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Jinsoku (Grim) Shinigami

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Jinsoku (Grim) Shinigami Empty Jinsoku (Grim) Shinigami

Post by Shini Thu Jun 04, 2009 8:22 pm

Name: Jinsoku Shinigami

Age: 25 (biological) 51 (chronological)

Bloodline: None

Rank: S-rank (Will do rp sample and make history to requirement)
Classification: Missing-nin/ Wanderer
Village: None
Alignment: Neutral (Though he would rather say none)


Posts : 129
Points : 7
Reputation : 2
Join date : 2008-11-23
Age : 31
Location : Seabrook, New Hampshire

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Jinsoku (Grim) Shinigami Empty Re: Jinsoku (Grim) Shinigami

Post by Shini Thu Jun 04, 2009 10:30 pm

-Only putting a little bit while I finish...-

History: Jinsoku's father, Motoki, Was born to, Kobunoto Shinkiokto, the once reining king of the Shinkiokto clan. The clan first began nearly two hundred years ago, in a land distant from the 5 great nations. Origanlly, the Shinkiokto were formed as a group of elite hunters who's job was to simply guard the king of their royal city. His name was Hector C. Vincowl, The 14th ruler of Versailles. Named by it's first ruler, Malici Vincowl, the city's name means 'A place of beauty'. The kingdom was created nearly four thousand years ago, by a tride of people called, The Caloplnors. After the lose of their first kingdom to war, the remaining Caloplnors took off from their origanal homeland in hopes of finding a place they could host themselves in once again. They were led by a man named, Malici, who was at the time, the first seat general to their once existing army. He was a very powerful, and strong willed man. By his people, he held an exalted status. His intelligence, and capability as a general gave him the nickname 'Sword of wisdom'.

Through Malici's guidance, The Caloplnors would travle for a near two years. During the time of their journey, they were ordered to take breaks and set camp at random times. Their last stop occurred on their twenty thrid month of travel. As Malici's people had began to set camp once again, he had ordered for 5 o men to join him a scouting of the surrounding area. They would cover a 4 mile radius in all directions. First, they sett their path on the east. From where the camp was set, Malici could notice a small hill-like mountain in that direction.

As 3 hours passed, Malici and his 5 men had made their way deep into the Forrest which covered most of the surrounding area. It looked strange compared to most other forest. The trees were pale white and from their branches bared red leafs. The red leafs covered most of the sky above their head's giving a light tint to the ground bellow. Only few rays of sunlight were allowed through the gaps in between trees. They walked through this same sight for hours. Malici began to think they had fallen into some sort of dream. From what he had seen in the being of walk, their destination only seemed to be possibly an hour away. As time also grew, there was no signs of the sky changing at all. Sunlight continued to peak through possible spots even as what felt like a day had already passed.

Each of the men continued to walk, even as they grew tired. Malici began to think he had allowed himself to fall into the trap of some unseen being.

Posts : 129
Points : 7
Reputation : 2
Join date : 2008-11-23
Age : 31
Location : Seabrook, New Hampshire

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Jinsoku (Grim) Shinigami Empty Re: Jinsoku (Grim) Shinigami

Post by Shini Sun Jun 07, 2009 9:30 pm

ughh sorry this should be done soon....

Posts : 129
Points : 7
Reputation : 2
Join date : 2008-11-23
Age : 31
Location : Seabrook, New Hampshire

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