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5 Seal's of the Shinigami

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5 Seal's of the Shinigami Empty 5 Seal's of the Shinigami

Post by Kaji-Kanto Sat Jan 31, 2009 9:39 pm

5 Seal's of the Shinigami Istockphoto_1395246_vector_japanese_kanji_character_strength_power -strength
5 Seal's of the Shinigami Ninjutsu%20kanji2 -Endurance
5 Seal's of the Shinigami KanjiCourage -Courage
5 Seal's of the Shinigami KanjiEternity -Eternity
5 Seal's of the Shinigami Kokoro Mind heart spirit

Seals Name: 5 Seal's of the Shinigami
Rank: S
Location of the seal on the body:
Strength located on right arm.
Endurance on the left leg.
Courage over heart.
Eternity over stomach.
Mind heart and spirit located on back of head under hair.

Positive Effects:
The Strength Kanji will create a great boost in strength and mizo's abilitys in strength and speed.

The Endurance Kanji allows mizo to last alot longer going beyond his usual physical endurance than normal and his chakra control is alot better than normal and he can let his chakra go alot farther than it usally can as he rarely wastes any during the focusing stage.

The courage Kanji removes all doubt from the person mind and allows him to see through almost everything that could count as fear.

The eternity Kanji has the ability to allow his body to slow down time itself to a stop in a 1 mile radius but the people can still move as of normal. Once the Kanji is deactivated however the world jumps forward and catches up with the rest of the world.

The mind heart and spirit Kanji sends off a aura that replenishes peoples willpower to continue fighting it also allows them to see through deception (genjutsu) and feel powerful and confident in there abilitys..

Negative Effects: The soul of a person while using these Kanji is payment. For every Kanji that is active part of the users soul is ripped out of there body.

For 1 10% of the users soul.
For 2 30% of the users soul.
For 3 50% of the users soul.
For 4 70% of the user's soul.
For all 5 the entire soul is ripped out.

However for each 10% of the soul part of the users body becomes stone. However they can still use the stoned portions of there body. If all of the users soul is ripped out once the seal is deactivated they die and there body is used now as a empty shell.

However the soul being gone is not permanent if there is still soul left once the seal is deactivated every post will let them regrow/recover 10% of there soul back.

Transformation Effect: Everytime is a kanji is activated it glows red untill deactivated.

Seal Info:(this section is not required, just extra notes that you wanna give us)

Last edited by Kaji-Kanto on Wed Feb 04, 2009 9:27 pm; edited 2 times in total

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5 Seal's of the Shinigami Empty Re: 5 Seal's of the Shinigami

Post by Shin Uchiha Sat Jan 31, 2009 9:40 pm

All I see for the pictures, is an X in a box... Try and fix that please
Shin Uchiha
Shin Uchiha

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5 Seal's of the Shinigami Empty Re: 5 Seal's of the Shinigami

Post by L Sat Jan 31, 2009 9:54 pm

Could you also try to explain the Eternity Kanji a little more? That would be highly appreciated.

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