga and I)

Post by Koga Wed Feb 18, 2009 10:16 pm

"I guess thats one way of putting it. You may fire when ready, Sousuke." Said Koga, a group of his Wooden Men marching towards the young shinobi. Though he felt that he wasnt entirely understood, rage and anger could end up being a fine replacement for passion or ferocity, if just a bit misguided. They would both see very soon, as the advisor waited for the blaze of flame to burst forth from his trainee's body.

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Sousuke's Katon Training (Koga and I) Empty Re: Sousuke's Katon Training (Koga and I)

Post by serpents-prey Wed Feb 18, 2009 10:31 pm

inhaling deeply Sousuke's chest puffed out. As Sousuke began to shoot fireballs that were admittedly larger than the last set he spun to hit all of the wooden men. after one rotation sousuke's technique ended. panting he felt like he had accomplished something but it wasn't enough. "How's that?" Sousuke managed to say between pants.


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Sousuke's Katon Training (Koga and I) Empty Re: Sousuke's Katon Training (Koga and I)

Post by Koga Fri Feb 20, 2009 5:39 am

The Wooden Men were blasted by the soaring flames that flew from Sousuke, and all stood calmly and still as the blaze slowly devoured them each, one at a time. Though he did manage to get the attack to have some desirable effect, it was nowhere near enough to be considered acceptable. At least, not by Koga's standards. If Sousuke was in a real combat situation, he wouldnt stand a chance at this rate. However, thats only speaking if he was required to use fire against them, otherwise, its a toss up. "Not bad, but not good." Started the advisor. "You did manage to nail every dummy around you, and with a considerable amount of fire, at that, but look at them. They werent even damaged by the fire until it sat there for a minute on their bodies and began to burn over time. If you were in a serious fight, and these Wooden Men were out for blood, this level of fire wouldnt be enough to take care of them. Any water anywhere near them, and all they would have to do would be to take a dip, and theyd be good as new, whereas you, on the other hand, would be down a nice chunk of chakra due to wasted pyrotechnics." Explained Koga, hoping that the younger Cloud ninja would take his criticism seriously. "Now then, try it again on this group. Use a single shot technique that you know, perhaps Grand Fireball. Engulf yourself in the blaze from within, let your soul burn with the fire, feel the heat. Let your ferocity burst fourth with every ember of your attack. Now!" He barked, a group of five Wooden Men leapt into a 'V' formation and rushed towards Sousuke. Koga would see the true skill of this warrior, right now.

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Sousuke's Katon Training (Koga and I) Empty Re: Sousuke's Katon Training (Koga and I)

Post by serpents-prey Fri Feb 20, 2009 4:27 pm

Sousuke barely had time to react before the men started towards him. making a stream of about 6 hand seals sousuke inhaled concentrating on burning his chakra, inflaming it, burning it to a crisp. bringing his hand to his mouth Sousuke released all of the pent up chakra in his chest at once forming a massive fireball which when it came in contact with the air around the men caused the grass to burn and the air to dry up almost instantaneously. Smirking Sousuke felt like he had honestly accomplished something this time in the heat of the moment as it were.


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Sousuke's Katon Training (Koga and I) Empty Re: Sousuke's Katon Training (Koga and I)

Post by serpents-prey Wed Feb 25, 2009 3:07 pm

OOC:*sighs* Koga-senpai are we gonna continue this?


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