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Sanmaru's Killing Return

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Sanmaru's Killing Return Empty Sanmaru's Killing Return

Post by L Sat Feb 07, 2009 6:09 pm

Sanmaru walked slowly through the a forest, still unknown to him. He still had no idea where he was, or where he was heading. He only hoped that he was headed the right way. As he kept walking further, he kept noticing more and more signs of civilization. Eventually, he got to a point where he was able to hear people cheering, why they were cheering was still unknown. He walked faster, thinking that if he got to the source that he might be able to figure out where he was, and where to go. He began to see the blue roof of a shrine like building. Eventually, he was able to recognize the building, it was indeed a shrine, the Modoroki Shrine. Once he recognized the shrine, he knew that he was Nagi Island. Now that he knew where he was, he knew which direction he needed to go.

He walked a little bit further, to the top of the Modoroki Shrine, where the two crystal jewel balls were held. From up there, he was able to see the people cheering someone running up the Modoroki Shrine Staircase, along with 3 shinobi behind him. It must have been that time of year, when the Todoroki Shrine race took place. The runner that they were cheering on must have been one of the representatives, most likely the representative of the new family that had popped up, the Nishinomaki family. Sanmaru walked over to the two crystal jewel ball, he stared at them for awhile, first at the one that represented the tiger and then the dragon. He wondered how these two orbs were supposed to quell the fierce storms, which ravaged the area. He grabbed the "Tiger" orb with his right palm and then turned his head, slightly. The runner had made it to the top of the shrine and, as predicted, it was the representative from the Nishinomaki family.

He eyed him for awhile, analyzing him and the three shinobi that were supposed to protect him and make sure that he won. It seemed as though they were mere Chuunin from the Hidden Grass Village, they had traveled a long way to get here, but they might not be able to go back.

"Who are you? And what are you doing with my orb?" Asked the Nishinomaki representative.

"Me? Well, I thought that I'd just take these two orbs and sell them to the highest bidder, they must be worth plenty. I suggest you back down, before I'm forced to attack." Sanmaru said, in a serious and cold tone.

"Get him! Make sure not to damage the orb though, without that I won't be able to win the race!"

"Understood." Said the three Kusa Chuunins, practicly at the same time.

All three chuunin went running towards Sanmaru, one to the left, another to the right, and the last one going straight towards him. They each had a kunia in both of their hands, all of them were glowing with chakra. Sanmaru simply looked at them charge towards him, they would probebly only last about 5 seconds. As they got closer, Sanmaru spread out his arms, with his hands open, and waited for them to get just a tiny bit closer. Once they did, he turned his open hands into fists, causing two, sharp, rock pillers to come bursting out of the ground. It hit them straight in their chest, making them fall unconscious. He then stomped his right foot and the same thing happened to the shinobi that was running straight towards him. They were all now unconscious, with blood leaking out of their chests. He walked back to the "Dragon" orb and strapped it on his waist, along with the "Tiger" orb. He began to walk forward, he kept his eye on the Nishinomaki representative as he passed by him.

He kept going, until, he reached the ocean. He noticed that there was a boat just a couple of feet away from him, but he decided not to take it. He thought that walking over water for a distance that great would make an excellant training exercise. He began to focus chakra into his feet, once he was finished, he slowly stepped ontop of the ocean, his right foot first followed by his left. He breathed in and then exhaled, once he exhaled, he vanished. He had begun running accross the ocean. He knew that he would be tired once he reached the fire country, but he would only have a small time to take it easy before he had to run accross the ocean again.

As he kept running, he thought that this would also be a good chance to strengthen his fire. He continued to let his arms wave behind him as he ran, when suddenly, a big burst of fire came shooting of his fists. He kept the fire going as he ran, but the longer he ran and kept the fire going, the hotter and stronger it became. It eventually got to a point to where the fire became a dazzling white color. The water around Sanmaru was evaperating at an extremely quick rate, the area around him was now engolfed in steam. Still, he kept the fire going as he ran, he couldn't see where he was going, but he knew that he was almost at his destination.

He soon senced that he was really close to land, so he stopped the flow of the fire that he was shooting from his fists and, as predicted, he arrived at the fire country. He slowly stepped on it's fertile soil, starting with his right foot and slowly followed by his left. He slowly breathed in and out, he was exhausted from doing all that, although, it did make his fire stronger than he had ever imagined. He began to slowly walk forward, it wouldn't take long before reached the other side, but that wouldn't be enough to regain the chakra that he had lost to get to where he was now. He walked at a normal paste through the forest, and he continued to walk at that paste until he arrived to the other side. He glared over the horizon and then realized, if he was to make it to Suna with his chakra completly full, he would need to take a boat. He looked around and saw none, he would need to make his own. He turned around and began to cut down a couple of trees and started to make a boat out of them. In minutes, it was done. It wasn't the best boat, but it would manage. He placed it in the water and began to sail off.

He decided to sleep on the way there, he didn't want to be bored doing nothing for hours. He just fell asleep in a matter seconds, he would need the rest after all. Especially for what he was planning on doing.

When the boat hit solid ground, Sanmaru woke up instantly. Even in his sleep, he was prepared to fight. He quickly got out of the boat and began to head striaght. He was now in River Country, not that far away from Suna. Within minutes, he was out of River Country and into Wind Country. It would take him a couple of more hours, maybe three or four, before he reached Suna. The desert seemed as though it had no end to it, but Sanmaru knew that looks can be deceiving, and that Suna was closer than it appeared. He was soon able to see the entrance to Suna, he looked at the slit in the cliff that surounded the village. Then he noticed the numerous Sand Ninja that guarded it. He knew that he would have to think of a clever way to get into the village without being noticed. He looked down at the sand and then up at the slit, he knew exactly what to do.

He began to tap his foot repeatedly, causing the sand below him to go deeper and deeper, until it reach a point to where he was low enough that anyone on the surface couldn't see what he was doing under the sand. He kept tapping feet, this time causing the sand to form a tunnel. He slowly walked through the tunnel, taking his precious time. He resurfaced inside of the village, where almost no one would notice him walk out from under the sand. He turned and looked and the main administration building, wondering where Drac might be. He knew how Drac looked like from the archives, and probebly where he might be aswell. He began to head towards where he might be...

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Join date : 2008-11-21
Age : 32

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