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Konohamaru (The pervey monkey king)

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Konohamaru (The pervey monkey king) Empty Konohamaru (The pervey monkey king)

Post by Shini Thu Nov 27, 2008 10:03 pm

Name: Konohamaru

Age: 37

Rank: Jounin

Village: Konoha

Appearance: Konohamaru (The pervey monkey king) 9a1389fa63ac71d9c0faac0aa3a35279-1

Personality: Konohamaru is a man of great determination and an excellent representation of Konoha's "Will of fire". He has never been one to give up, taking on challenges that he himself might of known were out of his ledge. He has the will of a true shinobi, having the ability to set aside fear, and replace it with inner strength. Just like his grandfather, the third hokage, Konohamaru would give his life for his village. Alot of his personality treats have been developed threw Naruto Uzumaki, his main mentor and trustful master. Over many years of being with Naruto so much, Konohamaru quickly caught on to how naruto acted and began to become more and more like him over the years.

Konohamaru said himself that Naruto was his biggest father figure throwout his life. Because of this, konohamaru's early years consisted of always trying to impress Naruto. After learning his first jutsu from Naruto, Sexy Technique, Konohamaru sought out to learn more way to improve. After Naruto returned to the leaf village for his two year training session with jiriaya, Konohamaru's first task was to yet again, impress naruto.

Konohamaru has also taken some traits of his uncle Asuma. At times Konohamaru is seen smoking, yet not as excessively as his uncle who would possibly smoke 2 packs of cigarettes a day. Typically while in the village, Konohamaru is a laid-back individual, and does not get himself involved in things unless necessary. Also like his uncle, Konohamaru has a great deal of care for the people close to him and normally keeps a very close relationship with each. Normally he attempts to use bribery and outright trickery to manipulate people into doing what he wants.

History: Konohamaru, the grandson of the third hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, was named after his village, Konohagakure. Being raised by his grandfather, Konohamaru was never told of his parents or the devastating history behind their deaths. The third, trying his best to keep the boy safe made it so the history of the two was to never be told and because of the lack of information on Konohamaru, the villagers normally recognized him as only "The third's grandson".

The night Konohamaru was born, his mother died of a fatal heart attack minutes after the birth of her son. Shocked and emotionally broken threw the sudden lose of his wife, Konohamaru's father took his own life that same night. Many thought that the boy was possessed or even a demon himself, yet quick to respond to these false assumptions was Hiruzen and within a few days the rummers died. Asuma Sarutobi, uncle of Konohamaru and son of Hiruzen, was the first to offer taking Konohamaru and raising him, yet Hiruzen insisted that being under the care of himself was best. This way the truth of his family would never reach him.

During the early ages of Konohamaru's life, Konohamaru stayed as a resident of the hokage's home and stayed under close watch by Hiruzen. When he began attending the ninja academy, Ebisu, a shinobi from the leaf village was hired to be konohamaru's tutor and to also watch over me at all times. As time grew on and Konohamaru graduated from the academy and became a genin, Ebisu became his sensie. Knowing Naruto Uzumaki by this time tho, Konohamaru thought of him as his sensie more then anyone.

By the time Konohamaru had become a chuunin at the age of 13, and Naruto was already a capable toad sage, Konohamaru began strictly training under Naruto exclusively. For 4 years both Konohamaru and Naruto left konoha, continuing their training in Myobokuzan, the toad summit. Threw out their time at Myobokuzan, Konohamaru and Naruto both went beyond any level that any previous sage had hoped to reach. They even found them self's capable of harnessing nature chakra while moving, eliminating the need of fusing to enter hermit mode.

Konohamaru, now at the age of 17 when returning to konoha, quickly became a jounin after displaying his new found powers after training under Naruto. For two more years Konohamaru stayed in konoha until he once again decide to leave in hopes of continuing his training, this time with another master, yuji a monkey sage. Under yuji, Konohamaru trained in the arts of the monkey senjutsu, creating the ultimate balance, agility, reaction time, and all around strength. Konohamaru, one of the very few humans to ever take on these arts, quickly became known as a profit by the monkeys because of his amazing progression. By the age of 24, only 5 years after taking up the monkey arts, Konohamaru was elected the king of the monkey under the permission of Enma, the previous monkey king.

At the age of 29, Konohamaru decided it was his time to make leave and return to Konoha where he would stay for the remainder of his life he hoped. Before leaving, Enma allowed his son Kon to leave with Konohamaru in hopes of living a good life with him and train under him. Yuji, who could not bare to see his pupil leave, permanently formed himself into a staff which Konohamaru now wields.

Learned Jutsu: Monkey senjutsu, Toad senjutsu, Rasengan, Hermit mode, Primate Mode, Monkey transformations, Shadow clone jutsu.

Weapon: Yuji the mystic monkey staff.

Name: Kon

Age: 11

Rank: None

Village: Konoha

Appearance: Konohamaru (The pervey monkey king) Monkey_king_by_stabstabstab Konohamaru (The pervey monkey king) MONKEY__by_ormsqueak (When changed for battle)

Personality: Kon is very spunky and jumpy. He seems to be very happy with Konohamaru, who he seems to have a very close connection with.

History: Kon is the son of Enma, the previous monkey king. Kon became very close to Konohamaru while he stay resident at the monkey summit. He now stays with Konohamaru who he will lives with and trains under.

Learned jutsu: Simple monkey senjutsu, Staff transformation

Weapons: Normal combat staff.

Goals: None at this time.

Last edited by Shini on Sun Nov 30, 2008 5:40 am; edited 4 times in total

Posts : 129
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Join date : 2008-11-23
Age : 31
Location : Seabrook, New Hampshire

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Konohamaru (The pervey monkey king) Empty Re: Konohamaru (The pervey monkey king)

Post by Shini Sun Nov 30, 2008 5:10 am


Posts : 129
Points : 7
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Join date : 2008-11-23
Age : 31
Location : Seabrook, New Hampshire

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