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The Return home

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The Return home Empty The Return home

Post by tradebuzzing2 Wed Mar 11, 2009 9:37 pm

From the demon land, the power of a great being could be felt. A new demon king had been crowned and he was about to leave his new home, to return to his old home. The demon felt as if he was first accpeted there and this would be the village he would never leave, atleast for good. This man had a long journey ahead of him and knew it would take him atleast a few days to get back to his village.

He knew that there was a lot of things he had in this village, and leaving them behidn would not be the way of this demon. Drac left the demon land prepared to get back to his village in the sand. He knew that he left on a good note, on the account that all the demons had given up and followed Drac back to the demon land.

However, he knew that the village would not be safe for long, seeing as many people would see him as the cause of the demon war, and look for him there to attack it. He soon arrived at a small island for a quick rest and he remebered this place very well. This was the first stop on his journey to the Wind Country, when he was only but a small child. He knew he could not stay here long, because his village needed him.

He also would have a surpise waiting there for him, but this was not to his knowlegde. Drac left the island and soon arrived on the futherest area from the wind country. He knew that this would take some time and this was time he did not have.

Drac looked into the sky and sighed. He began to run and then he shoot into the air, and insane speeds and flew towards the sand village. This would take a lot of engery from him, but he knew that he had to get there as fast he he possiblly could. Drac looked back remebering all he had been through. the several weeks he was in the demon land.

(Flash Back)
Drac had just arrived in the demon land and he knew that the demons were restless. They also did not approve of him being the new demon king. Seeing as they were trying to kill him but a day eariler. He knew he would have to do a lot of work, to show that he was fit for the demon king. He was sure that he could do this seeing as he both killed the first demon king and is the son of the strongert demon that had every lived. After remebering this he knew that he would not have to worry, seeing as a few demon already believed in him, and all would soon follow him. That or they would give the illsuion of following him.

Drac looked forward again, towards his village, knowing that he had most of the demons on his side. Drac would now use this power over the demons to bring the Demon and Human race closer together. Even though this would be hard for anyone, Drac would never give up on this goal. He knew this would help both races and help out a lot of people. This would not be done in weeks time, this would take months, if not years. Drac look onto the ground and could see the sand ground, from afar. He knew he was nearing his home, of the village hidden in the sand.


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The Return home Empty Re: The Return home

Post by tradebuzzing2 Thu Mar 12, 2009 4:36 pm

Drac landed on the ground and sighed. "It looks like a good spot for me to rest." Drac made a few hand signs a sand dome appeared. He then walked in and sighed, while laying down. He looked up at the ceiling of the dome he had made and closed his eyes. He knew that after a good nights rest he would be home soon. He soon began to think about the past in the village.

I wonder if my team is ok. How is Taku and his son. I just really hope I can get there soon. I wonder how the girl of my dreams is. Drac Sighed and turned his body to the side. Well, I better get to sleep, the sooner to bed, the sooner to rise. Even though Drac told himself this, he could still not sleep, seeing as he still held the one tailed demon. He would just rest here for a few hours.

Knowing Drac, he was not capable of staying out of his village for much longer. The Sand that held the dome up fell to the ground and went back into Drac's pouch. He soon took a running start and blasted off into the sky again. This time leaveing a small whole in the ground. He smiled and swayed around in the sky. "Damn, I still cannot get over the fact, that I love flying so much. I wish I could share this feeling with someone." He laughed and flew faster. Soon, he was flipping in the air as he could feel the sand village around him. He had a huge grin on his face.

Drac looked back and waved goodbye to the demon land, and at the moment he could feel many demons wave back. He was not gone from the demons forever, but he would be for a very long time, unless they needed him. His heart was in the Sand village and always would be. Drac took out his sword, because this was is trade mark and dashed towards the ground. He had neared the Sand village. It had been too long since he had even seen the walls of Suna. He was still quite a bit away, but he would travel the rest the way on foot.


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The Return home Empty Re: The Return home

Post by Guest Thu Mar 12, 2009 5:05 pm

Kengen strolled through the streets of suna. He waved at many people as they passed by, stopping to talk with a few. He was heading outside the village. He wanted to do some training. His father was away at the moment, Kengen had been left in charge temporarily, untill his father got back. He was quite proud of himself. No harm had befallen the village so far, and he had issued to B rank missions so far. Akuma was soon to become a jounin rank like he was. He still had a slight thing for her, but kept that particular feeling at the back of his mind. It would only get in his way. He couldnt afford that. Hindarances were not to occur, especialy at this stage in his development. He continued through the streets with spirits high. Today was a great day, and he intended to treat it as such.

Kengen exited the walls that surrounded the village of Suna. The training dome was not enough space to his likeing. He hated restriction. It was one of the few things that bothered him. He loved the feel of the sun on his skin. It warmed him outside and in. It was haven. He withdrew his Bo staff as he continued farther from the village. He opened his jagan eye to check on the village. He would do this at five minute intervals to detect any threats that may show themselves. What he saw shocked him more than if the ancient group akatsuki had been attacking suddenly. He saw drac, travelign through the dunes, heading toward the village. He had always seen Drac as a sort of uncle. He hated it when he left, and now there he was. Kengen had resigned to the fact that Drac was gone for good. He was thrilled to see him. He stood in his position, waiting for Drac to meet him in their paths,c losing his Jagan eye, for now.


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The Return home Empty Re: The Return home

Post by tradebuzzing2 Thu Mar 12, 2009 5:19 pm

Drac smiled as he saw Kengen waited for him to arrive at the village. Although he wanted to think he was just standing there waiting for him, it was probaly nothing more than just dumb luck. He waved at him walking slowly towards him. Although at the moment Drac had seen Kegen, he had over looked the Bo Staff. Drac knew that Kegen either was here to train on his own, or once he saw Drac, he wanted to spar.

Either way, Drac knew that Kengen would spar with him, and the two would serve a great match for each other. Seeing as both of them grew so much from the last time they had seen each other. He had also forgetten about the sword he was holding. Holding a sword was like wearing clothes to Drac. It was there almost all of the time. However, it did look as if the two were about to have a quick fight. Soon, Drac arrived infront of Kengen with a gaint grin on his face.

"Well, kid" He paused and stopped smiling so big. "It's been quite a long time, and I see you have grown into a fine young man. I'm very proud of you, my boy." He sounded less like the demon he once had acted like and more like a man that, was quite wise. "Now, I assume that staff you are holding is not just for show, and also that you wish to have a quick spar with me, am I correct." Even if he was not, he knew quite well, that Kengen would accpet the offer. Thinking this, soon five lances circled him and one flew into his left hand. Holding in his right was his sword. He smiled and jumped back. "You make the first move." He knew that this might not happen, because Drac had fought Taku and if Kengen was anything like Taku, he would refrain from attacking first.


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The Return home Empty Re: The Return home

Post by Guest Fri Mar 13, 2009 10:34 pm

Kengen watched as Drac approached, closer and closer. It wasnt long before the two met, well before Drac got to the postion that Kengen was at. He listened to his words. Like usual, no time was wasted, Drac wanted a fight, and there was realy nothing Kengen could do to change his mind. Not that he wanted too. He was a Sookato, and when a Sookato got challenged, an acceptance was the only reply plausible. Kengen watched as Drac prepared himself. He noted that he was being very well respected by the demon king. He took that to pride. One of the men he had looked up to all of his life showing him this much respect in battle, even before it began, that was something to make any boy proud of himself.

Kengen knew Drac was trying to get him to attack first because his father was so unwilling to make the first move in most cases. However, Kengen realy didnt care who made the first move. It was unimportant to the battle as a whole as far as he was concerned. He understood his fathers philosiphy, but it was not his own, and he made this known to Drac. "I am very much my fathers son, but we are not the same person." He began to tap into his chakra pools, drawing on his earth chakra.

"Stone Lodging Destruction." All the sand around them was earth, and so was suseptible to his manipulation with this technique. With this technique he could use many of the old Kazekages moves, without calling them by name, only stone lodging destruction. It would give him a match against Drac. For now he just lifted a patch of it that was directly infront of Drac and lifted it up slightly and sent it violently into Dracs face. Using intense speed, though by no means unatural, he brought himself to the side of Drac, and bent his knee slightly and spun his staff around, aiming it directly for the back of Drac's left knee. This move would make Drac fall to one knee because this was not about damage, it was about the way the body worked and how it was put together. Pushing something one way made it move another, and the joints were the most useful analogy to this, especialy the knee.


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The Return home Empty Re: The Return home

Post by tradebuzzing2 Fri Mar 13, 2009 10:53 pm

Drac listened to Kengen as he spoke. He was right, he was not his father, he had been much different, he might even surpass his father one day. From this point on Drac, would not take the kid lightly. He knew that if he did, he could very well end up losing the battle. He smiled and then knew now had to get to the real fighting.

He had five lances around him, one is his left and a sowrd in his right. He was very well prepared for this fight. He would not acvite his dragon eyes just yet, because of the lances that were bascily made from wind. The wind element circled around Drac, which made it able for him to control the lances without even touching them. Soon a burst of wind came from the lances and did away with the sand.

Now, this was not the only problem Drac had to deal with, because he knew that Kengen would not give up so easily. His staff came towards him, only to be blocked by two of his lances. Drac smiled and turned to Kengen. "A very good attack, but you should have know better than that. As of now, fighting like him." Drac paused as he had been talking about Gaara. Drac smilled and sent two of his lances at Kengen. One was aimed at his chest and the other had been aimed at the lower part of his right leg. This was a little lower than his knee.

Drac then laughed, but the laugh was a friendly laugh, at the sign of fun. "Kengen, it has been a very long time since I've had a fight like this." He paused and watched as his lances raced towards Kengen. a "Fight simlpy for fun."


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The Return home Empty Re: The Return home

Post by Guest Mon Mar 16, 2009 4:14 pm

Kengen hadnt at all be expecting the attack to hit. He had simply been setting up for another attack. From here on out, it did not matter if any of his attacks hit or missed, because they could all be used to set up for one of hs other moves. It was the art that he had mastered at an early age and made him the warrior he now was. He felt his staff be blocked and looked over his shoulder to see two other lances being manipulated. Judging by the angles, one would be going for his chest and the other would be heading straight for the leg that was stretched out on the ground. Using the same knee that was on the ground, he pushed down sideways, sending himself into a quick roll, easily dodging both of the lances in a simple manuever.

He spun back around, stood up, and placed his bo staff back in its holster strapped across his back. He looked square at Drac and said, "Nothin is ever so simple." He had been using his stone lodging destruction to move the sand underneath Drac, forming a cavern beneath him with small layer of sand between Drac and the decent sized hole in the ground below him. The layer would have given away instantly, but Kengen had held it up with chakra. At this point he released his chakra and the sand gave way, leaving nothing between Drac and the cavern below.


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